Is there a particular sampler set you recommend on Amazon? I know very little about each of the brands in the samplers I see there, so it's hard to make an educated decision. So far I've only used Merkurs because they came with my Merkur 34C. Definitely ready for an upgrade.
I bought my sampler from West Coast Shaving, but they don't sell the same one I bought anymore. On Amazon, I'd probably grab
this one, even though it's not Prime eligible, and the per-blade cost is a bit high. It's a really good selection.
On a side note, can anybody recommend a good glycerin shave soap? I ordered the proraso shave soap on Amazon without thinking and my wife noticed that it's full of of parabens and other nasty stuff (according to her) - she's the cosmetologist anyway, so I just have to take her on her word. Anyways, I'm on a hunt to find a more natural soap without giving up a good shave...
I use creams, not soaps, but the creams I use are all paraben free. Castle Forbes, Taylor of Old Bond Street, and Edwin Jagger are all highly recommended. TOBS and EJ make paraben-free soap, too, and that's probably good, but I've never personally used it. EJ advertises that their cream is 99% natural and paraben free. CF is paraben-free and only uses essential oil for fragrance, and is my favorite cream, but it's expensive. TOBS says it's paraben free on the tub.
Oh, also
Nancy Boy cream is also paraben free and highly recommended. It's not actually formulated for brushes, but it works well, smells great, and only uses essential oils. You've got to be comfortable with your masculinity to display the products though.

They have lots of great products. Their regular bars of bath soap are great. I don't think they make a shaving soap though.