Do we not have a dedicated VR thread? There's several Occulus specific threads, but maybe one thread (pcvr, psvr, standalone) would make sense since a lot of titles are cross-plattform? Anyway:
I played a couple of hours Metro Awakening now, I'm on chapter 5 I think. I only got my Occulus 3s back in November and I use it 99% for spatial computing, so VR games are a totally new frontier for me. Only played Alyx for like 2 hours prior to that.
I'm honestly kinda disappointed. The biggest issue is the gameplay and more accurately the gamedesign itself, something that already annoyed me in Alyx. These games play A LOT like walking simulators, which I would attribute to the devs designing these games for people who would otherwise get sick quickly in VR or something, I dunno. Maybe this gets better in Alyx, but Metro stills feels like I'm playing the tutorial (there's a total of 12 chapters), im terms of how simple the design is.
There's no need to search the rooms for loot really, there's nothing in the drawers, or the bins, or anything. The game is mostly set up for you to just run in a straight line through it, there's at most 1 or 2 very obvious branches where you find some stupid collectible. I'm really not sure whether this game wants me to be stealthy or not either, but since my ammunition is capped out most of the time anyway and I just keep shooting every enemy (much easier than stealth), even with my awfully bad VR aim, this obviously seems to work?
It's not really satisfying as a shooting experience either though, since enemies are so few and scarce. Like you have 3 or 4 rooms where you basically just run through, then you have one kill room, and then another 3 or 4 with nothing. The shootouts themselves feel more hectic than fun - this is something that gets better with time, but due to the poor game design you don't really get the chance to acclimate yourself with the shooting too much. I guess you could say this is intentional, but in that case their intention then sucked.
Also the controls suck, but maybe that's some tracking issue within my PCVR setup or something. I CONSTANTLY drop ammunition instead of storing it in my backpack, like honestly, at least 1 in 3 times I drop a clip instead of storing it. It's gotten so bad I now try listening for the very quiet audio cue (you either get a backpack rustling, or hear the clip dropping on the floor) when trying to figure out whether I stored something or not. Don't get me started on chosing between two primary weapons, which is such a drag that I just don't bother with anything other than my assault rifle. Overall the controls feel really gimmicky, much more so than they did in Alyx. It feels like they knew they had a lack of game and level design to make up for, so they instead have you pull out this electric winder spinny thing every other room so that you hook it up to something and spin it with your hands to charge up electricity. This is mildly fun the first time around, it's just plain annoying the 13th one.
At least the game looks good, like real good. I love the lighting especially. I hid behind a small box yesterday and the enemies were trying to figure out where I am, and since it's pitch black dark (you literally can't see without your own flashlight) they're trying to scout you out and you can see where their flashlights shine. It's awesome to have these spots of light pass like over your head. Moments like these awesome, and the game would be an easy 9/10 if these moments would be what define the game; But what sticks with me instead are all the pointless rooms I have to walk through again and again after that.
I'll keep playing, because I want this to get better, but I'm at a point where I have to convince myself to start the game up again, which is not a good sign sadly.