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What are games that you can only play on easy mode?


I only play games like Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity OS 1 & 2 on easy mode because they are too damn hard for me (hell even on easy mode some of the encounters in BG3 are still really hard).


Neo Member


I tend to play RPGs on easy, reason being I just don't have time for very long games. I can stomach 30-40 hours over time, but more than gets problematic. The last time I was able to binge a game was Witcher 3, in 2015, before I became a lawyer and had free time. Its been hell since then lol. I enjoy hard games but I want to maximize the time I spend playing on moving the story forward instead of pressing start to retry. :D


Gold Member
Even though I beat it on Normal my first time through, further playthroughs of Divinity Original Sin 2 made me play on Easy. Almost every encounter in the game is designed to fuck the player. They seemed to take this design approach where you're always suppose to make the best out of a bad situation, but it became exhausting.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Not many. Maybe God Hand, I suck at that game.


Gold Member
I switch to the easiest mode available when I can’t stand them anymore but still feel obliged to finish them because I paid for them:

Spiderman 2
Final Fantasy 7 Remake


I play pretty much everything except strategy/tactical/capcom games on easy or in some cases on normal if easy is too trivial.

I really like the easiest in Doom because it doesnt affect enemy hp and in Souslikes games (minus sekiro and jedi games, they dont have stupid math screens so theyre the only 2 good in my book, no other will escape easy mode, zero exceptions)
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I think if I need to select the Easy difficulty on a game, then that game already lost me. And it's not the game's fault (Not counting the times where the game is objectively badly balanced)

I'm not a hardcore gamer by any means.

I just have a healthy amount of "gamer pride".
Either I try to get better on the Normal difficulty, or I will just say "You won game", and play something that fits my skill and patience level.

Playing on the Easy difficulty never feels good to me.


The nicest person on this forum
None, if I'm really unfamiliar with the game combat I just play it normal mode, I dont see any reason to go on easy mode since in most games normal mode is already too easy.


I usually play my games on Normal and if the gameplay is fair and good also on Hard, almost never easy with few exceptions like i wished i would have played Metroid Prime Remaster on easy since its not a twitch shooter and is better enjoyed on easy.
I usually play on easy due to time constraints.
This has become more and more common to me over time.

I'm still a normal type of guy, but my backlog is huge and I have a lot of games I actually want to play. If I can shave some time off and still have fun I'm not against it.

Last example for me was Persona 3 Reload. I'm a Persona veteran and I've played/finished every single game besides the first which I've played but never finished. I've completed Persona 3 well 3 times including Portable, Persona 4/4G is my favorite game of all time and I've finished it over 10 times, and Persona 5 I've finished twice with the release of Royal. I've also played and finished every side game as well so it's not like I'm a newcomer at Persona and need to play on easy to get through it but I still played on easy because I finished the game in 40 hours versus 60-70.

I'm going to play Stellar Blade soon too and I'm gonna play it on easy because I want to finish it and be able to play another game in my backlog.


have some dignity.
Lol. People play games to have fun, and every game doesn't need to be challenging to be fun to some people.


I can't think of anything I play on easy mode. I play most games on Normal, RPGs and survival horror games on hard, and strategy games on expert.
Typically whatever the default is for me. There have been times I’ve adjusted up or down, but more rare that I’ve dropped the difficulty to easy.

Ulysses 31

Only games that come to mind are the X-Com games, Enemy Unknown and Terror from the Deep, on MS-DOS. It was just too easy to lose due to governments cutting funding if you didn't play like a grand master.
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Gold Member
I switch to the easiest mode available when I can’t stand them anymore but still feel obliged to finish them because I paid for them:

Spiderman 2
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Same, that just tells me I don’t like it. Last time I recall was jedi survivor, switched to easy halfway


I enjoy the gameplay mechanics of games above all else. I always pick normal. Sometimes I have to pick Hard, like with the Persona series, since normal is too easy.


None, in general.
Not even a brag, because I would if I needed to, but I can't think of a game that made me desire it.

But in particular the ones mentioned in the OP are some of those I actually took the time to complete on the hardest setting available and seeing them described as too hard is downright baffling.

Especially BG3 wasn't even that hard in Tactician (cakewalk) and honor mode (some occasional cold sweat here and there,admittedly, since you can't even reload here).
I can hardly imagine someone finding them too difficult on normal or easy.
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Depends, really.
Typically, I start out on normal.
But if its an rpg and enemies feel boringly tanky I switch to easy.
Sometimes I start on easy and play through all the difficulty levels.


Gold Member

If i'm that bad at that game, it's probably a genre that i never play like a shogun total war or civilization game or realistic simulation driving game.
easy mode = youre basically watching it on youtube/working at ign


it's a video GAME
play the game

let me tell you a story:
i knew a kid who, in every game, would enable every cheat as soon as possible.
he was trash.
thank you for your time.
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Any game with raidboss designs, if i have to hit a boss 400 times for it to die on hard, i will play it on easy and kill it in 10 hits.


Always normal.
Normal or bust.
Personally I'd be entirely in favor of MOST games not even having a difficulty selection to begin with.
The developer sets what's the intended ideal standard of challenge and that's it.

I don't particularly care about "challenging myself" with demanding balance, I don't care for easy mode because it's typically tuned around the idea that you have some brain damage, so yeah...
Give me a default difficulty that is meant to offer a decent degree of attrition (ideally enough that I don't get the feeling the game is playing itself and I can do everything in my sleep) and don't ask me to balance out things for you.
Bonus points if the player and its in-game opponents "play by the same rules" rather than one side having a clear advantage over the other (this one especially important in tactical games, 4X, management games, city builders, etc).
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Gold Member
In my younger days, I played at max difficulty for the challenge. These days I do normal or easy to get through the story and move on. I've found it helps reduce backloging and incomplete games. If there is a trophy for difficulty, I might go for it, but other than that, I want to experience the story, enjoy the game mechanics/loops, and end game content then move on. Banging my head in frustration over difficulty is no longer something I want to deal with for the sense of "satisfaction"


Personally I'd be entirely in favor of games not even having a difficulty selection to begin with.
The developer sets what's the intended ideal standard of challenge and that's it.

I don't particularly care about "challenging myself" with demanding balance, I don't care for easy mode because it's typically tuned around the idea that you have some brain damage, so yeah...
Give me a default difficulty that is meant to offer a decent degree of attrition (ideally enough that I don't get the feeling the game is playing itself and I can do everything in my sleep) and don't ask me to balance out things for you.
Bonus points if the player and its in-game opponents "play by the same rules" rather than one side having a clear advantage over the other (this one especially important in tactical games, 4X, management games, city builders, etc).
I believe normal is the developer's vision of the game.
Playing a COD story campaign on veteran difficulty is a great way to ruin experience.


You are giving up on a game before even trying it because you automatically assume it will be too much for you?
Sounds like the gaming equivalent of low self-esteem.

Yep. Been that way since like 2017 or so. Works for me.
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