I would argue that the perceived perception being "low" for Xbox is only something being vocally discussed in forums like GAF, which are enthusiast-based and tend to go into far greater detail. That doesn't mean it isn't being discussed, mind you, just that the GAF perception is only shared within GAF. Because it has been found time and time again the centric views are not always reflective of the overall industry, it is hard to say that the discussions here reflect the common man. I don't think they should, obviously, because then we just regurgitate without decisive thinking.
The best reflection of this perceived knowledge or reflection of the industry is in how GAF readers/commentators ignore said industry experts/actual developers. Where we have first-hand accounts of development being more difficult now than it has ever been; that budgets are exceeding the past generation's already; and, where increased money does not equate to suddenly creating games at the click of a finger. These logical industry knows are being ignored almost in favour of console warring mentalities to pounce on the next victim (outside rightful discussion on clear failures) because the armchair enthusiast mentality dictates a need to put a personal response in.
There is no right way about platform development, because it is far too unique and separatist to each other that you can't simply say "just copy Sony or Nintendo" without running into problems. I'm an Xbox Series X owner, and I do agree that without Game Pass the offerings would be very slim in the available library of titles. However, I completely disagree that Game Pass is a cause for concern and the bringer of all doom, as it is simply the logical step forward for digital libraries to enable greater console ownership depth of interaction. As Phil Spencer said himself, they lost the creation of digital libraries in the PS4/Xbone generation, however Game Pass is that solution to encapsulating users.
It is, as I said, preposterous to think that throwing money at studios will fix Microsoft's concerns as well, because even if that was actioned on the fruits of labour wouldn't be out for at least three years. So we'd still have people complaining in that time that the games are not there, despite clear work being done at this very moment. Sony was smart in securing third party titles to appear as if first party for padding, be it a coincidence played on the back of COVID or organised from the very get go.
One thing is for certain: COVID royally fucked shit up.
That would have to be one of the worst actions possible to take in "salvaging" a company who is reliant on said studios to create content. By gutting your content teams, you inspire fear and potentially hatred in not knowing if you will be next, and also hamstrings any available "cannon fodder" that is capable of producing content padding. Blockbuster games take on average four years or more to develop from creation, so I'm not sure such a response would help coupled with the reduction of staff.
This is the issue, a portion of the responses want immediate action while also stating said action needs to be conducted without rushing. How is one supposed to accomplish these tasks without using literal magic? One could say that Sony is also lacking in the department of games, to a point. However that is ignoring the forest for the trees, much like many are doing in response to Microsoft and Xbox.
Great answer again. Except this time I disagree with almost all of it.
But first, an apology. There really are threads that are there just to troll and give nothing to the forum. One of those, was locked even if it was close to what we are talking about here. It was the "is the xbox brand doomed". So you are more right than I thought yesterday.
The perception of Xbox from GAF is not the perception at large, if this is what you are saying, is true. But Xbox does have a "low", or "bad" perception from people. When their CEO Phil Spencer say that he has so many knock on his list that he may soon not be in charge, and that someone else will be there to continue their work, this is a low. How do we feel about it can change, yes. And the public at large is not following this and do not care. So in the broader market it is still ok. But there is a PR problem, and Redfall was partially harmed by it's connection with Xbox. And Starfield will have the same thing happen.
Second subject is the platform development, that I will call making games, as it is easier to say. This is linked with Gamepass, but I will let Gamepass on the side for a moment. There is no right way to making games is true. And we often at GAF ignore stuff that would be elemental. Like the 9 women can’t make a baby in a month. But this only work at the moment. What is being said by enthousiasts members in 2023 was often already said in 2017. And if those things were done back then we would maybe not have the same problems now. It makes us go back to the perception problem. Making games is hard. So there is ways to reduce the difficulty. Like not firing people in hard times, like Nintendo did. And creating a bunch of support studios, like Sony did, and continue to do so: Playstation Malaysia,
founded in 2020.
And what is getting harder is making the AAA blockbuster games. Because of the ambition that goes with it. Making smaller games is easier than ever. And indies can make beautiful 3d games, just not as big and beautiful as the biggest ones. Not everybody can make GTA, RDR games. But Xbox needs to make them, as they are a net plus for the gaming market at a whole. They failed to grow up with the evolution of the gaming market, and are paying the price in a sense. This is half the problem. The second half is that third parties are not that hard to find and make deals with. I will probably repeat myself and say this often in the coming years, but I loved the genius that Sony showed when they worked out with Devolver to make Fall guys a PS+ exclusive. It worked out well for them. Sony did not do much. They just found a good game, and helped with money. Not that much in the grand scheme of things. And they were no greedy about it : no putting the game for free outside of the first month. No ownership of the IP. No ownership of the studio. Just give us a good game. We want a 1 year exclusivity. It worked out well. And Epic got the studio after that, for a lot of money I suppose? And Sony let that happen, as they were not there to have the studio, but just have a good game for the PS4.
In comparison, Xbox put all games they own/make exclusive on Gamepass. Would Fall guys be a success on Xbox, even with those limitations? Maybe. But I hope that you can understand that they would prefer being able to sell their games instead of being forced to go with Xbox offer. Unless Xbox overpay. I already made this argument in my first post. Gamepass is a complicated discussion in itself. And here I will just say that Gamepass help Xbox, and is causing problems at the same time. It make having third parties on the platform harder, as Xbox may have to overpay because it gives Xbox control of the game revenue. And the PS5 market share make it that going to Gamepass needs to pay for those lost sales too. I believe that Gamepass is not for me, as I can take a few months to finish one game. And will not play other games in the process. Of course I have a PS Extra sub going on. It does help with the games they put on. But it is not as intrusive as Gamepass is to the console business. And this put me on the next part. The Xbox lost the worse gen to loose opinion.
There is some truth to this. But it was said more in the sense that this is the first generation where games from the last one are still relevant today. Fortnite, Minecraft... Phil did not say GTA, FF 14 or Genshin Impact as those are not on his platform or have a Sony marketing deal in the case of GTA. And most of those are not there because of Xbox. They failed to help Genshin Impact when they could. They did not put the money they needed to in order to convince GTA to go with them. Most importantly they failed to work out a deal with FF 14 when they had the means to do so. They refused cross gen when they were in advance in online play on the 360. And they are still paying the price for it now. Can you find fault in Square for it? I hope not. Nintendo found a way to get back on top with the Switch. What we are seeing is the Xbox failure to do the same. Once again, there is some truth in this. But Xbox is the one who failed. And hard.
So, Sony, third parties, and Covid. I think that Sony did what they had to do to help the PS5 users have games. Stuff like Deathloop is perfect as padding as you have said. But a lot of games had delays from those third parties. So I think that Covid harmed them. Just that as they did not have to buy studios at the same time like Xbox did, the harm was less. But it was 100% planned from Sony. They worked hard with a lot of third parties and made a lot of deals. Good for them, and consumers too. Covid fucked out a lot of things. I think that it harmed Sony a lot too. They found themselves unable to make as many consoles as they wanted to, and lost potential clients that way. But they found way to compensate for this. Miles Morales was out on time, and polished too. Same for Demon's Souls remake. So they adapted. Nintendo did the same. Why should Xbox have a pass from it? It help explain their failures, like Halo Infinite. But does not excuse it. This is not a dig at Xbox. Just that we are in 2023 now. Too far away to look at it as a problem, as Covid is behind us. And too close to have a true reflexion on what happened, as this would need a lot more time. If a Xbox studio would make a making of, a behind the scene video of one of their games like the GOW 2018 one we would understand more about how Covid fucked them up.
To finish on what you have said. Xbox and money. They absolutely should put more money on their studios. Give them more or better infrastructure. Stop using so many contractors and give them stable employ. It is not as easy to do as it is easy to say. But we can see Sony and Nintendo studios grow and be better at what they do since decades. To be on par with brought studios and with the lack of experience that some of their new studios have? Difficult. But they have to try at least. Once again. You are mostly right in that it will take time. But we were saying this for a few years now. The sooner they do it, the sooner it may work.
As for cutting studios. It depends of the studio. 343 i has been gutted. So others studios may have the same fate in the future. Saying that is not just trolling, if it is said with a long term view, as a "do not get into the sunk cost fallacy mindset". But this is another discussion and would need for Xbox to be in a better state. Right now it would be seen as a weakness.
This is the issue, a portion of the responses want immediate action while also stating said action needs to be conducted without rushing. How is one supposed to accomplish these tasks without using literal magic?
This is the consequence of actions and mistakes made by Xbox and Microsoft in the last decade of their existence. One of Phil most damning sentence in the last inteview he did was that "Xbox needs to stop self inflicting wounds". It is normal to be harmed by the competition. It is normal to be harmed by external factors, like the Ukraine/ Russia war or Covid. But saying we will have Redfall and all the other games we show you in the next 12 months, and giving us a broken/ incomplete game to fulfill this promise? Promise made hastily to hide the lack of exclusives in this generation? Promise that Phil admitted was not fullfiled in the end? Normal that after such a self goal we are saying a bunch of stupid stuff.