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What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?


I just found out the truth behind a scary as fuck incident that happened almost a year ago to me.

I was laying in bed one night around 2-3AM, I couldn't tell if it was windy from inside or not, and my neighbor's house on one side of my property is fairly close to the gate on my fence. I heard the gate clacking which is usually a sign that the landscapers didn't latch it correctly (or at all). Instead of pissing off my neighbors and letting it bug me all night while I'm trying to sleep, I threw on some slippers and went out to latch the gate. It was an exceptionally dark night (new moon or close to it) and I have a light on a motion censor in my back yard that shuts off ridiculously quickly, like 15~ seconds after it doesn't detect motion in its range.

Anyways, I didn't have a flashlight or anything since it's a short walk to the gate from my back door. I go over and look at the gate and noticed it's latched 100% normally, and what's stranger is that there was no wind hitting that part of my yard. On the opposite side of the yard there's another gate that connects my yard to my other neighbor's yard, which I keep double latched most times. While I'm examining the gate that I'm standing in front of, I hear that other gate shake and rattle like somebody was on the other side trying to kick it or otherwise force it open. It sounded so aggressive and forceful, like it was trying to open the gate quickly and attack or something (at least in my mind). I froze for a second, not really grasping what was going on in the moment, then decide to walk over and have a look. As I got a little closer, I saw something quickly disappear out of sight into my neighbor's yard. It looked about 6~ inches taller than the fence, which is a about a 7 foot fence. I can't see over it when I'm standing on the ground. It appeared to have an almost orange color, but again the lighting was bad so it was hard to tell.

Anyways, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that could have been. The fence was too tall for it to be a dog, and the gate clacking was too forceful to be a cat or something like that. I thought maybe a deer got into his yard and tried (and failed) jumping the fence, but we haven't ever seen a deer anywhere near my property, as I live in a pretty developed area. I was good and freaked out, and that prompted me to buy an LED flashlight and a baseball bat, just to be better prepared next time since I felt totally defenseless the night this happened.

Anyways, fast forward to yesterday. I was doing some dishes in the sink that faces the back yard in the afternoon, plenty of daylight. I look up because I heard a loud rattle in the back yard, the same thing I heard that night and
Saw a big fat fucking turkey like the kind you'd see in a thanksgiving play flying up and sitting its hefty ass right on the top of my gate, before it looked at me and did a "gobblegobblegobble". Looked similar to this one:

I can't lie, I was a bit disappointed, I was nearly convinced I saw aliens or a skinwalker or something, only for everything to suddenly fall into place. Still gave me plenty of heebie-jeebies for the past year though.
I just found out the truth behind a scary as fuck incident that happened almost a year ago to me.

I was laying in bed one night around 2-3AM, I couldn't tell if it was windy from inside or not, and my neighbor's house on one side of my property is fairly close to the gate on my fence. I heard the gate clacking which is usually a sign that the landscapers didn't latch it correctly (or at all). Instead of pissing off my neighbors and letting it bug me all night while I'm trying to sleep, I threw on some slippers and went out to latch the gate. It was an exceptionally dark night (new moon or close to it) and I have a light on a motion censor in my back yard that shuts off ridiculously quickly, like 15~ seconds after it doesn't detect motion in its range.

Anyways, I didn't have a flashlight or anything since it's a short walk to the gate from my back door. I go over and look at the gate and noticed it's latched 100% normally, and what's stranger is that there was no wind hitting that part of my yard. On the opposite side of the yard there's another gate that connects my yard to my other neighbor's yard, which I keep double latched most times. While I'm examining the gate that I'm standing in front of, I hear that other gate shake and rattle like somebody was on the other side trying to kick it or otherwise force it open. It sounded so aggressive and forceful, like it was trying to open the gate quickly and attack or something (at least in my mind). I froze for a second, not really grasping what was going on in the moment, then decide to walk over and have a look. As I got a little closer, I saw something quickly disappear out of sight into my neighbor's yard. It looked about 6~ inches taller than the fence, which is a about a 7 foot fence. I can't see over it when I'm standing on the ground. It appeared to have an almost orange color, but again the lighting was bad so it was hard to tell.

Anyways, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that could have been. The fence was too tall for it to be a dog, and the gate clacking was too forceful to be a cat or something like that. I thought maybe a deer got into his yard and tried (and failed) jumping the fence, but we haven't ever seen a deer anywhere near my property, as I live in a pretty developed area. I was good and freaked out, and that prompted me to buy an LED flashlight and a baseball bat, just to be better prepared next time since I felt totally defenseless the night this happened.

Anyways, fast forward to yesterday. I was doing some dishes in the sink that faces the back yard in the afternoon, plenty of daylight. I look up because I heard a loud rattle in the back yard, the same thing I heard that night and
Saw a big fat fucking turkey like the kind you'd see in a thanksgiving play flying up and sitting its hefty ass right on the top of my gate, before it looked at me and did a "gobblegobblegobble". Looked similar to this one:

I can't lie, I was a bit disappointed, I was nearly convinced I saw aliens or a skinwalker or something, only for everything to suddenly fall into place. Still gave me plenty of heebie-jeebies for the past year though.
Dude that is a wild-ass story lol. With all that even if I later saw the turkey I'd still be like, yeah that was a diversion by the aliens 😂 Great story. I was captivated.


not tag worthy
dodging an IRA bomb by 30 minutes... and being very close to one of the July 7th bombings in London.
Not the one in Canary Wharf?

I was there that day decided to leave early and I’m sure that was the station I would use. And it got bombed.

was doing a work experience at Thames water that week. For my college. It was a Friday and I was on my last day with my mate. we were sent home early but I wanted to look around the area then leave for later that evening. All I remember is at one time having a weird urge to get the hell home. It felt like if you offered me a billion pounds to stay with no catch. I wouldn’t take it. I just had to get home.
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Not the one in Canary Wharf?

I was there that day decided to leave early and I’m sure that was the station I would use. And it got bombed.

The was doing a work experience at Thames water that week. For my college. It was a Friday and I was on my last day with my mate. we were sent home early but I wanted to look around the area then leave for later that evening. All I remember is at one time having a weird urge to get the hell home. It felt like if you offered me a billion pounds to stay with no catch. I wouldn’t take it. I just had to get home.

Yep thats the one. I was working at our Disaster Recovery site in Harbour Exchange square that evening and walked past where the bomb eventually went off on my way home. Only found out about the incident when I got in.
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Combination of botched hemorrhoid banding destroying my pelvic floor (and my ability to work), being put on Ativan of all mf'ing drugs to help manage the pain, and receiving a cortisone shot I've never gotten full strength in my body back from. I was playing a lot of basketball at the time and after the first shot I could not jump off the ground even an inch.

Ativan messed up my stomach and the interdose withdrawals are hard. I'm just weak and in pain (from sound... constant tension headaches) nearly all the time.

I've had times where I've eaten food and been fully aware I'm awake and been unable to movie for several minutes. In the psyche ward of the hospital I arrived too late for dinner and all they had was grapes and other small fruit. I had lockjaw almost my jaw was so tight and i swallowed without being able to chew fully, spent the next ten hours in bed very nearly unable to move much or sleep or hardly think, morning came and I was fine again.



I saw a drunk woman ( 3 times over the legal limit) hit one of our school buses. She was going 100mph and the bus was going 50mph. She passed me like I was sitting still and in a few seconds I saw her erupt into a pile of flames.

I ran up to her first, as I saw the kids standing in the bus and they looked fine. There was almost nothing left of the drunk driver as she wasn’t wearing a seat belt and parts of her were all over the scene.

The kids were fine, with just a couple of bumps and bruises. So many of my students, over the years, told me how they thought they were going to die and it made them at ease seeing me trying to quickly get them off of the bus and reassuring them. I’m not going to lie, I was so worried that I was going to run up to that bus only to find that several of my students had died.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I saw a drunk woman ( 3 times over the legal limit) hit one of our school buses. She was going 100mph and the bus was going 50mph. She passed me like I was sitting still and in a few seconds I saw her erupt into a pile of flames.

I ran up to her first, as I saw the kids standing in the bus and they looked fine. There was almost nothing left of the drunk driver as she wasn’t wearing a seat belt and parts of her were all over the scene.

The kids were fine, with just a couple of bumps and bruises. So many of my students, over the years, told me how they thought they were going to die and it made them at ease seeing me trying to quickly get them off of the bus and reassuring them. I’m not going to lie, I was so worried that I was going to run up to that bus only to find that several of my students had died.

I saw a car wreck when I was 15 or 16. I've seen a few but this one was gnarly. An elderly man ran into a truck and died instantly, I guess his neck was broken. My mother pulled our car up behind them, and I saw his lifeless body fall over.

My mom at the time told me he was just in shock and he was OK. Trying to shield me and all. I found out days later that he was dead right there from a news report.
I'm fortunate not to have too many scary things happen to me. Knock on wood.

The first that came to mind was when a deer with a death wish dove into my dad's car. Its head hit the right side of the windshield, its neck acting like a fulcrum, and its body slammed across the right side of the car. My mom and dad were in the front and I was in the back-right seat.

Everyone was fine, just some cuts on the face from the shattered glass for my mom and me. It was just the shock of it, ya know?


I was about ten, a few mates and me were playing hide and seek next to the woods where I live, quite a large woodland near to Epping forest.

I go to my spot just on the inside of the Woods. Couple of minutes later I turn round to look into the woods and about a hundred feet away I see a bloke running full pelt at me naked. Stark bollock naked.. He wasn't running at me personally though, he looked like he didn't even know I was there

I shit myself and ran back to a couple of mates who were just on the field about thirty feet away and told them

The three of us went up to the edge of the woods, by this time the man would have been running across into the woodland again as the path curved inwards

Nothing. No one there

I got the piss taken out of me of course.

I was ten though, never saw a naked bloke before and not bonkers :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What did weird me out properly though in the days after (Obviously naked blokes in the woods are odd, but I was aware crazy people existed..)

Was the fact that the direction he was running was quite solid bramble and fern. Even if you were fully clothed with boots on you'd of had a hard time even walking it..

Who knows. Woods are trippy places 🤷‍♂️
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