I really don't know about Gardens of the Moon. I'm about a third into the book and he still keeps introducing new characters and I don't even care much about the existing characters.
I started reading this as well after powering through Bioshock 2 but I've since put it down. I don't think I'm going to waste anymore time on it.
Yeah I think I read like 20% of that Bioshock book before putting it down. Don't remember the writing being especially terrible, just boring.
Wish there were more books with an underwater city setting.
Not that I've read much Sanderson but this was the most enjoyable thing I've read by him yet. Also helps the magic system didn't remind me of a video game per the usual.
Gungan City was Mackenzie's favorite part of the Star Wars movies confirmed! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
I can't help it; Dan Brown is my guilty pleasure.
Yeah a colleague of mine told me it was out today, I had NO idea.
Does anyone have any impressions? His previous book was beyond terrible, but I actually enjoyed the rest.
Inspired by a previous GAF thread, I'm working my way through A People's History of the United States.
A part of me is sort of shocked and another part of me isn't at all of the omissions that are made in the classic presentation of America's history. Been a rather eye-opening experience, to be honest.
I'm about 12 chapters in and, so far, it's gloriously terrible. It's like Brown's research for this novel consisted of taking a survey world literature course and he's eager to show it off by throwing in references to Gilgamesh and The Ramanyana, in addition to the whole Dante thing.
I am enjoying this immensely.
I'm only 66 pages in, so I can only imagine the prose gets worse from here. Its astoundingly amateurish.
@dream, read and enjoyed The Da Vinci Code, Angels&Demons and Deception Point. Digital Fortress was mediocre though, and The Lost Symbol was utter turd imo.
Not sure if this sounds like it's worth getting, haha.
I found the previous book to be extremely pretentious. It's hard to describe, but there were a lot of situations where someone knew the answer to a question/situation, but deliberately didn't tell and kept others guessing just to show their intellectual superiority. It felt super frustrating to me.
If it's more schlock like The Lost Symbol I think I'll pass, but if it's more like Deception Point I'll get it first thing tomorrow.
Conservatives HATE Zinn's book.
So far my favorite of the books. Now I'm torn if I should jump right into book four or if I should read something else lest I I get weary of reading to much of the same. My alternative would be Leviathan Wakes. I'm normally not big on SciFi but this got so much praise and Daniel Abrahms is one of the writers so I'm inclined to give this a shot... decisions, decisions!
I was in the same situation as you. I almost put the book down. However, I would suggest that you keep reading. Things will start to click, and the last portion of the book where he starts jumping between characters really fast as the story lines converge was very good.
The second book was much more enjoyable - just finished it the other day. It only focuses on a few characters from Gardens of the Moon - the rest are new. There is still a lot of confusing lore at some points but it is an easier read, and a bit more clever too. Started the third book, which takes place simultaneously to the second book and returns to the rest of the characters from Gardens of the Moon.
Now I'm torn if I should jump right into book four or if I should read something else lest I I get weary of reading to much of the same. My alternative would be Leviathan Wakes. I'm normally not big on SciFi but this got so much praise and Daniel Abrahms is one of the writers so I'm inclined to give this a shot... decisions, decisions!
The Dwarves ... It's not bad.
Finished my reread of a Clash of Kings. Started Mistborn book 2 Well of Ascension
Oh where did you get this book? Sounds awesome and I can't find it any of the retailers here in Canada.![]()
Ah apologies for my late reply!
I purchased it via Amazon - it just released here in the UK a few days ago so perhaps maybe it's not available in Canada yet?
I'm about 250 pages in now and the plot seems to really picking up!
That would be a great dust jacket quote.
Reading Neuromancer by William Gibson.
It's pretty cool so far, reminds me of an 80's Dues Ex: Human Revolution.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this once you finish it! I picked up the omnibus from a used book store some time ago, but haven't felt like starting it yet - it's currently sitting on my shelf together with Tales of the Dying Earth, which I might start first as it sounds like it would be an easier read.![]()
Elder Isles 01: Lyonesse by Jack Vance
This is my first Vance book. It is surprisingly complex. There has been a lot of talk recently regarding the Malazan series (which I haven't read myself), about how hard it is to get into because it drops you in without any hand-holding. This book takes quite a bit of time setting things up (actually has huge info-dumps) but still asks you to learn a hell of a lot in a short time. It has a bunch of major characters with constantly shifting viewpoints, numerous political powers all vying to dominate a particular region, and the story so far focuses much more on politics than on magic or battle. It's also quite gritty and explicit in an underhanded sneaky way. It reminds me very much of the ASOIAF series. It's more formal in style, and a little less approachable, but it offers a similarly cynical view of humanity, and a similar focus on political maneuverings. This is very funny at times too, and the writing is generally excellent. It's a good book so far (could be great, depending on a few outcomes), but not something you should pick up for a light casual read. It almost feels like it is meant to be a little obtuse.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this once you finish it! I picked up the omnibus from a used book store some time ago, but haven't felt like starting it yet - it's currently sitting on my shelf together with Tales of the Dying Earth, which I might start first as it sounds like it would be an easier read.
So I started Leviathan Wakes yesterday. Read the Prologe and the first chapter and really enjoy the writing but, the ending of the prologe and the whole distress signal thing have me a bit worried. How much does this book drift into horror territory? Because space and horror is a combination I'm can't handle all that well. Event Horizon literally gave me nightmares for weeks, I'm fine with the Alien movies though since I consider them to be more action-thriller than horror. So what do I have to expect here?
It's not that they're not good, it's that they aren't up to the high standard Bujold set in her previous books. They're still perfectly fine books.
As for Honor Harrington, I read the first two and liked the space battles well enough, but wasn't overall a big fan. If you're looking for space battles, you might check out the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell. He's no great shakes at characters and dialogue, but damn are his battles tight.
It's not that they're not good, it's that they aren't up to the high standard Bujold set in her previous books. They're still perfectly fine books.
As for Honor Harrington, I read the first two and liked the space battles well enough, but wasn't overall a big fan. If you're looking for space battles, you might check out the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell. He's no great shakes at characters and dialogue, but damn are his battles tight.
+1 Great space battles.
So I started Leviathan Wakes yesterday. Read the Prologe and the first chapter and really enjoy the writing but, the ending of the prologe and the whole distress signal thing have me a bit worried. How much does this book drift into horror territory? Because space and horror is a combination I'm can't handle all that well. Event Horizon literally gave me nightmares for weeks, I'm fine with the Alien movies though since I consider them to be more action-thriller than horror. So what do I have to expect here?
Well, another Vorkosigan book for me. I'll have just two more books when I'm finished with this and I hear they are not very good. Duh. Skimmed through Winterfair Gifts yesterday and thought that it failed to do anything interesting with that potentially nice setup.