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What do you believe happens when you die?

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White Man

After speaking to my father on the day before he passed into a coma that he eventually died in, I'm pretty sure that non-existance is the only thing there possibly could be. Life is all we've got. If you want to live forever, the only way to do it is to somehow change the world, on your own terms. I'm not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of being forgotten. I've really got to figure out what my terms are.
Ecrofirt said:
Is anyone else scard as hell at the idea of dying?

I'm extremely afraid at the very idea of it. I don't want to imagine it. I can picture myself lying in a bed, closing my eyes, and then all forms of existance cease to be. That's fucking scary.

I don't want to die.

Not at all. Sometimes, when falling asleep, I wish that I don't wake up. Meh..


I don't fear my death, I just hope it doesn't happen before I do a couple of things*

* = like deleting my pr0n collection from my HD.


I'm sorry, but I find a lot of religious "beliefs" to be so endlessly contradictory and a lot of times just out&out hokey. And i've been in a religious school for every grade between 2nd and 12th with the lone exception of the 9th grade.

So much of it SCREAMS of fear-based brainwashing/brainshackling. And a lot of so-called explanations are so lazy and half-assed(too-kind, i mean, eighth-assed) as to defy the barrier between sane and insane. I'd have an easier time swallowing a pinneapple whole than some of the stuff i've had to grow up hearing and reading. And probably what's worse than the religion(s) itself are the so-called practitioners, who act in ways that completely go against what they're supposed to believe in so strongly.

As for the afterlife thing...I don't see why it's so hard believe that you just die, but you can believe in all sorts of other fantastical things that happen after you die. Let's see...the universe didn't give one shit about you before you popped out of the womb, but once you do it's gotta be stuck with for the rest of all that is? Like I said in the other thread, I strongly believe that people believe in an afterlife for no other reason than as a coping mechanism. Just read the responses in this thread...me no likey the idea of death...i get depressed...etc. Either you're indifferent to the idea of death....or you fear it....or you cope with it by believing that there's "something else" afterwards. There's no logic or reason to it...just coping, brought on by fear, brought on by an inability to let go of life because *lightbulb* life is all you know because *lightbulb* YOU DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST BEFORE YOU WERE ALIVE.

I may be completely wrong, and i'm fine with that, but at least my reasoning doesn't stem from fairytales and magicdust. And yes, i'm aware my post is barbed with condensation...no more so than others that state i should just click the heels of my ruby slippers and chant "THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE....THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE....THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE".
"In the afterlife
You could be headed for the serious strife
Now you make the scene all day
But tomorrow there'll be Hell to pay
People listen attentively
I mean about future calamity
I used to think the idea was obsolete
Until I heard the old man stamping his feet.

This is a place where eternally
Fire is applied to the body
Teeth are extruded and bones are ground
Then baked into cakes which are passed around.

Beauty, talent, fame, money, refinement
Top skill and brain
But all the things you try to hide
Will be revealed on the other side.

Now the D and the A and the M
and the N and the A
And the T and the I-O-N
Lose your face, lose your name
Then get fitted for a suit of flame "


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Last night i was trying to go to sleep, and i felt and heard myself land on my bed. This freaked me out big time, and i have no real explanaition for it. Vennt tells me its something called a "Hypnagogic State" and it had me curious about the concious and what the hell happens to it when the power gets shut off."

That reminds me of a dream I had 2 years ago.

I felt like I was some foreign conscienous that was floating in the air out side my window. This thing starting floating towards my window slowing accelerating, then it came to me directly (guess it went through solid objects). At this point it was like I was this being and I was on the bed sensing it at the same time. It had no shape or anything. Nothing about the dream was extremely visual really.

It quickly rushed to my body and I woke up really tense at like 4 in the morning at the same time it seemed like it reached my body, remembering the whole thing. I just sat there afraid like I was 5 and I thought there was a monster under my bed, lol. I was 18 at the time...

That's the only dream I've had in ages that I've remembered so well. Probably because it was so f*cked up.

I wasn't on any medication/drugs and I wasn't sick.
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