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What are games that you can only play on easy mode?


These days I do normal or easy to get through the story and move on. I've found it helps reduce backloging and incomplete games.
You are not the first in the thread to express this sentiment about "saving time" and I'm not sure I get it.
I also spend a lot less time playing games than I used to when I was younger, but when I do I want to feel entertained by them.

Take Baldur's Gate 3 (mentioned in the OP) as an example: how am I supposed to enjoy winning a battle in a game that -when played on Easy- gives me bonus HP, bonus chances to hit, bonus damage, bonus skill checks... In short a game that makes a large chunk of its core mechanics basically redundant, because you have zero necessity to engage with them, since just clicking randomly on targets on the screen (without any rush, since it's turn-based) is more than enough to win any scenario and curb-stomp any enemy?

It may "take less time" to go through it, but it also becomes time that I'm not spending doing anything actually enjoyable.
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I like it when a game lets you change difficulty on the fly. Some encounters in games are straight up broken on harder modes, so to continue playing I’ll bump it down, beat whatever is in my way, and bump it back up.


Gold Member
You are not the first in the thread to express this sentiment about "saving time" and I'm not sure I get it.
I also spend a lot less time playing games than I used to when I was younger, but when I do I want to feel entertained by them.

Take Baldur's Gate 3 (mentioned in the OP) as an example: how am I supposed to enjoy winning a battle in a game that -when played on Easy- gives me bonus HP, bonus chances to hit, bonus damage, bonus skill checks... In short a game that makes a large chunk of its core mechanics basically redundant, because you have zero necessity to engage with them, since just clicking randomly on targets on the screen (without any rush, since it's turn-based) is more than enough to win any scenario and curb-stomp any enemy?

It may "take less time" to go through it, but it also becomes time that I'm not spending doing anything actually enjoyable.
For me it depends on the game. If normal provides an enjoyable experience as it was meant to be played, I'll do that. (I.e. GOW Rag. I played normal. Got the experience and story as it was meant to be. Before, I would have played on the hardest as a challenge). Another example was Tunic. I started on normal, got irritated, so switched it to easy (don't die) because I wanted to get through the story/trophies and move on.
Astrobot is about to drop and I'll probably play normal. I should say I choose not to artificially increase the difficulty for the sake of a challenge when the game offers nothing in return outside of it makes the game last longer.
( I got platinum on all the PS4 Tomb Raiders which required playing at the highest difficulty and other challenges, but I'm okay with making it a little easier just for time sake now).


I was disappointed, disgusted and SICKENED when I found out Stellar Blade was to be yet another fucking soulslike, at least in some key ways when it came to combat; e.g. overly demanding perfect timing rather than just rewarding it like a normal goddamn game. So, I played it on story mode.


Im 39- i dont consider myself old or nothing- atleast not yet. LOL
But at this age- time can be limited on a consistent basis. Some days are better than others and at this point, time wise. So i'm not in it to get pissed off at a game. Im in it to enjoy gameplay and progress at a steady pace.
Im good on Normal but i haze zero issues bumping it down to easy if im getting annoyed.

I got nobody to impress.
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Souls Like? Souls Like! Elden + "Easy Mode" or WeMod works great! And I play Character Action games on Easy mode as well as fast paced FPS. I got no time to "git gud" ;).


You are giving up on a game before even trying it because you automatically assume it will be too much for you?
Sounds like the gaming equivalent of low self-esteem.
Lol. This reminds me of "Studying The Blade":



I play most single player games on default or Easy because I usually play them for the story and/or experience.

I play competitive multiplayer games a lot, which is how I prefer to be challenged.


Gold Member
I pretty much play on the next to hardest difficulty WITH THE EXCEPTION of a select few games. I did play Baldurr's Gate 3 on normal first. Only because I knew I was going to replay it on Tactician mode. And that's not the hardest mode. Still gotta do Dark Urge and whatever that other difficulty mode my mind chooses to repress until I'm mentally strong enough to handle it.

hemo memo

Gold Member
I always start on normal if progression is bullshit then i’m going to drop it down to easy mid play. I hate games with awful balance.


Facts, The games are so much better when you can take your time and explore everything at your own pace without having to deal with getting your head bashed in by the same boss over and over again.

I really wish they would add a easy mode, there I said it ........
Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
Well, most of the people who play them don't "get their head bashed in over and over by the same boss" because hopefully they aren't retarded and they can learn from previous mistakes.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Facts, The games are so much better when you can take your time and explore everything at your own pace without having to deal with getting your head bashed in by the same boss over and over again.

I really wish they would add a easy mode, there I said it ........
Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
The problem is take away the difficulty from their games and they fall flat.


The problem is take away the difficulty from their games and they fall flat.
That's true for most games, incidentally.

Remove enough attrition (having to put a modicum amount of effort in overcoming something) and the vey act of playing them becomes basically a pointless time sink.

"Look, I'm fighting my way through a horde". No, you are not. You are mashing a button quickly and the game is basically doing everything for you.
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I'm honestly failing to spot any relevance or resemblance.
The whole Meme originated around “dissing” others for partying basically.

You said:

You are giving up on a game before even trying it because you automatically assume it will be too much for you?
Sounds like the gaming equivalent of low self-esteem.”

A lot of times folks don’t need to assume, they just don’t have the time or inclination to “git gud”.

Sometimes you come home after work, deal with kids, and then you have an hour or two to spend at most, if that.

Above statement is condescending and judgmental. This shit has nothing to do with sled-esteem, lol, but just wanting to relax.


The whole Meme originated around “dissing” others for partying basically.

You said:

You are giving up on a game before even trying it because you automatically assume it will be too much for you?
Sounds like the gaming equivalent of low self-esteem.”

A lot of times folks don’t need to assume, they just don’t have the time or inclination to “git gud”.

Sometimes you come home after work, deal with kids, and then you have an hour or two to spend at most, if that.

Above statement is condescending and judgmental. This shit has nothing to do with sled-esteem, lol, but just wanting to relax.
Yeah, no. That's some demented nonsense you are spouting here.
What's wrong with you?

This was not about "getting Gud", but about how he was giving up before even trying.
He literally said "I won't even try a game without an easy mode".
How can he even be adamant he needs one before even trying any given game for the first time?

And you don't seem to REALLY get the "learning the blade" meme, either. Since it was about a delusional dweeb living his own "make believe" where he imagine himself a badass above the normies (which he wasn't).
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Always normal all day every day.
On easy mode some fighting games (which i rarely play) and maybe some strategy ones


Gold Member
I often start on normal mode and switch to easy if the gameplay loop sucks so I can at least see the ending. I respect my time too much to waste it on tedium.
Frustration is the opposite of fun, and I play games for fun. I’ll start on default and adjust from there if necessary.
Rogue Legacy 2 has some of the best difficulty options in gaming. Tons of stuff can be adjusted via sliders, you can really tailor the game just right.


Yeah, no. That's some demented nonsense you are spouting here.
What's wrong with you?

This was not about "getting Gud", but about how he was giving up before even trying.
He literally said "I won't even try a game without an easy mode".
How can he even be adamant he needs one before even trying any given game for the first time?

And you don't seem to REALLY get the "learning the blade" meme, either. Since it was about a delusional dweeb living his own "make believe" where he imagine himself a badass above the normies (which he wasn't).
1 - for a lot of folks who don’t have time, it’s not worth wasting hours. It’s his time, there is no reason to judge someone because of choices their maiming for video game enjoyment.

2 - I get the meme. But after that the copypasta was ironically aimed at parties. Of course the original source was an irony directed at some basement dweller.


Tactical turn based games (FFT, XCOM, BG3).
Somehow I always get absolutely wrecked by the AI no matter what. Like I don't understand something fundamental about how to win at those.
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