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What are you reading? (January 2015)

Ann Leckie refers to it as a trilogy in the AMA she did but mentions that subsequent novels might be set in the same universe.

I was surprised that so little happened in this book considering the scope of the first but I guess Breq's only concern is to protect Awn's sister and doesn't care about the civil war. Although I'm sure she'll get dragged into it in the third book.

It is bizarre seeing character names spelled out after going through these books in audio format.
Admittedly, not as weird as the transition from listening to the malazan books to reading them. So many strange words.


Southern Reach is on Daily!

Should I buy yes/no? It will probably take me another year to find the time to read them. I started up Mistborn and stopped... wasn't feeling it

/edit cade beat me to it but fuck it i'll drop the beans

/edit shit wasn't logged into smile. Goddamnit


I guess while I'm on this fantasy kick I should take it to it's logical conclusion and jump on the Stormlight Archive and Kingkiller Chronicle trains, huh? It could be nice to read some series that aren't going to keep me waiting for many years on end like ASOIAF (though I hear the third book in The Kingkiller Chronicle has been a bit of a wait already, but it's the last book I'd have to wait for in the series anyway).

I'm not sure I'd start Stormlight then. The whole thing is set to run for 10 books in total in two 5-book arcs. He's going to take a break after the first arc to work on other cosmere stuff like the proper planned Mistborn sequels I believe. I think he wanted 18-24 months between Stormlight books so even if we're generous it's going to be well over 10 years before the series is closed out. I suppose it will depend on how well that first 5 books works as a complete arc but even that is probably 4-5 years off.


Have you ever read The Dark is Rising Sequence?

I haven't. I'll look into it.

I'm not sure I'd start Stormlight then. The whole thing is set to run for 10 books in total in two 5-book arcs. He's going to take a break after the first arc to work on other cosmere stuff like the proper planned Mistborn sequels I believe. I think he wanted 18-24 months between Stormlight books so even if we're generous it's going to be well over 10 years before the series is closed out. I suppose it will depend on how well that first 5 books works as a complete arc but even that is probably 4-5 years off.

Right, I've read about his plan, but thanks for the heads up. I meant that it'd be nice to get involved with a series that came out fairly consistently rather than one that would be done soon, if that makes any sense. I'm fine with waiting for books, but ASOIAF has gotten to be a bit crazy in terms of time between books.

Also, since he's going to be writing more Wax and Wayne books that would help break up the waiting time too, since I finished the first one last night and did enjoy it.


Just finished Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy. Probably start on Liveship Next then to Tawny Man.


I haven't. I'll look into it.

Right, I've read about his plan, but thanks for the heads up. I meant that it'd be nice to get involved with a series that came out fairly consistently rather than one that would be done soon, if that makes any sense. I'm fine with waiting for books, but ASOIAF has gotten to be a bit crazy in terms of time between books.

Also, since he's going to be writing more Wax and Wayne books that would help break up the waiting time too, since I finished the first one last night and did enjoy it.

I don't think there would be anything wrong with going right into the Stormlight Archives now. I mean, the wait for the next book is a little painful, but, like you said, they'll at least release fairly consistently. Sanderson also has a big enough catalog of published works that I have been reading other Sanderson stuff between my reading of the Stormlight Archives books. I didn't even hear of Sanderson until last March when my brother said I HAD to read Way of Kings (what a book to get started with, lol). Since then I'm about halfway through his Cosmere books.
I've completed Acceptance.


What a trip the Southern Reach trilogy has been. Area X has been thoroughly absorbing and all the details have made me further appreciate for what the author enveloped in the narrative. The strangeness kept up and I really enjoyed how all the intricacies from the first two books were brought together. It was undeniably interwoven in such a great way that reminded me why I've been so engaged in the first place. Characters in their own ways felt really coming into place, and personally for me, the apprehension in the setting has been the outstanding feature. Quality weird wonderment to conclude.


Okay, that's it. I'm breaking one of my reading rules. I normally only read one book at a time but I am so utterly uninterested in Acceptance that I fear I'm going to quit.

I really hate quitting books so instead I'm planning to read one chapter a day from Acceptance and I'm gonna start reading The Martian by Andy Weir for the rest of my book reading time.


Really enjoyed the first 5% of "The Lies Of Locke Lamora" but 15% in and I'm struggling a little. There's an awful lot of describing scenery and not enough progressing the story right now.


Okay, that's it. I'm breaking one of my reading rules. I normally only read one book at a time but I am so utterly uninterested in Acceptance that I fear I'm going to quit.

I really hate quitting books so instead I'm planning to read one chapter a day from Acceptance and I'm gonna start reading The Martian by Andy Weir for the rest of my book reading time.
How far in where you in acceptance?
It gets better in the last ten percent


I've been reading journey to the centre of the earth by jules Verne and I'm not really enjoying it. About 60% through, but I will have to power through as I hate not finishing books.


Okay, that's it. I'm breaking one of my reading rules. I normally only read one book at a time but I am so utterly uninterested in Acceptance that I fear I'm going to quit.

I really hate quitting books so instead I'm planning to read one chapter a day from Acceptance and I'm gonna start reading The Martian by Andy Weir for the rest of my book reading time.

I would poke fun at you if I didn't quit Wizard's First Rule by the halfway point.


How far in where you in acceptance?
It gets better in the last ten percent

I'm only at Chapter 5 out of like...29? Annihilation was somewhat interesting, Authority started to lose me and Acceptance is just not grabbing me at all.

I'm normally not too picky when it comes to books, but this trilogy just isn't doing it for me. It probably doesn't help that I went directly from one book to the next as I have the trilogy hardcover.

I would poke fun at you if I didn't quit Wizard's First Rule by the halfway point.

The only book I've ever actually stopped reading due to dislike is that horrible horrible Metal Gear book. I'm quite proud of myself for being a non-quitter.


Just finished the first book of The Magician's Trilogy.

Thought it was okay. Quentin, and pretty much everybody else in the book, were annoying as fuck characters who never owned up to anything. Quentin spent the entire book running away from problems, blaming everybody else, and ignoring shit. I hated him.

Magic was cool, but there wasn't a lot of it. Thought most of the big reveals were very predictable, so when they happened I was just like...okay, what's next? Loved how these magicians looked down on using wands, though. lol

The passages highlighting the stuff were definitely the best moments for me. Going to start on the second book, but it's hard knowing that I hate the protagonist so very, very much.


I haven't. I'll look into it.

Right, I've read about his plan, but thanks for the heads up. I meant that it'd be nice to get involved with a series that came out fairly consistently rather than one that would be done soon, if that makes any sense. I'm fine with waiting for books, but ASOIAF has gotten to be a bit crazy in terms of time between books.

Also, since he's going to be writing more Wax and Wayne books that would help break up the waiting time too, since I finished the first one last night and did enjoy it.

Yeah, fair enough. Barring some major catastrophe he certainly should be consistent with his output that you won't be lacking for some of his stuff to read each year.


Really enjoyed the first 5% of "The Lies Of Locke Lamora" but 15% in and I'm struggling a little. There's an awful lot of describing scenery and not enough progressing the story right now.

It gets better. One of my favorite fantasy series, very happy the author's health has improved recently and he's back on track with it.


Man, Mistborn was so good. I was planning to read another book after it, but I had the second Mistborn book sitting inches away from me so I had to get right to it. :p


Have ya'll ever read a book and then just completely forgotten what it was about? I'm struggling to remember anything of Wise Man's Fear. All I remember:

- Caravan was attacked?
- Magic University but kind of in a crap way?
- ??????

I... seriously cannot recall a damned thing about that book.


I read a decent number of books last year but offhand I can only recall the contents of like a dozen, at best. Things fade, made forgettable by their ordinariness.


Starting Foundation on audiobook this week. This will be the second time I try this book. Hoping it will hold up.


Have ya'll ever read a book and then just completely forgotten what it was about? I'm struggling to remember anything of Wise Man's Fear. All I remember:

- Caravan was attacked?
- Magic University but kind of in a crap way?
- ??????

I... seriously cannot recall a damned thing about that book.

Happens to me often really... even when I know I really like a book. I've said before I know I've got a terrible memory, just have trouble recalling things sometimes.
Recently read all 14 of the Vorkosigan books, and then re-read all 11 of the original Wheel of Time novels by Jordan and finished off by reading the 3 Sanderson WoT finale books, then Julian May's 4 Pliocene saga books, then Jack Campbell's 9 Lost Fleet books. Just finished Rachel Bach's 3 Paradox novels.

Not sure what to read next. Torn between Karin Lowachee's Warchild books or Simon Green's Twilight of Empire trilogy? Advice
I'm about 8-9 chapters into the first Mistborn book. I'm really liking it right now and going through it pretty fast (for me). The story kind of makes me think of something that would come from a manga. I don't really expect much of it this first book, but I hope there is some world building ahead.


Recently read all 14 of the Vorkosigan books, and then re-read all 11 of the original Wheel of Time novels by Jordan and finished off by reading the 3 Sanderson WoT finale books, then Julian May's 4 Pliocene saga books, then Jack Campbell's 9 Lost Fleet books. Just finished Rachel Bach's 3 Paradox novels.

Not sure what to read next. Torn between Karin Lowachee's Warchild books or Simon Green's Twilight of Empire trilogy? Advice

Lord. Define "recently" for me.
Just finished the first book of The Magician's Trilogy.

Thought it was okay. Quentin, and pretty much everybody else in the book, were annoying as fuck characters who never owned up to anything. Quentin spent the entire book running away from problems, blaming everybody else, and ignoring shit. I hated him.

Magic was cool, but there wasn't a lot of it. Thought most of the big reveals were very predictable, so when they happened I was just like...okay, what's next? Loved how these magicians looked down on using wands, though. lol

The passages highlighting the stuff were definitely the best moments for me. Going to start on the second book, but it's hard knowing that I hate the protagonist so very, very much.

Genuinely, Quentin learns from his mistakes. Not in a "oh god I am now different!" way but in a quieter manner. Midway through book 3, hes a different person. Promise.


I read a decent number of books last year but offhand I can only recall the contents of like a dozen, at best. Things fade, made forgettable by their ordinariness.

I often have trouble remembering what books I read. When someone asks me what books I've read recently, the books that come to mind are my favorite books that I've read recently and not the most recent books. So, I'll think of books that I read a few months or a few years ago rather than last week. Even if I tried I couldn't remember everything offhand, though.


I often have trouble remembering what books I read. When someone asks me what books I've read recently, the books that come to mind are my favorite books that I've read recently and not the most recent books. So, I'll think of books that I read a few months or a few years ago rather than last week. Even if I tried I couldn't remember everything offhand, though.

This is what happens when you read ten books in a month period.


Reading Brian Kreb's Spam Nation currently, it was a Christmas gift. There's a lot of good info in it (putting a face to all those anonymous credit card fraudster, spammers, et al.) and Krebs definitely is an expert, but parts of it feel a bit too much like back-patting for All That Awesome Stuff I've Done.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Finished Stoner (by John Williams) last night. Really good book. Recommend it to anyone who needs something bitter to read.

So, today I started reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami and it starts off as the typical Murakami book is my impression one chapter in. Still working on Dora Bruder by Patrick Mediano (will finish tonight, I think--it's not that long, to be honest) and Finnegans Wake by James Joyce (when it's done).


Finished Sanderson's Way of Kings on Saturday. Seeing if I can convince my school library to put Words of Radiance on order (it only had WoK), and if I get nowhere I may just go for the kindle version, which would be awful as I don't have an actual kindle and I hate reading off my laptop, or wait for the classic bulky paperback version to come out.

I actually got a box set of LOTR (because for some reason I never got to it) and a hardcover of The Divine Comedy, but I was able to bring back neither to school since I was flying back and was low on space.


I'm getting strong Mass Effect 1 vibes from the first 20% of Cibola Burn. If only the (Plot Spoiler)
ancient alien civilization that built the gates and Ilus (Ilos?!) ruins was still in existence, this would be almost too similar, but still awesome, haha.


I'm about 8-9 chapters into the first Mistborn book. I'm really liking it right now and going through it pretty fast (for me). The story kind of makes me think of something that would come from a manga. I don't really expect much of it this first book, but I hope there is some world building ahead.

There's tons of good stuff ahead. I felt like the second book dragged a little, but there's a pretty consistent amount of world building throughout the series.

Man, Mistborn was so good. I was planning to read another book after it, but I had the second Mistborn book sitting inches away from me so I had to get right to it. :p

I read them all in a row, and the standalone short novel right after. In about a week's worth of time. Just do it!

Also I just decided myself to read Way of Kings. I'm liking it so far after a few hours, though there's no obvious plotline emerging as quickly as it did in Mistborn.


Also I just decided myself to read Way of Kings. I'm liking it so far after a few hours, though there's no obvious plotline emerging as quickly as it did in Mistborn.

Yeah, since the books are so much longer than the Mistborn books, they are a little slower paced and allow for more detailed world building and character development. The plot is of a much grander scale than Mistborn, too, so Way of Kings has a lot of setting up. Words of Radiance is generally quicker paced, but I love both of them.


Re-reading the Witcher saga. It's funny, I first read it in 99 when I was twelve years old, and since then I already read it twice more - once before release of Witcher 1, second time before release of Witcher 2, and now...guess what comes out in 4 months ? :)
I love it so much, all 7 (actually, now 8, since Sapkowski wrote new book after some 14 years) books. Currently smack in the middle of Blood of Elves, and it is still so much fun it's incredible. Very much recommend it to anyone who can enjoy fantasy, even if it is not the typical tolkienesque high fantasy. Haven't read english translations though.


Been ill. A lot of free time. Averaging a book a day. Started this binge around beginning of December.

Well, hopefully you are in that sweet spot of illness where you can't do anything productive, but you aren't seriously ill. I wasn't ill when I had my binge in 2011, but I was unemployed which amounts to much the same thing in terms of free time.


Yeah, since the books are so much longer than the Mistborn books, they are a little slower paced and allow for more detailed world building and character development. The plot is of a much grander scale than Mistborn, too, so Way of Kings has a lot of setting up. Words of Radiance is generally quicker paced, but I love both of them.

I'm okay with that. Right now I'm just starting to get into Kaladin and Shallan's stories and I really like the ideas that have come up so far: shardblades, an economic system that functions around how useful something is for magic (which also serve as a source of light). Very curious as to how everything will start to come together.
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