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What is the most you have ever spent on a single videogame?

Wow some big numbers in here. I've spent over $100 a few times, the most was probably Ni no Kuni wizards edition, including shipping Dungeons & Dragons PS3 LE is going to beat that in August.


Max Anarchy (Anarchy Reigns) £90/$135 if we include import tax. Sold that shit ASAP after getting lag thrown to death for a few games by JP players and waited for the £20 release 7 months later.


Chaos Theory. I bought the PC limited edition with the aluminum cover because there was no stardard version available at Gamestop at the moment.

I never waste money on limited editions, but I was desperate to play the game. I don't remember how much it was, but I'm sure it's peanuts compared to what some maniacs spend on games.


Other than $100 USD for Diablo III Collector´s Edition back in launch day, I don´t I bought a terribly expensive game.


I think it was the "Love is Over" special edition of Catherine or the special edition of Ar Tonelico 3 from Nisa store. No regrets, the European special edition of Catherine was a bit poor IMO and as to Ar tonelico, just the standard version was distributed in shops.


Halo: Reach legendary edition, but for non special editions. Magic Knight Rayearth for the Sega Saturn. Got it off of eBay for $90.


I've spent hundreds on all of my Rock Band instruments, games, and DLC. So much that I lost track. Total it's probably somewhere around 600, not counting the Guitar Hero stuff I got as well.

I don't regret it one bit. Some of the most fun I've had this gen.


For a single one-time purchase of a game? $145.99 Canadian for Chrono Trigger.

As far as MMORPGs are concerned, no question, Everquest. @ 14.99 per month per year for 5 years, give or take a month, plus 9 expansions. In the area of $1,200.00.


In the thousands between Dance Dance Revolution, Beatmania IIDX, and Pop'n Music. All the arcade play, traveling to different states just to play, buying Japanese playstations, all the imported games.

Can't really say I regret much of that though. It was a good solid 10 years of my life.
I think Diablo 2 and its LoD expansion.

I bought it a few times over the years because I broke the discs trying to quit it but I kept coming back. Well over $100 (maybe 200?) on D2 copies over these 13 years...

Nice name. 6 socket WF with 40/15s. Those were the days.

I'm in the same boat as you. I had 4 disc copies at one point and bought countless cd-keys.

Biggest purchase at once though would be Diablo 3 collector's edition because I was a huge fan boy. I do regret getting it as the game turned out to be turd.

At this point I've spent 100+ on Path of exile, so that's getting up there too.
Street Fighter IV: $60
Fight pad: $40
Tournament edition fight stick: At least $120. I can't remember.
Used it all for less than five hours.

I feel like it doesn't really count, but in 2007 I built a +$1,000 gaming PC almost entirely for STALKER. Of course, I ended up using it for way more than just that.


My friend just informed me of this thread so I might as well. GTA V. Taking my post from the GTA OT.

- 2 collector's editions pre-ordered and paid off at GameStop. PS3 and 360.
- Another 360 collector's edition coming by mail.
- Limited edition guide coming by mail.
- Regular guide and limited edition guide pre-ordered and paid off at gamestop.
- The GTA V PS3 bundle coming by mail (my PS3 is broken anyway)
- Thanks to my winnings at Foxwoods I was able to pre-order and pay off the ridiculous overpriced GTA V PS3 headset.
- I have two copies of the original pre-order poster so I can hang them (each side displayed)
- Two copies of the newest pre-order poster so I can hang them (each side displayed)
- I also have two of those viewfinders.

I don't remember how much it all equals but it's by far the most I've ever done for a game. And for the record I'm not insane just an excited fan and I collect games. I'll have copies of the game and guides unopened.
$150 for my original copy of Bioshock 2 PC, the Russian version. Mainly because I do the GFWL thing; but playing the game in PURE RUSSIAN adds to the atomsphere of Rapture greatly. Almost a feature haha.

It is also a region locked PC title, meaning that if the detects another version of BS2 on the system, it will not boot the Russian one! So I had to install it on a backup PC to play it.

$120 for my old Saturn 4Meg expansion cartridge and Marvel vs Street Fighter import in a combo from a place in North Carolina back in the day.

$120 for my original copy of Legend of the Galactic Heroes PC, this was a PITA to find a shop that would ship it outside of Japan. Only place I found folded a few years back.

Those are my top three purchases that made my wallet cry.


85 dollars for the Uncharted 3 Collector's Edition (after Bestbuy coupon), easily worth it.

I would've paid for the Sonic Generations Collectors Edition but it never made it to America.


Halo 4 :

- Halo 4 limited edition Xbox 360
- Halo 4 limited edition game

Got two H4 games...easily crossed $400


Other than the $350 paid for Beatles Rock Band, the next highest was probably Champions Online "Lifetime sub" for $200. My gosh that was a waste of money since I bought it while playing the beta, and then full release came around and they nerfed everything I liked about it. Then you had to pay for the game! Another $50.

Although I did play it on and off for a year or two and when it became F2P, lesson learned. Never pay for a sub again and never trust a beta for MMOs.


$89 + shipping for Panzer Dragoon Saga.
$250 or $300 (can't remember) for Metal Slug 3 (Neo Geo AES)

Actually I have paid more than $200 for a few different AES carts.

Won't buy games that expensive anymore.

Gun Animal

I spent over 200 dollars on TF2 before I realized that I was basically paying a dime for every polygon I was buying that I couldn't even see on my dude. If you can actually measure the polygons you're paying for in more than a fraction of a cent, that's probably a bad sign.

edit: oh this thread is about individual games only, not dlc and stuff. Hmm... probably Kamen Rider: Battride Wars. imports are expensive!


I remember paying $64.99 + ~14% tax for a few games at release before pricing in Canada was the same as in the US, so that's ~$74 a pop atleast a few times.



Capcom Impress Cabinet - 700

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Kit - 500

Worth every penny!
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