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What game are you currently playing?


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I would say I was just playing Hellblade. Except I wasn't playing Hellblade. I was watching Hellblade. And it wasn't a very good movie.

I'm kinda bummed, I'd been hyped at the idea of that game since I first heard of it. I saw it on a shelf for $20 and thought I couldn't lose. But shit, that wasn't a fucking game at all. And the sound design was annoying as well, so even if I'd wanted to sit and watch it, it would have been a bad experience. I've never spent so little time with a piece of software before uninstalling it.

Games that force you to watch long cutscenes suck. Games that don't let you skip cutscenes suck too. Games that constantly steal control away from you instead of letting you play for a while suck. Hellblade was the worst example of all three of those that I've ever experienced, because it didn't even have anything interesting happening while it tried to force you to watch it. And I say tried, because it completely failed. I was browsing reddit while waiting to play. I had guessed form past experience that after the third long cutscene I'd be able to start really playing, but it just never stopped stopping me from playing.


I have tried many times to get into the Witcher series, starting from 2 and 3 and it has failed to grab over and over. I look at the series and it should be right up my street though.

Due to the Netflix show and being ill over Christmas I have finally got passed the first area in Witcher 3 and I am starting to enjoy it and understand what makes it tick. The quests feel meaty and it is a nice change from the normal questing I have gotten used to over the years.

I have just told the bloody barren where his wife and kid are and he has persuaded me to help him rescue them.

My pick up and play roguelite is Undermine atm.
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Played some RingFit Adventure and Wreckfest! I can already tell I'm going to love RingFit. The main missions are a genuine workout. However, so far the true gems are the minigames. Robo-wrecker, for instance, is as good as any Wii or arcade/carnival wack-a-mole game. Very accurate motion controls, too.

Wreckfest -- for me -- is a successor to an old Dreamcast game called Demolition Racer: No Exit. I've only played a few races / arena matches and it's great! I really like how it gives points for special hits, and I like how many courses are included. My boys' eyes lit up watching the carnage and I think it'll be a winner with them, too.

zenspider zenspider I got a copy of Sekiro for Christmas so I'm still down to play in 2020 if you are.

Counting the days.
I finished 'Big Drunk Satanic Massacre' last night on PC, on the second highest difficulty. I really struggled with some of the boss fights, but found the game to be lots of fun overall.
There is pretty good weapon variation, lots of carnage, some funny pokes at modern culture and some RPG-lite elements.
Yeah, its a good top down shooter.


Started playing Styx: Shards of Darkness and wow, it's so good. Much better than the first game, feels less janky and more like you're in control, enemies aren't almost completely blind, deaf and dumb like in many other stealth games, their search patterns aren't predictable when they enter an alarmed state. The levels also look nice so far with plenty of options of avoiding enemies and reaching objectives. Oh, and the load times are greatly improved which helps if you mess up badly and have to reload. Looks like I'll be enjoying this to the very end. :)
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Tears of Nintendo
Currently finishing up the last AC Origins story DLC.

Can't wait to finally be done with this game.


Recently picked up an Bone S All Digital to play Half Life 2, Quantum Break and Ryse

And Condemned.

Bounced between all four all weekend. Pretty, pretty sweet.
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It’s my first play though so I’m super invested in all the micromanaging and activities you can do in the main overworld, but I could see how it might get tedious for future playthoughs.

The voice acting is all really top-notch and helps with the immersion though. Haven’t seen enough of the battle system to really be able to compare it to more recent FE games but I like that you get most of your units right away and can customize their skillsets and classes freely.


currently 50 hours into xenoblade 2, currently at the middle of chapter 6 and starts to feel burned out

torn between quit the game then sell the cart or finish it

also playing star ocean 1, damn the UI felt very dated now


Just finished Superhot. Cool concept of a game but that's about all I think of it. Gonna finish up UT2004's single player mode and then probably start a playthrough of Diddy Kong Racing! Haven't played it since release.


Final Fantasy XV

I played it when it first came out on PS4 and got it for PC again since I largely forgot about most of it, I recall it being average at best. So I knew something was up when I really started enjoying myself. Then I made it to chapter 3.

The first half of the game world is nice to move around in but then I hit the other half which is largely made of roads, devoid of any content. This is the most bizarre game. If you don't have the MP3 player (which has its own set of issues) then the hours you will spend driving around are filled with silence and audio that grates on your ears. I am not being hyperbolic at all. The audio sucks. The car's engine sounds like a 8kbps MP3 and all audio has a habit of being really loud all of a sudden if a character is speaking near the camera position. Then there's the shitty driving mechanics where if you get behind the wheel you can't even turn the fucking car around when you feel like it. And to watch Ignis do it? The 180 turn in .5 seconds? The car is easily the worst thing about the game.

There are so many issues but the banality of being in the car and getting from A > B > C etc makes it a chore to do anything. Apparently there's a car you can drive around wherever and however you like (which wasn't in the game when I played on PS4) but you have to wait until chapter 8.

None of this is to mention how easy the game is, how annoying the characters are (We're lazy! We only care about superficial things! We don't know how to do anything, haha!), or the shitty way the same quest types are handed to you in order to superficially extend the duration of the game.

This game could have been so much more. I enjoy it enough to continue, but it is heavily flawed. FFIX still remains the last good Final Fantasy in my eyes.
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Perpetually Tired
I am slowly making my way through Resident Evil 5 on the PS4 as well as Yoshi's Crafted World on the Nintendo Switch. Really enjoy both, but not a huge fan of the more linear affair of RE5 or the things you need to do for 100% in Yoshi's Crafted World. Feels like padding.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I am slowly making my way through Resident Evil 5 on the PS4 as well as Yoshi's Crafted World on the Nintendo Switch. Really enjoy both, but not a huge fan of the more linear affair of RE5 or the things you need to do for 100% in Yoshi's Crafted World. Feels like padding.
Did you play RE5 on previous platforms? I'm playing RE4 on PS4 right now, and noticed enemies doing weird stuff as compared to when I played on PS2. I wonder if 5 is the same, with some difference in logic effecting behavior of different elements.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Will finally start Red Dead Redemption 2 tomorrow. Played through the first chapter last summer but other games came out that were simply more of a priority for me to play but now, having at least a month vacation and nothing new to play, now is the time to eliminate the few backlogged games that I have for the generation.


Perpetually Tired
Did you play RE5 on previous platforms? I'm playing RE4 on PS4 right now, and noticed enemies doing weird stuff as compared to when I played on PS2. I wonder if 5 is the same, with some difference in logic effecting behavior of different elements.

I played it years ago when it first released on Xbox 360. I enjoyed it back then (it was my first time beating a Resident Evil game), but after playing others in the franchise - returning to it makes me realize that, while it is a great game on its own, it doesn't really *feel* like Resident Evil. As for any differences between versions, I can't really tell. It has been so long since I played it originally.


Neo Member
Been enjoying The Talos Principle and while I thought I was sure I'm starting to question it now: am I really a person?

Also still messing around in RDR2 (I got distracted) and instead of screwing around I'm going to just power through and finish the game now.


Had my first successful run in Dead Cells. I kind of want to keep playing to unlock more stuff but my backlog is crazy. I'm not sure what to play next. I just bought Dragons Dogma, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 2, The Outer Worlds, and The Outer Wilds. Which one do you guys think I should play next?


Red Dead Redemption 2
RDR2 was my favourite game in the last few years, one of my favourite games of all time really.
I played it more like a sim, hunting first to upgrade some of my packs which gave me a very good mental map of the world. By the time the story got ramped up I could effectively play the game without a mini map which really made the game feel real.
The story is really good, a few moments and cut scenes still stick with me today, you're in for a hell of a ride. I wish I could play it again for the first time.


Had my first successful run in Dead Cells. I kind of want to keep playing to unlock more stuff but my backlog is crazy. I'm not sure what to play next. I just bought Dragons Dogma, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 2, The Outer Worlds, and The Outer Wilds. Which one do you guys think I should play next?

If you are ready for an open world action RPG with great combat, start up Dragons Dogma. I think it is one of the best games in the genre.
Fuck You BusierDonkey BusierDonkey for getting me hooked again on the never ending circle of trying mods and getting lost in just playing around in Fallout 4 through your Modlist. Dammit, I have so many games to play and what am I doing? THIS!

(Seriously though, it's a great list, thanks :pie_hugging)

Mr Hyde

Playing Astral Chain now and it's fucking dope. Love games that makes you feel cool when playing them. The gameplay is awesome. Looks really pretty too with kick ass music (except the intro song, cringe as hell). I think this can be a legit banger.
Trying to finish Luigis' Mansion 3 and Gears 5. In the case of Gears, feels a bit more like a slog, though have enjoyed it mostly. Luigi is just a joy through and through.


Neo Member
Had my first successful run in Dead Cells. I kind of want to keep playing to unlock more stuff but my backlog is crazy. I'm not sure what to play next. I just bought Dragons Dogma, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 2, The Outer Worlds, and The Outer Wilds. Which one do you guys think I should play next?
Nice problem to have there with a few very decent games lined up, don't think you can go wrong with either of them (I just didn't click with The Outer Wilds though).


Just finished Plague Tale Innocence and it's a very difficult game for me to score. I was having incredible time for 2/3 of the campaign, it was like The Last of Us from a different era and with an even bigger emphasis on stealth. I absolutely hated how the studio decided to
go full supernatural and introduce "rat whisperer" mechanic in the final chapters. It ruined a lot of the fun for me. What I loved about The Last of Us is that it stayed believable until the very end. You didn't gain any "superpowers" to deal with infected and you didn't encounter any crazy bosses. Don't get me wrong, I liked the rats being the main obstacle in the game, but in my opinion the studio went over the top with them. Maybe they were running out of ideas, maybe they wanted the final stages to become more challenging. No matter, I'm not a fan of this.
It's still a game I'm glad I played and a lot of the locations looked absolutely gorgeous even on my base PS4. :)


Gold Member
i've just started Pokemon Let's Go again. I bought it when it came out but lost my save when I had to get a new Switch. I never got back to it until now. I just won my 3rd badge and arrived at Lavender Town.

on PC i'm playing Sekiro. i'm at the final boss and struggling.

Mr Hyde

I have played a lot more of Astral Chain and its becoming more and more clear that this is the real killer app for the Switch.

The combat is fucking incredible, fastpaced and intuitive, that makes you feel bad ass when your swinging around your Legion like crazy, disintegrating enemies and bosses with cool execution-styled moves. It's very innovative, even for a company that's practically known for pulling off awesome combat mechanics every now and then.

I appreciate that P is mixing up the action with some fun detective work, interrogating citizens and picking up clues on where to find your next mark. But the thing is, the combat is so fun that all I wanna do is fight monsters all day, i'm being impatient and like "get on with it so I can chain some baddies around", lol. But serious, it's nice with a change of pace, being a cop out for justice is a good backdrop for the story.

And technically, the game is putting all other games on Switch to shame. It runs like a dream, looks gorgeous, tight controls and short loading times.
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Horizon Zero Dawn. It's pretty as heck and plays well. I've seen this gameplay loop like a million times before in other games, but whatever, it's fun.
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Rondo of Blood
Symphony of the Night
Death Stranding

my PS4 pro getting a workout these days
Horizon Zero Dawn. It's pretty as heck and plays well. I've seen this gameplay loop like a million times before in other games, but whatever, it's fun.
Saw this for free and downloaded it. I really need to try it out but I’m swimming in games right now
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finished Spiderman (PS4) a few day ago. I was bored with it by the end, skipping the last stage of challenges. I'm guessing they expected that since I got all my skills by that point. The boss fights were lackluster but combat was otherwise a pretty good improvement over the Batman games it's copying.

currently playing Jedi Fallen order and so far it's meh. maybe that's because I'm also playing Devil May Cry 5
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