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What details do you want R* to focus on (or you’d like to see) in the next GTA?


Topic, chief

It’s pretty amazing how many little details are added every GTA. From signs/posters referencing niche matter, to small physics and PED quirks. So what details would you to see in the next GTA? Also, what should be improved by large? Do you prefer the three character story approach or should R* focus on one in the next?

The three character approach is interesting in that you still have stats but each one brings something different to the table. Compared to SA (never played IV), of course you’d be hard-pressed to compel the player to care from one central character’s POV. I’d like to see a dynamic duo next, maybe on that Batman and Robin tip. 🔥😏

For improvements, it’s the driving/handling. The steering is too damn sensitive for me using the joystick on controllers. Maybe I just suck, but I do get satisfaction out of a smooth turns.

^ I tried my best, but it’s kinda jarring hitting those curves then a sudden jerk after. I’ve seen some guys drive smooth af, so it makes me think I’m just trash actually. Anyone else?

I’m tempted to say I never understood the complaints about vehicle exhausts but it’s just that: I never understood and I’m no expert on audio.

They can’t catch em all but I did find it strange the reverse light triggered the brake light (which the handbrake didn’t, the proper brakes you’d think).

I didn’t notice any road rage like GTA:SA either. Or did I miss it altogether? That shit was fun and funny. I’d let them sit there until the vehicle is totaled and ready to blow up. Or pull them out the whip and drop their ass.

As usual, with modding you can get that more out of the game and all the little features you’d have loved to see.

So yeah... what would you like to see? Improvements? Details?


Get back evolving Euphoria, it was pretty stellar in gta4 and for whatever took a step back for gta5 and rdr2 on a lesser extent.
More physics, destructible environments, better more dynamic enemy and npc AI, more interaction between NPCs in general.
I'm ok if they don't push graphical boundaries but it's time to have NPCs that are not dumb as a bag of rocks.
Vehicles need to behave better gta5 wasn't very good, maybe it's me but 4 felt better.
Better characters, again gta4 had way better and memorable characters


For me it would probably be taking environmental detail and realism to the next level. I could spend time just wandering around GTA V to explore, then look at up the real world counterparts and contrast and compare.

I'm sure they're going to execute this brilliantly after playing RDR2, so I'm hyped.


Yes to physics, yes to the insane mission designs. There was something about Toreno’s missions (and even the dialogue/script) that was done pretty well imo.

Multiple protagonists.
I would definitely want a duo next, or one where they cross paths at some point in the plot, typical stuff. But I would want the two to be rivals instead.


I've said it before, and it'll never happen, but I'd love to see a GTA where you play as a cop. From both gameplay and narrative perspectives, there's so much you could do with that.

It would just be nice to be a good guy for a change.
Maybe have dual protagonists with a cop and a criminal?

If I'm playing GTA I want to be a murderous psychopath.

But I agree a lot could be done with playing the game from a cop's perspective.
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Maybe have dual protagonists with a cop and a criminal?

If I'm playing GTA I want to be a murderous psychopath.

But I agree a lot could be done with playing the game from a cop's perspective.

That’s actually not too shabby. I think it would be badass if the player was forced to choose between the two at end game. Someone’s going to pretty much see the end, either death or jail time. Or it could even be open-ended with multiple ending scenarios. Bad ass...


No fucking "realistic" Gamemechanics, like fixing your Car, workout every Day, real Bulletdamage and all the other stupid Shit R* like to cram into their Games instead of "Fun"


The nicest person on this forum
No fucking "realistic" Gamemechanics, like fixing your Car, workout every Day, real Bulletdamage and all the other stupid Shit R* like to cram into their Games instead of "Fun"
Basically this, I want R* develop a game thats actually fun to play but it seems they are much concern about giving us "realistic" and "immersive" experience more then proper game to play.
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No fucking "realistic" Gamemechanics, like fixing your Car, workout every Day, real Bulletdamage and all the other stupid Shit R* like to cram into their Games instead of "Fun"
I'm playing San Andreas again, and I like that stuff. None of it is obtrusive, it all gels with the game.They need to find a right balance again.I don't think they can make a proper gta again, the games industry has different demands and R* has a completely different focus compared to the early 00's.


I'm playing San Andreas again, and I like that stuff. None of it is obtrusive, it all gels with the game.They need to find a right balance again.I don't think they can make a proper gta again, the games industry has different demands and R* has a completely different focus compared to the early 00's.
Yep, loved it in SA. Sometimes, I actually wish there was more in San Andreas. One of the best parts (compared to V) was the number of locales and towns outside the major three cities. It made the setting feel more alive in between the forest and desert areas.

As for above, I usually activate no vehicle damage if I’m free roaming or recording.


Getting rid of the multiple protagonist stuff is a must. It was the main thing that really put me off GTA V (I still haven't finished it).
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Fenris Wolf

Dark story with tense moments, No more "Start from the bottom to reach the skies" . Also they should do something with game's economy system. There's no actual way to spend your money in a good, Fun and productive way in the end game etc. Learn a thing or two from Yakuza series in terms of how to spend your money or filling your map with optional stuff. Also, Please stop developing your games based on the super old design idea of "Go to A, Pick x, Ride to B, Listen to some dialogue, Go to C and done" I'm sure there's a lot more you can do in a game other than driving around or acting as a cab driver.
some single player content would be nice.

oh i'm sure they'll make a single player mode but as soon as it launches it will be completely ignored. i don't like GTA Online and as long as they focus on that they can go chase themselves.


Gold Member
Not going the RDR route. Think you can carry more then two glocks at a time kid? Guess again, store them in your boot!

Are we playing real life simulator here or fucking GTA?


I am a man of modest needs.

So how about gameplay/controls that don't absolutely suck ass? I cannot phantom why RDR 2 got so high scores - sure, there's a ton of content in the game, it looks nice, the performances by the actors can be terrific. But it plays horribly at times. If the menus make you feel like you're playing a David Cage game, you're doing it wrong. So how about just having fun combat and reasonable UX, that would be an improvement.


Neo Member
one thing i really enjoyed was the drug economy from chinatown wars, i played that game for about 20 hours and that's literally the only thing that i was doing. Of course in true GTA fashion there's nowhere to really put the money but in a fully fledged GTA title they could scale that up to the point where you're buying commercial airliners (which can range from 50 million to upwards of 450 million) and small islands with airstrips or go full Escobar* and offer to pay off the nations debt to operate with impunity etc etc.

*i know he offered to pay to avoid extradition before somebody fact checks me, but that doesn't really make sense for GTA


I've said it before, and it'll never happen, but I'd love to see a GTA where you play as a cop. From both gameplay and narrative perspectives, there's so much you could do with that.

It would just be nice to be a good guy for a change.
You can play the True Crime series or Sleeping Dogs. It does the narrative and gameplay from the cops perspective.


You can play the True Crime series or Sleeping Dogs. It does the narrative and gameplay from the cops perspective.

I’d like to see it where there’s a check and balance between the two, collateral basically.

I wonder if we’ll ever see a True Crimes LA remake? Or if there would be privacy concerns over how accurate the buildings and places get?
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Better writing, direction and characterisation. I can't speak to the RD series but GTA has generally been terrible and their Max Payne was risible.
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Missions shouldn't be so restrictive and shouldn't punish with a game over screen so easily. This was especially painful in RDR2, the game is amazing on so many levels and at the same time you can fail the misson (and the game) if you leave the mission area or don't follow the "correct path".


Topic, chief

It’s pretty amazing how many little details are added every GTA. From signs/posters referencing niche matter, to small physics and PED quirks. So what details would you to see in the next GTA? Also, what should be improved by large? Do you prefer the three character story approach or should R* focus on one in the next?

The three character approach is interesting in that you still have stats but each one brings something different to the table. Compared to SA (never played IV), of course you’d be hard-pressed to compel the player to care from one central character’s POV. I’d like to see a dynamic duo next, maybe on that Batman and Robin tip. 🔥😏

For improvements, it’s the driving/handling. The steering is too damn sensitive for me using the joystick on controllers. Maybe I just suck, but I do get satisfaction out of a smooth turns.

^ I tried my best, but it’s kinda jarring hitting those curves then a sudden jerk after. I’ve seen some guys drive smooth af, so it makes me think I’m just trash actually. Anyone else?

I’m tempted to say I never understood the complaints about vehicle exhausts but it’s just that: I never understood and I’m no expert on audio.

They can’t catch em all but I did find it strange the reverse light triggered the brake light (which the handbrake didn’t, the proper brakes you’d think).

I didn’t notice any road rage like GTA:SA either. Or did I miss it altogether? That shit was fun and funny. I’d let them sit there until the vehicle is totaled and ready to blow up. Or pull them out the whip and drop their ass.

As usual, with modding you can get that more out of the game and all the little features you’d have loved to see.

So yeah... what would you like to see? Improvements? Details?

The skittish handling is my biggest complain. Comes close to ruining the game for me. Just feels so unsatisfying and cheap. The muscle cars - the Trans Am rip off in particular seems to handle better, has a more natural turning circle. I think they did it so weaving in and out of traffic is easier but it sucks for taking corners.

I don't think they'll change it at all now though after V's massive success. Wish they'd at least add an option to change the handling.

The road rage was indeed funny I'd like to see that return, maybe they deemed it an inconvenience to gamers. Also seems like random outbursts disappeared in GTA V. The game had the least character of all GTA's for me. Loved things like "Ah smoke cause it gives me knowledge!"... or the classic one from IV - "CHEESY VAGINAS!!!!" :messenger_tears_of_joy:

CJ would sing lines from songs that were on the radio if you left him alone, that was class.
Topic, chief

It’s pretty amazing how many little details are added every GTA. From signs/posters referencing niche matter, to small physics and PED quirks. So what details would you to see in the next GTA? Also, what should be improved by large? Do you prefer the three character story approach or should R* focus on one in the next?

The three character approach is interesting in that you still have stats but each one brings something different to the table. Compared to SA (never played IV), of course you’d be hard-pressed to compel the player to care from one central character’s POV. I’d like to see a dynamic duo next, maybe on that Batman and Robin tip. 🔥😏

For improvements, it’s the driving/handling. The steering is too damn sensitive for me using the joystick on controllers. Maybe I just suck, but I do get satisfaction out of a smooth turns.

^ I tried my best, but it’s kinda jarring hitting those curves then a sudden jerk after. I’ve seen some guys drive smooth af, so it makes me think I’m just trash actually. Anyone else?

I’m tempted to say I never understood the complaints about vehicle exhausts but it’s just that: I never understood and I’m no expert on audio.

They can’t catch em all but I did find it strange the reverse light triggered the brake light (which the handbrake didn’t, the proper brakes you’d think).

I didn’t notice any road rage like GTA:SA either. Or did I miss it altogether? That shit was fun and funny. I’d let them sit there until the vehicle is totaled and ready to blow up. Or pull them out the whip and drop their ass.

As usual, with modding you can get that more out of the game and all the little features you’d have loved to see.

So yeah... what would you like to see? Improvements? Details?

Actually, something to play
GTA V was like 90% online, 10% single player in regards to content and activities
Also, some aspects I'd want:

After the V trio, returning to one character only could be disappointing for me, even if he's at Arthur Morgan level ( stellar performance )
I'd say give me a couple, a man and a lady, gameplay would be various as fuck and playing as a robbers couple would be crazy fun
Weight gain, muscle, lots of customizations like in San Andreas
MOVEMENT AND SHOOTING SISTEMS, DAMN YOU R*, characters still feel like wooden dummies
Two cities at least, as different as possible one from the other
Lots of interiors, any kind of building is fine, but more and more interiors
Shitloads of secondary activities built in the day one game, not in some shitty dlc or reserved to online GTA
I want to play this game for ages, not only for the main quest, and I hate searching for objects, pidgeons or any other damn collectible


I hated the 3 characters thing. Hope they go back to just one, maybe with a travel mechanic to compensate, although I'd rather they didn't have that. I didn't feel invested in GTA V partly for these reasons.

I had a deeper connection with Niko Belic who some describe as a personality vacuum but Michael and Franklin were both boring and annoying.
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I'd love a sim mode option. Making the vehicles handle more realistically, with more weight. No sticky gravity on bikes and quads. Auto aim disabled and even needing to fill up cars with petrol.

I don't buy these "QoL" things, they just make for a shallower experience.


I would like to see a world that works without me.

Random things happening. With all the randomly generated stuff going on in alot of games... implement that in GTA new TV news talking about random NPCs. Etc.

Bank robberies executed by NPCs , hostages, murders, plane crashes, traffic jams whatnot. And all of that can be used for the radio and tv Stations.

Also make people actually have lifes. Don't make ambulance cars or cops or even civilians drive around in endless circles without any logic. When an ambulance has its sirens on but never arrives anywhere it's kinda dumb. And have two cities you can travel to via the airport
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Being out of touch with reality: The Thread

GTA V is the most profitable entertainment product ever released and you know why? Because it's great. You guys can have your opinions about Rockstar Games' games, but there is a reason why they sell like hotcakes and receive critical and industry acclaim.
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