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What are you reading? (July 2013)


Currently reading Forever War by Joe Halderman

And listening to Life, the universe and everything by Douglas Adams, on my way to and from work.

Not really enjoying Life, the universe as much as the prior books tbh, feels too much more of the same.
Really liking Forever War so far, only halfway through.

Going on vacation for 4 weeks, so will be trying to read The Tyrants Law, by Daniel Abraham, and Abaddon's Gate, by James SA Corey, and Shift Omnibus.

Really looking forward to the first two, as they are the third books in a series, both of which I adore.


After flip flopping between samples for my next book (Altered Carbon, House of Suns, Name of the Rose) and starting and stopping Shift Omnibus (I couldn't get myself motivated to read the prequel) I finally ended up settling on Daemon



After flip flopping between samples for my next book (Altered Carbon, House of Suns, Name of the Rose) and starting and stopping Shift Omnibus (I couldn't get myself motivated to read the prequel) I finally ended up settling on Daemon


That cover looks really nice. Got me interested, added to my to-read list :)


i have to ask someone posted a book about a treehouse and some kids witnessing a murder - it was published by amazon apparently but i can´t find it ? The cover had the treehouse in red on it.


i have to ask someone posted a book about a treehouse and some kids witnessing a murder - it was published by amazon apparently but i can´t find it ? The cover had the treehouse in red on it.

That would be me :) It is called The Fort, and I really liked it. Some slight issues, but the ending was quite emotional.


thx that was quick! Just picked it up its sooo cheap on kindle and sounds interesting enough :)

Very interesting. It's going on my "to read" shelf. At 246 pages its a quick read, and I can borrow it from Amazon.

No problem at all, I hope you both like it. It is a quick read as you say, a coming of age thiller with some light police procedural elements that I gave 4/5.


Finished reading The Road. I wasn't a big fan of McCarthy writing at first, especially the dialogues, but as I kept reading I started to enjoy it much more and appreciate the beautiful prose. About the ending,
I want to believe things will turn out good, but who am I kidding, they are all gonna die.
Not sure what's the next McCarthy novel to read. Maybe Blood Meridian or I might just go with No Country for Old Men if the book is different from the movie.

Started reading Kokoro today while I wait for The Scar to arrive.
I'm reading Good Omens and really enjoying it. I'm not always in the mood for British humor, but right now it's hitting the spot.

EDIT: Finished! Man that was funny as hell.


Neo Member
I'm reading The Last Enchantment (book 3 of Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy). It's been great so far, as expected after reading the first two :]. I love Stewart's Merlin!


On the Kindle side, I'm almost done with Caliban's War, and I'm liking it quite a bit more than Leviathan Wakes so far.
Probably helps that there are more PoC characters, especially since I'm not really fond of Holden to start with (although I'm finding him significantly less annoying in this book :p).



Someone force me to read a book. I have no idea what to read right now because I have so many scifi/fantasy books.

I've read asoiaf. (don't say wheel of time)

I'm just bored out of my mind


Someone force me to read a book. I have no idea what to read right now because I have so many scifi/fantasy books.

I've read asoiaf. (don't say wheel of time)

I'm just bored out of my mind
Read A Wizard of Earthsea. It's short and amazing.
Someone force me to read a book. I have no idea what to read right now because I have so many scifi/fantasy books.

I've read asoiaf. (don't say wheel of time)

I'm just bored out of my mind

First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie
Tigana or A Song for Arbonne by Guy Gavriel Kay


I couldn't get into PSS. Not sure what I was expecting, but all the rave reviews for it got me pumped to read it. Then I read it and I was like "wut?"

The danger of hype. I came to it with no real knowledge and thought, 'Man, this guy has read a lot of RPG manuals.' I enjoyed it overall, with the exception of
the rather gratuitous animal deaths.

It felt like a gaming world that tried maybe a bit too hard to be brutal. I've meant to read other books of his, but I'm beginning to think maybe PSS was enough.

That's a great price on Infinite Jest. I got through it last summer, and if I can do it, anyone can.


Just finished "Pygmy" by Palahuluk, horrible waste of time

About 50 pages into "The Karamozov Brothers", it's ok sofar but more than a little slow


I finished 600 Hours of Edward, and many tears were shed. The following is my goodreads review.

"This book is amazing. That is a fact.

Although I do not share all of Edward's traits, I found myself so connected with him in this story. This 600 hour window of his life had such a wonderful impact on me and truly made me think about a lot things very deeply. I am not that close with my parents, so reading about Edward's relationship with his parents (mainly his father) and what he has been through, had a very emotional impact on me. Incredibly funny and joyful at times, yet incredibly touching and heartfelt, I hope you read this book and get as much out of it as I did. My highest recommendation."

edit: Now I will be reading the follow up that was released this year. Edward Adrift


I'm sill early in Daniel Abraham's An Autumn War. I enjoyed A Betrayal In Winter much more than the first book. The plot had a little more to it and the characters had grown a bit both figuritavely and literally. I'm excited to continue the journey and interested in seeing the Galt's perspective. I just wish I had more time to read but between a nearly 3 year old, a 3 month old, and a wife who works nights I'm lucky I'm getting through a book a month right now.


Shane, I just saw your review. The book sounds interesting!

I'm reading The Last Enchantment (book 3 of Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy). It's been great so far, as expected after reading the first two :]. I love Stewart's Merlin!


I loved Mary Stewart's Merlin. I wasn't sure how much I would like it after T.H. White's amazing The Once and Future King, but it's such a different take that they seem almost complementary to me. They're both essential fantasy reads.


So I went to a bookstore yesterday and looked around. I always end up with something random I have never heard of before. This time it was this:


Hope it is good.


So I went to a bookstore yesterday and looked around. I always end up with something random I have never heard of before. This time it was this:

Hope it is good.

It's ....not bad. It actually has alot of potential but falls flat in some places. I was very excited to read it and don't have a problem recommending it. It is somehow original but still has elements of Ghostbusters, X-files, Monty Python, Buffy and on and on.

The book trailer is here.

It's a fun British romp.


Neo Member

I loved Mary Stewart's Merlin. I wasn't sure how much I would like it after T.H. White's amazing The Once and Future King, but it's such a different take that they seem almost complementary to me. They're both essential fantasy reads.
I agree! I read The Once and Future King earlier this year and loved it, and ended up picking The Crystal Cave because I was looking for more Arthurian fiction. They're both fantastic, and at the same time so different that I don't really find myself comparing them while reading.

Stewart's interpretation feels a lot like historical fiction, can't wait to see what her take will be on some of the events that should come later in the novel!
I agree! I read The Once and Future King earlier this year and loved it, and ended up picking The Crystal Cave because I was looking for more Arthurian fiction. They're both fantastic, and at the same time so different that I don't really find myself comparing them while reading.

Stewart's interpretation feels a lot like historical fiction, can't wait to see what her take will be on some of the events that should come later in the novel!

I'd also urge you to pick up Bernard Cornwell's version, which feels even more like historical fiction.


Shane, I just saw your review. The book sounds interesting!

Thanks Mumei, I hope if other people read it they enjoy it as much as I do. I always feel odd giving recommendations because I feel bad if people don't like it and I've wasted their time. Edward Adrift is really great so far too, and I like them so much because it reflects a lot of what I am going through in my own life right now.


Thanks Mumei, I hope if other people read it they enjoy it as much as I do. I always feel odd giving recommendations because I feel bad if people don't like it and I've wasted their time. Edward Adrift is really great so far too, and I like them so much because it reflects a lot of what I am going through in my own life right now.

I don't feel bad. I'm just - sigh - disappointed... in them and their lack of taste. :3


i liked book 1&2but found them a bit long then i read that book 3 is just a waste of time an doesnt add to the story so i skipped it. What do you think?

Just finished book 3. I'd say you should read it. It is very slow moving, no doubt about that. Things move slowly and surely all the time towards the ending. Most of the loose ends from the first two books are tied together. I found the ending very satisfying and fitting, and actually quite beautiful. Perhaps Murakami's best ending.



Started a graphical novel called "Anya's Ghost" by Vera Brosgol. Got it for Christmas from a friend.

When that is done, I'll start Roberto Bolaño's "2666".

Night Film by Marisha Pessl

After the last page, I got the feeling of, "WTF did I just read??" which I guess means this was a good book. The writing is not without its flaws, though. There was entirely too much "Let's overexplain this part and tie it back to something you already knew" in the latter half, but that didn't keep me from finishing it. The book is like an onion where you keep unlocking layer after layer, thinking you're finally reading "the truth" only to find another layer. It wasn't as scary as other people made it sound, but was definitely a thrilling read.

I wonder if they're going to make a movie of this.


Just finished book 3. I'd say you should read it. It is very slow moving, no doubt about that. Things move slowly and surely all the time towards the ending. Most of the loose ends from the first two books are tied together. I found the ending very satisfying and fitting, and actually quite beautiful. Perhaps Murakami's best ending.

ok thank you for your impressions i guess i will listen to it as an audiobook then :)


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

Been reading this fucking book for like a year, on-and-off. It's so dense, and I have to reread certain passages so often, that it's taken me forever. Doesn't help that I haven't found much reading time as is, but goddammit I will finish this book by Sunday (less than 150 pages away).

But it's so fucking good. Takes me TWO HOURS to read 30-40 pages. Just finished reading Chapter 9: The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare, and was absolutely enthralled from beginning to end. If you take your time with the dialogue, so much of it is so powerful and so poignant. I found myself shaking at some of the ideas presented.

You also know a book is written amazingly well that even over the course of a year I still feel like I only started it yesterday. The images and characters take a grasp of you and firmly cement themselves into your mind so that the moment you begin reading the story they spring to life as if lying dormant just beneath your most vivid memories.

Needless to say, it's terrific, and I can't wait to see how it ends.



After the last page, I got the feeling of, "WTF did I just read??" which I guess means this was a good book. The writing is not without its flaws, though. There was entirely too much "Let's overexplain this part and tie it back to something you already knew" in the latter half, but that didn't keep me from finishing it. The book is like an onion where you keep unlocking layer after layer, thinking you're finally reading "the truth" only to find another layer. It wasn't as scary as other people made it sound, but was definitely a thrilling read.

I wonder if they're going to make a movie of this.

Thanks for the impressions, I took some interest in this after you mentioned it in last month's thread. Have you read House of Leaves? Would you feel they are comparable in any way?
Thanks for the impressions, I took some interest in this after you mentioned it in last month's thread. Have you read House of Leaves? Would you feel they are comparable in any way?

Yes, I have read House of Leaves. I liked this better than House of Leaves but it's not really on the same level. I found House of Leaves a little too pretentious and tiresome after a while. I mostly only cared about the Navidson Records stories at the end and thought the rest was boring filler.

While Night Film isn't as post-modern in style, it is a little different than your usual fiction thriller. Night Film give me the same sense of being sucked into the twisted story where you don't know what's truth and what's fiction. In the end, I felt as played with as the main character. The book is mainly narrative, but has "alternate media" pieces strewn throughout like newspaper articles, typewritten notes, photos, etc.
Slightly off-topic, but I was wondering if any of you have the Kindle Paperwhite? I'm considering getting an eReader for my birthday and it's the one I was considering.

I'm reading Left Hand of Darkness right now and am really enjoying it. I also just purchased the Humble Bundle so I'm looking forward to getting started on those books as well.



Been reading this fucking book for like a year, on-and-off. It's so dense, and I have to reread certain passages so often, that it's taken me forever. Doesn't help that I haven't found much reading time as is, but goddammit I will finish this book by Sunday (less than 150 pages away).

But it's so fucking good. Takes me TWO HOURS to read 30-40 pages. Just finished reading Chapter 9: The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare, and was absolutely enthralled from beginning to end. If you take your time with the dialogue, so much of it is so powerful and so poignant. I found myself shaking at some of the ideas presented.

You also know a book is written amazingly well that even over the course of a year I still feel like I only started it yesterday. The images and characters take a grasp of you and firmly cement themselves into your mind so that the moment you begin reading the story they spring to life as if lying dormant just beneath your most vivid memories.

Needless to say, it's terrific, and I can't wait to see how it ends.

I read this for the GAF Book Club. It was phenomenal, and The Grand Inquisitor is one of my favorite chapters in anything.


Neo Member
I'd also urge you to pick up Bernard Cornwell's version, which feels even more like historical fiction.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely check it out! I also kinda want to try Jack Whyte's Skystone.

Slightly off-topic, but I was wondering if any of you have the Kindle Paperwhite? I'm considering getting an eReader for my birthday and it's the one I was considering.

I'm reading Left Hand of Darkness right now and am really enjoying it. I also just purchased the Humble Bundle so I'm looking forward to getting started on those books as well.
The Kindle Paperwhite is great IMHO, I love mine :) It's very light and easy to read on, and the lighting is pretty cool if you find yourself reading in the dark.

Glad to hear you're liking Left Hand of Darkness so far!


Yes, I have read House of Leaves. I liked this better than House of Leaves but it's not really on the same level. I found House of Leaves a little too pretentious and tiresome after a while. I mostly only cared about the Navidson Records stories at the end and thought the rest was boring filler.

While Night Film isn't as post-modern in style, it is a little different than your usual fiction thriller. Night Film give me the same sense of being sucked into the twisted story where you don't know what's truth and what's fiction. In the end, I felt as played with as the main character. The book is mainly narrative, but has "alternate media" pieces strewn throughout like newspaper articles, typewritten notes, photos, etc.

Thanks! I was somewhat disappointed by House of Leaves, not so much because of the pretentiousness but simply because I felt its potential was somewhat wasted by how absorbed it was by its own typographical cleverness (or is that the same thing?). I did feel like it was composed of mostly filler. Still, I've been looking for something similar for a while, and this looks like something to look out for.

I was looking for some type of serial killer book the other day, but saw this on sale so I decided to finally try this. This will take months...



I was looking for some type of serial killer book the other day, but saw this on sale so I decided to finally try this. This will take months...

It took me two, and I'm a very slow reader.

It's worth the read. I'm not convinced it's the classic many feel it is, but there is a genius at work here, with all the messiness and indulgence that often comes along with that. This is the book that convinced me to quit drinking, and not just so that I would be able to follow what was going on.
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