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What has Bush done right - and - What has Bush done wrong?

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Fjord said:
So pretty much he did too little about the terrorist threat and then he did too much? My that's a fine line you've drawn.
he did very little that was effective in stopping the cycle of violence and a very large amount that not only worsened the cycle but sacrificed thousands of lives for what is speculated to be at worst monetary concerns and at best simply incompetence.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
People that think presidents have significant impact on the economy =



And even if it did, I don't see the logic in any correlation between Bush's inauguration and the economy's downfall. It just doesn't happen that fast. Causes/effects take years.

BTW, i'm not a republican. Can't stand their efforts to link the church and the state.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yes, there is a small impact, but what the economy is doing now was set in motion years ago.


Manders said:
No, you're wrong. The economy was on its way down before 9/11. Don't blame the economy's shortcomings on 9/11.

Yeah because the world's 2nd largest economy (New York by itself) isn't going to affect the U.S. economy.


teh_pwn said:
People that think presidents have significant impact on the economy =



And even if it did, I don't see the logic in any correlation between Bush's inauguration and the economy's downfall. It just doesn't happen that fast. Causes/effects take years.

BTW, i'm not a republican. Can't stand their efforts to link the church and the state.
I completely agree. People tend to give the president too much credit. Greenspan has more economic influence then the president does. Our economy was very much going downhill starting in late 1999 and early 2000. Hiring was slowing down and larger companies were starting to cut jobs. The problem was that most corporations had way too much "fat". Because of the Internet boom and expected revenues, corporate culture was going to more of a wide structure than tall -- everyone was a director or senior manager or VP. During this time period, new hires were also getting outragious starting salaries with huge signing bonuses. It was only a matter of time before it caught up with everyone. Companies were spending like mad, expecting huge profits from Internet ventures. Didn't quite work out that, and the economy paid for it.

EDIT: Certainly 9/11 didn't help. At the time, our economy was very unstable. 9/11 just cemented the recession.
Cerebral Palsy said:
At least he didn't, god forbid, get a blowjob in the White House.

You do realize the only reason the blowjob came out, was because he lied about it during a SEXUAL HARASSMENT case..

Everyone seems to think it was just about Monica... he was being SUED for sexual harassment; and they had proof that he was having affairs with multiple other woman, and that would help with their case.

If you dont think fooling around with a 20 year old girl using her as a humidifier for cigars in the oval office; do you think its wrong to have a sexual harasser as President?

He ended up settling that and making it and other sexual harassment allegations go away; and effectively make everything think the impeachment was solely about Monica.. that was the democrats plan, mind you..

you should read the book SELL OUT by David Schippers.. he *IS* a democrat and thought clinton should be impeached, and shows all the stuff the impeachment was about outside of just monica, and how the democrats wouldnt eve LOOK at the evidence.. they had everything in a room, all the evidence.. and 0 DEMOCRATS showed up to look at it.. how could they vote without even SEEING ANY EVIDENCE?

god, clinton really did a good job of making it all about monica...
Saint Cornelius said:

what are you talking about?

the republicans had a broad sweep of reasons for impeachment.. they didnt want it to be solely about monica..

and do you even know anything about the impeachment? the republicans in the senate wanted nothing to do wtih the whole thing.. the republicans in the house had like 8 reasons for impeachment.. unfortunately, the democrats wouldnt see any of; and actually made a plan to make it solely about monica to discredit the republicans..

maybe you should.. you know, read and research something.. before talking about it..

like i said, read SELL OUT by schippers.. he is a democrat, and its an amazingly detailed book regarding the ins and outs of the impeachment...
Saint Cornelius said:
We were, but you know that the right loves to do the whole three card monty with Clinton - BUT CLINTON SEXUALLY HARASSED WOMEN WHILE IN OFFICE AND STUCK CIGARS IN GIRLS ABOUT HIS DAUGHTERS AGE!!!!1

fixed buddy ;)
So Lucky, I want to make sure I understand you:

Clinton did something awful, and the only people affected by it were his family, Monica, and himself

Bush did something awful, and the only people affected by it includes THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD

...but somehow, Clinton was the greater of two evils?

You're not going to get to heaven any quicker by embracing the Bush regime, man. Unless we all get nuked into oblivion before his term is up.
Saint Cornelius said:

are you serious?


yes I am serious; you made a remark that was clearly uneducated on the entire impeachment..

and its your opinion on whether bush did something awful or not; I think he did something great that will improve and help the ENTIRE WORLD.

whereas I think everyone generall agrees that sexual harassment is bad... no?

I embrace the Bush administration because I believe in what they are doing... just like you believe in shutting up women who are sexually harassed by leaders you agree with ;)

LuckyBrand said:
yes I am serious; you made a remark that was clearly uneducated on the entire impeachment..

and its your opinion on whether bush did something awful or not; I think he did something great that will improve and help the ENTIRE WORLD.

whereas I think everyone generall agrees that sexual harassment is bad... no?

I embrace the Bush administration because I believe in what they are doing... just like you believe in shutting up women who are sexually harassed by leaders you agree with ;)


What do you think of the recent SIC report about major intelligence failures? Don't you think the Bush administration should AT LEAST take some partial fucking responsibility? They didn't bother checking facts, well, Powell did, but he was told to shut the fuck and accept the war, and look where it has got us.
And how can Dubya say with a straight face that we're safer now because of the illegal Iraqi invasion? Does the man have no shame?


LuckyBrand said:
You do realize the only reason the blowjob came out, was because he lied about it during a SEXUAL HARASSMENT case..

The question about if he was having an affair currently should not have been asked, and a court ruled that way after the fact.

LuckyBrand said:
Everyone seems to think it was just about Monica... he was being SUED for sexual harassment; and they had proof that he was having affairs with multiple other woman, and that would help with their case.

So you believe that the President of the United States should be impeached for an alleged non criminal offense that happened years prior. Never mind that the entire incident smelled of a set up. Mrs. Jones never attempted to file a case against Clinton till after a Right wing organization basically financed her and set her up with lawyers. If she was so traumatized by his harassment why wait years after the fact when the guy who wronged you is now the most powerful man on the planet. Also part of a sexual harassment claim is that you must show refusal of sexual advances lead to you being punished. This did not happen; in fact she was promoted and received complimentary reviews.

LuckyBrand said:
If you dont think fooling around with a 20 year old girl using her as a humidifier for cigars in the oval office; do you think its wrong to have a sexual harasser as President?

I don't think anyone thinks it was right, but not worthy of the time and money spent.

LuckyBrand said:
He ended up settling that and making it and other sexual harassment allegations go away; and effectively make everything think the impeachment was solely about Monica.. that was the democrats plan, mind you..

He settled because his lawyer bills were eating him alive plus it was a lot easier to settle versus spending a large amount of his post presidency in court fighting them. One could point the same finger back at Mrs. Jones, if this was about her being humiliated and not about money as she had claimed on many occasions then why did she accept the settlement. She went almost 8 years dragging this through the mud why right after Clinton left office she suddenly decides "Fuck it it's not worth the trouble, lets settle." It surely couldn't have been because of her lawyer fees because they were being paid for by others.

LuckyBrand said:
you should read the book SELL OUT by David Schippers.. he *IS* a democrat and thought clinton should be impeached, and shows all the stuff the impeachment was about outside of just monica, and how the democrats wouldnt eve LOOK at the evidence.. they had everything in a room, all the evidence.. and 0 DEMOCRATS showed up to look at it.. how could they vote without even SEEING ANY EVIDENCE?

god, clinton really did a good job of making it all about monica...

Since you read the book and it's going to take the rest of us time to locate it and go over it thoroughly, why you don’t outline the evidence that would indicate Clinton of being guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors" and thus should be impeached
ShadowRed said:
Since you read the book and it's going to take the rest of us time to locate it and go over it thoroughly, why you don’t outline the evidence that would indicate Clinton of being guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors" and thus should be impeached

It really would be too much to type... the impeachment encompassed alot more than never made it through.. if you read the book, mind you its written by a democrat, it lists alot more..

not that i think he should have been impeached necessarily, but i hate when people think it was just about a blowjob.. its such a lame attempt at hiding what it was all really about..

and jones wasnt the only one to claim sexual harassment... however, if there was nothing there with any of these women, why did clinton try to cover stuff up? he didnt have to force others to lie under oath if there was nothing to lie about...

ill pull down the book if i feel like giving you some tasty morsels.. it really is a great read; it bashes both the democrats and republicans... the guy was a democrat at the start, but ended up hating clinton and most house democrats, and basically all senators.
LuckyBrand said:
I embrace the Bush administration because I believe in what they are doing... just like you believe in shutting up women who are sexually harassed by leaders you agree with ;)

Did I say anything about how I believe in "shutting up women who are sexually harassed by leaders you agree with"? Did I? DID I?

Jesus fucking christ, you far-right Bush-lovin' republican assholes are the most annoying fuckers ever. Is it even possible for you to argue with someone without twisting their words around and misquoting them?

In fact, forget about what I've just said - I'm not nearly as eloquent as ShadowRed is over there. Answer him, if you can, without making shit up on the fly.

HalfPastNoon: Bush can say that shit b/c there's plenty of flag-wavin', god-fearin' idiots like Lucky to agree with everything their leader says.
LuckyBrand said:
yes I am serious; you made a remark that was clearly uneducated on the entire impeachment..

Take your own advice.

and its your opinion on whether bush did something awful or not; I think he did something great that will improve and help the ENTIRE WORLD.

Please explain. What does having Saddam out of power do for the rest of the world? Why did we focus on Iraq over many of the worse problem countries in the Middle East, or elsewhere in the world? Do tell how Bush is improving the world. Better yet, how is he improving the US? Maybe Bush should care more about fixing problems at home instead of focusing on Iraq. Then again maybe it's for the best, look at Iraq. You could argue it's in much worse shape now post-Saddam. But hey, at least we can count on our death count to rise in the years to come as we're forced to stay in Iraq to keep the weak Iraqi "government" from falling. Thanks Bush.

whereas I think everyone generall agrees that sexual harassment is bad... no?

I agree. I also think everyone would generally agree that killing hundreds of our men and women in a war, which was entered based on horrible intelligence/lies, is also a "bad" thing. Can you even compare the two?

I embrace the Bush administration because I believe in what they are doing... just like you believe in shutting up women who are sexually harassed by leaders you agree with ;)

No shit? I'm voting for the Kerry administration because I don't believe in what they are doing. :ROLLEYES


LuckyBrand said:
It really would be too much to type... theSIC report concerning the Iraqi war encompassed alot more than never made it through.. if you read the report, mind you its written by a republican, it lists alot more..

ill pull down the report if i feel like giving you some tasty morsels.. it really is a great read; it bashes both the democrats and republicans... the war was approved at the start, but ended up being found out to be fraudlent and a hoax...




Outlaw Pro Mod said:
Some good things:

- 900,000 new jobs in a 4-month period. 1.2 million in a 6-month period.

- Economy is doing good - despite what some media report. U.S. just had it's strongest 12-month growth this past April since 1984.

- Has rid the world of numerous terrorists.

- Tax cuts. Just FYI, here is a breakdown of who pays the taxes:


- Budget opened / expanded 1,200 Community Health Centers - which provide such things as Health Savings Accounts and Tax Credits (individuals who buy health insurance can get a credit up to $1,000).


Oh wait....
...you were being serious?


"Clinton did much worse than fuck an intern. Quit focusing on the intern."

Again why don't you outline these other things Clinton supposedly did that was worse than the intern, please. We have had two people claim this, but neither have said what these things are.


Cubsfan23 said:
Yeah because the world's 2nd largest economy (New York by itself) isn't going to affect the U.S. economy.

Reread what I wrote. You must have misunderstood me. The economy was on its way down waaaaay before 9/11. I'll agree that 9/11 hurt the economy too, but 9/11 is not the cause of the recession.
I think it's interesting that all of the people in this thread defending Bush have such a hard time getting people to understand them and/or presenting their facts.
Manders said:
Reread what I wrote. You must have misunderstood me. The economy was on its way down waaaaay before 9/11. I'll agree that 9/11 hurt the economy too, but 9/11 is not the cause of the recession.

Re-read what you wrote. Maybe then you wouldn't attribute Bush quotes to Kerry.
Saint Cornelius said:
I think it's interesting that all of the people in this thread defending Bush have such a hard time getting people to understand them and/or presenting their facts.

What facts? I didn't show up for any Bush/Cheney '04 rallies and missed out on the free goggles.
Manders said:
Yeah, you're right. And for the second there I thought I actually agreed with something Kerry said. DAMN!!!!

"Now is not a time for pessimism and rage."

I also agree with it... If it wasn't coming from Bush.

"Now is not a time for pessimism and rage. It's a time for war." would be more appropriate, and sounds stupid enough to actually come out of Bush's mouth.


Again why don't you outline these other things Clinton supposedly did that was worse than the intern, please. We have had two people claim this, but neither have said what these things are.

The first thing Clinton did in office was break his promise to not raise taxes for middle income citizens. He invade and bombed a few small countries, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Haiti, Somalia. 80 people were massacred at Waco, and he passed more gun control laws than any president in history. He vetoed the partial birth abortion bill from Newts congrees. The breast fondling and blowjob shouldn't even be on the radar of concern for any president, so when someone says, "OMG HE FUCKED HIS INTERN IMPEACH HIM" I roll my eyes.
...but that is what Ken Starr & the right-wing Republicans went after him for, Wolfy.

I'm not saying he was a perfect President by any means, but he was a helluva lot better than the Fortunate Son running things right now.


Yes, I know that's what they went after him for. And I wasn't comparing him to Bush, just clarifying that the monicagate was irrelevant to what he actually did as president.
Wolfy said:
Someone said blowjob.

That would be me. It was brought up to point out the fact that this country turned the White House into a circus over Clinton's personal life, but Bush's many atrocities continue to slide through the cracks. Just pointing out the Republican sheep mentality. It's amazing how many conservatives I've had tell me they're voting for Bush simply because they're Republican. I'd vote for Bush if he wasn't a complete fuckup during this last 4 years.

And how people can call out Clinton, but see JFK as one of the greatest presidents... Also blows my mind.
Cerebral Palsy said:
And how people can call out Clinton, but see JFK as one of the greatest presidents... Also blows my mind.

They both were known to smack it up, flip it & rub it down on occasion. And you know what? I really couldn't give less of a fuck about that!

I'm not quite sure why people have to make such a big deal of what goes on in a politicians' private life. Just because you live like an angel doesn't make you any more fit to run the country than it does if you were a complete whore.
Saint Cornelius said:
I think it's interesting that all of the people in this thread defending Bush have such a hard time getting people to understand them and/or presenting their facts.

It's not interesting, it's indicative.


I think the difference with Clinton's sex/personal life is that he lied about it under oath to a grand jury and to the American people. A bold-faced lie -- plain and simple. And that's what he was impeached for: perjury.

With Bush, according to the 9/11 Commision, he received bad intellence reports. He based his reasons for war off of this. Did he have preconceived reasons? I'm sure he did. But as far as we know, he did not lie under oath to a grand jury.

Whether you believe Bush or not, that's the difference between him and Clinton. If Clinton had fessed up from the start, he would have never been impeached.
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