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What game are you currently playing?

Mr Hyde

Finished Trials of Mana, beat the final dungeon and true final boss. Level 73 at 35 hours. Great game. Loved every minute of it, despite the cheesy dialog and predictable story. It had charming characters and fun gameplay, really nailing that adventurous Mana-feeling. I'm definitely gonna try out the original. I got the Mana collection on Switch and the remake of the first one on PS4, so I'm down for more on thus franchise. Would love it if SE ported Legend of Mana too. Would make the collection complete.


Just finished Nier Automata on XSX, with 100% achievements w/o buying the achievements. I did the E route the last & finished it / deleted the save file to help others and got that black title screen. All endings, 100% weapons, 100% pods, 100% quests, 100% endings, 100% intel/novel etc... except fishing. (just 60%) The save file shows me about 85 hours to complete - if I played this on PS4 or X1X, due to the loading, I think it may have went over 100 hours easily.

Quite an experience, but a lot of mixed feelings. I guess that comes from the games by Yoko Taro style of games. That surreal/nostalgic color palette with ethereal music combo really left me some impression. Obviously enjoyed very much - but I think this is more acquired taste to truly love his works. In my case, the ambiguous and sometimes cruel story telling, it felt little harsh or at times sadistic... but then again, it is the charm of his games. A lot of quests, sometimes felt like I'm playing Yakuza games for some strange reason. Maybe it's the translation or cultural thing - can't really nail it down but some of those "unexpected" outcomes from these little quest shared similar feeling from Yakuza sometimes - that those sometimes add a bit more flare/spice to the regular "fetch" or "escort" types, or find someone at certain certain places type of standard quests you get. For example, the differing outcome of delivering 11B's escape plan to the client or whatnot. Asks a lot of moral questions here and there - and things are pretty ambiguous in this game on that one, that even with great/kind intention didn't work out.

3rd play thru was something of a surprise (almost felt like the reverse castle on SOTN) - that I really went in blindly into this game, and only looked at some hints of getting specific endings after beating C ending. (did get some bad endings unintentionally) - that multi ending game overs sometimes caught me by surprise when I activated by mistake. (like eating the Makerel thing lol, or being killed on the prologue first mission with no save allowed.. etc) - it managed to make me feel uncomfortable in any situation, knowing something unexpected may happen - and I think that was part of the charm.

But the best part for me, it was the music, which fit the game so quite nicely. I'm contemplating to get the OST, for some rainy/gray afternoons. Sheer variation of each score modified to fit to the theme/situation - it must have been such a challenge. Graphic wise, I was pretty impressed by the "atmosphere" but details or some texture felt quite lacking. Something like the metal crates right by the Resistance save terminal, which always shows up close up when transporting there - or the sea texture by the Factory area, reminded me old PS2 textures sometimes.

After 13 Sentinels & Nier Automata, decided something more wholesome/straightforward to go easy - so started Dragon Quest XIS on Game Pass. Quite fast loading time (not sure what it was like on PS4 Pro) - and just about to leave town after clearing the first trial.

It's my first Dragon Quest since 9 on DS, skipped 7 and 8 (wanting to play them when I get a chance) - so it's been a while. Still trying to get used to the camera angle, that I'm more comfortable with more birds eye view for DQ... but I guess I will get used to it - and the weird physics falling from the higher places or whatnot, just reminds me that this really is just a Dragon Quest game in 3d perspective. :) Looking forward to move out of town now and get onto the main adventure now. But for some reason, I am totally hooked on the storyline of any DQ game, but tend to easily forget them what it was all about! I hardly remember any of the side characters of any DQ games too... and while I expect it more of the same thing to happen, but maybe not this time?


Ya know i must be a video game whore. Before i entered this thread, im thinking to myself...all these old gen games....you know, the ones you started, and then saw something more enticing and kinda of moved on. Started this one game, saw something else, bought, and rinse and repeat. New gen starts, few new next gen titles, merely a taste. Sure i see Dirt 5, Legions, and a few more. I come into this thread thinking, im the motherfucker who hasnt bought any of the really new shit, but i got my next gen console! Lets see what all the other fucks playing!!!! Yea, that will help me narrow the field. Yakuza LAD, or will it be MM.....or will it be Fenyx?

Lo and fucking behold, few are playing any of the new shit, but merely enjoying said <insert title here> with almost no regard to next gen purity eliteness. If a thread has humbled me this is the one. Here i am playing DQDE and some Control, followed by a bit of Legion, with a taste of WRC9 littered with a little Haven, while dabbing back into ESO and SOD2. Lot of you playing older shit, and closing those titles out very happy. My point is, i lost alot of desire to box myself in to only a few titles that were considered launch titles, that just have not excited me as generations past. I dont think this makes me a bad person.


°Temp. member
I gave Persona 5 Royal a try but I'm just not feeling it so uninstalled it. (can't sell it or get a refund - digital copy)
Now I'm back to playing FF7 Remake and COD Cold War.


I gave Persona 5 Royal a try but I'm just not feeling it so uninstalled it. (can't sell it or get a refund - digital copy)
Now I'm back to playing FF7 Remake and COD Cold War.

So, I haven't played P5 yet. Is Royal like a deluxe version, or is it a different game entirely?


Reinstalled let it die after playing around launch. Logged in to my mail box full of loads of free premium currency and coins. Made it from about floor 10 to 35 and really enjoying it.

The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

I was a bit let down by this game when it initially launched, but it's not so bad. I just had really high expectations as a huge Deus Ex fan, I think I was hoping for something as good as Human Revolution. I'm trying to get in to the Cyberpunk mood with Cyberpunk 2077 and don't have my PS3 anymore, so it seemed like the best option. I'm actually enjoying it this time around, always nice to come back to a game and not really remember anything. Feels fresh.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I tried Dragon Quest XI S Definitive Edition. Graphics are pretty good, shaders are still purdy, models still great, textures are probably lower res than before and grass density is reduced. World lod is pretty damn great but NPC lod seems to be done in chunks and they can pop in (I forget how it was before). Overall a great version and any shortcomings visually don't really feel off when the game itself is so old school and classic style, it's sharp and runs great in general but does feel like a game of yesteryear, in a good way. Also, since the original game differs to the 3DS version where the 2D mode comes from (I wish they had the 3D version of that in too btw, it's so charming) there's no seamless transition from 2D to 3D, if you wanna switch you're given a choice of chapter/progress point based on your save and such, some things carry over but not all and they're basically separate. In the 3D mode I got back to the village for example and saved at the church where you can choose to switch but 2D mode brought me to the very beginning of the game instead. It's not 1:1 progression since the versions are also pretty different even in this early beginning I just got through. It works with the Dual Shock 4 on PC without using Steam mapping or DS4Windows or whatever, but it has Xbox prompts (maybe because I also have an xinput pad connected, who knows, it works anyhow). Directional input skips past dialogue like the buttons so lift that thumb in cut scenes!

3D mode:




2D mode:
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Wrapping up the platinum in Onrush. Also playing some Diablo 3 (Necromancer) and Mass Effect Andromeda, which is better than I was expecting.


Been playing Bloodborne. Ghosts of Tsushima for some reason got me in the mood for some slower combat and this hit the spot.

I've beaten blood starved beast and I've had a bit of an issue on where to go next.
Ended up dieing and a cutscenes played and I woke up in a jail cell. So I'm just making my way through that area. Really struggling though.

Jump back to Apex Legends for a couple rounds since season 7 started. Would probably play a lot more if they could figure their server/net code issue out. Game makes a lot of money. It's super popular. So I don't get why this is still an issue.


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne on PS4 Pro. I think it is among my top 10 games of all time. Get a lot if enjoyment out of it, hours and hours both solo and multi player.

For a switch been revisiting Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. Another great game. My favorite open world, action fantasy, RPG.

I see Death Stranding is on sale for $20 usd. Think I am going to bite. It seems to have split opinions from those who have played it, but it will be a step out of my comfort zone.. I might even like it!
Down loading now... $22 and change after taxes.
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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne on PS4 Pro. I think it is among my top 10 games of all time. Get a lot if enjoyment out of it, hours and hours both solo and multi player.

For a switch been revisiting Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. Another great game. My favorite open world, action fantasy, RPG.

I see Death Stranding is on sale for $20 usd. Think I am going to bite. It seems to have split opinions from those who have played it, but it will be a step out of my comfort zone.. I might even like it!
Down loading now... $22 and change after taxes.

Ah yes, I see by your Maximo avatar and the above statements that you are a man of culture. I'm still waiting for DS to go under $40 on Steam... but I'm eager to hear your thoughts based on your cultural significance.

Peace be with you, Poordevil Poordevil
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Mr Hyde


A very pleasant surprise. Bought it on a whim on a sale. I love the point and click genre so I thought this could be something worth checking out. And it absolutely is.

The story is very good and the art is so beautiful. Some backdrops are like a painting. The character models are a bit rough but they are played well by their respective voice actors, especially Sam and Reine.

The game is about a little girl and her older brother, seeking refuge from the war torn city they live in. When they find shelter, the older brother tells a fairy tale story to calm his sister, about the magical land of Silence, and that's where the game takes place.

The soundtrack is also very beautiful. It fits perfectly with the style of the game, and fills the scenes with a very somber, almost dreamlike state that transports you into game itself.

Didn't expect it to be this good. If the quality keeps up, it might position itself among my favorites in the genre, such as Broken Sword and Monkey Island.
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Sgt. Pinback

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Currently, when I'm not messing around in Valhalla, Fenyx, and waiting for Cyberpunk, I'm spending time with my GOTY 2020 - Deep Rock Galactic. What a game.


Just finished a playthrough in Celeste on PC. At first, I despised the platform mechanics and found some levels to be way too long compared to prior areas. But once I finished the game and got a really good grasp of controlling my character, I find myself now going back and trying to get everything I missed (strawberries and mix tapes). I also want to try out the B-side levels and gain access to the post levels, as well.



(was doing another playthrough of Devil Survivor Overclocked -- made it to 3rd day -- but eh, just not in the mood)
-FE Awakening (umpteenth playthrough)
-Knights in the Nightmare (PSP version) casually here and there
-Gungnir (PSP) my main focus -- really digging it!
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Halfway through AC Valhalla and I wonder if I will ever finish it.

Tried Doom Eternal on gamepass, spent hours and hours in Doom / Quake as a kid, but sadly it seems like single player FPS games don't give me a lot of joy any more.

Also playing Hades which is great fun.


Gold Member
Just restarted a playthrough of Subnautica on the Series X. Why cant all games be this good?

It truly is a brilliant game.


Just finished RDR2 😬

Currently playing:

Jedi Fallen Order

Uncharted Lost Legacy (planned)


Neo Member
Hitman 2, Gears of War 5 and Destiny 2 op Xbox Series S.
Phasmaphobia and Zero Gear on PC with friends.


Neo Member
I'm mostly playing World of Warcraft, mostly just messing around until Cyberpunk releases. Also finishing up a few loose ends in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
skyward sword
Super underrated. The motion controls were annoying at times but worked very well for the most part, Fi isn't as obnoxious as some people make her to be, it has some of the best dungeons and soundtrack in the series, and the story flowed well.
Fuck those "silent realm" parts though.


Playing the latest Black Mesa build. I never liked HL as I played it years after release having experienced superior shooters like FEAR, etc so hoped this being closer to HL2, which I love might click.

Still hasn't. The environments are just so dull and sterile, the enemies are bland and I've found the devs were stingy as hell with ammo. I've lost count of the amount of times I've run out of it, that's a cardinal sin in a shooter imo. I'll see it through but I'm not hopeful, maybe I should just close the book on HL1 and move on.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Just played and finished Control on Gamepass this weekend. Dang this was a good game. Really good game. I still need to complete the missed side quests after the credit roll, credit roll. :)
Next up on Gamepass will be Call of the Sea.
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Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity (just got the Master Sword a little while ago) and some Gran Turismo Sport ( 2D or some VR cruising) : )
Jumping between Immortals Fenyx Rising, Atelier Ryza and Spider-Man Remastered on PS5.

Finishing up some side stuff in Assassin's Creed Valhalla on Series X before Cyber Punk launches.


Went to go play COD Black Ops: Cold War this weekend on XsX and damn thing keeps crashing on the third or fourth mission (night time, in a forest). Seems like it has something to do with ray traced shadows. I will try again once a patch is out.

Diverted and downloaded Dragon Quest XI on Gamepass, and I am hooked. First Dragon Quest game and it has been a long time since I have played a turn based RPG, but I am enjoying it so far. Just got a total of 3 companions and making my way through. I am enjoying it more than I thought I would.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Rome: Total War (Android port on Pixel 3 XL)

Wow. Amazingly, it's a straight port of the PC classic. Controls need time to get used, but it's a fantastic port. Never gets old watching thousands of units mix it up on my phone.
Almost done with Hyrule Warriors AoC, I only got the final mission to do, plus all the challenges that it will unlock. But damn, some of those challenges are brutal...
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