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What BitTorrent client lets you cap upload speed?

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I believe in sharing and all, but this POS is throttling my uploads to like 60K/sec while I can only download at less than 10K/sec. I'm not going to go on like this, uploading 6 times the amount of data that I download....


Can it be done in BitComet? That's the program I'm using now, but I haven't quite figured it out...plus I guess I'm using an old version..


Drunky McMurder
Yeah, since the latest update of Azureus, my PC throws a fit any time I try to run the program. I've gone back to using the generic bittorrent app, the only thing I miss is queing downloads.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Society said:
Inclucing chocking your system.

get a new computer then. I have 8 torrents going at once on my 5 mbps/1 mbps connection and azureus doesn't take more than 10-15% cpu usage. (this is with unlimited connections across all torrents too, so i'm connected to about 5000 clients)
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