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What culinary filth were you exposed to as a child?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Breaded pizza burgers. They didn't even taste like pizza but I loved them for some reason. It's basically poor mans chicken parmesan. 4/10.


Corn dogs too. I never liked these, even as a kid. Hot dogs are okay, but for some reason adding the breading just makes them ungodly. 0/10

Fruit gushers. What the fuck were these? Flavored sugar syrup covered in barely edible plastic? 8/10


Breaded pizza burgers. They didn't even taste like pizza but I loved them for some reason. It's basically poor mans chicken parmesan. 4/10.


Corn dogs too. I never liked these, even as a kid. Hot dogs are okay, but for some reason adding the breading just makes them ungodly. 0/10

Fruit gushers. What the fuck were these? Flavored sugar syrup covered in barely edible plastic? 8/10
Speaking of gushers.... Fruit by the foot!

Never heard of breaded pizza before. Is it literally just breaded and deep fried pizza?


Dude I loved those pizza burgers and I wish they were still a thing.

So when I was a kid in the very early 80's recipes that would go around were the stuff of nightmares.

My mom would make this shit salad with lettuce, a ring slice of pineapple, shredded cheese and a big lump of mayonaise on top.
Whenever she would make this shit me and my brothers would ask for just the fucking pineapple with nothing else added.


Didn't grow up with a lot of junk food. We had your basic snacks and stuff but I was jealous most of the time when I went to friends' houses and saw sugary cereals, kool aid bursts, gushers, etc.

My mom did buy these


even as a kid, you knew the 'cheese' was gross. very oily with a weird tang. and the packs only came with like 4 small crackers. 3/10

we also had little debbie snacks in our bag lunches, particularly oatmeal creme pies and fudge brownies


these were both awesome. solid 9/10s.

apparently the legit fudge brownies (with the walnuts) are still made today but I only ever see 'cosmic' brownies these days, with these gross little m&m knockoffs on top. those suck.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Oven baked Chicken Cordon Bleu via Schwann's. It was awful.

Dafaq is wrong with you Maiden not like a corn dog? School cafeteria, fine, not great. But a state fair corndog is pretty solid.
Never had a corn dog from the state fair tbh. The breading was always godawful in my experience.

Didn't grow up with a lot of junk food. We had your basic snacks and stuff but I was jealous most of the time when I went to friends' houses and saw sugary cereals, kool aid bursts, gushers, etc.

My mom did buy these


even as a kid, you knew the 'cheese' was gross. very oily with a weird tang. and the packs only came with like 4 small crackers. 3/10

we also had little debbie snacks in our bag lunches, particularly oatmeal creme pies and fudge brownies


these were both awesome. solid 9/10s.

apparently the legit fudge brownies (with the walnuts) are still made today but I only ever see 'cosmic' brownies these days, with these gross little m&m knockoffs on top. those suck.
Little Debbie was and still is gangster.

As a married adult, I enjoy a nice cream pie whenever I can.

Crisp sandwiches. I must have eaten tonnes of them and still do to this day. I prefer bacon rasher crisps as my chosen crisp filling.
Chips on a sammy? Yes. Chips constituting the entire sammy? No.

Never heard of breaded pizza before. Is it literally just breaded and deep fried pizza?
It’s breaded ground flavorless pork with some ground beef fried and topped with mozzarella and marina. I remember thinking they were okay as a kid but I can’t imagine trying to eat one today. I think A&W restaurants had them. We had a local mom & pop place that had them too.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Bruv, a freshly battered and fried corndog, a little mustard and a beer....Is actually a sublime experience.
Maybe I’ll finally check out my state fair. I’ll report back if I do.

Imagine crying for being forced to eat corn dogs or breaded burgers...

My parents forced me to eat pasta with boiled lattuce or cauliflower, that shit scars you for life dude.
When I was staying at my aunt’s place, she made cabbage stew. She didn’t see it and did not believe me, but I threw up a bit of it back into the bowl. She tried like hell to make me keep eating but I resisted. I’m only now, decades later, ready to try eating cabbage again.


Maybe I’ll finally check out my state fair. I’ll report back if I do.

When I was staying at my aunt’s place, she made cabbage stew. She didn’t see it and did not believe me, but I threw up a bit of it back into the bowl. She tried like hell to make me keep eating but I resisted. I’m only now, decades later, ready to try eating cabbage again.
Don't know what state you are in, but the Fletcher's corndogs at the Texas State Fair are really what I'm talking about.


My house was loaded with snacks as a kid. My afterschool ritual was to grab a Little Debbie "Devil Square" and a Coke. I should have known something was up when most of my friends who came over couldn't believe how much junk food I had/ate, lol. But my brother and I were somehow skinny as hell growing up. And when we did eat "home-cooked meals," 90% of the time it was either spaghetti or my mom heating up canned vegetables and a frozen chicken patty for us.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I didn't realize Schwann's got out that far. I always thought it was highly regional to MN & surrounding states.

Breaded fried gouda cheese, my grandma fed me those. No.1 reason I was chubby pre-puberty. It's like compressed saturated fat with some extra fat on top. Highly addictive, avoid at all cost
10/10 miss you

Looks delicious. I don't normally like fried foods, but cheese an exception. Wisconsin cheese curds are like crack.


Agree with OP, always hated corndogs. That cornbread style coating is just nasty and no amount of mustard helps. And no I don't like cornbread itself either.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I was an insanely fussy eater as a kid and my mum enabled it. Some of my staple dishes:

Tinned spaghetti in sauce with 4 pieces of bread
Cornish pasty filling, just the filling, because she'd buy in bulk and the pastry was crap
A plate full of Dairylea cheese spread sandwiches, nothing else, just the spread
A huge plate of literally just pasta and brown sauce
Supermarket Chicken Tikka Masala (this is still alright depending which you get)

It's a miracle I turned into someone who will try/eat just about anything now.


Gold Member
I didn't realize Schwann's got out that far. I always thought it was highly regional to MN & surrounding states.

Looks delicious. I don't normally like fried foods, but cheese an exception. Wisconsin cheese curds are like crack.
try that shit with premium gouda, the one with large holes. Not sure if there is a more caloric food it's just evil I love it


Parody of actual AJUMP23
My mom was an amazing cook and I appreciate all she taught me for it.

I did eat a bunch of crap from Schwans a frozen food delivery scheme. And all their food sucks and I do not know how they still exist. https://www.schwans.com/

We were home schooled so at times we would make Bagel Pizza or French Bread pizza. I still eat PB&J because it is top tier food.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
My mom was an amazing cook and I appreciate all she taught me for it.

I did eat a bunch of crap from Schwans a frozen food delivery scheme. And all their food sucks and I do not know how they still exist. https://www.schwans.com/

We were home schooled so at times we would make Bagel Pizza or French Bread pizza. I still eat PB&J because it is top tier food.
These were pretty good.


Gold Member
I'll eat any old shit, obviously the better it is the tastier it is but this...


Utter filth. Who likes this? It's utterly rank, pointless and tastes like shite

Celery is an evil on the world.
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There was a thing in Poland 40 years ago - you had a wet cabbage leaves where you put the meat inside and you folded it:


Absolutely disgusting, I was traumatised at school each time this crap came up on the menu.
Isn’t that basically stuffed cabbage? I feel personally attacked. I made these italian style(stuffed with meat, rice, marinara and cheese) the other night.


Gold Member
As a Scandinavian my parents exposed my nostrils to this:


Maybe you know it from videos such as "Man puking" or "Man retching". It took many years until I was brave enough to try it myself, you could smell one can over the whole neighborhood.

But I must admit that small pieces of surströmming on flatbread together with potatoes, butter and onions, turns it into a tasty salty snack.

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Breaded fried gouda cheese, my grandma fed me those. No.1 reason I was chubby pre-puberty. It's like compressed saturated fat with some extra fat on top. Highly addictive, avoid at all cost
10/10 miss you

i want that need GIF by The Cooligans

There was a thing in Poland 40 years ago - you had a wet cabbage leaves where you put the meat inside and you folded it:


Absolutely disgusting, I was traumatised at school each time this crap came up on the menu.

The fact that these were served at school means they were nearly inedible. Cabbage rolls are god tier if done right.

The heck you say. Miracle whip is amazing. Mayo is the devil's excretion.

blazing saddles no GIF


My mother used to bring home pizza from work all the time when I was a wee lad. She worked at Pizza hut. I know this sounds insane, but try eating pizza every day for dinner for ten years and tell me how much you like pizza. I ended up despising pizza over time, and it made me very obese, nearly 300 pounds at my heaviest. I moved out when I became of age, and I got down to 185 by taking control of my diet and then got into weight lifting and got back up to 230 over the course of several years.

I now like pizza again, but fuck did I hate it for like a third of my life.
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