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« generous god »


Gold Member
Playing Thymesia. Has pretty good combat but there is only one main weapon and it’s getting bit repetitive for me. I have read it’s pretty short so I will see it through. Not loving the art style but alright for a budget 3rd person souls like game.
It opens up a bit when you get more of the enemy plague weapons, but most of it seems to rely on feathers, parries, and the charged claw. It does not really get any better. As soon as it hits its stride it just ends.
Just finished Outer Wilds. My god. This is one of the most brilliantly written and conceived of games I've ever played. My mind is blown, bent and twisted.

If any of you enjoy time travel shenanigans and figuring out how to make sense of stuff like that, play this game right now. It's a bit of a slow burn at the start when you have no idea what you're doing or why you're doing it or what's going on at all (although it's still fun just exploring the solar system), but once the pieces start coming together, holy shit.

It's also brilliant because the way you progress through this game is purely by acquiring knowledge. You don't find a key that unlocks a door or gain an ability that lets you go new places, you simply LEARN and that lets you access new locations and do new things because you now understand how to.

Unbelievable experience, and I'm just a little sad I can never have it again. There's DLC though, gonna play that as well for sure.

That's one of those games I hear about that people want to erase their memories of and replay blind, because nothing is like the first time. I bought it on sale a few years ago but never got around to play it since I've really dropped off PC gaming. Posts like yours makes me want to pick it up at some point.


Gold Member
That's one of those games I hear about that people want to erase their memories of and replay blind, because nothing is like the first time. I bought it on sale a few years ago but never got around to play it since I've really dropped off PC gaming. Posts like yours makes me want to pick it up at some point.

Do it! And yeah, don't look stuff up, it will eventually make sense and make you go "oooooh!".


There are a few things that irk me, but I'm really into Jedi Survivor now. So much that I haven't played anything else. Koboh is so large that it almost feels like it contains stuff enough for one game. Jedha is a bit less fun but the level design is still better than Jedha in the first game. I guess the exploration aspect is that works the best for me and despite some clunky cliched dialogue, the game does a pretty good job with these outcast loners yearning for any kind of normalcy in their lives.

Shake Your Rump

Gold Member
Just finished Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360). Good game. Only 23% of players completed it. It was unexpectedly difficult near the end. I don't know who in their right mind would try to collect all these flags, though.

I would immediately move on to the sequel, except I need to finish Blue Dragon in two weeks before Trails from Daybreak hits.

Sand Land is fun, a 'simpler' open world game. I'm having a blast with it so far.
It's truly one of the most fun games I've played this year. It just kept going and going and going, so I had to stop at some point. I think I came close to getting all the villagers, but after 60 hours, I was ready to move on.


I've been playing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden in last few days and I really enjoy it. The story and atmosphere are great, the haunting cases are fun, main protagonists are well-written, their key dilemma is compelling, choices are interesting and general gameplay loop is generally well put. I do have some small gripes with it - worldspace feels a bit too narow, I'm not a big fan of the backtracking and limiting fast travel to campfires and combat can get a bit too repetitive thanks to small variety of enemies. I also hope their next games will offer a bit more complex skill tree. Overall though, I have a lot of fun with Banishers and despite some small issues I've mentioned, it's definitely one of the better games I've played this year
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I went on a devastating eBay tear for Saturn games over the last month.

So I finished stellar blade the weekend before and I thought I would get into some of these games I bought.

Well, I've been meaning to try power slave ... Since it came out.

WOW. This is fantastic. So I always heard it was a technical tour de force and it really is. With the tradeoff of using sprites for enemies and objects, it runs and looks better than quake.

It doesn't necessarily play better because the shooting is somewhat de-emphasized and just serviceable. Where this game sticks the landing is in the level design. It like an old school mazy-style and I find myself searching high and low for the next door, but it's always just clever enough for me to eventually figure it out.

It's huge with a mario-world kind of map. Levels on the map indicate when they have multiple exits and they are distinct enough that I can remember what I missed when I get a new power that allows exploring new areas and return to the level.

After playing a bit Saturday night, I was wondering if I was going to keep going because the shooting is a little janky. I picked it up Sunday morning with my coffee and holy crap I was glued to it all day! Can't wait to go back.

Though last night, I did get to 'the water temple'. And yes, it was full water temple. I was stuck in that shit for days and it was a tedious pain. Hey it's the water level what are ya gonna do. :lollipop_grinning_smiling_eyes:
A bunch but the newest one in rotation is Outcast: A New Beginning.

This game is really fun. I can't speak to launch performance but it runs fine now, it's received a bunch of patches. Audio doesn't fade out as it should at times and occasional enemy will be stuck in place but that's it's for issues I noticed. Screen tearing is minimal on a 60hz TV. 120hz 40fps mode is solid.

It gets talky here and there but the characters are charming and the game seems designed to let the player have fun. It's got Skyrim horse physics when it comes to scaling mountains and I like that. It's just a really pleasant, fun game with a super vibrant color palette. Don't sleep on this game if that sounds enjoyable to you.
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I went on a devastating eBay tear for Saturn games over the last month.

So I finished stellar blade the weekend before and I thought I would get into some of these games I bought.

Well, I've been meaning to try power slave ... Since it came out.

WOW. This is fantastic. So I always heard it was a technical tour de force and it really is. With the tradeoff of using sprites for enemies and objects, it runs and looks better than quake.

It doesn't necessarily play better because the shooting is somewhat de-emphasized and just serviceable. Where this game sticks the landing is in the level design. It like an old school mazy-style and I find myself searching high and low for the next door, but it's always just clever enough for me to eventually figure it out.

It's huge with a mario-world kind of map. Levels on the map indicate when they have multiple exits and they are distinct enough that I can remember what I missed when I get a new power that allows exploring new areas and return to the level.

After playing a bit Saturday night, I was wondering if I was going to keep going because the shooting is a little janky. I picked it up Sunday morning with my coffee and holy crap I was glued to it all day! Can't wait to go back.

Though last night, I did get to 'the water temple'. And yes, it was full water temple. I was stuck in that shit for days and it was a tedious pain. Hey it's the water level what are ya gonna do. :lollipop_grinning_smiling_eyes:
Power Slave is amazing. Really is as good as people make it out to be. Yes, the water temple is tough. Those piranhas are no joke. 🫠


40% through the Demon's Souls PS5 remake. First time in a From game that's not Elden Ring.

But that's going to have to take a backseat once Shadow of the Erdtree drops, jumping right into that with both feet ASAP.

Davey Cakes

Elden Ring is my main squeeze right now as I only started my first play through a few weeks ago, but I did set aside some time to FINALLY beat DOOM (2016) last night. I’m not entirely done as I want to revisit some of the chapters and find more secrets.

You could say I was inspired by The Dark Ages being announced but yeah, I don’t play a lot of FPS these days but DOOM is such a tightly designed, fun, exhilarating time.

Backlog is already massive but I guess I’ll be wishlisting Eternal.
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Elden Ring is my main squeeze right now as I only started my first play through a few weeks ago, but I did set aside some time to FINALLY beat DOOM (2016) last night. I’m not entirely done as I want to revisit some of the chapters and find more secrets.

You could say I was inspired by The Dark Ages being announced but yeah, I don’t play a lot of FPS these days but DOOM is such a tightly designed, fun, exhilarating time.

Backlog is already massive but I guess I’ll be wishlisting Eternal.
Nice what you playing it on? Need to do a rerun

Davey Cakes

Nice what you playing it on? Need to do a rerun
Difficulty or platform?

I’m playing on Hurt Me Plenty for the same reason I play Resident Evil on Standard. I’m just here for the ride.

Platform is PC. That’s where I do all my gaming other than Switch and I grew up with m+kb controls for FPS so it feels right at home.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Hopped into a session of Helldivers 2.

Still the best MP game of the past decade. This game is so stupid good.


Just started Persona 3 reload. Really enjoying it. Haven't played it since I had it on the PSP, it is funny how it really more simplistic it seems having played Persona4/5 since then, but I like the cast of characters a lot and the music and aesthetic are great.
Helldivers 2 and Diablo IV still get some play from time to time.
I need to get back to Control, I want to beat it so I can play Alan Wake 2.
Also need to get back to Unicorn Overlord, got like half way thru and lost steam.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
At the end of Gears 4, chpt 4. Easily my #1 pick for Gears so far, by far better than 0-3. Probably landing on a 9.5 on this. Dramatically exceeded my personal expectations. Its just nearly a flawless cover shooter blockbuster game.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Screw my backlog, I just started a new game in Baldur's Gate 3 on the PS5. Going elven monk this time. Gonna punish my enemies with my bare hands.

Edit: after all of these updates the inventory system and UI still licks gooch. Damn. lol

Edit 2: I I finally figured out how to free Shadowheart. I guess those Canadian buds elevated my mind
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Been keeping my eye on ... Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate edition, and theres a sale on PC.
Finally pulled the trigger and got it and its alright.

I expected bit more straight forward action like other beat'em Ups, but it plays a bit like a mix of capcoms Dungeons & Dragons and a 2d Zelda that rewards exploration.

Now if only there was a raytracing mod to try, find the graphics a bit flat. I know i know its minecraft after all, dont expect much :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Just finished Fallout 4 on PC. Taking a break from PC now and started playing Elden Ring and Gran Turismo on PS5. PC will be parked for a while lol


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Elden Ring again. My main is on PC, but I want t play the DLC on PS5. So leveliong again. I think I may do the thing where I kill that giant over and over again to gain 20 or so levels. Or maybe I'll play legit. Dunno.

Edit: Moment time


Edit 2: I barely beat this easy fox boss. I have zero muscle memory for this game. This is gonna be rough.

Edit 3: I forgot how unforgiving this game is
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Something tells me about to fight the last boss……

Deaths door. Pfff! More like….. door that I’m about to kick down and whoop somebody’s ass! 😅

I guess I’ll be choosing a new game if I beat this game tonight. And do t get too caught up in topics on the gaf. Pissing down with rain outside anyway so I got all the excuse in the world.
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Deadspace Remake. Played the original back in the day. Awesome survival horror. Looks and plays amazing. It’s been in my backlog for quite some time. Glad I finally
Got around to playing it. Probably close to finishing it.

FF7 Rebirth. Been slogging away at this for months. Not to say it’s a slog. Just so much content. Love the game, the combat gives me an aneurysm at times though.

Octopath Traveller 2. Played 10hrs of the first game and enjoyed what I played, however couldn’t see myself playing for 40+ hours and seeing it through. Having to play all the characters first chapter before continuing their storyline burnt me out and from what I’ve heard the individual stories don’t intersect or pay off. Ok characters, average story, decent visuals, great combat system.

The silver lining is Ive realised I like the series, so ditched 1 and moved onto 2. It’s only early days but feels like it’s improved in many ways. Already feel much more invested. The game is a real looker too!

hemo memo

Gold Member
Done with FF7 OG. About to jump into FF8. All the talk about the junction system and enemy scaling is worrying me though.
Okay I would say i’m more than half way through disc 1 and the junction system is not as bad as I thought. Dare I say i’m enjoying it way more than FF7? Also 2 years between 7 and 8 and honestly the visual difference is just striking. I don’t want to jinx it, though.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Gears 4 done. I was just about to say Act 5 was slow, but then it just laid into the fun blockbuster ending at just the right time. The very ending scene cuts off a little abruptly in a strange way but thats about it for real complaints. Its a fantastic game, tied with part 1 for my favorite in the series. It hit all the beats I wanted. And this is with ignoring the multiplayer.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Wrapped up R&C 2016 and grabbed an extra trophy I never got all those years ago

Now it's either Darksiders, Alone In The Dark, revisiting Metroid Prime, revisiting Doom Eternal or restarting FF16

First world nerd problems indeed

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Played a few more maps in Lamplighter's League last night. Reading some of the reviews, it's definitely got some polarizing elements I have yet to encounter and they sound like legitimate issues. But so far, it's been damn good.


They managed to streamline something like Shadow Tactics / Desperados into something just slightly more casual to keep the pacing up, and it's honestly a brilliant battle system. You can move around in real time on the maps like an overhead Metal Gear Solid 1, controlling 3 teammates with various interesting abilities individually or in a group very easily. Cover system similar to X-Com. Then each character has stealth kill moves to use in these real time phases as well, so you can dispatch enemies pretty quickly. Then, whenever you want you can switch to turn based and it's more like X-Com. That gameplay loop is just fascinating to me. You encounter a group of 10 enemies on a map, take out 4-5 in real time relatively quickly, then get in position and initiate the turn based battle on the remaining 5 on your terms, so it's the best of both worlds. Then the battle ends and you're on the same map and can run around and explore for items, all with no delays.

I had one encounter where I saw 4 enemies patrolling and used my thief to stealth kill the 1 up top that had the longest vision cone and was keeping watch. Then positioned everyone behind different walls flanking the remaining 3 on different sides. Initiated turn based and did a push kick with the melee character that pushed one person into another and they both fall prone. Thief shoots the 3rd guy in the back twice for bonus damage after he turned to look at his teammates on the ground, dead. Then my dual pistols character runs up and blasts the two on the ground. Battle over in 1 turn, then back to exploring. Feels good.
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Just finishing off Unicorn Overlord (on the last battle after cleaning up a bunch of side trophies).

Next up Trails of Cold Steel (Ps4 version) and while I'm away over summer BG3 and Pillars of Eternity 2 (along with some systems research)


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Played a few more maps in Lamplighter's League last night. Reading some of the reviews, it's definitely got some polarizing elements I have yet to encounter and they sound like legitimate issues. But so far, it's been damn good.


They managed to streamline something like Shadow Tactics / Desperados into something just slightly more casual to keep the pacing up, and it's honestly a brilliant battle system. You can move around in real time on the maps like an overhead Metal Gear Solid 1, controlling 3 teammates with various interesting abilities individually or in a group very easily. Cover system similar to X-Com. Then each character has stealth kill moves to use in these real time phases as well, so you can dispatch enemies pretty quickly. Then, whenever you want you can switch to turn based and it's more like X-Com. That gameplay loop is just fascinating to me. You encounter a group of 10 enemies on a map, take out 4-5 in real time relatively quickly, then get in position and initiate the turn based battle on the remaining 5 on your terms, so it's the best of both worlds. Then the battle ends and you're on the same map and can run around and explore for items, all with no delays.

I had one encounter where I saw 4 enemies patrolling and used my thief to stealth kill the 1 up top that had the longest vision cone and was keeping watch. Then positioned everyone behind different walls flanking the remaining 3 on different sides. Initiated turn based and did a push kick with the melee character that pushed one person into another and they both fall prone. Thief shoots the 3rd guy in the back twice for bonus damage after he turned to look at his teammates on the ground, dead. Then my dual pistols character runs up and blasts the two on the ground. Battle over in 1 turn, then back to exploring. Feels good.

I recall this game having a lot of technical issues at launch, has that part been fixed over time with patches?


Gold Member
Dragon Age Inquisition.
Never got far when it first came out so decided to start over. Going with my elven dual handed rogue.

People weren't kidding about leave the Hinterlands as soon as it's convenient. Jesus, what a trap that could have been.
Definitely don't like I can't assign attributes to my characters stats as they level up and have to relay on crafting gear with attribute bonuses.

Solid so far and I can't believe 10 years has come and gone since it first came out.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I recall this game having a lot of technical issues at launch, has that part been fixed over time with patches?
A lot of the Xbox store reviews talk about saves erasing. No idea if its fixed.

The main gameplay complaints seem to revolve around really aggressive time management later in the game with the Doomsday clock. I haven't gotten there yet, but it sounds like a legitimate complaint.

Other than that, it's pretty dang fun.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Finished Castle of Heart. A pretty solid 2D action platformer that reminds me of DragonHeart: Fire and Steel that I used to play as a kid. DragonHeart sucked ass but Castle of Heart is actually not bad. You play as a knight cursed with an affliction that turns you to stone and you have to kill the evil sorcerer who did this (and save the fair maiden on your way). The levels are pretty standard, you jump over obstacles, kill a few enemies and pick up some exp. The graphics are serviceable and the platforming is decent. For a game that often goes on sale for a buck it's not bad. It's pretty fun to play through. Full price though? Nah, not worth it.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Another couple of awesome battles in Lamplighters League. This is one of the only strategy stealth games I've played where a back attack does more damage, but then the person you hit faces you. So you can flank them and just switch characters to back attack over and over lol.
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Out of town so been playing a lot of Dragon Age 2 on the steamdeck with some form of custom contoller config. The repeated dungeon layout doesnt bother me much now its effectively portable pick up and play.
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