Despite my voiced opinion last night of the internet's cracking of the show hurting my enjoyment, that was a great episode. Which was needed, both because Ep. 8 was by far and away the worst this season (and the only stinker so far) and to set the board for Ep. 10. "What door?" is a landmark moment for this show, and while all the reveals of last night are weighty too, none of them landed like that one did.
I do intend to take the advice of those who quoted me last night and not follow the online community for S2. Thinking I'll enjoy that experience a lot more.
As for last night, I think the reveal that had the most weight was that Dolores killed Arnold - Evan Rachel Wood acted the hell out of that reveal. Hoping in the finale that we actually see the event and what triggered it. Did Arnold make Dolores martyr him in hopes of it starting an uprising? Did Arnold see the hosts and a new, pure, superior lifeform that deserved a chance to exist without being under the thumb of corrupt, flawed, selfish humans?