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What does GAF have that other gaming communities don't?

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I'm talking about gaming communities that have their own off topic/general forum, of course. There are so many other forums, but GAF is the one I visit the most. It might as well be my homepage as I just keep coming back for some goddamned reason. I hardly ever play games anymore(though that will change later this year). I don't even post a lot. Two posts on a good day. There are a few possible reasons that come to mind, but I can't even pinpoint the one main reason.

Is it the numerous personalities? The history of the forum? The occasional personal threads that are comedy gold? The system wars(though they were much more amusing/fascinating during the era of PS2/DC)? I suppose it's because clicking on GAF on my bookmark toolbar has become sort of a habit. I don't know.

What does GAF do for you?

Deleted member 1235

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damnit adelgary, I have pictures turned off because I am at work, but your nasty avatar is just flat out disrespecting my browsers preferences.

I find GAF a good source of interesting stuff.

EDIT: clarification.
catfish said:
damnit adelgary, I have pictures turned off because I am at work, but your nasty avatar is just flat out disrespecting my preferences.

Guess what? I don't give a flying shit... no wait, in fact I'm glad that it bothers you, because many people on this forum bother me too.

Deleted member 1235

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adelgary said:
Guess what? I don't give a flying shit... no wait, in fact I'm glad that it bothers you, because many people on this forum bother me too.

oh relax I was kidding around. Your gay beacon is lovely.


Unconfirmed Member
adelgary said:
Guess what? I don't give a flying shit... no wait, in fact I'm glad that it bothers you, because many people on this forum bother me too.
I think he meant his browser preferences not his personal preferences :p

Deleted member 1235

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adelgary said:
Your mind tricks don't work on me.

then why has it vanished now? reopened my brower, or something MORE.

Deleted member 1235

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scola said:
I think he meant his browser preferences not his personal preferences :p

Oh, shit, right. That actually is what I meant.


Unconfirmed Member
catfish said:
Oh, shit, right. That actually is what I meant.
Wait, now I am confused, are you being sarcastic?

Your avatar leads me to believe you are quite literal


(why GAF is great ++)


This is the only "gaming" community I come to any more...it's a nice place, I think, and adds some good variety to the other places I go to. People would make jokes about gayming age, but that is sort of what makes things interesting at times. Most of the other forums I post on don't have nearly as many openly gay posters, though they also have much higher female populations.

Plus, GAF can't be beat for huge-ass political threads, where everyone gets involved, and the intelligence level is surprisingly high in those. It's cool. :cool:


Ahhh... firefox' adblock was MADE for Adelgary's avatars. And Joshua Slone's, of course.

But seriously, I'd have to say that what GAF has that other forums don't is ME, baby.


I think it's the variation of personalities that makes GAF so great. There are some really good hearted people here, and then there are complete assholes. There are people who you can have intellectual conversations with, and then there are people who are dumber than a pile of bricks. :p These variations keep things fresh imo, and yet you still don't see the constant childish squabeling that haunts other shit forums (such as Xengamer's/Cloud Chaser's War Room).

There are also hawt people here. ^-^ (Specifically in this thread.)


Unconfirmed Member
kablooey said:
Most of the other forums I post on don't have nearly as many openly gay posters, though they also have much higher female populations.
Those are not actually females on other boards ;)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
scola said:
Wait, now I am confused, are you being sarcastic?

nope straight up, I edited.

I came here in the start to get gaming news, slowly started poking around in the off topic forum, found it slightly more interesting now I'm sorta stuck here. I always check the games forum first for news, but don't post as much there.

I also like to play ban detective when I'm bored, see whos banned, read last post, laugh. Also, this forum spawned Kinesis and Ikennawhatever, I'm waiting for the next character to be generated.


Raoul Duke said:
Ahhh... firefox' adblock was MADE for Adelgary's avatars.

Ah yes, thankgod for Adblock. Because my sister just gave me the weirdest look in the kitchen, & I think I know why.

~blocks Adelgary's avatar~


The gaming forum is no different than what you'd find at GameFAQs (arguments at the drop of a hat+rampant elitism=ugh), but Off Topic has decent posters and REAL conversation.


force push the doodoo rock
belgurdo said:
The gaming forum is no different than what you'd find at GameFAQs (arguments at the drop of a hat+rampant elitism=ugh), but Off Topic has decent posters and REAL conversation.

This is true, During e3 i wanted to destroy my computer due to being forced to read the gaming forum all the time.
The OT....My sanity thanks you.


Oh yeah, I'm also the equivalent of the town drunk. People can just smile and shake their heads when I make insane posts, saying "That Triumph! He's a CARD I tell you!"

Deleted member 1235

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Ecrofirt said:
we used to have adelgary.

mods need to make an "examples" thread and sticky it. what happened? Bannings are so interesting.


Not to take away from the discussion in the topic, but since it was asked for this is what I posted after the ban as the reason:

Adelgary for baiting into gay wars.

[00:17] <adelgaryNotGay> sp0rks, I admit posting "irrelevant and attention whoring" posts in several threads the past hour. But I'm done with that
[00:18] <adelgaryNotGay> well the damage is done now
[00:18] <adelgaryNotGay> and I feel better :p

B. Trolling

Trolling is considered to be the act of purposely being disingenuous to an active discussion. Negative commentary on given topics is by no means disallowed; however, such comments should attempt to be substantiated. No matter your supposed intent, if the forum administrators perceive you as a troll making unsubstantiated comments in an attempt to provoke the forum body, actions may be taken by the administrators.

Additionally, bans are not necessarily precipitated in their entirety by a single violative event. The sum of actions leading up to a member’s removal is taken into account, so what may appear to be a minor breach of conduct may actually be the final occurrence in a long string of offenses.

I feel it's perfectly justified, let alone the fact that he even admitted to it in IRC. It's a 24 hour ban anyway.


There is a storm trooper pelvic thrusting board members, that's fucking why GAF is different! And greater!

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Wellington said:
Not to take away from the discussion in the topic, but since it was asked for this is what I posted after the ban as the reason:

Adelgary for baiting into gay wars.

[00:17] <adelgaryNotGay> sp0rks, I admit posting "irrelevant and attention whoring" posts in several threads the past hour. But I'm done with that
[00:18] <adelgaryNotGay> well the damage is done now
[00:18] <adelgaryNotGay> and I feel better :p


I feel it's perfectly justified, let alone the fact that he even admitted to it in IRC. It's a 24 hour ban anyway.
Just out of curiosity, is there a "time" option when you ban someone or do you actually have to remember to unban the person?
for the gaming boards: lots of smart people, many unbiased opinions, lots of legit gamers to get tourneys/leagues/etc started with

for off topic boards: lots of funny, interesting conversations. it is bar none the best place for sports chat throughout the year.

also, unlike other boards the bums get filtered out. no offense to anyone imparticular, but one look at gamefaqs or IGN boards would let you know the kind of people im talking about.
Aside from the frequency of postings (news spreading here quickly), the fact that people here seem to use coherent language (at least most of the time :p) instead of l33tzorrz speak is also a big draw for me.

Oh yeah, this board being free, simple, and quick loading are other reasons I love it so much.
This is one of the two message boards that I post regularly in (the only gaming board I post in). ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Despite this place's complete and utter lunacy, it still remarkably remains one of the saner corners of the internet.
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