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Westworld - Live in Your World, Play in Ours - Sundays on HBO

The theory is that the show is cutting between current events and flashbacks, but not being explicit about which is which. This is made possible since the hosts don't "age" ... but I'm not sure that I buy it yet. How does this square with the noticeably more rudimentary Old Bill? What I mean is, why would the park of 30 years ago be so exactly similar?
Ahh that could explain it. Yeah I get you now. Interesting.
The theory is that the show is cutting between current events and flashbacks, but not being explicit about which is which. This is made possible since the hosts don't "age" ... but I'm not sure that I buy it yet. How does this square with the noticeably more rudimentary Old Bill? What I mean is, why would the park of 30 years ago be so exactly similar?
Because the park is likely older than 30 years and thus Old Bill is even older than those potential flashback scenes. Remember, Dolores is always being upgraded to be new, so she would be as new as the newest version of hosts.


Because the park is likely older than 30 years and thus Old Bill is even older than those potential flashback scenes. Remember, Dolores is always being upgraded to be new, so she would be as new as the newest version of hosts.

I get that, but I'm skeptical that there would have been no advancement in how lifelike the hosts are in 30 years. So far the show has implied that the hosts' software is regularly upgraded. Even if Old Bill is from something like 60 years ago, the park from 30 years ago should feature host technology somewhere in between Old Bill and the current Dolores.
I get that, but I'm skeptical that there would have been no advancement in how lifelike the hosts are in 30 years. So far the show has implied that the hosts' software is regularly upgraded. Even if Old Bill is from something like 60 years ago, the park from 30 years ago should feature host technology somewhere in between Old Bill and the current Dolores.
Well we know something happened 30 years ago with the hosts where one apparently harmed a visitor. Maybe the issue at the time was that the host were too human/lifelike and thus had their firmware rolled back as a safeguard. Now in the ensuing years they've slowly been upgraded too the point where it appears that they'll again be a danger to visitors.


Pizza Dog
The theory is that the show is cutting between current events and flashbacks, but not being explicit about which is which. This is made possible since the hosts don't "age" ... but I'm not sure that I buy it yet. How does this square with the noticeably more rudimentary Old Bill? What I mean is, why would the park of 30 years ago be so exactly similar?

While I definitely can see why people have the theory, especially in light of the
logo changes
in the scenes with William, and
group of soldiers stood near the entrance rather than the sheriff
, as a counterpoint there's also
the fact that Delores is said to be the oldest host in the park, having her be acting as she is now 30 years ago doesn't fit with how Old Bill is noticeably less human in his actions and was supposedly of the previous generation of hosts. No other hosts in the park during the scenes with William seem to be acting as Old Bill does either. Finally there's a prostitute in the bar in scenes with William who is still acting as a prostitute in the current day, not only would this make her just as old as Delores, we know that other hosts are routinely rotated into other roles so having her stay in the same role for 30 years would seem a little odd.

Personally I think that could just be misdirection to prevent us discovering the truth too soon, especially as it would give a good arc for William's character, but it's still early days so we could all be wrong.


Are we really supposed to feel danger for him though? I feel danger for the hosts when he comes around. I believe that to be the point.

I guess not but I really do not care for the hosts that much. They die but come back the following day, mostly unchanged.
Really enjoying it so far, I'm hoping more of my friends get into watch it too.

I initially assumed that guests would be protected by some coding or nanobots (hah) that prevented them from being harmed by bullets, but the fake bullets explanation makes more sense. Can they still be stabbed by another guest or fall to their death? There's nothing protecting them from that? I don't get why parents would risk take their kids there.

The MiB theory sounds good, but remember when the internet came up with elaborate theories about Arya not being stabbed at the end of season 6? Maybe sometimes it's just more straightforward.

Was that welcome centre actress played by Elon Musk's ex-wife? She probably paid them to cast her :p
I'm in with this 2nd episode. Looks like HBO has me for another few months. Great stuff.

Saw a story about what Game of Thrones did for Fantasy, Westworld might do for Sci-Fi. I'm all for it.

Can we get a Mass effect series now?


I haven't watched the second episode yet, but I finally watched the original film.

Fun b sci-fi. Ok performances. It feels like such a direct prototype of Jurassic park without the spark Spielberg brought. Thematically totally different from the show thus far (again, I've only seen the pilot). It feels like The Terminator borrowed from it heavily.

Sean C

I wonder, how does the park stop one guest from ruining another guest's experience? Like, a substantial portion of the guests seem to just like committing random acts of violence (e.g., the killing of Teddy in episode 2), and it seems like that should regularly cause problems for other storylines.


It's definitely
him. Been coming to the park for 30 years - catastrophic failure 30 years ago. Not a coincidence, they could have said 25 years or whatever if they didn't intend for those things to match up. My money is on the "friend dies" theory. His buddy is an asshole and we're going to watch him get what's coming to him.

I hadn't even thought of this. Pretty cool theory actually. Although,
the head nod isn't really a trait one person in Westworld has, Teddy did it in the first episode as well.


Should we pay attention that
Will's friend is a human in the flashback and a robot in the present or just assume something mundane like some humans sign off on having robots made in their likeness?
If it's from the first two episodes, and you're speculating based off those episodes, you don't need to spoiler-tag

Speculation isn't spoilers

Should we pay attention that
Will's friend is a human in the flashback and a robot in the present or just assume something mundane like some humans sign off on having robots made in their likeness?
Are you talking about the bandit? Those are different actors/people


Should we pay attention that
Will's friend is a human in the flashback and a robot in the present or just assume something mundane like some humans sign off on having robots made in their likeness?

If you are talking about the bank robber, it's not the same actor, even though they look similar.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So will the 3rd episode be up early as well? When did 2 show up last week?

Probably not. I think Episode 2 went up on Friday night. HBO put up their entire Sunday night lineup early. Safe to assume they didn't want to compete with the 2nd Presidential debate, and simultaneously used it as an opportunity to promote HBO Go and HBO Now


Watching the old WestWorld didn't shed much light on this series.

It did, however, do a better job at making the guests seem more relatable. The two buddies in the film are a much more relatable pair than the co-worker guests in the series... at least so far.
All the guns are real. It 's just that the hosts' programming prevents them from hurting humans.

That's partly true, though the guns also use special smart ammunition that becomes a non-lethal, though still somewhat painful, round when fired at guests, which is why hosts are allowed to shoot a guest as much as they want (given an appropriate context for their character/script/guest actions). Their programming explicitly forbids them from taking headshots on guests though.

Presumably the gun she dug up is loaded with standard ammunition, but who knows. It also could be that her character explicitly doesn't use weaponry and this is going to lead to heavily unscripted actions, rather than necessarily being a tool to kill guests.


Rodent Whores
I don't subscribe to William = MiB just yet. Right after he interacts with Dolores, Dolores looks at her reflection and shows signs of remembering stuff. This wouldn't have happened 30 years ago.

I will also argue that the show hasn't been edited in any way that would suggest such a thing (although it's possible that that could be the point of it, but that seems unlikely to me). If they did do a reveal like that, it would be confusing as fuck.


I thought I read an article saying the AI use nonlethal bullets

There's some type of tech going on there though, cause when a host (or guest) shoots another host it is a much more violent and "normal" result then the little puff when a guest is hit. The weapons can do great harm to hosts and no harm to guests, somehow, so the end result is they are non-lethal to living people.


I thought I read an article saying the AI use nonlethal bullets

Yeah they're pellets or something because some do fire at MIB and it just kind of bounces off him. Or the guns themselves could be programmed to detect who's firing it and
the gun Dolores finds could be a hacked some way to override whether the bullets are lethal or not
There's some type of tech going on there though, cause when a host (or guest) shoots another host it is a much more violent and "normal" result then the little puff when a guest is hit. The end result is they are non-lethal to living people.

I think the tech might be in the hosts themselves. They detect where they get hit and display an appropriate gunshot wound.

Everyone is firing those little pellets so guests wouldn't be able to kill each other with them.


What was Dolores role when her father was playing the leader of a cannibalistic cult ?
Was Teddy the victim of a human sacrifice in the desert ?

About the flashbacks theory, Ed Harris should be the only MiB in this story... let the new white hat have his own adventures in the more extreme parts of the park.


All the guns are real. It 's just that the hosts' programming prevents them from hurting humans.

I'm still not totally sure how the guns work, so I'm just giving it the benefit of the doubt for the moment. The MiB scene with the bullets does highlight differences between cartridges that he has, presumably the ones with actual bullets being real and the one without being fake, but that doesn't really settle the issue.

The hosts can shoot a person and create solid impacts on them weak enough that the person can take the hit without even blinking. But, they do blast away clothing, and Teddy can't pull the trigger point blank on the MiB because, presumably, there'd be a chance it'd harm him.

How these bullets shred through the flesh and bone of hosts that presumably pass for human from skin to marrow (a reasonable assumption given newcomer "intimacy" satisfaction, the organ printing, along with the living insides we've seen from various injuries and Maeve's surgery) is a bit of a conundrum. Or rather, how they don't do the same thing to people.

It's hard to believe that there's no projectile being fired and the clothing, environments, and hosts are all just wired to explode at any calculated impact point. But, it's nearly as hard to believe that they'd let guests shoot actual projectiles of substantial force in the park, and that those projectiles were tuned so as to destroy hosts so realistically and still be harmless enough to people that their use doesn't register as a park concern. William and his friend didn't know if someone was a host when they were eating dinner. What if (Ben Barnes) had stood up and shot that guy in the ear? What if the drunk guest that randomly killed Teddy had decided to shoot someone else who happened to be real, point blank execution-style?

I'm chalking it up to "Captain America's shield does whatever we need it to do" methodology for now, which is fine for the moment. But, they did go straight up Chekhov's Bullets with the last MiB scene, so I have to assume that there'll be a real tie-in down the line. "Cap's Magic Shield" works fine when you don't focus on it. With how they highlighted the bullets, though, it'll be disappointing if there isn't a believable payoff/explanation down the line.

That's partly true, though the guns also use special smart ammunition that becomes a non-lethal, though still somewhat painful, round when fired at guests, which is why hosts are allowed to shoot a guest as much as they want (given an appropriate context for their character/script/guest actions). Their programming explicitly forbids them from taking headshots on guests though.

This is the one thing that I had thought of that might explain it, some sort of 'dissolving' bullet that calculates mid-flight, but that's still a bit much of a risk for someone getting shot in the eye.


I will also argue that the show hasn't been edited in any way that would suggest such a thing (although it's possible that that could be the point of it, but that seems unlikely to me). If they did do a reveal like that, it would be confusing as fuck.

Yeah, Memento (probably the closest example of that editing structure) was clearly delineated with some scenes being in black & white and some in color. So we knew that we were seeing two different time periods but were kept guessing as to how they were related and which came first. I have to imagine that, if this were the case in Westworld, they would give the audience a very clear tip-off that it was a flashback - more than a subtle difference in logos.
How do they avoid guests getting into fights and hurting/killing other guests thinking that their opponent is a host? We've seen Ed Harris using a knife and I doubt they can make those not work on other humans.


I can't see the tweet. How does he know that info?

Are we supposed to be using spoiler tags for this kind of speculation still? I thought it was just a courtesty until Ep 2 had aired for everyone.

How do they avoid guests getting into fights and hurting/killing other guests thinking that their opponent is a host? We've seen Ed Harris using a knife and I doubt they can make those not work on other humans.

I feel like we need a FAQ.

The guns fire smart ammo that somehow detect if their target is a Guest or Host. For a guest, I just assume it's similar to simunitions, which I've been hit by. It stings, and could leave a mark, but it's not as bad as a paintball. That means all of their guns are dangerous if loaded with normal bullets.

For knives, or any other type of bodily harm, the Hosts have a Good Samaritan program that will make them protect Guests. They'll try to do it in character, but I believe in dire circumstances, they would break character if needed. Also remember that ALL animals in the park are programmed this way as well. Except flies.

Otherwise, yes. A park Guest could harm another Guest with a knife, club, whatever, if there wasn't a Host close enough to protect them.


How do they avoid guests getting into fights and hurting/killing other guests thinking that their opponent is a host? We've seen Ed Harris using a knife and I doubt they can make those not work on other humans.

The explanation Nolan gave was that all hosts have built in programming where if they see another guest in danger they will protect the guest. So if you tried to stab another person the bots will stop you in ways they normally wouldn't. If you keep trying I guess they'll restrain you and someone will come arrest you. :p
The explanation Nolan gave was that all hosts have built in programming where if they see another guest in danger they will protect the guest. So if you tried to stab another person the bots will stop you in ways they normally wouldn't. If you keep trying I guess they'll restrain you and someone will come arrest you. :p

If someone wants to be a bad guy and shoot up the saloon and another (possibly drunk) guest is there and wants to be the hero and stabs the shooter in the back thinking it's a host, it would be hard to stop.


Rodent Whores
I think the tech might be in the hosts themselves. They detect where they get hit and display an appropriate gunshot wound.

Everyone is firing those little pellets so guests wouldn't be able to kill each other with them.

Then how could Ed Harris shoot the dude hiding behind cover? Or how can they break glass if they're only pellets?


Well, it could happen in a second.

The suggestion is that the park is under full surveillance at all points when guests are concerned, and all hosts are subconsciously aware of guests around them. So presumably even if you shot a host while being a badass, if someone tries to stab you from behind they'll probably still be able to get up just to take the hit for you or whatever. It'll be like a zombie coming back to protect you maybe. Whatever. I'm sure Ford has thought of it!


I just watched the first two episodes. Goddamn, HBO got a winner here if they play their cards right. I love pretty much everything about it, but a special nod goes to those Western-ized altrock songs and the intro.


Really enjoying it so far, I'm hoping more of my friends get into watch it too.

I initially assumed that guests would be protected by some coding or nanobots (hah) that prevented them from being harmed by bullets, but the fake bullets explanation makes more sense. Can they still be stabbed by another guest or fall to their death? There's nothing protecting them from that? I don't get why parents would risk take their kids there.

The MiB theory sounds good, but remember when the internet came up with elaborate theories about Arya not being stabbed at the end of season 6? Maybe sometimes it's just more straightforward.

Was that welcome centre actress played by Elon Musk's ex-wife? She probably paid them to cast her :p

Yeah that one scene with the family and Deloris puzzled me, isn't westworld supposedly known for being a violent sex filled place where rich people go to live out their worst impulses?
Who would bring a kid to that, another thought I had that made me feel quite uncomfortable is the fact that Westworld would probably be a popular destination for rich pedophiles....It's already been shown that theres no consequence for anything you do at all including rape (the man in black rapes Deloris in ep 1) and there was that kid in the last episode...It's creeping me out just thinking about it, this show is so layered with it's brutality and unpleasantness, even things that aren't even remotely hinted at become thought about.
Yeah that one scene with the family and Deloris puzzled me, isn't westworld supposedly known for being a violent sex filled place where rich people go to live out their worst impulses?
Who would bring a kid to that, another thought I had that made me feel quite uncomfortable is the fact that Westworld would probably be a popular destination for rich pedophiles....It's already been shown that theres no consequence for anything you do at all including rape (the man in black rapes Deloris in ep 1) and there was that kid in the last episode...It's creeping me out just thinking about it, this show is so layered with it's brutality and unpleasantness, even things that aren't even remotely hinted at become thought about.
1) The comments and such imply that there are family friendly experiences, like fishing and exploring the natural landscapes. Plus, it's all fake. Perhaps to them, it's like letting a kid watch an R-rated movie or M-rated game if they're mature enough.

2) I doubt the Man in Black raped her

3) The kid seemed to have some special connection to Ford, not a common host type around the park


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Yeah that one scene with the family and Deloris puzzled me, isn't westworld supposedly known for being a violent sex filled place where rich people go to live out their worst impulses?
Who would bring a kid to that, another thought I had that made me feel quite uncomfortable is the fact that Westworld would probably be a popular destination for rich pedophiles....It's already been shown that theres no consequence for anything you do at all including rape (the man in black rapes Deloris in ep 1) and there was that kid in the last episode...It's creeping me out just thinking about it, this show is so layered with it's brutality and unpleasantness, even things that aren't even remotely hinted at become thought about.

I'm really curious how far they take these things...having the MiB take Doloris into the barn to presumably rape her...in the first episode of the series no less... really leads me to believe this show is going to go super dark.

I'm excited. Such a great concept that you can do so much with. You could probably have an insanely watchable show without any of the "Out of WestWorld" drama going on. Just guests interacting in the world and with each other. The Sci-Fi element just makes it gravy for me.
2) I doubt the Man in Black raped her
As much as I think it'd be crazy that the show went there right away, I'm not really sure what else would be implied by all that.
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