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What Else Should The PSP Do?

aoi tsuki

Streaming webradio would *kill* the batteries, even in Hold mode. i wouldn't be surprised if the battery lasted less than two hours.

And those of you who want web browsers should be forced at gunpoint to trade in your PCs for PDAs.

Or at the fucking least, put a goddamned Hi-MD drive in there (it's already going to be oodly expensive) so that we can fucking burn music into it, since Sony is too chickenshit to even entertain the thought of burnable UMD. Run on sentences are fun.
Agreed. Memory Stick Duo prices are painful, and the AFAIK capacities are currently about half the size of regular Memory Sticks. i think if Sony wasn't pushing movies on PSP that they'd have more seriously entertained the idea of HiMD as a media format.
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