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What are you reading? (June 2013)

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Boggles my mind, the mastery of storytelling and language Wolfe needed to write this.
Don't miss The Urth of the New Sun once you're finished with all four parts of The Book of the New Sun. Urth is the series' grand payoff, and it is well worth the wait.

(I may or may not have mentioned this billions of times in past book threads.)


Halfway through. Loving the series so far. I haven't seen any of the the TV show though.
It's good but necessarily lean. Leaves out so many juicy bits, but nails a lot of important moments too. Watch it for the outstanding cast.


Personally i find pretty much everything in Elantris to be too... flat. From the world to cultures to locations to characters to magic to... well, everything, more or less.
It doesn't make me feel anything. It doesn't feel wonderful and mystical place, it doesn't feel like oppressive and dark place like Mistborn's world... It is too sterile.
It seems, to me, that Sanderson's writing and worldbuilding have improved a lot in later books.

Total agreement. So far I read Mistborn, Warbreaker and Way of Kings, which were all soo good. Way of Kings was my favorite book last year.

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
Just Finished:

I loved it. I haven't watched the movie yet, but I will get to it this week. I heard that the author said the film was better than the book, which is interesting, but I liked the way that the book played out.

Just Started:

My wife chose this one for me to read next. I really liked Hyperion and I loved Drood, so I have high hopes for this one.

Audio Book:

This is my first audio book. I am not sure how I feel about audio books. Luckily, my job is pretty mindless, so I can focus on the story, but I am not sure how I feel about having someone else putting a different emphasis or inflections in places that I might not put them myself when reading. Also, sex-scenes are weird to listen to when I know it is some guy sitting in a booth talking to himself.


I finished Wonder this morning. I put a brief review on my Goodreads feed, giving it 5 stars. I had some brief issues with it skewing young at times, but I still really loved it enough to marathon it so quickly.
I finished Wonder this morning. I put a brief review on my Goodreads feed, giving it 5 stars. I had some brief issues with it skewing young at times, but I still really loved it enough to marathon it so quickly.

Glad you liked it, Shane. What's next in your queue?

I'm finding that reading three fantasy stories in a row from the same series was probably a bad decision, even though I like the books.


Glad you liked it, Shane. What's next in your queue?

I'm finding that reading three fantasy stories in a row from the same series was probably a bad decision, even though I like the books.

:) I was just about to PM you to thank you for review which made me stick with Wonder. I might pick up one of those megapacks and just read a couple short stories before Abbadon's Gate on Tuesday.

You sound like me in that regard, I read the first 3 ASoIaF books in a row, and needed a break.


Just finished this:


It was poor, especially considering the level of access the writers had. There's a great story in there somewhere, but the whole thing is quite disjointed and the writing is pretty tabloid-esque.


Forum Landmine
Reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green now. Halfway through. Plan to start either The Boy From Reactor 4 or Assassin's Apprentice next.


About forty pages into Claire Messud's "The Emperor's Children" and enjoying it so far. I'm struggling to get invested in any book since graduating, but this one shows a lot of promise.



Why not?


Pretty cool concept and I've been wanting to read a more traditional horror fantasy - unfortunately adults are above such immature things as ghosts and boggarts, so I'm hanging out in YA land.

I may end up writing one.

Next up after this series may be this:


If I can find the trilogy in paperback for a good price (I can't go digital, I love those covers too much).



I enjoyed the first one a ton, so I'm hoping the sequel can match it. So far it's pretty good after reading around 1/3rd of it.[/QUOTE]

I just finished The Passage this week and overall I really enjoyed it. The first third is exceptional, the middle third is a bit dull but it picks up again big time in the final third. The ending was also a huge punch to the gut and I'm very excited to start The Twelve.



I was looking for something relating to old school spies, and while le Carré's stuff is alright, it doesn't quite click with me.
This, however, is a really interesting book. The writing is totally unlike anything I've read before. Furst can paint such a full picture with so few words. Really good stuff.


Has anyone read The Dog Stars? The blurb on Amazon makes it sound amazing. I'll probably read that next.

I know a few folks here have read it previously and really loved it, I know it's one of Mak's favourite books. I tried to read it, and got a bit into it, but just couldn't get that into it at the time. It is a short read, so I do hope to try again with it someday. edit: If it does get the book club nod, that would be neat. 2nd edit: and now I am remember how much the writing style of the book annoyed me. lol
I know a few folks here have read it previously and really loved it, I know it's one of Mak's favourite books. I tried to read it, and got a bit into it, but just couldn't get that into it at the time. It is a short read, so I do hope to try again with it someday. edit: If it does get the book club nod, that would be neat. 2nd edit: and now I am remember how much the writing style of the book annoyed me. lol

yeah that's what killed it for me. could never find a rhythm when I was trying to read it.


Finished Mistborn The Hero Of Ages. This was... 4th? 5th? read.
Excellent trilogy.

Next up, some science fiction, first of David Weber's Honor Harrington series: On Basilisk Station.


Finishing up Inheritance by Christopher Paolini. I read the others when I was younger and I wanted to wrap things up.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

Almost finished it in barely a few sittings. Bloody awesome so far. Very bloody awesome. I haven't finished it yet, but I like it a lot more than The Heroes, and possibly more than Best Served Cold.

[mid book spoilers]
I grinned like a dumb fangirl whenever Lamb would turn. Even though I know it's wrong, cause, you know, violence and murder. But damn if I didn't giggle like a fangirl when Glama Golden shat his pants and realized who he was fighting.

Can't wait for Caul Shivers to show up again now... shit's going down!


I'm not someone who reads often (actually never, except if it's for school) but I started reading the biography of Steve Jobs about 2 weeks ago. I'm about half way so far and it's pretty interesting.

Does anyone here participate or run a book club? I'm not sure this is deserving of a new thread so I thought I'd just ask here to start with.

My girlfriend and I started a book club for the summer (she's in grad school and she most of her friends don't have any time to read for most of the year, so to start with we're just committing to the summer). It looks like we'll have about 15 people so far.

The first book we're reading Orphan Master's Son. I guess I'll do a search for good discussion questions and stuff, but I thought I'd ask if anyone has had good or bad experience with clubs, and suggestions to do it right.

On the hard copy side of things I've finished The Chase and started Under the Black Flag.

Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates by David Cordingly
I started reading that a few years ago. I wouldn't say it's bad, but in case you didn't know it's very dry. I bought it at a Barnes in Noble when Pirates of the Caribbean was really popular and thought I was going to be into swashbuckling adventure and crazy account of pirate stuff, but it's actually more like reading a history book.

I've been meaning to get back to it, it was still interesting, but I lost enthusiasm when it didn't meet my expectation of what it was going to be.
Thought I'd jump into it before I saw the film. Most scifi enthusiasts sing praise of the book. I'm half way through, and although it comes across as something tailor made for angsty teens, I can't say I'm not enjoying it.



Thought I'd jump into it before I saw the film. Most scifi enthusiasts sing praise of the book. I'm half way through, and although it comes across as something tailor made for angsty teens, I can't say I'm not enjoying it.


Felt the same way reading it until the last third or so then it came together for me.


Neo Member
Finished off Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes by Jonathan Auxier which I enjoyed, then read some Edmond Hamilton shorts, and now going to read The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks. My neighbour lent it to me after we talked about books and how much she loved the series. Should be good!



Almost finished it in barely a few sittings. Bloody awesome so far. Very bloody awesome. I haven't finished it yet, but I like it a lot more than The Heroes, and possibly more than Best Served Cold.

[mid book spoilers]
I grinned like a dumb fangirl whenever Lamb would turn. Even though I know it's wrong, cause, you know, violence and murder. But damn if I didn't giggle like a fangirl when Glama Golden shat his pants and realized who he was fighting.

Can't wait for Caul Shivers to show up again now... shit's going down!

I'm so ready to read Red Country, but I refuse to until I read The Heroes.

It's...going to be a while.


May contain jokes =>

Just finished. Very mixed feelings about this. The book was capable of brilliance at times and at others seemed kind of average. Being a big GRRM fan, some of the material was way too reminiscent of ASOIAF, particularly just about any mention of "the North," and the Shanka coming South while everyone believes they're not a real threat.

Still don't really know what I think about it.
The work covers a great deal. It covers many of the important Jewish, Muslim, and Christian thinkers, dealing with issues ranging from language to political philosophy.


Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Almost finished it in barely a few sittings. Bloody awesome so far. Very bloody awesome. I haven't finished it yet, but I like it a lot more than The Heroes, and possibly more than Best Served Cold.

[mid book spoilers]
I grinned like a dumb fangirl whenever Lamb would turn. Even though I know it's wrong, cause, you know, violence and murder. But damn if I didn't giggle like a fangirl when Glama Golden shat his pants and realized who he was fighting.

Can't wait for Caul Shivers to show up again now... shit's going down!

The Heroes was the best of that trilogy, followed by Red Country. The only problem I had with Red Country was that it felt too westerny. It got difficult to picture everyone with swords and crossbows instead of six-shooters and repeater rifles.

It also took me until nearly the end of the damn book (Heroes) to realize Caul Shivers was the guy from BSC.

Speaking of which, this is totally how I pictured Caul (but with a shinier eye)


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Is that Mads Mikkelsen? Hawt. <3 A bit old for Caul Shivers, but I wouldn't blame Monza for nailing that. xD

But I know what you mean I guess. I keep picturing the Ghosts as looking like tanned Sioux instead of pale skinned folk... lol


Neo Member
Just finished reading this, and I couldn't put it down. It's a coming of age story set against the back drop of the earths rotation slowing. It was a pretty interesting read.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Is that Mads Mikkelsen? Hawt. <3 A bit old for Caul Shivers, but I wouldn't blame Monza for nailing that. xD

But I know what you mean I guess. I keep picturing the Ghosts as looking like tanned Sioux instead of pale skinned folk... lol

Also, question, not sure how far you are into the book but
Is the owner of the hotel/casino whatever Monza? Abercrombie was never super clear on that

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
I pictured him as Jason Momoa / Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones but with a gold ball in his eye socket.


What is that image of Mikkelsen from? He looks bad ass there.

Valhalla Rising. Kick-ass movie about vikings taking a boat to the new world and scrapping it up with the natives.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Also, question, not sure how far you are into the book but
Is the owner of the hotel/casino whatever Monza? Abercrombie was never super clear on that

[Red Country]
No, I'm pretty sure it's that lady Glokta exiles from First Law. We see her again in Best Served Cold, when she meets Practical Vitarri she thinks Glokta sent her after her and she's terrified, lol. I forgot her name so I had to google a bit, but it's Carlot dan Eider. I liked her quote, "It's a living." Heh.

At least, I'm fairly sure that she is the Mayor. Her reaction to the Inquisition said it all, haha.

I pictured him as Jason Momoa / Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones but with a gold ball in his eye socket.
You pictured a Northman as looking like a Samoan...? lol, okay. :p

What is that image of Mikkelsen from? He looks bad ass there.
I reversed google image searched and it's apparently from a 2009 movie called Valhalla Rising.


Just finished reading this, and I couldn't put it down. It's a coming of age story set against the back drop of the earths rotation slowing. It was a pretty interesting read.

Oooo, this sounds like something I'd really like. Thanks for pointing it out.


Finished off Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes by Jonathan Auxier which I enjoyed, then read some Edmond Hamilton shorts, and now going to read The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks. My neighbour lent it to me after we talked about books and how much she loved the series. Should be good!


it wasn't bad, but it felt like I was reading a shonen manga.
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