Truelize said:I would just say porn as a whole. It's just gotten out of hand. It's freakin everywhere now.
Yeah.Zensetsu said:I'll take the atomic bomb for 10 points, Jerry.
And Religion.
Zensetsu said:I'll take the atomic bomb for 10 points, Jerry.
borghe said:religion loses for the same reason TV does. because it is only bad if used in the wrong hands or the wrong way. used in the right way and religion is almost a necessary thing (at least belief and faith are).
Fuck if I care...did I spell chocolate right?Minotauro said:Also, it's "atheism".
Wakune said:Fuck if I care...did I spell chocolate right?
Wakune said:Athiesm
I was going to say that, but wouldn't that be agnosticism?brooklyngooner said:It can be argued that since humans did not evolve with an inherent belief in or knowledge of a god or gods, atheism is not an invention. Organized religion, however, clearly is.
human5892 said:I was going to say that, but wouldn't that be agnosticism?
Atheism, as I understand it, is the direct disbelief in god or gods, which could have only happened due to the advent of religion and is thus something that had to be invented. Had religion never been invented, everyone would be agnostic -- not believing or disbelieving anything because nothing was ever proposed to believe in.
brooklyngooner said:That is true, point taken. It's more the idea that atheism and religion are opposite sides of a coin. Atheism isn't an organized belief structure the way religion is.
White Man said:Adevrtisements. I'm a firm believer that unchecked mass marketing and advertisements are the tools by which culture, and by large the western world are controlled.
Look at Crazy Frog. The company responsible for that reprehensible campaign is getting sued for buying record numbers of ad slots. Instead of public outrage at being subjected to an endless stream of jingles, the public responds by making the products the ads shill so popular and profitable that any legal action brought against the company can't possibly punish them enough to hurt their revenue stream.
And that's small potatoes. Advertising (in general) has a great desensitizing effect on the masses. Being forced to look at corporate art for hours every day distances one from the human culture that needs to be reinvigorated, badly. But hey, why worry about developing a culture when we could buy it, plug it in, and replace it when the parts mysteriously break a year down the line?
Phoenix said:Stupid people. Without them all the rest wouldn't be a problem.