The Mandalorian - It took 37years, but a tv show on Disney+ finally captured that
Star Wars magic that I've been missing since
Return of the Jedi in 1983.
Foyle's War - I've always liked this British mystery series set in World War 2 for it's window into the lives of people living in wartime Britain.
Monty Python's Flying Circus - Still one of the funniest shows ever made. The humor in this series is timeless and grossly politically incorrect, something we need in this overtly sensitive age.
Star Trek (The Original Series) - I'm still shocked at how good this show is despite being made in 1969. Sure there are bunch of stinker episodes here and there, but for the most part it's far more intelligent and engaging than any of the sequel series that followed it.
Doctor Who (classic series) - The new series may have better visual effects and faster pacing, but I'll take the classic series with it's brilliant writing and imaginative scenarios any day of the week.