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What does Nintendo need to do in order to max out the new Zelda?


What does Nintendo need to do in order to max out the new Zelda? #1



-Mix the WW and OoT type of overworld maps. Have huge land masses where most of the action takes place, but also make smaller islands about the quarter of the size. This way, there can be a huge amount of exploration, on land and sea.

-Higher difficulty in bosses. Zelda Bosses are always a pushover, and I'm tired of it.


-More Mini games (I loved the fishing in OoT, and thought it was stupid that there wasn't one in WW, enough you're surrounded by water)

-More deeply involved story

-A gigantic Braveheart type battle as some point qould be awesome, and certainly add something new to the game

-More outfit colors. Green, blue, and Red are nice, but I'd like to finally see some new colors, like black, yellow, white, and brown.

-Make different animals to ride on different continents. Perhaps a huge bird of some type on one continent, and a wolf on another.

-NO MORE MAGICAL MUSICAL INSTUMENTS!! I've enjoyed it so far, but it's gotten old. If they're going to have another musical instument, I really hope that tone down it's use to a minimum. Doing so would help the game feel like not just another OoT/WW.

-More Towns, with more NPC's that play vital roles. WW did this well (I loved Makar. So damn cute.)

-Pointless things to spend money on late in the game, when you've got more money than you can spend.

-Summon Spells. Perhaps not by Link, maybe by an NPC that is fighting along side of you during a particular boss fight.

-More intricate combat. Sorry, but the OoT combat has been beaten to death already. Keep the lock-on system, but make Link able to do more Ninja Gaiden like combos.

-A few different main weapons. I know, I know, Link has always had a sword, and that's fine. I'd just like to have the option to use perhaps a spear as well.


I agree with most of whats here but one thing I really want is for them to stop hand-holding you to the next dungeon. In games like ALTTP and even TWW, they would mark on your map where the next level was. BOOO!! I liked it better in the original LOZ where they gave you vague clues as to where to go next but never outright told you where the next level was. It feels like more of an adventure when you discover something on your own rather that having someone point out to you where everything is.


Most of the easy side of TWW has its origin in one interview of Miyamoto, where he said "people (read : the massmarket, not GAF members) complain than Zelda games are too difficult and too long. Then they do not bother to finish it".


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You've gotta be kidding me. Wind Waker had a brilliant, beautiful soundtrack.

Oh my lord, as someone who has a Katamari Damashii avatar, I am SHOCKED to hear that. Wind Waker had one of the most disappointing and boring soundtracks released this gen. I place it next to crap like Jak and Daxter (shudder). Honestly, there were about 3-4 tracks out of the ENTIRE soundtrack that I enjoyed. The music of Wind Waker somewhat damaged the game for me. I KNOW I would have enjyoed it more if the music was top notch. That was THE most disappointing aspect of the game for me...

Mario Sunshine had better music, but it still wasn't that great.

I would like to see Koji Kondo OFF of the project. Like Uematsu, his time has passed.

As for the game, I would like to see completely different combat with more freedom and higher level of difficulty. The WW/OoT system isn't very fun IMO and it could seriously use an overhaul. I would like to see a set of at least EIGHT very high quality dungeons with some truly inspired visuals throughout (running at 60 fps).

One thing I KNOW would never work is a Skies of Arcadia like overworld. When done properly, you really get the incredible sense of scale that helps make your character feel REALLY tiny in the grand scheme of things. The Ocean in WW just felt wrong, for some reason, and I think airship travel and giant islands to explore would be awesome! If not that, I would like to see something similar to Ninja Gaiden (perhaps expanded).


We had a similar thread like this not too long ago.

Anyway, my wants/wishes for Zelda 05 that would max it out for me:

1.) Orchestrated themes. Time to ditch the MIDIs Nintendo, Zelda is an epic that is literally screaming for a fully orchestrated in-game soundtrack. And as always, let Koji handle it.

2.) Drop the 'useless items'. They were fine in OoT since there were only 2 useless item slots that changed out through the trade system (which was pretty ingenious). But Wind Waker took that concept and just raped it. 3 bags that can carry approximately 10 different kinds of items? It was a waste of time, space, energy, etc. Way too much to collect for those damn bags, and they didn't even serve much of a purpose. Bring back OoT's trade system and don't overdo it.

3.) More HYLIAN towns besides Kakariko. Yes it's a classic town I know, and having the Hyrule Castle Market in OoT was a nice addition since it was like there were two Hylian towns in a sense, but there needs to be more since Hylians are the ruling race in Hyrule. A single town for each of the various races besides Hylian is fine with me however.

4.) Voice acting for everyone else besides Link. Sure that might require a lot of time and energy to pull off, but it could always be done similar to how it was in ToS, with voice acting only for major cut scenes.

5.) More advanced, or even customizable sword combat. I would love to see sword control be completely free-based by utilizing something like the C-stick instead of just tapping a button. And if the parry moves from Wind Waker are going to be included, please work in some variation this time, as 3 parry moves leaves a lot to be desired. :p

6.) Some type of a love connection between Link and Zelda. Hell there hasn't been a suggestion of romance since Zelda 2, and there definitely needs to be one in Zelda 05 since they're going for a more mature theme this time around. Of course if this whole idea is left out, it won't disappoint me that much, but I'd still like to see it for once.

7.) This one is pretty much the consensus: MORE DUNGEONS. Wind Waker's lack of dungeons was inexcusable, and no, the grotto mini-dungeons DID NOT make up for that. Don't be lazy, bring back the number of dungeons that were in LttP.

8.) More powerful items, or more specifically, items that utilize a ton of magic. I want something similar to the 3 medallions in LttP, but more of them.

9.) A HUGE overworld. And by huge, I don't mean one field with areas divided by large walls. I want sprawling forests, massive rivers, huge lakes, rocky cliffs, and enough enemies to keep me from yawning.

10.) The ability to USE the Triforce of Courage if/when it's gained. :D


Some of the stuff i am reading here is extremely painful to read. Its a good thing most of you have little to do with making games :p


Deg said:
Some of the stuff i am reading here is extremely painful to read. Its a good thing most of you have little to do with making games :p

Most everyone is just saying "more combat, bigger play field, a story bigger than "Link vs. Ganon." Or do you really want Nintendo to give us OoT warmed over yet again?
The Promised One said:
-A gigantic Braveheart type battle as some point qould be awesome, and certainly add something new to the game

-A few different main weapons. I know, I know, Link has always had a sword, and that's fine. I'd just like to have the option to use perhaps a spear as well.

I'm not really bothered about story, or voice-acting or Link and Zelda getting it on (just as long as they set up a good baddy, on par or even exceeding Ganon in WW).

Would like a gigantic climatic battle with chaos and destruction everywhere. And more than one weapon, they kinda were going there with the picking up enemy weapons in WW.

Li Mu Bai

Well, let's see what they've managed to accomplish thus far:

-Extremely large environments while paying attention to an extreme level of detail (the shimmering stream for instance)
-New dynamic camera angles
-Cloth physics, or animation given to this aspect
-Enhanced texturing (by far EAD's best work)
-Fighting 25+ enemies on horseback, with detail like knocking visible saliva from their mouths
-Real-time heat warping effects
-Orchestrated score
-Subtle self-shadowing (in dungeon sequences)
-Projected shadows
-New attack animations
-Realistic reflections
-Great animation (as always in the LOZ series, the reigns, the horse, etc. all realistically done)
-Extremely well utilized art assets

I'd say EAD's coming fairly close to maxxing out the new LOZ from a tech. standpoint. Most of the recommendations listed in this thread were dealing with gameplay/story enhancements. I'm not saying there isn't any room for improvement, especially with some of the sparse looking environments. WW's AI was good, but the enemies were simply far too easy to dispatch. Increase the difficulty, & further enhance the AI.
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