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Dead space 2

Continued from Halloween. Went on a "hard to the core"-trophy run.

Ranko Tsukigime's longest day

Experimental and kind of quirky game. Somewhat avantgarde. Its takes a blend of various elements from platformers, shmups, and chase/pursuit levels. Not sure what they tried to accomplish here.

I appreciate it for trying something different, but this one of the few times I'm not sure I'd recommend it to someone. Its appeal is really narrow. I liked it though.

Unless you're a hardcore Suda 51 fan or like unusual oddities with a very niche avantgarde appeal, then I wouldn't really recommend it. Its probably going to become a collector's item at some point given its low print run.
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Just done with Ghost of Tsushima on PS5, WAAAY beyond what I expected from Sucker Punch, they upgraded like Insomniac and Guerilla Games.

got a big PS4 backlog to go through, next is KH3.


Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

Over the past year, I played through Origins, Odyssey, and Unity. After beating Syndicate, I will have completed all of the main releases outside of Rogue and Valhalla.

At this point the series is just gaming comfort food for me. So far Syndicate seems like a letdown compared to Unity. London feels "dead" compared to Paris. It's a shame because I always thought Victorian London would be an amazing setting for an AC game. I can also easily tell that Unity and Origins were made by the same team and Syndicate and Odyssey were made by the same team. The former are more "grounded" while the latter are more arcadey.



Astrobot’s Playroom
—solid and charming little platformer that’s a great showcase for the Dualsense. Easy platinum too. Would love to see a full, non-VR game.

Miles Morales—finished it yesterday. Got all the collectibles, did all the sidequests and phone missions/crimes etc. and really enjoyed it! Liked it more than the first game as I found Miles more fun to play with his electric and invincibility powers. Also no dumb stealth sections. Was plenty long for me to at 17 hours doing pretty much everything other than 3 starring all challenges, some combat trophies and the new game plus unlocks.

Demon’s Souls—liking it more than I thought I would as I was pretty burnt out in the series/genre and not as patient as I used to be. Still doubt I’ll get all the way through it, but will keep chipping away at it on the side. Beat the bosses in 1-1 and 2-1 is as far as I’ve gotten so far. Tried 4-1 to get the sword near the start I read was a great early game weapon but couldn’t deal with the skeletons. Will try again as I gained a few levels clearing 2-1.

XSX (Gamepass)

Man of Medan-
finished it up last night and enjoyed it a lot overall. Not as good as Until Dawn, but still solid and glad I waited for Gamepass to play it as it's pretty short and I don't really replay these games. Replayed the last mission a couple times to get other endings affected by decisions there. Curious about the next game in the anthology, but will likely only play if it hits Gamepass or drops to $5-10 in some future sale.

Forza Horizon 4—looks amazing and a ton of relaxing fun to play. Will be my main side game for a long while.

Outer Wilds—getting more into this after a few sessions. Having fun exploring and trying to piece things together. Doubt I’ll be able to finish it without looking things up though as I sick at puzzle/adventure games.


Trials of Mana
—struggling to stay interested in this 9ish hours into it, though I did get past a boss I'd died a few times on my prior session which helps. Will give it a couple more tries and drop it if my interest doesn’t get piqued. Too much else to play with Cyberpunk soon, other games in progress, Luigi’s Mansion 3 bought in a recent sale and all the stuff on Gamepass I want to play to stick with games I’m not feeling.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
I'm still working on a Nintendo 64 book project, but it's a tough slog as I'm playing through a lot of poor or mediocre videogames. Next up is Hudson Soft's Centre Point Tennis, which is an okay-ish sports game that doesn't really inspire any interest. It's the gaming equivalent to rice cakes. World Driver Championship is better and definitely one of N64's best racing titles. It's not Gran Turismo by any stretch and it plays a bit slow, but the vehicle handling is very responsive once you get over the learning curve. Twisted Edge Snowboarding is okay, nothing really special but nothing broken either. It was immediately forgotten in the wake of Nintendo's 1080. Mace the Dark Age is a pretty meh 3D Mortal Kombat wannabe, but it's one of the very last arcade titles by Atari Games, so it's kinda like Elvis Presley's Moody Blue.

On the Saturn front, I picked up (wink, nudge) another stack of games, including the latest English translation patches for Grandia (fan-freaking-tastic), Sakura Wars (ditto), Castlevania (glorious), Policenauts (love it), Vandal Hearts (really good) and Valhollian (ditto). I also found myself with a few stinkers like Dragon Heart, Lost World and Whizz.

Honey Bunny

Folklore. Been intrigued by it for over a decade lol.

It's a little like Deadly Premonition without most of the humour. Great atmosphere is all it really has going for it, and a surprisingly ok use of the sixaxis.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. Good game. Overall as good as 0 I suppose so around 8/10. The fighting engine is better but it has a few really cheap bosses (but then you just go cheap yourself and use some OP weapon you saved up or have unlocked some ultimate Kiryu skill on top of too many health items to care, it's still not fun but at least it's not annoying to keep dying on them), it has a bit more open feel to the city exploration, much closer to Like a Dragon than 0, but a worse story imo. The character relationships don't really work in the time frame it spans so they feel forced and the way characters survive or die just to advance the plot struck me harder in this than others. Like, how can you fight a damn army, guns included, then have everyone at a standstill because the culript behind the whole thing appears alone, with a pistol, and they act like he has the upper hand and they can't do anything and he offs anyone and everyone as he sees fit? They just didn't make the circumstances believable. The overall story is not bad, the mysteries, the twists and turns, but the way it's presented and unfolds is. Perhaps on the PS2 original it was more understandable to fill in blanks by yourself and for cut scenes to differ much more to gameplay like this.

If Kiryu's story keeps getting worse like this maybe it's best we didn't get 3, 4, 5 and 6 on PC, we'll see. Hopefully they keep making action games like this, like Judgement or Fist of the North Star, instead of only continue with the JRPG stuff as in Like a Dragon (which is my GOTY but variety is the spice of life). They definitely need to find a way to keep interest in the action without cheap enemies that don't follow the rules your character adheres to in terms of how and when shit can be blocked and when you cause flinching or can use specials. They also shouldn't be scared of imposing limits in terms of food and weapons and items you can have at a time. You can hoard way too much to the point you only get any difficulty if you play while hoarding items and not even using them for the majority of the game (which is basically what I did without thinking it, then when encountering the cheap bosses I was miffed at first then I was like oh well, I got this OP shit to use, whatever). The Majima mini story, which I didn't like to play as much because his fighting style doesn't work for me, does restrict you in some ways and it's more properly challenging, like with how you can't overeat unlike with Kiryu so if you wanna heal you'll use up your healing items or deliberately go cheap yourself and wait way too long for the hunger gauge to empty again (I guess a solution to that would be to have the hunger gauge only deplete per encounter, not just running around) so you can eat normal food, which is you knowingly breaking the system at that point. You could still hoard actual healing items too but I sent all my money to the sub story stuff and there aren't too many opportunities to make an excessive amount of money in Majima's scenario for the most part (it's not like Yakuza 0 where both characters are each a half of the game, it's just a short prequel scenario showing how some things unfolded for Majima before Kiryu's story even starts in Kiwami 2).

More side quests should use the arcade games, have Kiryu enter a Virtua Fighter 2 tournament or something, with actual "player" challengers. That'd be rad, instead in 0 there's just that old fuck asking you to just get past stage 3 or whatever, like Haruka in this game I guess had a Virtual On wins threshold to praise or pout.
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Just finished Ghostrunner. Loved it to bits altough it ended up very different from what I was expecting. I thought it would be lighter action game, but it was bassically FPP Hotline Miami with parkour ninja as a lead. Which was great, especially since they really timed the sections well enough that I never felt bored repeating them even 10 times before succeeding. But still, the movement and combat system is so damn good that I also wish somebody would make more open and lighter game with it.


About half way through the levels in Snake Pass. It's a pretty damn simple game but there's something very relaxing about it all. The physics-heavy snake is just fun to control. Some of the checkpointing stuff is absolutely awful, though.

Mr Hyde

Finished Silence and unfortunately, it didn't held up the quality set by the first half. The story ended kinda abruptly, where characters just disappeared or changed agendas on a whim, it felt rushed and makes me think content was cut. Too bad, because the first half was really good at setting everything up. I'd give it a 6/10 though, mostly for its beautiful graphics and music.

Almost done with Journey to the Savage Planet too. I'm at the final area. Will probably beat it by tomorrow or Friday. It's a fun game, with quirky humor and some surprisingly solid gameplay. It's a Metroidvania of sorts, and you collect upgrades and scan creatures on a lush planet filled with all sorts of strange things.

It's around 10-15 hours of playtime, which I think is more than sufficient for this game. The humor does wear a bit thin now at the end and it's not enough variety too keep it fresh. But all in all, it's a fun game. Will likely be considered a hidden gem in the future.
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Currently wrapping up Ni No Kuni 2 but I’m losing steam, about 30 hours in and feel like I’ve got my fill but want it finish it just because. Not a bad game, but not amazing either.

previously I had played Furi which is an amazing 10/10 game for me.


Was focused on Gungnir (and it's still in my PSP), but been having a hard time committing to anything in particular. Now I've gone back to my Persona PQ2 (3DS) playthrough. Didn't realize I was on the final dungeon, but it's a pretty easy game to jump back into. Light-hearted, fun as hell to play, probably gonna try and finish it. I think I prefer these (PQ and PQ2) over the Etrian Odyssey games, though I really enjoy those as well.


SBI’s Employee of the Year
Currently wrapping up Ni No Kuni 2 but I’m losing steam, about 30 hours in and feel like I’ve got my fill but want it finish it just because. Not a bad game, but not amazing either.

previously I had played Furi which is an amazing 10/10 game for me.

Ni No Kuni 2 lost me so quickly. I was so sad, because I loved the first part so much.
But the presentation was so terribly lackluster and felt downright lazy. Compared to the first one that felt like a Ghibli movie, the second one felt like a long DLC with budget cuts.


I wanted to play Cyberpunk2077, but I preordered the physical edition and my retailer haven't shipped the game yet.

The same retailer did ship PS5 to me though which arrived today. So I've been playing some Astrobot and Spiderman Miles Morales.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Just beat the story of Yakuza 0. At the start I liked it less than Yakuza 7, maybe because imo the story takes a while to take off, maybe because of having 2 MCs instead of one.

But now that I have beaten it I don't know. The story is fantastic with some good twists and well written and cool characters. The minigames are better in this one and I liked the music better (personal preference).

All in all I've enjoyed it a lot. Now on to complete the sidecontent i have left and then Kiwami.
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Neo Member
Front Mission 3 on PS1 and Sakuna of Rice and Ruin on Switch. I got to a point in my life where very few games give me fun. After 3h of Cyberpunk2077 filled for refund on Steam - I'm not saying the game is bad, but it lacks intent for me.


Since I finally got a new GPU (2080TI off of Kijiji) I started playing Half Life Alyx, fantastic game, even on my now aging CV1.
It does make me miss Valve as software developers because the game thus far is amazing.

Phobos Base

Jedi Fallen Order. For the first few hours I was actively disliking it, but after getting most of my powers it definitely improved. Although there are enough poor design decisions not make sure it doesn't raise above the level of just being ok.
Ni No Kuni 2 lost me so quickly. I was so sad, because I loved the first part so much.
But the presentation was so terribly lackluster and felt downright lazy. Compared to the first one that felt like a Ghibli movie, the second one felt like a long DLC with budget cuts.

yes, the story is beginning to drag, I’m sure I’m close to the end (been everywhere on the map) but it doesn’t have the charm the first one had. It’s not bad by any means and the combat is better, but overall not the grand adventure I was expecting.

Mr Hyde

Final boss in Journey to the Savage Planet. The last area was urgh, not fun at all. Luckily it was short. I'm just gonna kill this creature, watch the end and be done with it. I don't think I will revisit this game.


The nicest person on this forum
I just finished re-playing Sekiro on my PS5. The game runs so smoothly on that system.

I highly enjoyed Demons Souls, if I didn’t I wouldn’t play it 5 times but I would say I definitely like Sekiro better.


I'm On trails of Cold Steel 3 right now. Trying to finish it up and maybe make it through ToCS 4 before Ys IX: Monstrum makes its western release and then Nier Replicant remaster after that. maybe the fervor for next gen craziness will subside by then and i'll take a dive for a PS5. Should have pretty good stability by then at least...



Astrobot’s Playroom
—solid and charming little platformer that’s a great showcase for the Dualsense. Easy platinum too. Would love to see a full, non-VR game.

Miles Morales—finished it yesterday. Got all the collectibles, did all the sidequests and phone missions/crimes etc. and really enjoyed it! Liked it more than the first game as I found Miles more fun to play with his electric and invincibility powers. Also no dumb stealth sections. Was plenty long for me to at 17 hours doing pretty much everything other than 3 starring all challenges, some combat trophies and the new game plus unlocks.

Demon’s Souls—liking it more than I thought I would as I was pretty burnt out in the series/genre and not as patient as I used to be. Still doubt I’ll get all the way through it, but will keep chipping away at it on the side. Beat the bosses in 1-1 and 2-1 is as far as I’ve gotten so far. Tried 4-1 to get the sword near the start I read was a great early game weapon but couldn’t deal with the skeletons. Will try again as I gained a few levels clearing 2-1.

XSX (Gamepass)

Man of Medan-
finished it up last night and enjoyed it a lot overall. Not as good as Until Dawn, but still solid and glad I waited for Gamepass to play it as it's pretty short and I don't really replay these games. Replayed the last mission a couple times to get other endings affected by decisions there. Curious about the next game in the anthology, but will likely only play if it hits Gamepass or drops to $5-10 in some future sale.

Forza Horizon 4—looks amazing and a ton of relaxing fun to play. Will be my main side game for a long while.

Outer Wilds—getting more into this after a few sessions. Having fun exploring and trying to piece things together. Doubt I’ll be able to finish it without looking things up though as I sick at puzzle/adventure games.


Trials of Mana
—struggling to stay interested in this 9ish hours into it, though I did get past a boss I'd died a few times on my prior session which helps. Will give it a couple more tries and drop it if my interest doesn’t get piqued. Too much else to play with Cyberpunk soon, other games in progress, Luigi’s Mansion 3 bought in a recent sale and all the stuff on Gamepass I want to play to stick with games I’m not feeling.

Added Cyberpunk 2077 on XSX to the above. Demon's Souls I'm not sure how much I'll keep plugging away at--bought it knowing I wasn't really into the series/genre anymore and just wanting to check it out as the one big true next gen exclusive showcase at launch of either platform. I'm not salty with it or anything, just get bored with the combat and slow progress as I figure enemies out and slowly get better. Not really my cup of tea these days, but looks and sounds amazing. Downside of dropping it is my PS5 will get little use for a while since I grabbed Cyberpunk on XSX for the quality mode and have a lot of stuff on Gamepass I want to play. Not really anything else on PS5 I want--maybe Sackboy if it goes on sale--until probably Ratchet and Clank (maybe in February per some rumors).


I've just started The Outer Worlds...it seems to be exactly Fallout in space.....but I've encountered better writing in the first few hours than in the whole of my Fallout 4 playthrough.

Mr Hyde

Finished Journey to the Savage Planet. I don't know, in the end it was kind of mediocre, with a frustrating end area and final boss. And the ending was meh at best. Not much payoff. Kinda disappointed overall.

Bought Morbid: The Seven Acolytes for 20% off during its release on Switch. It borrows heavily from Bloodborne, HP Lovecraft and, to a lesser degree, David Cronenbergs body horror style of movies. This what made me pull the trigger since I'm a big fan of all of those three subjects.

It's okay so far. The pixel art is good and the combat is fine. The problem is that the developers doesn't have any own ideas, they're just copying off others work and call it a day. Inspiration is fine, but it would be nice to have something original to show off and make it stand out from the competition. As it is now, you know everything that going to happen before you even finished the game.
Just finished Psychonauts.

It was great, at least until the Meat Circus. The entire last part of the game where they took the barely passable camera and jumping mechanics, then made you rely on both for an escort mission. The last boss (technically bosses) were impossible to not beat (shield is OP) leaving me with a sour taste for a game that up to that point had been a fun, strange little adventure.

Yesterday I would have recommended the game, after finishing last night, maybe not.


Just started playing Ryse: Son of Rome.

Looks good, although it's nothing special. Gameplay seems very basic, but I kinda like the premise of a story. I also really like how detailed the city of Rome is. There is a lot of really gorgeous landmarks there.


Was playing shadow of war but dropped it after 5 hours. Game feels like you're wading through mud to actually get to real hook of the gameplay i.e army building, nemesis system. And yikes, that's story.

Going to start up my grounded play through of TLOU part 2 instead.


Just Cause 4. Was on PS+. It's just goofy fun running around using a grappling hook.
Rage 2. Bit the bullet and signed up for PS Now. Saw this on there and decided to give it a shot. Hooooo, boy. I feel stupid for not checking it out earlier. I'm pretty early on in the game, so maybe it breaks down later, but so far it's an absolute blast.


On my 40th hour on Dragon Quest XI DE on Game Pass.... spending way too much time making stuff, grinding and gambling now - and I haven't even gotten full party members yet lol...

I think this will probably take me at least 100 hours to complete, but I'm thinking about moving along faster. It's somewhat refreshing to come back to such vanilla experience, but I'm falling asleep during grinding and pounding items... not a good sign.

Ge Os

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice on PS5. Played it on Pc like 2 years ago, but I got a physical copy a while back and decided to give it another run.
So far, this is the only PS4 game I've seen with a "Some unexpected behaviour might be seen while playing this PS4 game on PS5" message at start up, but I haven't noticed anything weird, but going from main menu to actual game does take a while tho.


screenshots look freaking cool!


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Lords of Shadow 2. Its not great, certainly not as good as part 1 but I'm a sucker for castlevania games and I really want to beat this game

I finished Lords of Shadow 2 and the DLC. Not great but I had to finish.

Started World of Final Fantasy and Shadow Warrior 1 (2013) both on PC. Not such which one I will focus on. Im a big FF fan but not sure of World of. The art style and story seems a bit meh. Someone sell me on it please.

Shadow Warrior looks fantastic for a 7 year old game. I started it before but this time I hope I stick with it.


The nicest person on this forum
I'm doing the boss rush mode in Sekiro, I didn't expect them to add new moves for Genichiro. That was really fun fight!


Dungeons & Dragons Pool of Radiance (1988) - PC, GOG
Dead Space 1 (2008) - PC, Steam
Black Desert Online (2015) - PC, Steam
Serious Sam 3 BFE (2011) - PC, Steam


I'm enjoying The Outer Worlds a lot....finished up the first planet and the game is very relaxing.....seriously,why aren't more big games set in space,every other game is post apocalyptic wastelands,we don't get to venture into space enough.
This game is making me look forward to the Mass Effect remakes even more.
Resident Evil 0 on PC. It's my firs time playing it. Enjoying it, but definitely several steps down from REmake:

- For some bizarre reason, they decided to change the controls around. (Thank you Steam control settings for allowing me to change this monstrosity)
- The whole "exchange items between Rebecca and Billy" is dumb
- On the above, no item boxes is... eh. One of the signature features of classic tank-controlled REs is the presence of the magic storage boxes. C'mon bro.
- That early 2000's edge and awkward dialogue.

Also replaying Resident Evil 4 (for the trillionth time), this time on Switch. Pretty nice to be able to play it portably, although it dips from the stable framerate more often than I would like.

In between campaigns of games I'm playing, I usually get a few minutes/hours of retro or arcade stuff here and there, usually on PC. Getting in some Castlevania 1 (LOL...) here and there as I play RE0.
I've just started The Outer Worlds...it seems to be exactly Fallout in space.....but I've encountered better writing in the first few hours than in the whole of my Fallout 4 playthrough.
I'm enjoying The Outer Worlds a lot....finished up the first planet and the game is very relaxing.....seriously,why aren't more big games set in space,every other game is post apocalyptic wastelands,we don't get to venture into space enough.
This game is making me look forward to the Mass Effect remakes even more.
I just started, as well. Great writing and humor. Interesting systems, though I will probably drop it when I get Cyberpunk next week.

kyussman kyussman Your name a reference to the band?
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Cyberpunk. The world CD Projekt have built is pretty incredible. Haven't encountered any serious bugs so far. The odd person floating through scenery but not much else.

Fist of The North Star: Lost Paradise. It's Yakuza but FoTNS. Not quite as good as Yakuza but more the same fun.
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Keep getting sucked into Kururin Pa and Baku Baku Animal on the Saturn. Puzzle games sink their hooks into me so easily. I got pretty far into Kururin pa until the purple granny decimated me. :lollipop_weary:
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