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Included songs from Dirt in the mixtape for my ritual dedication to the goddess Serqet during the autumn equinox 1994.
Watching Spica with the full Moon last night brought to it to mind.
Recently learned from Stellarium the goddess's constellation at some time in Ancient Egypt overlapped modern Virgo.

The scorpion crown is obvious now.


Question for all the musicphiles out there. I've been trying to find a music video I saw on YouTube about 8-9 years ago. It was a video about a volume knob on an amplifier which came loose and causes destruction to the whole planet. The band is a 4 piece I believe and they're all singing while the world is blowing up and falling apart. It's kinda rock and alternative sound. Sort of like a Rube Goldberg type thing. The video had some great special effects and the song wasn't too bad either. Any guesses, GAF?
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After seeing an image which resembled Michael and the Dragon on twitter yesterday it prompted some ideas for Ophiuchus replacing Scorpio in a design for a New Aeon zodiac.

The serpent tail held by hand and body stepped on near the heart in the zodiac. Worldly activity sublimated into archetypes harmonizes smoothly with Libra and Sagittarius into myth.
A few songs in recent years about Ophiuchus. I like this one as it mentions a black hole which could be attributed to the galactic core which gets snipped into Ophiuchus in the redesign with the solstice.


How do these fuckers keep doing this?
Only learned about them upthread with the provocatively named Kepler-22b. Maybe that was a reminder, now that I'm thinking about it Gaia, after listening to it just now, might have been posted before. Looking now I see they've been around for about a decade.
I'm at Evilest Man now in the playlist for the latest and this is amazing precise composite of music and vision of 70s brought to the 21st century. So enjoyable too. This slaps the jam.

edit:I like the little figures that look like Khonsu from Moon Knight on the cover of this album. I find myself relating most to that character from the series.

Edit2: As I post that above Track 11 Grim Reaper plays and sounds like it would fit perfect into the show.

Edit 3: Those last couple beats on outro of the final track Funeral sound like they could be played on bone.
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