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What do guys on this forum consider as feminine?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Question to all the men on the forum.

What traits internal and external do you guys consider to be feminine?

I think I'm physically feminine. But when I look at extremely feminine women and the way they talk and move and behave, it makes me wonder how they do that. I juggle between wanting to be feminine and following feminist ideals of ambition, power and success. Sometimes I want to be peaceful, delicate and quiet. Sometimes I want to unleash my inner tiger. When I get confrontational, it is usually not a very feminine thing to watch.

It's a very attractive look when I see an extremely feminine woman speak and act. Sometimes it feels like they're putting on a fake act, yet it is still attractive.

I want to know how to be more feminine. And also I want to ask the men on the forum what qualities both external (like style of speaking and mannerisms) and internal (like inner traits and virtues) do you consider feminine? Please be honest.

Please don't troll with answers like big boobs. I'm sure you look for more in a woman than just that.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
A complex idea is what is actually feminine. Is it defined by the they way a woman presents herself or the way she acts. Is it a combination of factors or one particular thing. On such a philosophical idea I would like to let my doctrine inform me.

I would look to Song of Solomon or song of Songs which is a very playful and sometimes erotic and intense conversation between two people that are enamored with each other.

In the early chapters the man speaks of how she presents herself and how attractive it is to him. In the later chapters the conversation becomes one of intimacy where he speaks of her body in what to us seems odd, but at the time was pretty cool. (calling her neck an ivory tower).

In my opinion I think it has to do with a couple of things. One is the presentation of how a woman dresses what she highlights with her makeup or dress. The other facet has to deal with attitude. Women can be very feminine and assertive, but also demure. Some subtlety in there as well.

More than just a vibe a complete package.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
A woman who is a fantastic care giver. Somebody who would make an incredible mother and wants to take care of their family.

Looks wise, I'm not too fussed on breast size, but she can't be unhealthy and over weight. Call me fatphobic if you want, I don't care.

Also needs to be able to fuck like a demon. I want to be pinned down and for her to ride me like Seabiscuit.


you are transitioning arent you?



We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Empathy and compassion over drive and determination. Emotion over logic, not in a bad way at all.

That is of course not to say men can't be compassionate and women can't be driven. Of course not. I've not chosen my words very well because it's 5pm and I want to go for a beer. But in my mind, women are the natural care-giver, the mother, the mender, the fixer, the one who keeps it together. Men build, create, hunt, gather, but also destroy, we wage wars, we're brash, arrogant and love conflict.

Again, you can apply all of these things to anyone. It's a broad generalisation. There's a good reason women tend to gravitate towards more care-focused careers and full time motherhood where men gravitate towards working late at STEM jobs to provide for their family. Very broad - but true - generalisation. I guess that's what I see in feminine figures too. I come from a very matriarchal family and that's always instilled in me a deep respect for women who can look after their brood, although for most of my life I lived with a single mother who was that figure AND the sole breadwinner - in a longstanding nursing career, caring for others. She's a real diamond.

My fiancé is handily the more empathetic, emotional one of us and I'm the logical, rational one. We balance each other out very well in that regard and we recognise it, too. She's also WAY more career-focused than I am at the same time but we're still childless at 30 so that may well change in the next few years.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm not sure if this might seem awkward to people on the forum , but I just have to be a bit frank that in my opinion someone like Hillary Clinton is more masculine woman in my eyes whereas someone like Nancy Pelosi is more feminine in my eyes

Just giving an example for reference for who looks more feminine to me.

Venom Snake


Also, just be yourself. Looking for new identities, we cease to be credible not only to ourselves, but also to others.

It's easier to avoid people who don't appreciate our qualities, than to live with those who do not know our true face.
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John Bilbo

Attractive feminine personality traits: attentive, being able to listen even when it is tough to talk, takes time doesn't rush, emphatic, likes to touch physically and to be touched, smiles and understands even rough humour, encourages physicality and other masculine traits in men, perky big tits now I'm aroused

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I hope it didn't disappoint.
What are your thoughts on masculine women?

I've seen women behave this way towards some men , but when they're around "that guy", they magically turn back to feminine.

Sometimes, over-the-top feminine. :messenger_grinning_squinting: It's a sight to behold if you've ever seen it.
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Physical: Mid length to longer hair, attention to different types of fashion or details in appearance, knowing a variety of creams, gels, shampoos, perfumes, etc.

Mental: More caring or empathetic, can pick up on changes in the community/work place and have foresight in ways a man wouldn’t. Good in social situations.

I find I am most attracted to women who exert a certain level of responsibility. They don’t need to be stern or a go getter, but something along the lines of “this lady knows what she’s doing” vibe.

Anyway, I’ve thought about this kind of question before, and came up with a little quote. A man can make a house, but a woman makes a home.
A woman who is a fantastic care giver. Somebody who would make an incredible mother and wants to take care of their family.

Looks wise, I'm not too fussed on breast size, but she can't be unhealthy and over weight. Call me fatphobic if you want, I don't care.

Also needs to be able to fuck like a demon. I want to be pinned down and for her to ride me like Seabiscuit.
He wants a woman in the streets and a horse in the sheets.

How can you beat the Song of Solomon post. It honestly is a great read and you'll probbly go wow thats in the bible.

I think Feminine is letting me be Sonic and her playing as Tails in Sonic 2.


Physically, besides things like body proportions, the way a woman dresses can make a big difference. Things like sundresses, skirts (doesnt even have to be a revealing skirt), blouses and heels (even a slight heel) bring out femininity. Conversely, dressing exactly like men (jeans, t shirt, sneakers) tends to mute that.

Behavior wise, a big aspect of femininity from the point of view of a man is complementing our personality well and making him feel like more of a man. This is why women who are very smiley, bubbly and laugh at a man's jokes a lot are more attractive than women who who are serious, stoic or complain a lot.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
There's multiple things, but the most obvious one they can't hide is body language which covers hundreds of little things they do with their hands, their legs, their feet, even the way they stand
And they don't even know they are doing it, even if they try to hide them it still sneaks out.
and even facial expressions, and way they look at or don't look at things.
obviously this is not exclusive to females, this is why sometimes a guy will do something which looks a little feminine.


Gold Member

For looks, check out the blonde brunette, redhead threads on GAF.

For more looks, have at minimum shoulder length hair. Even better is if goes down your shoulder. Unless someone is a natural 10, it's extremely hard to pull off short hair like a dude's dome. Dress nice and no tattoos. If you got some, at least be small and covered up. And no dumbass shit like nose rings, blue or pink hair. Put on a touch of make up but dont over do it or else you look desperate. There's a reason why shopping malls are full of stores geared to women (clothes, make up, shoes, jewelery etc.....). Use them like every other female does. That's why they stay in business. And no gross surgery like fake lips, cheekbone adjustments and weird shit like that

For personality, dont cuss like a peg legged pirate or act ghetto.

For lifestyle, dont smoke or do drugs. Drink modestly. In other words dont act like a redneck slob.

For career, nobody expects everyone to be gunning for CEO. That goes for guys too. Just have some sense of wanting to be productive and not sitting around all day. If it's a career paper pushing job in accounts payable, that's perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with that job. Dont be a leach expecting someone to sweep you off your feet and pay for everything so you can quit your job and watch tv and shop for the next 35 years. I dont know about you guys, but I find great looking peers I work with probably the most attractive people around. Are blonde bombshells on pinup calendars better looking? Ya I guess so. But realistically, I find attractive coworkers Ive work with for years the best. Looks, dress, act and talk..... one part hot, one part professional (not ghetto), one part not lazy asses.
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