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What are you reading? (December 2012)


I'm going through all the Discworld books that I missed right now. Currently I'm finishing reading "I shall wear midnight" and I must say that it's the best novel out of the "Mac Nag Feegles" series.

Just finished Ender's Game last night. Really enjoyed it. I had initially started with Foundation 1 from Asimov but found it a little hard to get into since it was my first book to read outside of school in a long time.

Now having finished Ender's Game and reading some contradictory opinions regarding the quality of the later novels in the series, decided to try and get into the Foundation 1 book again and 50 pages in I'm enjoying significantly more this time around. Might go back and read Ender's Shadow though after this.

And reading on an e-reader has greatly helped me stick to reading. Never liked holding tight books with small font. The sony reader is really great and best of all its very portable.

I'd recommend going to Speaker for the Dead. Ender's Shadow starts off a new saga that follows Bean and is really not related to Ender's story after the events of first book.

I guess this out now. I never could get into First Shift even though I loved Wool, but apparently this is better, so I might give it a try. $2.99 on Kindle by the way.

Second Shift - Order by Hugh Howey


Mighty impressive, Maklershed. I see that five stars for Pushing Ice, I need to read that.

Also, how are you liking Best Served Cold? I'm real big on Abercrombie right now. Compared to my usually glacial pace, I'm completely devouring the trilogy.



I just found out that they're making a mini-series about this so I decided to give it a second try. I began reading it earlier this year but got distracted and left it alone for too long.

First 200 pages are a bit tough to slog through, but if you finish it, you'll be rewarded by a fantastic story and great characters.


I'm glad to see more opinions regarding the books on the second page - I find simple cover quotes with no meaningful text a little disappointing, because I have no idea whether the quoted book is good, bad or something else (in the poster's opinion).

Very interesting. Worth the thread visit just to find out about goodreads.

Reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Ill finish it up today.
Same and same! I have 10% left according to my Kindle. It's been a really fantastic adventure.

Quite curious about this book. I read some negative reviews soon after release, not sure what gaffers think about it?

Just finished Ender's Game last night. Really enjoyed it. I had initially started with Foundation 1 from Asimov but found it a little hard to get into since it was my first book to read outside of school in a long time.

Now having finished Ender's Game and reading some contradictory opinions regarding the quality of the later novels in the series, decided to try and get into the Foundation 1 book again and 50 pages in I'm enjoying significantly more this time around. Might go back and read Ender's Shadow though after this.

And reading on an e-reader has greatly helped me stick to reading. Never liked holding tight books with small font. The sony reader is really great and best of all its very portable.

I have warm memories of Foundation - read it when I was still in school, may have to revisit it to see if it still stands up to a re-read.
Mighty impressive, Maklershed. I see that five stars for Pushing Ice, I need to read that.

Also, how are you liking Best Served Cold? I'm real big on Abercrombie right now. Compared to my usually glacial pace, I'm completely devouring the trilogy.

Loving it. All the greatness of First Law but different setting, different storyline, new characters, and yet you get a "Hey!!" feeling when someone you already know makes a cameo.


Neo Member
I'd recommend going to Speaker for the Dead. Ender's Shadow starts off a new saga that follows Bean and is really not related to Ender's story after the events of first book.

I guess this out now. I never could get into First Shift even though I loved Wool, but apparently this is better, so I might give it a try. $2.99 on Kindle by the way.

Second Shift - Order by Hugh Howey
I read Second Shift last week, and thought it was great. On the other side, I enjoyed First Shift too (I do agree that Second Shift is better, though!).

Looking forward to the last book in the trilogy. Hopefully it comes out soon :)

Just finished this. I thought it was much better than the first book, but still very confusing. There were also more enjoyable characters with a wider range of personalities. Though I don't always understand the significance of everything that happens, I like how the back-story is slowly being built. I'm going to start book three right away. Despite being confused by much of what happens in the series, the scope of the world is magnificent and I feel as though I will enjoy and appreciate the series more as I continue on and things become clearer.
It is less impressive than it might look; there's a ton of manga volumes, poetry, children's novels, and young adult literature mixed in there that is either not particularly challenging or not particularly time consuming. Oh, and the two five star books that don't show are two random volumes of One Piece I read this year. I'm a big fan!

Anyway, today I just read one short story in the collection of Nabokov short stories I was reading before. Tomorrow I am going to the library; I'm going to try to knock it out in the next few days. Nabokov's prose always takes me forever to read because I do it so slowly.

Wow you read a lot of 5 and 4-star books. Lucky you! I have the same problem with Nabokov. That same collection of short stories is on my current-reading list and I've been slowly going through them. I'm in no rush though, because I feel like his writing is made to be savored. Unfortunately, I started with the stories out of order and now it's hard to remember which ones I read already.

Just got done with this today. I was inspired to read it after watching the movie trailer:

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

It was okay as far as YA urban fantasy goes. It does "borrow" a lot from Harry Potter and other books like that and got a little too Star Wars in the end and made me feel icky, but other than that, it was aiiight.


It was okay as far as YA urban fantasy goes. It does "borrow" a lot from Harry Potter and other books like that and got a little too Star Wars in the end and made me feel icky, but other than that, it was aiiight.

Good luck with the rest of the series. My opinion is that the first three were solid enough for popular YA fiction, but the latest two are pretty bad. And that ickyness sticks around for a book or two.
Good luck with the rest of the series. My opinion is that the first three were solid enough for popular YA fiction, but the latest two are pretty bad. And that ickyness sticks around for a book or two.

Hm....I may take a break from reading the rest of the series then. Too many good books on my to-read list to waste reading only okay YA fiction. And that ickiness ugh...I don't think I can read more of that.


I'm going through all the Discworld books that I missed right now. Currently I'm finishing reading "I shall wear midnight" and I must say that it's the best novel out of the "Mac Nag Feegles" series.

I put it #2 after The Wee Free Men. It is super dark for a Discworld book, even more so for a YA one.

Also take a bit of a diversion and read Nation. My personal favorite Pratchett book.

And There is a Jonathan Strange miniseries coming?

Edit: BBC and and a by Doctor Who/Sherlock alum? Yes please.


Unconfirmed Member
It was okay as far as YA urban fantasy goes. It does "borrow" a lot from Harry Potter and other books like that and got a little too Star Wars in the end and made me feel icky, but other than that, it was aiiight.

That'd be because Cassandra Clare was a popular Harry Potter fanfic author before she deleted everything and got published.


I need to do some bad fan-fic it seems. Seems like that is a great way to be a best selling author these days.
Ohhhh, that's why the name sounded familiar. She was the one who plagiarized a shit-ton, wasn't she?

Aaah that's why her name and writing sounded familiar. I think I read something about this a year or so ago and forgot all about it. That must also be why I never read any of her books till now, oops.


Wow you read a lot of 5 and 4-star books. Lucky you! I have the same problem with Nabokov. That same collection of short stories is on my current-reading list and I've been slowly going through them. I'm in no rush though, because I feel like his writing is made to be savored. Unfortunately, I started with the stories out of order and now it's hard to remember which ones I read already.

Well, as I said, it is misleading. Twenty-eight of the sixty-one 5-star books are comics or manga, as well as sixteen of the fifty-two 4-star books.

But yes, I don't think I could rush through Nabokov even I wanted to.


I'm reading Kafka's "The Castle". It's so odd, I can't really describe it. The situations change so quickly without even giving you reasons on the 'shift', it's so hard to ''get things' at times.


I'm reading Kafka's "The Castle". It's so odd, I can't really describe it. The situations change so quickly without even giving you reasons on the 'shift', it's so hard to ''get things' at times.

I really enjoyed that book. The people K. gets involved with are a riot. His assistants especially. Just go with it...

Still reading The Pale King. Still amazing.


Well, as I said, it is misleading. Twenty-eight of the sixty-one 5-star books are comics or manga, as well as sixteen of the fifty-two 4-star books.

But yes, I don't think I could rush through Nabokov even I wanted to.

Have you read "Signs and Symbols"?

I went through this list last summer. Really recommend it. There's a thread on gaf about it somewhere.
Just finished The Hobbit.

Started reading the first few pages of this.


How are you finding it? I had to study it for school back in the day. A decent, if somewhat trite story on retrospect, but at the time I actively hated it.

Currently trying to read 1Q84's English translation. Would read the Japanese, but I got the English one as a gift. Maybe once I'm done.
50 pages in. Really good so far.

I'm a bit past the halfway point. It's a slow read for me, for whatever reason, but it's really quality work.

How are you finding it? I had to study it for school back in the day. A decent, if somewhat trite story on retrospect, but at the time I actively hated it.

My reflection: It's not really about the story; that's just a vehicle to get the main character into many different environments. It's more about examining how we, as a society, see and treat autistic people, and how they see society back.


That is on page 598; I am on page 470-something. But I am looking forward to it now. :)

er.. yeah. Not saying anything.

I was looking for the thread I was talking about earlier, and I saw that Cyan read that story too. We were on opposing sides as to what to take away from the story. I should add that my idea was not to just read the short stories but to read them in depth... I'll post a link to that after you've read it - but note it's more from the literary analysis perspective which can er affect what you get out of the story.

Glancing through the thread, I found this*, proving that hindsight is a funny thing, eh?

*These short story collections are a nightmare. How do you read the length of a novel in a week? It's taken me more a than few weeks just to read one of the collections... Here, at the end of june, I need a rethink...

Yeah, reading a novel a week... who would be stupid enough to do that?


I just found this thread; great stuff!

Also, I just finished "Cold Days" by Jim Butcher;another excellent Harry Dresden novel.
"Icky" in what sense?

Spoiler for City of Bones:
The main character who's a teenage girl starts falling for this mysterious teenage boy she meets. He's all dark and brooding and similarly falls in love with her. And then he turns out to be her brother that she never knew about but that her mother thought was dead! And they find this out *after* they make out twice and after some not-so-subtle from the boy that he wants to sleep with her.

Sorry, I have no other word of describing it. I guess I could say "disturbed" but it's more like a, "I need to shower in scalding hot water" feeling.



Just finished The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks. He's a poor writer compared to most, but I find the magic system and world a little intriguing.

And onward to the standalone novels in Joe Abercrombie's First Law world. I'm liking Best Served Cold so far. Brought me right back into that stark and brutal world.

I'm going to read The Heroes and then Red Country after.


Just finished reading "The Well of Ascension" (second book in the Mistborn Trilogy) by Brandon Sanderson. Liked it less then the first book in the series and the ending with the
scary weird text-altering ancient evil thing being set free from the Well
felt like it came out of nowhere (or I just didn't pick up the clues). Kinda wished he just stayed with the political in-fights/looming war instead of introducing this thing.

Started reading the "Cold Days" (newest book from The Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher. Only got to
the Winter Court throwing Harry a surprise birthday party.
Loving it so far.



Just finished this. I thought it was much better than the first book, but still very confusing. There were also more enjoyable characters with a wider range of personalities. Though I don't always understand the significance of everything that happens, I like how the back-story is slowly being built. I'm going to start book three right away. Despite being confused by much of what happens in the series, the scope of the world is magnificent and I feel as though I will enjoy and appreciate the series more as I continue on and things become clearer.

I'm on book 7 and I think it's fair to say that, on a first read through, nothing will ever be completely clear. The books are so densely packed with information that it's easy to overlook things that have a huge impact later on. As a counterbalance, I always recommend that people follow along with the TOR Malazan Reread (I'd link it, but I'm on my phone) which helps to make things a little clearer (or it did for me, when I was struggling).

That said though - I'd highly recommend the series to anyone after a fantasy series with truly epic scope and one that doesn't ever pander to its audience. Also, the third book - Memories of Ice - is one of the highlights of the series for me (so far). So enjoy it!


It's definitely not for everyone, that's for sure, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're just thrown into the middle of things with no explanation of who's who and what's what. It's worth persevering for some of the amazing set pieces later on, as well as a couple of stand-out characters.

As for me - I've just finished:

Which was my first foray in quite a few years into the Pratchett Discworld novels. Decided I'd start at the beginning of one of the story threads and see how it went from there. I found Guards! Guards! a nice, light, quick read with, if not laugh out loud humour, then enough for a wry smile or two. I did enjoy the characters of the City Watch, so will likely pick up the second book before too long.

Also finished listening to:

Which I found a real drag just to get to the end of. I think the series, for me, started to lose its way about 2/3 of the way through the previous book, when its number of low points started to exceed its high points but felt like I'd come too far to put it down then.

So this month I'm tackling:

Onwards to book 7 in the Malazan Series. Can't believe there's only 3 to go after this one. I'm going to miss this world so much when it ends.

And listening to -

Nostalgia trip! Listening to a full cast reading of one of my all time favourite books from my childhood and, so far, it's just as good as I remember.


Just finished reading "The Well of Ascension" (second book in the Mistborn Trilogy) by Brandon Sanderson. Liked it less then the first book in the series and the ending with the
scary weird text-altering ancient evil thing being set free from the Well
felt like it came out of nowhere (or I just didn't pick up the clues). Kinda wished he just stayed with the political in-fights/looming war instead of introducing this thing.

Started reading the "Cold Days" (newest book from The Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher. Only got to
the Winter Court throwing Harry a surprise birthday party.
Loving it so far.

I agree on Well of Ascension being not as good as the first book and sadly neither will be the third. That being said they are still both exaptionally good books. And about the Spoiler... I think there where a few hints but not really that many and I think it is supposed to come as surprise.

And that Dresden-Scene... Yeah! That one had me lauging out loud... at 3 o'clock in the morning, in bed, while my husband was sleeping.
Man was a pretty rough couple of Reading months:


Relatively entertaining but still a pretty ho hum Dark Tower book. Wizard and Glass is still the pinnacle of this series.


Meh...Till the end which was okay.


I got this for free and since I had nothing to read on my flight I jumped in. Pretty entertaining B grade stuff.


Finally picked this up thanks to gaf and I am just getting into Siri's story. Absolutely great stuff so far I can't put the thing down. The crappy book drought is over!!


Hey Gaf, I have very little knowledge on the way the money works. I don't even know how to explain what I don't know. The way the economy works, world markets, basic finance, economics, stocks...I want to learn about these things. Are there any basic books which could teach me about these things? Nothing too advance, I just want a basic foundation so I could understand when others are speaking of it, or when I hear about it in the news.
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