It's a big reason for a shift away from games as a storytelling medium or at least a game in which you can "win"Multiplayer happened, it made everything worse, anything that involves people competing with each other will result in shitty behaviour, look at sports for example, its even worse there.
That's just because of the way social media works.It's not just gaming. Social media has a way of turning even the most trivial things into huge battlegrounds.
It turned into an entire forumWe used to have a thread to let it all out. Where is it these days?
I don't know, I just have good taste in games
It's not my fault if people have bad taste in games
I guess I am are fault too. Internet for sure changed me but people at work also think I am usually an asshole.It's something I have considered as well, why is the gaming community full of so many assholes? Every other community I've been involved with across my life has been generally quite pleasant but gaming is just so full of fighting and trolls and all that stuff.
Maybe it all started because of the console wars we all had to go through as kids at school. When we're young we couldn't afford every console and so we obviously have to defend our choices to other stupid kids and fight for our brand because it's all we could have at the time. Maybe that's it.
This post I find really curious. You're defending your stance on Forspoken which I commend and think it's totally fine for anyone to like a game and then you're grouping people into the type of people who play TLOU2 but I don't fit into any of those 3 groups and it makes me sad that people find it so easy to 'group' people. EVERYONE is an individual. Yes it is likely that you can loosely group a human demographic with definitions and I'm sure you're just making a post on a forum so it's not a thought out thesis and you probably just meant 'the majority of people who play TLOU can be grouped in 3 main ways' instead of just 'you can see 3 groups of people'.
My point is you're doing what you're saying you're receiving regarding Forspoken with regards to the people who play the TLOU2 even if it's loosely.
I have empathy, emotionally I wanted Ellie to stop, but also I must lack empathy because I didn't want her to stop because it's a GAME and the gameplay loop is hella fun to control using the plastic in my hands.
If someone chooses not to play a game because of the leaks that's honestly their loss but it's up to them to judge whether they like it or not. It is not the consumers responsibility to manage whether studios get closed for making a shitty game that didn't sell because of any various reasons. We all want good games, we don't agree on what makes a good game. It's like with any form of creation any entertainment media. If anyone could truly define what the 'IT' factor is in anything it would be easy to make smash hits every time without even considering how difficult it is to make things... but making awesome shit is HARD, it is DAMN HARD, you might have a crushing idea but the implementation of that idea is the hard part.
Internet gave voice to everyone. Even the undeserving idiotsIt's not just gaming. Social media has a way of turning even the most trivial things into huge battlegrounds.
I fine it really difficult to judge which game i might like or not before buying. Some of my fav games are either very small and unheard off like the forgotten city or largely review bombed like forspokendont buy shit games bc hype. Buy games you like. Play them.
Yeah but hyped gamex performs very slightly better on E while it's resolution is slightly better a G.
Choose your preference and play.
I fine it really difficult to judge which game i might like or not before buying. Some of my fav games are either very small and unheard off like the forgotten city or largely review bombed like forspoken
Politics is an absolute poison on society. It divides people into mobs and has a tendency to only serve those in power.Have you looked at the real world lately? Everyone is an asshole when faced with different opinions now. That's why GAF has entirely banned politics
yes, if only for this topic and to not have it removed for not being about video games and those who play them for this particular part of the forums.Is this really exclusive to us tho? I think people just like to argue in general and the internet is the only place you can do that without fear of losing rep or getting lit up.
For some reason it got REALLY bad after the 2016 election, something about that just set people off to where they got all tribalistic and highly opposed to contrary opinions.Politics is an absolute poison on society. It divides people into mobs and has a tendency to only serve those in power.
Sports fans are the worst group of fanatics I can think of.Is this really exclusive to us tho? I think people just like to argue in general and the internet is the only place you can do that without fear of losing rep or getting lit up.
It's intolerance and lack of basic empathy.
We talk online to people we wouldn't normally interact with. After all, in reality, you don't just continue interacting to people you dislike/don't vibe with.
Everyone who didn't play forspoken and just saw the memes, was keen on making sure, I am an idiot for liking the game.
It's really troublesome. Studios close because people are stubborn and follow hate bandwagons.
I've gotten so much hate and so much pain for simply trying to "stand my ground" of "yes, I like this game, I think it's good and here is why"... usually against people who now nothing about it.
It was similar with tlou2 or death stranding (lol just a walking sim bro, while the game is mechanically dense in reality).
In tlou2 especially, You can see 3 groups of people:
-Those with empathy who wished Ellie to stop by the end of the game.
-Those with lack of empathy who wished Ellie to continue.
-Those who would not pick the game up and try themselves because they are either hung up on fake leaks or that one thing happening in the game everyone knows about.
As for me - I am tired of defending my ground so I will let someone else speak for me. Also - she perfectly covers why critique is unfair and it can be applies to other games too.
OG god of war is so much better that is not even a contest... the new one is basically a different game with the same name .. played the first one didnt play Ragnarok.. GOW3 alone craps in this new 2 gamesYou don't think this, this is an estabilished and undeniable fact
Humans are fragile and weak-minded. Fear not, meat bags, I'm working on solving this problem.
Even I am guilty of this more than I like, though I try to keep it under control. More than any other group I have had to be a part of online, too many of us only exist to tell the other person how wrong they are. You like Metroid Other M? You suck and should never be heard from again. You like Final Fantasy 13? Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. You think TLOU 1 is better than part 2? Bigot sandwhiches! You think old god of war is better than new god of war? Boy.......
ok, but seriously. What is it about being gamers and being online that makes so many of us assholes who seem hell bent on jerking themselves off over what they like, while tearing others down over other Gamer opins?
Personally, I can't stand TLOU2, but you know what you don't see me do? Bashing people in threads about the game for liking something. Live and let live I hear some folks say. Why does it seem that this is such a foreign concept for some?
Yeah of course. I realise that and I am not happy about it.You do the very thing you claim to be against in this post.
O dear Phil stop lying trough your theet.You and MS are trying to buy up the biggest players in the industry.phil spencer will fix everything..................
Is this really exclusive to us tho? I think people just like to argue in general and the internet is the only place you can do that without fear of losing rep or getting lit up.
It’s not just gamers
Having been around the very highest level of sports most of my life I can assure you people were being totally nasty to others for the last 40+ years that I have been around sporting venues