If it wasn't God it would be Justice, Freedom, Country, whatever! It's always the same.
But it's not those things. It's Divine Justice, God-given Freedom, and a Country built successful and prosperous under the constant watch of the Almighty. People think they have a right to go to war to defend or proliferate these ideas because of where they believe the ideas came from. It's the same thing that allows them to belittle their adversaries into godless animals beneath the very tenents of their own beliefs and slaughter them in the better hope of living in eternal bliss once their meat-puppet kicks the bucket.
If you ask me, it's difficult to boil any conflict between people down to an argument other than whether we do or do not have a soul. Were it not for that unanswerable problem, we'd have a lot less of this wavering and shooting. And where does that argument come from?
Phoenix said:
Rhetorical bullshit, sorry. Most wars in recent memory have been started for socioeconomic reasons that anything else and the assholes at the top USE religion to get the people to go along with it.
I don't see how what you're saying is any different than what I'm saying. The people empower the leaders by following religious beliefs, if not religious doctorine. If the leaders didn't have the **HIGHER POWER** to call upon to sell an otherwise unpopular action, the people (particularly in a democratic society where, ideally, the leader is born no better than the rest) don't see that leader as being any more qualified (etherially) to fight that war. But it's not the leader that wields that power. It's the churches that put the idea of the power into their heads and then the people themselves who corrupt that idea into a cause to blow people up. The leaders are just there to remind them and then apply the ideas to some nationalistic purpose.