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What are some of the longest (major studio) films you've seen?

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For me I'd say Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In America (229 minutes, just under 4 hours!)


Kill Bill's director's cut should also rank up there if it ever see the light of day outside private screenings.


Lawerence of Arabia...not sure how long it is. Saw it in theater in NYC awhile back.

I've seen Once Upon A Time in America too...one of my favorite movies. Did you know originally the movie was released with a sequential order of the scenes? Sergio Leone wanted it like you saw the movie...but originally the movie company threw a fit about it. It did horrible with the movie company's version of the cut. Only when Sergio's original idea of going back and forth in the scenes did it catch on as one of the top films of all time.


Hollywood Square
Once Upon a Time in America is awesome. Just thought I'd say that.

The longest film I've seen? Probably like someone else said, The Ten Commandments. I heard Brazil is long too, no?
I've seen Once Upon A Time in America too...one of my favorite movies. Did you know originally the movie was released with a sequential order of the scenes? Sergio Leone wanted it like you saw the movie...but originally the movie company threw a fit about it. It did horrible with the movie company's version of the cut. Only when Sergio's original idea of going back and forth in the scenes did it catch on as one of the top films of all time.
Yeah, I guess the sequential order really destroyed the pacing of the film and actually made it confusing at some points. Just imagine if Miramax had done the same thing to Pulp Fiction. Laughably bad.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
Gandhi was really long. I remember that it had an intermission at the movies. 188 minutes.

Casino. 178 minutes.
The uncut Das Boot I think is somewhere around 280 minutes.

Edit: Oh, and Brazil isn't that long; I think it's somewhere around 160 minutes or so.


insert blank space here
Trevelyon said:
I remember it came on a two VHS set when it was released, sorta odd back then.

Hell, Titanic came on a two VHS set when it was released.

Ten Commandments is probably the longest I've seen, followed by Sparticus.
JFK was a damn good movie. Fell asleep the first time I saw it when it came out on VHS years ago but watched it a couple years ago and I have to say it's one of the best pictures of the 90's. Robert Richardson is one hell of a cinematographer. :D

206 minutes

I've been hearing a bit about Das Boot on these boards. Haven't seen it yet. War movie?


Four Stars. Ugh. I really hate Andy Warhol and I certainly did not watch all of this 1100 minute waste of film.
Yeah, the directors cut of Dances With Wolves. When I saw the theatrical version it felt like 10 minutes went by I was so involved in it. I spaced the directors cut out over a few days.

I far prefer the extended LOTR movies over the theatricals. They feel shorter and more involving to me.


kenneth branagh's Hamlet was fairly long. saw it in high school for euro lit class, there was an actual intermission after the 2.5 hour mark.


Gold Member
Wimps! 2.5 hours? HAH! 3 hours? Don't make me laugh. 4 hours? A baby could watch that.

Try Cleopatra (director's cut), the full uncut Spartacus, the uncut Gettysburg, etc!
I remember hearing that the original cut of "Until the End of the World" clocks in at 7 hours. And sadly, no one will ever see it.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Return of the King Extended Edition is 4 hours and 10 minutes. ;D



Longest movies I've seen in a theater: Lawrence of Arabia and Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, both at the Paris Theater in NYC.


Shogmaster said:
Fucking Dune was long as hell. 4 hours or some shit.

Hes probably referring to the re-edited Lynch version. Trivia: The producers of Lynch's Dune felt that the movie was paired down by too much so without his permission, they redited it by adding 40 minutes and made the film a boring mess. They even added some cheesy cartoon-like drawings with narration to give some backstory on the story in an attempt to make it more understandable. You can't find that version anymore, but if you did you would see the name of Allan Smithee whcih is the name given by the directors unions on films they don't approve of.

BTW, the longest film I ever heard of was "Greed" by Erich von Stroheim. The silent film was based the book of the same name. There was NO script instead Stroheim carried with him the book and EVERY page of it was filmed. The final version was 16 hours. Then for business, political and personal reasons Von Stroheim's bosses, Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg, took the footage away from him and released an amputated version. The pricks then went and burned the unused negatives...assholes.
I remember seeing one of those trivia things at a theater once, the longest film ever is The Cure For Insomnia, running 85 hours. Here is some info from IMDB.

"This is the longest movie ever made at a total running time of 85 hours. It premiered in its entirety at The School Of The Art Institute in Chicago, Illinois from 31 January to 3 February 1987 in one continuous showing.

This film is basically an experiment designed to reprogram biological clocks for insomniacs so they can sleep again. L.D. Groban reads his own poem during the span of about four days, which is interspliced with stock footage of heavy-metal videos and x-rated footage."
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