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What do guys on this forum consider as feminine?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
You're asian thus smart. Fool.

It should've supposed my love wasn't enough and I tried to express my grief and heartbreak seeing you so casually trading me in through a series of random Gifs....Heartbreaking.

I don't know, man, I'm pretty loyal to my people. I didn't know you got down like that.


...Please don't troll with answers like big boobs. ...


I'm still feeling light-headed 'cause of them big ass titties... w-what was the question?

This dude answered your question, though.


Also, just be yourself. Looking for new identities, we cease to be credible not only to ourselves, but also to others.

It's easier to avoid people who don't appreciate our qualities, than to live with those who do not know our true face.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
You're definition of people is still quarantined in the vague sector lab 227.

But you do you bae. Whatever makes you happy. Just make sure to it all on tape. 50/50 split?
yeah, they definitely know who I'm smoking on, son.


Gold Member
I want to know how to be more feminine. And also I want to ask the men on the forum what qualities both external (like style of speaking and mannerisms) and internal (like inner traits and virtues) do you consider feminine? Please be honest.

I don't mind a woman with confidence and ambitions. But what I consider somewhat unfeminine is when a woman is abrasive. I know one guy who couldn't keep dating his girl because she was so competetive all the time. It becomes a chore to spend time with someone like that. And before some feminist thinks that's a pigish thought I'll say that I don't care for it in my male friends either.

Also same as women, men have a need to feel respected and treated good. That doesn't mean submissive, but rather maybe showing humbleness. Once again, I expect this from my good male friends also. But they are especially important if I'll consider a woman particularly feminine.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Who cares, you are attracted to at best 10% of women*, if that. So who cares what rest is doing.

*if straight

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I am not so sure, when you take into consideration those UWU types, which are insufferable, maybe just feminine and not ultra feminine is enough. I hate those desperate, pick me women.
I agree, but I also believe some of the best women out there need to be put more into their feminine energy by a masculine man (or woman if you prefer) .
It feels so good, man - Just like you slayed a dragon or something.
But I guess I carry that perspective because I never seek anything long-term.
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My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
Make up, perfume, hair style, high heels, clothing style.


Simps for Amouranth
Feminine to me is where I have to reach through and knock over about 20 fucking bottles of fuck knows what in the shower to get to my 1 bottle does everything.. I mean what the fuck do you do with scented butter cream in the shower!?!?


My older friend who says wise things once said: a women can be whatever beautiful if she is not lovely, cute and caring then she ain't worth a penny.

I also like when they use every diifferences between sexes. What I mean is for example mens clothing options are limited and thats good. A gentleman should look conservative.

But a girl can and should use the vast array of clothing options available to them, so skirts, dresses, many different kinds of small things, heels. Also colors, flowers, laces etc.

I love when arriving to a ball that every men looks the same, dark suits or tuxedos, white shirts, but every women looks completly different, colorful. That’s how the world should be. Girls are the pretty and beautiful sex of the two and they should emphasize that.

And of course have everything thats possible for them and not for men:

- long hair, at least shoulder length
- tasteful, not overdone makeup
- tastefully painted, not overdone nails on hands and feet as well
- tasteful earrings, and of course dont put 12 piercings in your ears and no to that horrible nose rings this just show that you are a prole, not a classy feminine women

As for behaviour as others said:

- bubbly, happy, smiley, sweet
- can have a conversation, if i take her with me to a company of others she can get by herself and not just sits silently like a vegetable
- is interested in the world, have her own oppinion about things, and can articulate that but not in a loud, abrasive way.

My best relationship was with a girl who had very different opinions about many things than me. Im a right wing conservative and she was kind of more liberal leaning and a feminist -- in a normal, not crazy way. For example she organised Ted talks about womens issues. She was very smart and successful so it was very intellectually stimulating being with her, we had good debates about many topics and she was also very interested in my job as well and could ask very good questions -- I work in politics usually not girls favourite topic. But she was still a women: caring, kind, soft, cooked for me, etc.
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Kate Middleton is an example of a classy, feminine woman. She is educated, well dressed, wears an appropriate level of make up, and has excellent mannerisms and is well spoken.


The fuck.... Black women are extremely feminine.


Yea pretty much. In fact all the young white girls and Asian girls are pretty much just aping trends black women have had for ages now. The in thing is the long nails and thick things and large butt, hoop earrings and all that... black girls have been doing that stuff forever now and now its in and we wanna say they are the least feminine? Lol


Still cracks me up (and scares me -- hope that chick's alright) after having seen it a gillion times.

I will say this, though. I appreciate NeoGAF as a sort of safe haven and place to be yourself in a fairly anonymous way. But regardless of what folks interpret as feminine, it's a bit disappointing that we seem to be a sort of boys' club/dudebro hangout. And I know I'm as responsible for that as anyone else.


Still cracks me up (and scares me -- hope that chick's alright) after having seen it a gillion times.

I will say this, though. I appreciate NeoGAF as a sort of safe haven and place to be yourself in a fairly anonymous way. But regardless of what folks interpret as feminine, it's a bit disappointing that we seem to be a sort of boys' club/dudebro hangout. And I know I'm as responsible for that as anyone else.

On one hand on agree and on the other more of us are gamers so we are pretty terrible at women anyway XD


Still cracks me up (and scares me -- hope that chick's alright) after having seen it a gillion times.

I will say this, though. I appreciate NeoGAF as a sort of safe haven and place to be yourself in a fairly anonymous way. But regardless of what folks interpret as feminine, it's a bit disappointing that we seem to be a sort of boys' club/dudebro hangout. And I know I'm as responsible for that as anyone else.
I don't think there is anything wrong with that.


Feminists are anything but feminine.
Let's not go there - it's thanks to feminists women got things like (more) equal pay, maternity leave, rights to vote, rights to abortion, contraceptives, etc. You are mistaking feminists for woke nutjobs.


Let's not go there - it's thanks to feminists women got things like (more) equal pay, maternity leave, rights to vote, rights to abortion, contraceptives, etc. You are mistaking feminists for woke nutjobs.
I agree with all the above - and certainly feminism was needed to help bring equal rights to women that were not previously present.

However modern day feminism is something else altogether and is largely occupied by idiotic women.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I asked the AI.... Apparently being feminine can be oppressive.
The concept of femininity varies across different cultures and contexts, but it generally refers to a set of traits or characteristics that are typically associated with being a woman. These may include qualities such as nurturing, sensitivity, empathy, grace, and beauty. However, it's important to recognize that these traits are not inherent to being female, and individuals of any gender may express or embody them. The idea of femininity is often intertwined with societal expectations and stereotypes of gender roles, which can be limiting and oppressive. It's important to celebrate and value the diversity of human expression and avoid placing people into narrow boxes based on gender or other characteristics.

ME: just give a definition not an opinion

Sure, here's a definition:
Femininity is a set of qualities, behaviors, and attributes traditionally associated with women and girls, such as being nurturing, gentle, empathetic, and concerned with personal appearance.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I asked the AI.... Apparently being feminine can be oppressive.

ME: just give a definition not an opinion

Sure, here's a definition:
Femininity is a set of qualities, behaviors, and attributes traditionally associated with women and girls, such as being nurturing, gentle, empathetic, and concerned with personal appearance.
Can't even make the qualifying rounds at the Oppression Olympics these days. :messenger_loudly_crying:


Femenity is in the eye of the beholder. You have the classic example but that has negative connotations regarding it's zeitgeist vs anno 2023. As such it's difficult as a man to desire said classic feminine aspects without the now established said negative connotations.

And if you walk this path you'll eventually end up in a very deep rabbit hole.

(When "discussing" on the intrawebzzz")
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