Those 3:
I watched two of those three a lot. Though I didn't like Dragon Ball Z very much.
Pokemon Red was one of my maybe first twenty Japanese RPGs. I played it for hundreds of hours on my Game Boy. I remember playing in every vacation trip. And when I was on the swimming team, I would always play it when waiting for my mom to pick me up.
I got into Pokemon just maybe a year or two before it became a big fan. I was introduced to it by my cousin, who seemed to have almost every game ever. And he was really into it, so I got into it, too. And a couple years later, a couple of kids in my school were talking about about the TV show. I didn't even know a TV show existed. I didn't like it at first, because it seemed so different from the games. And because the other kids loved the show, but weren't interested in the games like me. I tried talking to them about the games, but they weren't interested.
But as I started being more open minded, and watching the show, I started to really love it. Even more than the games in some ways, because it was so realistic. It made me want to live in the Pokemon world.
And then a couple years later, Pokemon became this huge fad that was all over TV and magazines. I was so happy because so many people loved something I loved. I got into the cards and everything. Even some of my family members were into it. And almost nobody in my family loved video games other than me and my cousin.
It felt so great to be a part of something that felt bigger than myself. And loving something I could share with others and the whole world loved. I was so sad when the fad ended, I wish it was as popular as it ever was. Though I'm happy that Pokemon is still very popular.
After opening my mind to the show, I love it a lot and I've been keeping up with subbed version of the anime. And I always want the games to be more lifelike, like the anime, because I want to feel like I'm being taken to the Pokemon world. I love interacting with Pokemon with Amie, kind of like I'm in the show and can show affection to my Pokemon.
And to this day, Pokemon Yellow is my favourite Pokemon game, because I learned to love the anime so much.
And Magical Girl is still my favourite genre of anime, because of Sailor Moon.