I slowed down on reading The Last Wish when I realized what a tool Sapkowski is . I like the games alright and I love the idea, but just learning that soured me on the whole affair.
I slowed down on reading The Last Wish when I realized what a tool Sapkowski is . I like the games alright and I love the idea, but just learning that soured me on the whole affair.
I feel like it was more what he said than how he felt about it, and some of that could be down to translation but it just felt disingenuous to me to act as though the games weren't a huge part of why the novels do well here. I dunno. I do agree though that he's pretty old and the games aren't sequels per se, but.. just rubbed me the wrong way.Meh, I don't get what's so terrible about what he said. I certainly don't think it diminishes the actual work he did, which is still magnificent no matter the opinions he holds outside of that work.
I mean he's kind of right. The games are great, and I love them, but they're not actual sequels in a way. It just can't really be compared to the original creator and their work.
It's really got to be overall kind of weird to be him and to be asked so much about an adaptation/sequel of your work that you had no actual part in and really don't have a clue about. It's hard not to get some quotes that sound rather odd when you think about it in that context. And I don't think we can sit around blaming a 66 year old man for not being enough into video games to play them.
I think you're going to run into a lot of hostility between some older authors and adaptations quite a bit. Newer authors seem to be able to roll with the punches, probably because they're used to seeing a lot of adaptations and probably partook in them, themselves.
I feel like it was more what he said than how he felt about it, and some of that could be down to translation but it just felt disingenuous to me to act as though the games weren't a huge part of why the novels do well here. I dunno. I do agree though that he's pretty old and the games aren't sequels per se, but.. just rubbed me the wrong way.
Which here are you talking about? A few of them aren't even translated to English. I kind of doubt they honestly did all that well to begin with, and I doubt he's making much of anything off them. It's entirely possible he hasn't noticed much of a bump at all from the games. He probably will do a bit better after this game's hype and release, though.
Then again, that could understandably make him even more frustrated, that it took someone else's work before his stuff was even really given much of a chance.
Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith- Hands down the best book I have read this year and there were some good ones (Stranger in a Strange Land, Ancillary Justice and Ancillary Sword to name a few). The book is a lot of things, it is a morality piece, it is a human horror story (set in a Soviet Russia in 1953), it about hope, and redemption just to name a few things. Very strong main characters and a good plot it turns out are important to a story and this book has both. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has glanced at it with interest.
On my to-read list now. My top three this year so far for fiction is Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, A Little Life, and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
I just added Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell to my list, happened across it while looking for the Child 44 sequel without luck.
I'm finishing up A Dance with Dragons again (wanted to be freshly caught up so I could post vague, angry statuses about how this season ruined the books), but I'm about to start the Malazan series after seeing it mentioned in every fantasy circle I'm in for the past 10 years.
I want to read all of Sanderson's books, but it's hard for me to convince myself to read Elantris. It was his first book, and it's generally regarded as the worst.
I would, however, like to read Emperor's Soul. Do you guys think I would be better off just reading that and being done with the Elantris world, or should I go ahead and read both?
I found The Name of the Wind to be extremely overrated. It wasn't bad by any means, and the actual story was pretty engaging, but you hit the nail right on the head about the writing style. I found myself rolling my eyes at moments.I finished The Name of the Wind. There are a lot of little annoying things in that book, by the end of the book almost every chapter was finished with some variant of "But little did I know how bad things would get", we get it. Kvothe supposedly being incredibly smart but acting quite dumb in a lot of scenarios. I do like the magic system a lot, really anything to do with the university was very fun to read. I'm going to read The Martian next but I'll definitely pick up the sequel to reads afterwards.
I didn't like either A Feast for Crows or A Dance with Dragons and I was sort of hoping that the show would remedy a lot of the problems I had with those books. At the moment this season has just been generally disappointing though.
I didn't even know it was regarded as one of his worst! Maybe it's because I still have a guilty pleasure for YA fairy tales, but I quite enjoyed Elantris. With that said, it's definitely not very deep and reads more like a stand alone YA book than anything else.Elantris is cosmere (and a character from it is in WoK) so it's worth reading for that aspect.
I didn't completely hate it FWIW. Has some issues in the latter half but is still fairly interesting.
I'm normally one of those awful book elitists, but I actually am enjoying the show more than the books this season! The last two books were poorly paced, so they actually reduced all of the unnecessary details and plot lines and turned it into what the books should have originally been.
I just finished Eye of the World over the weekend. It's definitely epic fantasy for better or worse but I still enjoyed it. I think I was really worried going into it, that it would turn out like the Terry Brooks Shannara books. I'm generally not too picky when it comes to reading but those might have been the worst fantasy books I've ever read. I couldn't even finish them and that's coming form someone who was able to go all the way through Goodkind's monstrosities.
1 down, 13 to go.
How aren't you a shell of a human being at this point?
think im gonna read The Martian. had the ending sorta spoiled a while ago
I didn't even know it was regarded as one of his worst! Maybe it's because I still have a guilty pleasure for YA fairy tales, but I quite enjoyed Elantris. With that said, it's definitely not very deep and reads more like a stand alone YA book than anything else.
Finished Rules of Attraction and was going to start Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon. However I recently saw Ex Machina. I really enjoyed it and found out that Alex Garland's next film is going to be an adaptation of Annihilation, which you guys kept posting in previous threads so I decided to start this today instead:
Finished it a few days ago, your in for something weird but well written.Finished Rules of Attraction and was going to start Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon. However I recently saw Ex Machina. I really enjoyed it and found out that Alex Garland's next film is going to be an adaptation of Annihilation, which you guys kept posting in previous threads so I decided to start this today instead:
Without getting too specific: The third movie (if they get that far) will be difficult to film.It's going to have to be specific, and the constant viewpoint changes are going to confuse if not handled well.
Yeah the early Discworld books were rough, more straight parody of exsisting works( damn he shat all over the dragonriders of pern) and they don't really hit their stride until they become satire and real world commentary dressed in fantasy trappings.I finished The Colour of Magic, cute book but I guess I didn't like that the book had no sense of direction and was aimless. The copy I got from the library also has The Light Fantastic, which doesn't seem to have chapter breaks at all so yeah that will be an interesting read.
I finished The Martian, really great read but it was crying for a short epilogue!
I want to read aidan's book, but I don't have the means to read it. T_T
I am really enjoying Tide of Shadows and Other Stories by GAFer aiden. I have I think two more short stories to go, but thus far they have been very well written and interesting. Nice variety, too, in prose and theme.
I want to read aidan's book, but I don't have the means to read it. T_T
Can't you just use the Kindle PC app?