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What do guys on this forum consider as feminine?

I prefer Ella Hollywood


One of the green rats
I'm not sure if this might seem awkward to people on the forum , but I just have to be a bit frank that in my opinion someone like Hillary Clinton is more masculine woman in my eyes whereas someone like Nancy Pelosi is more feminine in my eyes

Just giving an example for reference for who looks more feminine to me.
Lol this has got to be a troll!


Feminine to me is more an attitude, the way she presents and carries herself. Not afraid to ask for help, can own the room without putting on a butch front. Dresses alluring but not slurry. Doesn't look like, act like, pretend to be, or want to be a man. One of the things I find THE LEAST feminine is woman boxing or mma. Too me, that is incredibly gross. I,m trying to think of an example off the top of my head. I don't watch much TV and movies today are let's make every woman like Laura Croft...oooh lol Audrey Hepburn i think...


Gold Member
One thing I want to clarify about my post, feminine doesn't mean mousy or submissive. Feminine woman have confidence in who they are.
I hear ya.

The stereotypical feminine traits are the princessy attitude or old school "the man is the boss" role which was more attune back in the Leave it to Beaver days. Seem like difficult attitudes to live with long term.

I like my women similar to me in career, stage in life, great looks and can chat like an adult.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Traits: authoritarian (in a good way...)
Are you into femdom by chance?

Soft tits and vagina.
Does the vagina need to be soft though? I prefer them semi-turgid.

how am I just finding out about this? Had no idea he had a sister.
I'd def need a paper bag because the last thing I want to see as I climax is Ben's face.

Big tits: Check
Still a virgin: Check
Not a blue haired loonie: Check
Currently single: Check

Oh fuck, I fancy Anne Widdecombe :messenger_fearful:


Question to all the men on the forum.

What traits internal and external do you guys consider to be feminine?

I think I'm physically feminine. But when I look at extremely feminine women and the way they talk and move and behave, it makes me wonder how they do that. I juggle between wanting to be feminine and following feminist ideals of ambition, power and success. Sometimes I want to be peaceful, delicate and quiet. Sometimes I want to unleash my inner tiger. When I get confrontational, it is usually not a very feminine thing to watch.

It's a very attractive look when I see an extremely feminine woman speak and act. Sometimes it feels like they're putting on a fake act, yet it is still attractive.

I want to know how to be more feminine. And also I want to ask the men on the forum what qualities both external (like style of speaking and mannerisms) and internal (like inner traits and virtues) do you consider feminine? Please be honest.

Please don't troll with answers like big boobs. I'm sure you look for more in a woman than just that.
Sweet, gentle, caring, attention to small details in the home or in their outfit/appearance..

That said, being confrontational is necessary in the modern world.

Same with ambition.

But these goals should come from you - not from somenone else...

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Does it really matter?
Our conceptions of masculinity and femininity are fluid; social constructs that constantly change over time/are different in every culture.
Women aren't necessarily more emotional and men aren't necessarily more rational. Things like hair length and clothing, don't really make you more or less anything.


Our conceptions of masculinity and femininity are fluid; social constructs that constantly change over time/are different in every culture.
Women aren't necessarily more emotional and men aren't necessarily more rational. Things like hair length and clothing, don't really make you more or less anything.
Not really sure I agree with that. Rationality is subjective, but I don't think there's much dispute that women in general(theres exceptions) are more emotional and emotionally in tune with themselves and others than men, and there's biological and evolutionary reasons for that. I'm sure even women would agree. Gender roles in society may change over time and culture, but fundamental traits like that typically dont.


OP was pretty feminine and maybe asian last night. Weird thread.

On a more serious note

Well dressed and groomed.
Fluid yet subdued in her movement.
Kind, gentle, caring
Soft spoken
Classy demeanor

Man it's a hard (maybe pun intended) thread Hopz.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Our conceptions of masculinity and femininity are fluid; social constructs that constantly change over time/are different in every culture.
Women aren't necessarily more emotional and men aren't necessarily more rational. Things like hair length and clothing, don't really make you more or less anything.
Preach Jennifer Lopez GIF by NBC

I don't know if it's because I've been with the same woman for so long but I don't even really think about things in the spectrum of masculine or feminine. Whatever is attractive is attractive. There are attributes from both that I find appealing. Personality matters more to me than just about anything else.


Preach Jennifer Lopez GIF by NBC

I don't know if it's because I've been with the same woman for so long but I don't even really think about things in the spectrum of masculine or feminine. Whatever is attractive is attractive. There are attributes from both that I find appealing. Personality matters more to me than just about anything else.

Sleek humble brag wife owner.

But this thread is about how one perceives femininity from within their own point of view.

Sci Fi Lol GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown

I read you though.
*nods in agreement*
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I have a thing for extreme feminine woman.

But like I said. There are traits that can amplify the feminine regarding attraction.

I sure have some.

It's subjective and thus inherently complex of a topic.

But in the end disregarding the the thread's premise; personality is primary.
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