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What culinary filth were you exposed to as a child?

As an adult, my brain knows Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is just pasta and cheese byproduct. But my heart doesn't. When I have it now, it's like:

time travel animation GIF by Disney Pixar


My primary school use to serve us cold mash potatoes, cold cauliflowers and rice on occasion, I legit when to a gagging fit when trying to stomach it, especially the cauliflower. I dub it the white hell.

I remember that far back cause my school put the fear of vegetables in me for the rest of my life.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
My mother used to bring home pizza from work all the time when I was a wee lad. She worked at Pizza hut. I know this sounds insane, but try eating pizza every day for dinner for ten years and tell me how much you like pizza. I ended up despising pizza over time, and it made me very obese, nearly 300 pounds at my heaviest. I moved out when I became of age, and I got down to 185 by taking control of my diet and then got into weight lifting and got back up to 230 over the course of several years.

I now like pizza again, but fuck did I hate it for like a third of my life.

That actually sounds pretty horrible; poor childhood you.


About to win this thread: The Western diet.

The carbs/sugars, large portion sizes, instant ready meals, processed frozen food, cheap junk food etc...

Thankfully, this was balanced out with home cooked Indian food and then eventually moving to Japan for a while which made me truly love sea food, fermented foods, smaller portion sizes, more balanced meals...
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Beef stroganoff. My mum used to overcook the crap out of the beef and it was a cheap cut, chewy and sinew for days. Hated it but I love mushies. Thank fuck she got better at cooking as I got older, then taught my bro/sis/me.


When I lived in the states school cafeteria food was completely disgusting and straight from the box to the microwave to the lunch tray, this Aussie could barely stomach it.

Sloppy Joes also come to mind, although the thought of what went through the grinder at the factory to produce those delights is pretty scary.


Gold Member
Beef stroganoff. My mum used to overcook the crap out of the beef and it was a cheap cut, chewy and sinew for days. Hated it but I love mushies. Thank fuck she got better at cooking as I got older, then taught my bro/sis/me.


When I lived in the states school cafeteria food was completely disgusting and straight from the box to the microwave to the lunch tray, this Aussie could barely stomach it.

Sloppy Joes also come to mind, although the thought of what went through the grinder at the factory to produce those delights is pretty scary.
That stew looks nice
That stew looks nice

It's actually a great dish when done right and the beef is cooked to perfection. When I was a young teen my mum did not have the method down right but it was a weekly "saver" meal. To this day I cannot really eat it without fearing a mouth full of meat-tire-chewiness.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I'll eat any old shit, obviously the better it is the tastier it is but this...


Utter filth. Who likes this? It's utterly rank, pointless and tastes like shite

Celery is an evil on the world.
I was never a fan of celery until I started making my own broth & soup. PB & raisins on celery is called ants on a log where I'm from. Only way I'd eat celery as a kid.

We was poor.
I love the hell out of kipper snacks. Mandatory whenever we go camping. Put 'em on some crackers and it's bliss.

This culinary masterpiece

at least once a week
I call those $5 mistakes.


I can only eat hot dogs and cream corn if I’m desperate. I had it too often to even look at them now. But the worst of all is baked squash. Legit makes me gag, yet my mother never got the fucking memo until I shattered a plate of food and sent myself to bed hungry. I have no problems eating it cut and stir fried
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Salmon Loaf


Looks like baked vomit, smells worse and tastes like the nasty canned salmon it is.

I don’t know if it’s a depression era recipe but it’s the only thing that my grandmother would make that I didn’t love. Everyone in the family would devour it but I just retched and cried until I was sent away.

I love fish including salmon but not this torture dish.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Salmon Loaf


Looks like baked vomit, smells worse and tastes like the nasty canned salmon it is.

I don’t know if it’s a depression era recipe but it’s the only thing that my grandmother would make that I didn’t love. Everyone in the family would devour it but I just retched and cried until I was sent away.

I love fish including salmon but not this torture dish.

My wife has only ever had salmon Patties from a can. I want her to try a real salmon filet or a nice piece of fish. She won’t.


Gold Member
Quiche - mushy egg nastiness with bacon and other stuff in it. Sounds amazing on paper but the taste and texture is the stuff of nightmares. It's one of those things you instantly regret putting into your mouth.


Peanut butter and cheese sandwich - the ultimate struggle meal


That actually sounds pretty horrible; poor childhood you.
Eh, I mean it kinda sucked but I was eating ya know? I had buddies that lived in trailers and watched their parents shoot up. At least my mother tried to provide a life for us. I try to keep it in perspective, and although we were poor and unhealthy, it definitely could have been so much worse.

I just try to do better for my daughter.....now the problem is trying to get her to eat healthy! It's like pulling teeth to get this kid to eat her greens lol. But she'll never know what it was like to be obese, that I can promise her. Should make for a better childhood, I hope. :D


Reseterror Resettler
Dude I loved those pizza burgers and I wish they were still a thing.

So when I was a kid in the very early 80's recipes that would go around were the stuff of nightmares.

My mom would make this shit salad with lettuce, a ring slice of pineapple, shredded cheese and a big lump of mayonaise on top.
Whenever she would make this shit me and my brothers would ask for just the fucking pineapple with nothing else added.

Holy fuck, that's some Great Depression shit.


Gold Member
My mom brought me an Arch Deluxe from McDonalds to my 4th grade class. I had it super sized because they didn’t mind me asking for more food. I always had a large Pepsi as a kid. It never crossed my mind how much sugar was in that cup.

My mom use to make smothered pork chops. They were disgusting. No flavor other than the cream of mushroom soup mix. I hated lamb for a very long time because of it.


I remember my parents told me chicken nuggets were dinosaur eggs so I'd eat them when I was younger as I was obsessed with dinosaurs & they obviously got me chicken dinosaurs :')

Amusingly chicken is the only meat I eat now still.

I'm very fussy :/
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My submission:


That right there is the second national dish of Scotland (after the mighty Haggis): Deep fried Mars Bar with a can of full sugar Irn Bru.

My dad would buy me this if we went on a day trip or to the beach or some shit.... and it was fucking beautiful but now I realise what damage it done lol.
Crisp sandwiches. I must have eaten tonnes of them and still do to this day. I prefer bacon rasher crisps as my chosen crisp filling.
Fuck off lol I still eat a crisp sandwich. They are amazing. How can you say they are culinary filth?

Maybe the bacon makes it culinary filth but damn I love a piece with cheese/onion or salt and vinegar crisps. slap a fuck load of butter on it.... mmm. I'm in the mood for one now.

looks fucking amazing. is that cheese and onion on top of chips and curry? I used to eat a lot of chips/curry/cheese in high school but have never tried it with onion. i might try this tonight!
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Quiche - mushy egg nastiness with bacon and other stuff in it. Sounds amazing on paper but the taste and texture is the stuff of nightmares. It's one of those things you instantly regret putting into your mouth.


Peanut butter and cheese sandwich - the ultimate struggle meal
Quiche is great and my kids even like it. PB and Cheese sandwich sounds like the worst thing a person could do to another person.


Quiche is great and my kids even like it. PB and Cheese sandwich sounds like the worst thing a person could do to another person.

Quiches are godlike. So Fucking Good. Spinach/goatcheese <3

PB and real cheese sandwiches are great as well. But then again PB goes great with lots of stuff. And I mean A LOT. Haha

PaddyOCanager PaddyOCanager

Damn bro. Your description really painted a vivid picture and made me laugh sorry not sorry.



Parody of actual AJUMP23
Frozen, hockey puck-looking pork chops overcooked until what little moisture they contained was removed. Served with a side of lima beans. I used to put as much in my mouth as I could, then excuse myself to the bathroom and spit it out in the toilet. That shit was inedible, and my parents loved it for some damn reason.
Maybe they never went anywhere that served a good porkchop. Maybe it was all they could afford. Maybe they hated it too, but they were teaching you to be grateful for what you got. You should invite them over and make them some lovely Pork and lima bean dishes.
Maybe they never went anywhere that served a good porkchop. Maybe it was all they could afford. Maybe they hated it too, but they were teaching you to be grateful for what you got. You should invite them over and make them some lovely Pork and lima bean dishes.
It was really the only meal I hated growing up; I wasn't too picky as far as kids go. However, it's taken me decades to even muster an appetite for porkchops; I'll never proactively order them to this day or cook them myself.

I'll never forget the first good one I ever had - it was cooked over a campfire, thick cut and seasoned. I didn't want to eat it, but I was being polite. It was like a completely different food. That was a more important lesson learned in my opinion.
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When I was young and would have money for babysitting, I would get cheetos hot fries and a butterfinger cappuchino from the gas station. It was a disgusting combination but I liked the two items individually.

I also used to eat honey buns and drink mountain dew. One of my clearest vidya memories was Mountain dew, honey buns and Ninja Gaiden on the original xbox. Also pretty nasty of a combo, when you think about it.

Im surprised that I am in as good of health as I am right now, honestly.


looks fucking amazing. is that cheese and onion on top of chips and curry? I used to eat a lot of chips/curry/cheese in high school but have never tried it with onion. i might try this tonight!
It's mayonaise and peanut sauce with fries. In Dutch we'd call that a "patatje oorlog" and it's fucking amazing.
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Shit this whole thread was a Psy Op.

Worry Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

It's weird. Both my mom and dad don't really care for cooking. My brother as well. Meanwhile I'm manifesting supreme satey sauce and slow cook Indonesian meat dishes etc. Always have a a laugh (in good sport) when I ask my mom what's for dinner for her.

It's all good.
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