Just finished 'The Tombs of Atuan', second book in the Earthsea series. I'm gonna break away from that stuff and jump right into Stephen King. I've been holding onto The Shining for a while and now it's time.
Finished reading Cannery Row today. First dive into Steinbeck and I liked it.
Going to read A Clockwork Orange next.
East of Eden is my favourite Steinbeck novel.Finished reading Cannery Row today. First dive into Steinbeck and I liked it.
The threat of nuclear war last week has me re-reading this:
Meant to respond to this yesterday. I assume this is a reference from the book?Why are you wasting time on this cretin? I just had to.
Meant to respond to this yesterday. I assume this is a reference from the book?
I toyed with it being this, but discounted it because it's... Cretan (I think).You said you were in Crete, so I had to call you a cretin... in jest obviously,but no Infinite Jest.
Okay, I've just hit this word (just a mention, with a linked footnote). I'm definitely into this now anyway - I often find myself reading a section a little absent-mindedly then realise I've taken little in and having to go back and pay attention, but if anything I think that's helping me focus.The breakthrough is like only a 100 pages away. Eschaton. Remember Eschaton
Double post. 😱
One thing I wanted to ask, and tell me to STFU if it gets covered, but what's the deal with the first section of the book aboutNot sure if that's a future thing (because they talk about his performance at ETA) but the mention of his young age is steering me away from that conclusion.Hal's admission interview to the university and his apparent inability to communicate after he ate something when he was young?
Just finished the Neapolitan novels by Elena Ferrante and was absolutely blown away. I was glad that I started reading these books without any expectations because I ended up being surprised at just how amazing they are. Ferrante's writing is so crystal clear and direct with such detail and emotion that they feel almost autobiographical. She's able to maintain an engaging plot while talking about politics, gender, and society in Italy during the latter half of the 20th century. I'd recommend them to everyone tbh.
Update on Needless Things... 400 odd pages in and it's definitely turning more sinister!
How does this typically rank for King's work? I've been skim reading a few reviews and it seems like some really love it but others view it as weaker?
Maybe I shouldn't have slept on him for so long. Fantastic storyteller.
Just posting an update that The Vorrh does not disappoint. Book is god damn beautiful.
I actually found Miracles to be better then Blades. It moves faster, the characters are better and the divine stuff is more interesting. In Blades it was basically just another divinity doing shit if I remember correctly, Miracles has a bit of a twist on that.Damn, that doesn't sound good. Sigrud being the protagonist is the only reason I'd even pick it up after Blades..
I'll add it to my "want to read" list and maybe I'll come back to the world of Divine Cities in a year or two. I'll stick to Good Omens for now, maybe I'll check out the books H.Protagonist recommended to me in some other thread some days ago too.
I liked Blades more but I like Mulagesh. Saw the Miracles twist coming miles away so it was kind of a let down given the mystique of Stairs and Blades.I actually found Miracles to be better then Blades. It moves faster, the characters are better and the divine stuff is more interesting. In Blades it was basically just another divinity doing shit if I remember correctly, Miracles has a bit of a twist on that.
What country are those covers from?
I keep forgetting to update. On the hard copy side of things I finished The Girl Who Played with Fire on Saturday. It was ok but way too long and more convoluted then what it needed to be. Now a little more than 100 pages into Blood Royal and I'm absolutely loving it. It's non-fiction about the murder of a Vice-King in medieval France and who did it and the process used at the time to solve the murder. Very interesting stuff.
Blood Royal: A True Tale of Crime and Detection in Medieval Paris by Eric Jager
Hey what's a good book on the American Civil War?
Sre you looking for a history?
Yea, non fiction.
Only 876 pages huh? I guess if it's the best around, then that's what it's gonna be. Tell me it's not too slow or dense at least.
Yea, non fiction.
Just started this. Really liked Killing Pablo and Black Hawk Down, so this was a no brainer. I love books that have maps in the beginning; it's extremely confusing until you read long enough to get the lay of the land. Book's alright so far.[/QUOTE]
I thought the clarity with which he describes the fighting in Blackhawk Down was amazing. So good. I'll have to check this out.
Oh, I don't really mean the twist of the story, which indeed is pretty easy to see coming and not really meant as a surprise I think, but mostly the way they handle the divinities (spoilers:I liked Blades more but I like Mulagesh. Saw the Miracles twist coming miles away so it was kind of a let down given the mystique of Stairs and Blades.
Oh, I don't really mean the twist of the story, which indeed is pretty easy to see coming and not really meant as a surprise I think, but mostly the way they handle the divinities (spoilers:)That they have kids and a ton of them are walking around. Opens it up to more characters with magic and such beside just the big baddy trying to conquer the world.
Done: Golden Sun, The Name of the Wind
In process: The Thin Red Line, The Seven Storey Mountain, The Grim Company, Prince of Thorns, The Way of Kings, Sins of Empire and Morning Star.
Of the above, I reckon I'll have Morning Star and Prince of Thorns completed soon.
Love the first 3/4's of this book.
Hey what's a good book on the American Civil War?
The Killer Angels is required reading.
I have a shameful confession to make. I'm a huge fan of the fantasy genre and an even bigger fan of the LOTR movies. That said I've never finished reading Return of the King, so I've decided I'm going to finish the series for the 1st time. The last time I tried to read it was in the 90's, so I've forgotten a lot of stuff. It's definitely a lot different then the movies. Helm's Deep was only 1 chapter(WTF). Shelob appears at the end of The Two Towers. I could go on, there are a ton more differences, but I've liked what I have read. The prose is a little difficult at first, but once you ease into it, it's not too bad. Should finish ROTK in a few days and I can finally check this one off.