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What does Nintendo need to do in order to max out the new Zelda?


We have learned from Aonuma that he wants to make a Zelda that surpass OoT in popularity and greatness. In order to achieve that difficult task, there must be various improvements and new ideas in Legend of Zelda 2005 (all we know is the horseback fighting)

Here are some thoughts I had:

# A more advanced control scheme in combat. Hack and slash is too simple. Combat is still an important and fun aspect of Zelda.

# Get a true sense of exploration. Make the world more non-linear. Implement so the player can take different paths during the game.

# More weapons and items. And I want to see new kind of weapons. Variation, and not just the old bow and boomerang.

# A plot with twists and turns. Get Zelda more involved in the game.

# Implement bonus bosses and dungeons. Steal from the RPG concept.

# Get koji kondo in shape again! I want to see memorable music nintendo.

# Find new ideas how to interact with the npc's.

# Make more(12-14) but shorter dungeons. That way you dont get tired of them, and still you have alot to do.

# Multiple endings. Reward the player for path and progression through the game.

# Create an interesting magic system. Make it more complex than earlier.

# Minigames mayhem! OoT had the fishing game. Do something similary to hook the player. We all like minigames.

# Make the last boss tough! (probably Ganon)

Well that was some of my ideas for the new Zelda. What are yours?


Let Nintendo pour resources into it and let them take their time.
TIME + MONEY + EAD = good game

oh yah, cel shade it.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I want a simpler control scheme. Cut down on the inventory management, as well. The amount of crap you have to carry around has gotten out of control.


I afraid it not going to get is just deserves just on the installment base of console compared to OOT :(

Putting on flamebait suit as I say this but it likely would be alot better profitwise to move to Revolution for launch or 6 months later max deadline. I just feel it will do good but like conker and others just too late to do maxium damage. While it would not have an installment base on new system it would definitely sell the system(unlike cube or even 64 launch in way) and continue to sell steadily for longtime. I hope not though but I would bet on it not getting anywhere near zelda sales pre-cube.


- Less time-consuming and often-repeated actions. Make things snappy!
- Tons of little secrets everywhere. This is true of the series now, but I can't think of much in life beating the fun of exploring a Zelda-world for little things.
- Less items with more uses for each. Maybe a way to change items/weapons on the fly too, since it can be tiring to visit the item-screen so often.
- More melodies and less ambient music.
- Random events that do not depend on what you have achieved in the game. Just a way to add unpredictability and excitement.
- More meddling with peoples' affairs!
I just ask for the design of the Oracles, but in 3D. Please, no Hyrule Fields, even if it means less horse-riding.

I'll take 8 good, lengthy dungeons with all new over-the-top boss encounters. I'd like to see Ganon take a break in favor of a new superbaddie, ala Majora, and I'd like to see some new enemy flavors.

Oh, and 30+ FPS -- OoT at 15 fps is almost unplayable (and the Water Temple at 10 *is* unplayable) these days. SOme new dungeon themes would be nice, eschewing the predictable "elemental" types in favor of the crazy designs like Season's "Sword and Shield" dungeon.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Y'know, it's hard to talk about change concerning new Zelda games. (Though this discussion so far has really been more about additions than drastic changes in format/gameplay... but this thought just popped in my head).

On one had I want to be completely suprised and experience something totally new (which I feel Nintendo often allows me)... but on the other hand, tradition and nostalgia are important in such a beloved series. I guess it's all about finding the right balance.

Will be interesting to see how new or different this game ends up being. I wish it were coming out sooner. ;_;


Drinky Crow said:
I just ask for the design of the Oracles, but in 3D. Please, no Hyrule Fields, even if it means less horse-riding.

I'll take 8 good, lengthy dungeons with all new over-the-top boss encounters. I'd like to see Ganon take a break in favor of a new superbaddie, ala Majora, and I'd like to see some new enemy flavors.

Oh, and 30+ FPS -- OoT at 15 fps is almost unplayable (and the Water Temple at 10 *is* unplayable) these days. SOme new dungeon themes would be nice, eschewing the predictable "elemental" types in favor of the crazy designs like Season's "Sword and Shield" dungeon.

Majora was a great game, but plz the last boss sucked ^^

Ganon could need a break though.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I love to see the new characters Nintendo comes with and change is good... but Ganon has been so freaking awesome lately. ;) I'd have no problem with him coming back if they continue his character development from what they accomplished in Wind Waker.

Let us do that to the chickens


hyperbolically metafictive
- lots of intricate dungeons
- concise overworld; PLEASE no deadening wind waker sprawl
- kill the oot combat engine already, in favor of something more freeform
- make the combat more challenging while they're at it
- 60 fps, better textures, better environment modeling

...come to think of it, what i really want is ninja gaiden with puzzle dungeons. :/

- replace elves with ninjas


"tradition and nostalgia are important in such a beloved series"

You know that so very true and I think that always gets over looked during the complaints for innovative software all the time.

For example there are key features of the Dragon Quest series that make me and I sure millions of its fans smile everytime. Just the open theme for one.


Sucks at viral marketing
- Keep the combat controls roughly the same from WW, just add some new combos. Decrease the wait time between the enemies' attacks.

- Don't create new weapons for the sake of creating new weapons. If the new weapon doesn't do anything the old weapon couldn't, bring back the old weapon.
--- Bring back the ability to combine weapons... ie. Arrow-bombs.
--- Bring back the Magic Cape, Medallions, and Pegasus Boots from ALttP.
--- Bring back the different types of tunics.
--- Retire the hookshot. The Grappling-hook was more interesting to play with; combining it with an arrow would fulfill the need for the hooshot and would also be more realistic and useful.

- No multiple ending, unless the story calls for it. MM could have used some alternate endings, OoT and WW did not.

- More dungeons, but no shorter. OoT dungeons numbers were great. WW's dungeons would have been perfect in length without the character swapping, which made them way too long.

- The ability to select a new weapon without pausing the game. Like selecting the different arrow-types in WW. Even if it means only having 2 weapons availible at once, instead of 3.

- An ocarina or baton with a single auto-play button, so we can select a song we'll use often and not have to redo the patten to play each song. Also, have several secret songs that just gives a little bonus for finding them.

- More Ganon.
SantaCruZer said:
# Get koji kondo in shape again! I want to see memorable music nintendo.

You've gotta be kidding me. Wind Waker had a brilliant, beautiful soundtrack. Sunshine wasn't half bad either!

My only request is that they don't listen to any more fan demands. It's enough that they were basically bullied into making a 'realistic' zelda rather than continue with their own unique and imaginative ideas of how the series should progress - now you want to dictate every detail of the game as well? "At least 15 dungeons, Soul Calibur-caliber combat, no fewer than 80 hours of gameplay, an awesome new soundtrack (oh yeah but if you don't cram in the 'classic theme' somewhere we'll throw a fit), ragdoll physics..." Please just let them make the game they way they want to.


bobbyconover said:
You've gotta be kidding me. Wind Waker had a brilliant, beautiful soundtrack. Sunshine wasn't half bad either!

My only request is that they don't listen to any more fan demands. It's enough that they were basically bullied into making a 'realistic' zelda rather than continue with their own unique and imaginative ideas of how the series should progress - now you want to dictate every detail of the game as well? "At least 15 dungeons, Soul Calibur-caliber combat, no fewer than 80 hours of gameplay, an awesome new soundtrack (oh yeah but if you don't cram in the 'classic theme' somewhere we'll throw a fit), ragdoll physics..." Please just let them make the game they way they want to.

dragon Roost island music = memorable
Hyrule Castle music = memorable

The rest was just ok. OoT was much better overall.

Sunshine music = Somewhat dissapointment.

Kondo can do better than WW and SMS.


-Less emphasis on item use
-Get away from the "Ganon kidnapped Zelda! Get her back!" stuff; if they NEED to be in the game, make them playable
-More weapons
-less emphasis on sailing/riding stuff


belgurdo said:
-Less emphasis on item use
-Get away from the "Ganon kidnapped Zelda! Get her back!" stuff; if they NEED to be in the game, make them playable
-More weapons
-less emphasis on sailing/riding stuff

Riding is ok :)


-Multiple towns (there were technically about 4-6 in OoT, I'd like to see 10 in this one)
-More than just enemies on the overworld
-More than just 6 dungeons (10 like OoT would be fine).
-The ability to ride your horse virtually anywhere (into towns)
-New types of puzzles, different than what we've seen in the last couple Zelda games (different stuff than pushing blocks, shooting things with arrows)
-New weapons and gadgets
-Added techniques to the swordplay if possible
-Full, well done voice acting (except for Link)
-A large overworld, larger than Hyrule field of Ocarina of Time, with plenty to do.
-A well told story. It doesn't have to be original, but it should be captivating (like the last 3 3D Zeldas).

This game has the potential to be the DKC of this gen (not talking quality wise, though).


I want to slide a snowy moutain on my SHIELD.

Hey. That would be fun!

Anyway, I agree with Oli on the bring back the cel shading, but make it darker.....and I mean very dark! It could fit pefectly with the cel shading if done right.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
More complex or "deeper" battle system. They seem to be able to handle the rest.


Do. Not. Rush.

I'm confident it'll be a wonderful game if they put a lot of care into it.

Looking at people's answers, though, the question must be: what do you want that they definitely won't include?

Well, I'd like at least 20 dungeons. And Zelda should be a rebellious slut, angered by the restriction imposed by her royal lineage. She'll repeatedly force herself onto Link. However, Link will then finally come out of the closet and ride into the sunset with Tingle.


Socreges said:
Do. Not. Rush.

I'm confident it'll be a wonderful game if they put a lot of care into it.

Looking at people's answers, though, the question must be: what do you want that they definitely won't include?

Well, I'd like at least 20 dungeons. And Zelda should be a rebellious slut, angered by the restriction imposed by her royal lineage. She'll repeatedly force herself onto Link. However, Link will then finally come out of the closet and ride into the sunset with Tingle.

yah man and you should be abel to play as zelda to cuz that would be cool.


Actually, there is one thing that I desparately want that I hope they might finally include. A CHALLENGE. Oh my how refreshing that would be. Maybe this relatively new direction for the franchise could mean a more difficult game. Or, at least, different settings to choose from (Easy, Normal, Hard - why the fuck not? Just change the amount of damage dealt or received by enemies!).


Only a couple of things:

- No fetch quests that are heavy on travel, light on adventure. I don't mind having to run around finding shit as long as I have some dungeons or fun mini-games to go through to get it.

- More races of NPC. OoT had the right idea. It's always nice to expand the Zelda universe.


-A fairy helper, I missed having a little onscreen helper, the "HEY" and "LISTEN" noises were kind of annoying, but the enemy info was invaluable.
-Lynels (they rocked!)
-More LttP style music, the music from Hyrule Castle and the last dungeon were excellent in WW, why couldn't they use cool music like that throughout the whole game?
-More towns to visit, and those towns should be more like real towns, not just tiny little villages everywhere.
-Bring back more fun magic spells and items, I'd like to see a few of the old items from LttP rediscovered.
-Less puzzles in dungeons and more action. I noticed with WW almost every room in a dungeon had to be some kind of puzzle or had some obstacle, I like a hard puzzle here and there, but I wanted more challenge and action from a wider range of enemies.
-Start out with Epona, then get your own magic speedboots, sorry but I really hate Epona.
-Like many have said, more new items to toy around with to go along with the classics.
-Tighten up jumping from ledges. In OoT the autojumping wasn't much of a problem, there's alot more platforming in the newer games, either they should make the jumping easier, or just cut back on the platforming, MM and WW got a little frustrating at times.
-Like everyone said, more sidequests.

.......and finally, LET LINK THROW HIS DAMN SWORD AGAIN! It totally rocked and made you feel like powerful badass at full health and came in handy so many times.


- A hard (or Master Quest) mode at available at the beginning of the game.

- Deeper fighting/magic sytem.

- Lots of fast-paced fighting like the Gerudo thieves in OOT.

- New types of puzzles.

- HUGE overworld.

- An epic story with many interesting well-developed characters. Though emphasis should still be on the adventure.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Because the system determines the quality of the game.

And Nintendo is teh d00med.


Trucker Sexologist
bobbyconover said:
"At least 15 dungeons, Soul Calibur-caliber combat, no fewer than 80 hours of gameplay, an awesome new soundtrack (oh yeah but if you don't cram in the 'classic theme' somewhere we'll throw a fit), ragdoll physics..."

All that, and the dialogue and writing style of a good fantasy book. It doesn't have to have cursing and "heaving bosoms" or anything, but I expect a more mature approach to the story this time around.

I would like to see the option to upgrade weapons based on how much you use them. If you fight with magic, you gain access to more spells. If you prefer the sword, you gain more combos to use.

But yeah, bobbyconover has a point. Miyamato has yet to make a crappy Zelda game, so I trust he won't mess this one up. Miyamato should have the freedom to do whatever he wants with his game.


Some things I'd like to see:

-- A good overworld. Please. Something like LttP or the GBA Zelda games. Zelda hasn't had a great 3D overworld yet (Majora had the best one, but even then it wasn't great).

-- Revamped dungeon design. The whole keys->map->compass->big key->treasure->boss thing is getting old. More puzzles (not of the block and switch variety) would be nice.

-- More freeform gameplay. Many games allow players to be good, bad, pick up various jobs, and solve problems in different ways. I'm not saying Zelda should do all of that but a little more freedom couldn't hurt.

-- A couple of fighting styles and a deeper magic system would be cool. Maybe a return to experience points, like in Zelda 2.

-- Side quests. Majora had them with the villagers and they rocked. Bonus dungeons and items would add to the longevity of the game. Searching hours for a cave with rupees in it just doesn't generate much excitement anymore.

-- Speaking of rupees, shops are an afterthought in all of these games. It'd be nice if the money collected throughout the game could actually be used for something worthwhile, like hidden items or maybe time-locked stuff Link could buy in shops.

-- No more item screen; use the second analog stick to cycle through items. This works well in games like Galleon and Star Fox Adventures.


Seriously, they should steal the Mark of Kri's sword battle system, because that doesnt get enough praise. Hell, everyone stole Z-Targetting. Now its Nintendo's turn to "borrow" some ideas


SapientWolf said:
But yeah, bobbyconover has a point. Miyamato has yet to make a crappy Zelda game, so I trust he won't mess this one up. Miyamato should have the freedom to do whatever he wants with his game.

i agree with that, except that IMO, Zelda 2 was pretty crappy... that said, i didn't really mind the fact that each Zelda iteration, especially the 3D ones, have essentially been the same, its the little nuances like the sailing in WW that i dislike, but i'll leave it up to Nintendo and see what they come up with.

also, i thought WW had a little too many mini-games, which may not be a bad thing if they weren't boring and more like a chore to complete.


AniHawk said:
I'm pretty sure he's referring to Pegasus boots.

Nah, I was actually thinking of those boots you get in Morrowind that let you run super fast, I loved those.

Speedboots? i'm fine with you hating epona, but speedboots are about the stupidest replacement I can think of

Boots that let you run like to wind would rock, it could also give them a chance to make a cool Hero of the Wind tie-in, but whatever.
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