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What has Bush done right - and - What has Bush done wrong?

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I've been casually observant of politics over the past couple of years, but not to an obsessive or know-it-all extent. I do not know the fine details and I would like to know them. In order to chose the presidential candidate that I truly like, I would like to know what Bush has done wrong, in your opinion. Please keep your responses on an intellectual level.


As I said in the other thread, I've been casually observant of politics over the past couple of years, but not to an obsessive or know-it-all extent. I do not know the fine details and I would like to know them. In order to chose the presidential candidate that I truly like, I would like to know what Bush has done right, in your opinion. I expect this thread to be a little less thick than its counterpart, but maybe not. Please keep your responses on an intellectual level.


Running off of Custom Firmware
If he loses this next election, that will be the first thing he's done right as the President.


His foreign policy is a disaster, and his domestic policy includes countless propositions from the like of Ted Kennedy.

I mean, it's no secret why liberals and conservatives are frustrated with him.


I'll start off with one of his first offenses:

He ignored a presidential daily briefing entitled, "Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S."

Next thing you know, 9/11.

way more

I'm not a "Bush liker" but far as I can figure he's set up a plan to grant work visas to migrant workers. You may disagree as to how helpfull this is but he is the first to address the issue.
Ignored terrorism, and then acted like he was our godsend.

Lied to go to war, and killed hundreds of our men in the process.

Fucked our economy for the masses, and gave tax breaks to the rich.

Made more enemies than friends with his awesome foreign policy flushing the world's view of the US down the toilet.

At least he didn't, god forbid, get a blowjob in the White House.


*drowns in jizz*
Zero said:
As I said in the other thread, I've been casually observant of politics over the past couple of years, but not to an obsessive or know-it-all extent. I do not know the fine details and I would like to know them. In order to chose the presidential candidate that I truly like, I would like to know what Bush has done right, in your opinion. I expect this thread to be a little less thick than its counterpart, but maybe not. Please keep your responses on an intellectual level.

Right: Nothing
Wrong: Everything

Good luck at the polls.
Some good things:

- 900,000 new jobs in a 4-month period. 1.2 million in a 6-month period.

- Economy is doing good - despite what some media report. U.S. just had it's strongest 12-month growth this past April since 1984.

- Has rid the world of numerous terrorists.

- Tax cuts. Just FYI, here is a breakdown of who pays the taxes:


- Budget opened / expanded 1,200 Community Health Centers - which provide such things as Health Savings Accounts and Tax Credits (individuals who buy health insurance can get a credit up to $1,000).


Outlaw Pro Mod said:
Some good things:

- 900,000 new jobs in a 4-month period. 1.2 million in a 6-month period.

Mostly low paying jobs though.

I could argue with other points, but I don't have near the amount of knowledge to go into a full scale debate, so I'll just stop with that.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
Some good things:

- 900,000 new jobs in a 4-month period. 1.2 million in a 6-month period.

New jobs? Nice spin. Probably more like 1.2 million jobs reacquired from the huge slump our economy faced due to Bush. Nice how there is no mention of what salary bracket these jobs fall into either.

- Economy is doing good - despite what some media report. U.S. just had it's strongest 12-month growth this past April since 1984.

Same deal here. Let's just ignore the fact that during Bush's run we've had the highest unemployment rate in a long long time.. But hey, while our economy is still in the toilet, due to Bush, it just had it's largest 12 month growth since April! Yeah, April, when Bush was in the middle of fucking our economy up the ass. Any increase is going to look good when the numbers are buried 6 feet in the ground.

- Has rid the world of numerous terrorists.

Hahahahaha. Come on. Bush's feeble attempts to rid the world of terrorists has only made the situation far worse. Has terrorism slowed down in the world at all? No. Has anti-US sentiment grown to extremes? Yes. Bush has done nothing more than kill our own men in pointless wars, and given terrorists a real reason to hate us.

- Tax cuts. Just FYI, here is a breakdown of who pays the taxes:


Great chart, if big percentage numbers, without any of the details, makes you feel all happy inside. Bush has given massive tax cuts for the wealthy two years in a row, which have cut into the funding of Medicare/Medicaid, student loans, and other lower income programs. Go tax cuts... for the wealthy!!!

- Budget opened / expanded 1,200 Community Health Centers - which provide such things as Health Savings Accounts and Tax Credits (individuals who buy health insurance can get a credit up to $1,000).

Oh, I see how it works. Bush has a nice little trend going here. Fuck the guy that can't afford health insurance by cutting the funding for programs he depends on, but then turn around and give breaks to the people who can already afford the insurance to try and come out looking like the good guy! Hey, but the wealthy got their tax breaks.


Looking for Pants
Same deal here. Let's just ignore the fact that during Bush's run we've had the highest unemployment rate in a long long time.. But hey, while our economy is still in the toilet, due to Bush, it just had it's largest 12 month growth since April, Yeah, April, when Bush was in the middle of fucking our economy up the ass. Any increase is going to look good when the numbers are buried in the ground.

Lets just ignore the fact that no matter who was President the bubble was going to burst.
Lathentar said:
Lets just ignore the fact that no matter who was President the bubble was going to burst.

Did the bubble really have to burst? Maybe Bush and his administration should have taken the threats more seriously.


I don't even know why I consider myself a Republican...probably cuz my whole family is. Screw it, if I could vote, I'd vote Kerry.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Did the bubble really have to burst? Maybe Bush and his administration should have taken the threats more seriously.

The threats from the economy? What were the signs? lol
Manders said:
The threats from the economy? What were the signs? lol

Try reading that again. If you don't think Bush and his administration ignoring the threats that lead to 9/11 had anything to do with the shortcommings of our economy... Yeah, have a nice day.


dog$ said:
the document you've linked to fully accepts that the title of the memo reported in the film was accurate. it claims instead that (1) pres. bush could have read the memo (iirc you can't say either way until he testifies under oath that he did) and that (2) the contents of the memo were too vague to be of use, despite the pointed title.

my personal opinion is that, since the film is factually very solid, criticism has accumulated in assaulting his interpretations and then claiming that a specious (in the critic's opinion) interpretation is equivalent to the film being complicitous, however moore presents the facts, which are, by the way, also complicitous due to their association with moore's interpretation, and thusly one should ignore the film completely.

i would claim that this is circular, but whatever.
Manders said:
No, you're wrong. The economy was on its way down before 9/11. Don't blame the economy's shortcomings on 9/11.

Come on. I'm not ignoring the fact that Bush wasn't alreading fucking our economy pre-9/11. But 9/11 obviously didn't help the situation. If the Bush administration would have been prepared do you think our economy would have sunken to the depths it has in the last two years?


Looking for Pants
Cerebral Palsy said:
Did the bubble really have to burst? Maybe Bush and his administration should have taken the threats more seriously.

Of course the bubble had to burst. You had hundreds of companies that were burning through cash without bringing back a cent. You had millions of people with money invested in these blackhole companies. Hundreds of companies go bankrupt, hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs, millions of people lose a high percentage of their money in stock certificates not worth the paper they're printed on.


Desperado said:
I don't even know why I consider myself a Republican...probably cuz my whole family is. Screw it, if I could vote, I'd vote Kerry.

Same thing with my dad. He's a registered Republican but votes liberal. His family comes from a long line of Republicans (my grandpa wrote, "if FDR was a dirty pup in the '30's, he was unmentionable in the '40's" about his parents).

I don't know what I lean towards. I don't like Bush, but that doesn't mean I find all conservative ideals to be outrageous.
Lathentar said:
Of course the bubble had to burst. You had hundreds of companies that were burning through cash without bringing back a cent. You had millions of people with money invested in these blackhole companies. Hundreds of companies go bankrupt, hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs, millions of people lose a high percentage of their money in stock certificates not worth the paper they're printed on.

Thank god Bush has taken strides to combat this. The airline industry is obviously a perfect example of Bush's hard work and commitment to fix the economy.


One cool thing about Bush is how he ignored Anti-Terrorism adviser Richard Clarke's advice on the impending severity of an Al Quaeda strike in America. Did I say ignore? That's unfair. Clarke's concerns didn't even make it past committee discussions to Bush until almost 9/11.

Another awesome thing about our President is how he either deliberately misled or used the dumbest "intelligence" to justify the war in Iraq. Way to go!

Also, figuratively shitting on the US Constitution and probably irreperably damaging the systems of checks and balances that keep the US Federal Government from becoming a stupid, hideous beast of a nation controlled by one power mad, trigger happy dim rich kid from Texas was an absolutely SMASHING notion.

It should be noted that I'm a practicing Satanist, however, and we support anything that brings Armageddon one step closer. Rock on George Dubya!


This is probably the most liberal place I've ever been.
Considering myself conservative, I love it. I like hearing from the 'other side'


Lathentar said:
Of course the bubble had to burst. You had hundreds of companies that were burning through cash without bringing back a cent. You had millions of people with money invested in these blackhole companies. Hundreds of companies go bankrupt, hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs, millions of people lose a high percentage of their money in stock certificates not worth the paper they're printed on.

Don't mind Cerebral Palsy. He's what others would call an "ignorant American" who just likes to regurgitate what he hears on MSNBC, without backing anything up.
Manders said:
Don't mind Cerebral Palsy. He's what others would call an "ignorant American" who just likes to regurgitate what he hears on MSNBC, without backing anything up.

I don't even watch MSNBC. Shot down with authority!


Manders said:
Don't mind Cerebral Palsy. He's what others would call an "ignorant American" who just likes to regurgitate what he hears on MSNBC, without backing anything up.


What he's done wrong?

He mislead the American people, leading the US into a conflict that will tarnish it's image forever.

The way I see it, this can't be tolerated by the American people.


Looking for Pants
Fight for Freeform said:
What he's done wrong?

He mislead the American people, leading the US into a conflict that will tarnish it's image forever.

The way I see it, this can't be tolerated by the American people.

Until of course America does another "terrible" act and everyone will forget what Bush did. Who knows, maybe the Iraqi Government will hold up and everyone will be happy.


Yea, I'll be interested to see 20 years from now what state Iraq is in. I mean, it could be good, but could be bad.



Wrong: Well, he's cut taxes for the rich people who, as it was pointed out earlier, pay most of the taxes. Beyond the sheer stupidity of Reaganomics, he coupled all of this with a war. The concept I suppose it that wars stupposedly kickstart economies, but reduced tax revenue + war expenditure = financial ruin. Either of the two alone would have been bad. Iraq was still gonna cost a fortune, and Reaganomics would still screw the little guy, but together, it's a mess. That record deficit comes while we also jack up defense spending, and slash social spending, despite unemployment being high. I don't think quality of life has improved under Bush. And while Clinton survived both Oklahoma City and the first WTC attack, without a problem, Bush's response to 9/11 has resulted in worse status globally and huge cash sinks in Iraq and with the continued war on terror.

Bush is a fucking idiot and it's probably a shame that pretzel didn't finish the job. But in the defense of the idiots who are gonna vote for him, John Kerry hasn't exactly done much either. And he co-signed to some of these Bush policies that most of us liberals objected to. So really, what difference would it make if Bush was elected again? And Republicans can gloat about having one of their own in the office even if he's leading us all down the road to ruin. :D No, I'm not bitter. ;) PEACE.


So pretty much he did too little about the terrorist threat and then he did too much? My that's a fine line you've drawn.

Cerebral as any economist will tell you losing a million jobs then gaining a million jobs is a very positive thing. Sure some of them are low paying, guess what, alot of existing jobs are low paying.


One time, this girl came over to my house. I was like, "Hey babeh" and she looked at me like "stfu noob" so I was like, "hey, let's go swimming. So I got in my swim trunks AND ALL OF A SUDDEN SHE CUT ME INTO TWO PIECES WITH A MACHETE
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