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What is your favorite 3rd party game on each of Nintendo's systems


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So what would everyone come out and say is their favorite 3rd party game on each of Nintendo's systems? You can do consoles and/or handhelds as I don't mind.

PREFACE: I counted 2nd party stuff like Eternal Darkness as not 3rd party so that stuff couldn't make my list. Also just cause say Capcom developed Oracle of Ages doesn't mean it isn't a Nintendo title. So also off the list.


NES - Castlevania II Simon's Quest
This is actually my favorite game of the series. I just really like the look, feel, and importantly scope of the title. Actually just replayed this for the Holloween season, and I still love it!

SNES - Street Fighter II Turbo
Going with SFII Turbo, but man this was hard. I loved the hell out of this game, and it helped spawn my love for the genre as a whole. Man this was close with some other big name games though.

N64 - WCW/nWo Revenge
While not a ton of great 3rd party games this was actually tough for me. It was between either one of the AKI wrestling titles or one of the Gretzky Hockey titles. Eventually gave it to Revenge. While I realize No Mercy is probably the superior title Revenge got more play as it released earlier in the N64 life cycle. Haven't really played any wrestling games since the N64 days, but many 4 player AKI wrestling titles on the N64 were amaze.

Gamecube - Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II
No brainer for me here. PSO was an amazing experience on the Gamecube. It might be my favorite game of all time. I put countless hours into this game both online as well as offline with my best friend. This was a transformative gaming experience for me despite having played online games since the early 90s on PC. The gameplay, the music, the level design, the co-op just everything about this game was top tier to me. Still is frankly.

Wii - Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Let me preface this by saying I almost put Rockband, but I played that on so many other systems to I couldn't think of it as my favorite Wii 3rd party title. That being said Tatsunoko vs Capcom was a great Wii title that just stands out from the crowd. Both as there are many Wii titles like this and it just feels like a game that should never happen with the crazy Japanese characters in the West. Still top tier from Capcom fighting wise. Game begs for a rerelease, but I have a feeling it was also licensing hell!

Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
First real forray into the MH franchise. I tried the Wii game for a bit, but not very long. I never checked out the PSP titles. This was a franchise I wanted to really give a shot though, and I grabbed it as my 1st Wii U title actually not counting NSMBU that was in the bundle. Put a ton of hours into this and even convinced a few friends to get on this as well. Great title with a ton of content and honestly a relatively easy onboarding process. Not to say it isn't long to get what the game really is and all of it's systems. Nothing crazy hard though, and a good recommend if you've never played the series before.


Gameboy - Mega Man V
Loved this game as a kid. Great MM gameplay on the go, and V was the first truly all new title for the Gameboy as oppose to remixing console entries. It also held up in the gameplay department unlike say Castlevania on the Gameboy making the handheld jump. MM V was a later GB release too so it looked really good, and gaming in general had learned a lot.

Gameboy Color - Dragon Warrior I&II
I'm gonna cheat and go with the rerelease. Never owned or played a ton of GC stuff except when I went back on my GBA. Just the wrong time in my life for handhelds. That being said I love the OG Nes DW games, and to have both I&II on the same cartridge in color rocks.

Gameboy Advance - Castlevania Circle of the Moon
Shit gets really on the GBA as there are a fuck ton of great 3rd party titles like the SNES. In the end I went with COTM as it was the game I got at launch with my GBA, and it spawned my love for the series. I also grew to like the added difficulty that the later 2 GBA games lacked. AoS might be the better title, but CotM's difficulty appealed to me

DS - The World Ends With You
Best Square Game of this century. Really unique and inovative while putting the touchscreen to use. Plus the soundtrack was top tier. As much as I loved Castlevania OOE and it's ilk TWEWY provided a gameplay experience like none other before it or since quite frankly. Once in a generation type title.

3DS - Tales of the Abyss
Okay I'm gonna get shit for this one, but whatever. It's my 2nd most played 3ds game behind Street Fighter of all things, but I still think of SFIV as a console title despite all of my handheld time. Clocked in at 76 and 14 mins so I must have liked something in this Tales title. Sure it didn't run the best nor was the 3d great, but it also didn't retcon everything (
cough cough BD cough cough
) half way through either. Tales in my current favorite JRPG series releasing new games, and this portable entry hit the spot for me!


nes - mega man 2. actually, this is one of the only nes games i've ever played to completion, and i only beat this about 5 years ago or so. really excellent level design though and a just the right amount of challenge

snes - terranigma. i have a hard time choosing between this and chrono trigger, but maybe it's terranigma's tugging of the heart strings at the end that ultimately wins me over. i don't know.

n64 - space station silicon valley. such an interesting and charismatic platformer. it's a shame there really hasn't been anything like it since.

gamecube - resident evil 4. it's a damn classic.

wii - zack and wiki. this was the game that i felt best delivered on the promise of the wii remote. it had such great and inventive new puzzles. a shame skyward sword never took up what capcom had established.

wii u - rayman legends. just an all-around funny and memorable experience delivered by none-other than the volcano king michel ancel.

and oddly enough, despite basically growing up on nintendo handhelds, i can't think of too many third-party games on the gb, gbc, and gba that i played or at least really stuck out. for the ds though, it was definitely 999, with infinite space as a close second. for the 3ds, it's probably still virtue's last reward.
N64 - Rayman 2: The Great Escape

GCN - Tales of Symphonia

Wii - Resident Evil 4 (never played RE4 on GCN)

Wii U - Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut

GBA - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

DS - 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors

3DS - Tie between Virtue's Last Reward and Shin Megami Tensei IV


NES - Little Nemo: The Dream Master
-I loved this game as a kid and it still holds up quite well to this day.

SNES - Chrono Trigger
-An absolute gem - it's one of my top 3 favorite games of all-time!

N64 - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
-I was a huge Star Wars fan as a kid (and still am, to an extent!) and this game was amazing at the time.

Gamecube - Super Monkey Ball 2
-It expanded on everything that was great about the first game & my friends and I had a blast playing Monkey Target!

Wii - Resident Evil 4
-I've played RE4 on Gamecube, PS2, Wii, and PS3 and the Wii version is still my favorite version, without question.

Wii U - Rayman Legends
-I'm still miffed about how Ubisoft handled the release of this one, but the final game was undeniably fantastic.

Game Boy - Revenge of the Gator
-It's still my favorite pinball game to this day! I'm so glad it got released on the eShop! :D

Game Boy Color - Shantae
-It's a really great game not enough people got to play (until the eShop release) that made me a huge fan of WayForward.

Game Boy Advance - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
-I enjoyed the other Castlevania games on GBA too but this one was easily my favorite.

DS - Radiant Historia
-I absolutely loved this game! It's definitely one of my top 10 favorite RPGs ever.

3DS - Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
-I loved 999 on DS and this sequel was even better!

Virtual Boy - Jack Bros
-There's admittedly not a lot of 3rd-party VB games to choose from, but this one was a pretty fun Shin Megami Tensei spin-off.


NES - Captain Tsubasa Vol. II (Tecmo), Ninja Gaider 1-3 (Tecmo), Megaman 1-6 (Capcom)...actually so many games and it really is my favorite console of all time. Guess if I choose one I'll pick Captain Tsubasa Vol. II. Crazy that Tecmo was this diverse and awesome way back then.

SNES - Final Fantasy VI (Squaresoft). Favorite Final Fantasy game and one of the best RPG imo.

N64 - Megaman 64 (Capcom, it's actually Megaman Legends 1). Played it too on the PS1.

Gamecube - Resident Evil 4 (Capcom). Best RE for sure.

Wii - Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (Capcom). Best fighting game Capcom made last gen...imo :p

Wii U - Deus Ex: Human Revolution DC (Square Enix). Great DE:HR port.

GBA - Gyakuten Saiban (Capcom). Even if I didn't understand it much when I got it due to Japanese language, I'm glad Capcom localized the series on the DS.

DS - The World Ends With You (Square Enix). So many really, especially the Atlus outputs and also 999 and Ace Attorney series, but yeah gotta go with TWEWY.

3DS - Shin Megami Tensei IV (Atlus). I also like EO4, but SMTIV is just much favorite.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I was actually surprised how many great 3rd party games I owned on the Gamecube. RE4, ToS, SoA ect... all could have been top tier for me if it wasn't for PSO.


Gamecube: Baten Kaitos
Wii: Resident Evil 4
Wii U: Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate

GBA: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
3DS: Shin Megami Tensei IV

I'm not bothering to list systems or games prior to the Gamecube because I was an uncultured swine who played nothing but first party Nintendo games.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Gamecube: Baten Kaitos
Wii: Resident Evil 4
Wii U: Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate

GBA: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
3DS: Shin Megami Tensei IV

I'm not bothering to list systems or games prior to the Gamecube because I was an uncultured swine who played nothing but first party Nintendo games.

At least you admit it, and you seem to be rectifing your mistakes! :p


NES - Megaman 2. It's actually my #1 NES game overall, with Zelda 2 as the runner up.

SNES - Chrono Trigger. It's up there with the Triforce (Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Link to the Past)

N64 - THPS 2. One of the all time greatest games, and while the N64 version isn't the best, it still provided me with hours of fun.

Gamecube - RE4. Best Gamecube game besides Melee for me.

Wii - Megaman 9. Free. One of the top 5 games of last gen for me, third best Wii game besides Galaxy 1 and 2. Completely serious.

Wii U - Wonderful 101 or Bayonetta 2, if that counts? Besides those I haven't played any third party Wii U games.
NES - Blaster Master
SNES - Chrono Trigger/Terranigma
N64 - Mischief Makers
GC - Super Monkey Ball 2
Wii - Baroque (struggling to think of one honestly)
WiiU - N/A

GB - DuckTales
GBA - Final Fantasy VI
DS - Etrian Odyssey
3DS - N/A
NES: Crystalis
SNES: Lufia II
N64: Flying Dragon 64
GCN: Resident Evil 4
Wii: Fragile Dreams
Wii U: Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate

GB: Final Fantasy Adventure
GBC: Star Ocean: Blue Sphere
GBA: Mega Man Zero 3
DS: Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
3DS: Fantasy Life, although this one is iffy on what "party" it belongs to


at last, for christ's sake
NES - StarTropics

SNES - Crono Trigger

N64 - Worms Armageddon

GCN - Tales of Simphonia

Wii - Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

WIIU - Rayman Legends

Game Boy - Prince of Persia

GBC - MGS Ghost Babel

GBA - Golden Sun 1 and 2

DS - bloody hell this is hard! so many games....hmm probably Ace Attorney trilogy

3DS - Kid Icarus Uprising
Hoo boy, I'm really reaching into the memory hole for this post...

NES: Batman or Mega Man 2. Really tough to pick between the two for me.

Gameboy: probably Q-Bert, actually. There's also this pretty obscure game called Sneaky Snakes I wasted a lot of time on and still recall fondly.

Gameboy color: Shantae

SNES: Illusion of Gaia

N64: probably Turok or Mortal Kombat trilogy. MK feels like a copout since it was everywhere though.

Gameboy Advance: Astro Boy. Partly because it's really awesome, partly because it's the only third party game I owned for the thing, haha.

GameCube: Viewtiful Joe, baby.

DS: Tokyo Beat Down. Soul Bubbles was really cool too.

Wii: Okami or Resident Evil 4. Shout outs to Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Sonic and the Secret Rings (I'm like the only person who liked this) and, believe it or not, Catz 2.

3DS: Senran Kagura, by virtue of it being the only third party title I own for the thing.

Wii U: Shovel Knight.


Neo Member
Super Nintendo- Madou Monogatari - Best music on the SNES

Nintendo 64- Top Gear Rally - I still cannot beat the championship.

GameCube- Call of Duty: Finest Hour - Only third party game I had.

Wii- Bloatware-ahoy! - Only played bloatware, I regret.

Wii U- Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag or Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Can't decide.


NES - Mega Man 2
SNES - Chrono Trigger
N64 - Goldeneye 007
Gamecube - Either Viewtiful Joe or Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Wii - Trauma Team
Wii U - I've only played the demo, but Bayonetta 2

Gameboy - Gargoyle's Quest
GBA - Mega Man Zero series
DS - Ghost Trick
3DS - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies

The DS was one of the toughest for me to choose. So many great third party games on that beauty.
Broggie's Top 3rd Party Games

NES - Little Nemo: The Dream Master

SNES - Sparkster

N64 - Wrestlemania 2000

Gamecube - Resident Evil: Remake

Wii - No More Heroes

Wii U - Zombie U

3DS - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call


(S)NES/N64-Haven't played any 3rd party titles from these. Unless if Rare counts as 3rd party? As far as I'm aware Nintendo owned them back then.

GCN-Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. If you want a non-port, Super Monkey Ball 2.

Wii-No More Heroes

Wii U-Rayman Legends

And now that I think about it I've also never played a handheld 3rd party title. Actually I have, but I've never played any good handheld 3rd party games.
NES - Contra
SNES - Rock n' Roll racing
N64 - (never had one)
Gamecube - Phantasy Star Online
Wii - We Ski and Snowboard
Wii U - Guacamelee STCE

GBA - Astroboy: Omega Factor
DS - The World Ends with You
3DS - Art of Balance


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
NES - Contra
SNES - Rock n' Roll racing
N64 - (never had one)
Gamecube - Phantasy Star Online
Wii - We Ski and Snowboard
Wii U - Guacamelee STCE

GBA - Astroboy: Omega Factor
DS - The World Ends with You
3DS - Art of Balance

Real Talk! RRR entered my mind for best SNES title despite all of the great RPG and Fighters on the system. Game was ACES.

Also based Sabbath!


Unconfirmed Member
NES: Little Nemo
SNES: Geomon
N64: Doom 64
GC: REMake
Wii: SH:SM
Wii U: Zombi U

3DS: RE:Umbrela Chronicles.


GameCube: Tales of symphonia
Wii: Arc Rise Fantasia
Wii u: Zombie U

GBA: Golden sun
DS: Radiant Historia
3DS: Tales of the abyss


N64 - Goldeneye 007

Wii U - I've only played the demo, but Bayonetta 2

These are first party.

My list:

NES: A Boy and his Blob

SNES: Micro Machines

N64: F1 World Grand Prix

GAMECUBE: Resident Evil 4

Wii: Goldeneye 007

Wii U: ZombiU

GAME BOY: Can't think of any.

GAMEBOY ADVANCE: Didn't own one.

NINTENDO DS: Ghost Trick

NINTENDO 3DS: I don't own any third party games.
NES: Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
SNES: Chrono Trigger
N64: Rocket Robot on Wheels
Gamecube: Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Wii: No More Heroes
Wii U: Haven't played anything non-first/second party

GB: I don't even think I have an answer here
GBC: Same as above
GBA: MegaMan Battle Network 3: White
DS: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
3DS: Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies

I've played very little non-Nintendo/second party stuff on their platforms, Gamecube was probably the only system I experimented with a lot for their platforms, aside from the GBA/DS I guess.
Nes - Little Nemo the Dream Master
SNES - Final Fantasy 3
N64 - Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Game Cube - Resident Evil 4 or Freedom Fighters
Wii - My life as King
Wii u -Zombi U


Just going off memory:

NES: Mega Man 2

Tight level design, great OST and solidified the Blue Bomber as a major IP. 3 is pretty top notch too, might actually prefer the OST of that one.

SNES: Final Fantasy VI

Grrrr...had to decide between FF6 and Chrono Trigger! Ultimately, FF6 means more to me though. Probably has the best villain in gaming.

N64: Turok 2

I haven't played many 3rd party N64 games. This was fun back in the day but I'm not sure if it would hold up now.

GCN: Resident Evil 4

What else could it be? This is was contender for game of the generation. Brought life back to the worn RE series. I've played it over 20 times as well, was a fun speed run back in the day. And mercs is something I spent more time with than some games nowadays.

Wii: Zack and Wiki

Admittedly, there's still a lot of quality 3rd party titles I've yet to play on the Wii, still sitting in my backlog. As for Z & W this game is extremely underrated. Making good use of the Wii's motion controls in a genre we don't see on consoles very often (point and click adventure) was really something creative from the folks at Capcom. And the puzzles get difficult. So very difficult. Great art style too, the game still looks great today.

Wii U: Shovel Knight

Rayman Legends and Bit. Trip Runner 2 are close but I've got to give it to Shovel Knight. And Bayonetta 2 counts as 2nd party. Anyway, Shovel Knights feels like a game out 8 bit era without being too obnoxious about it. Lovely level design and a "Virt" OST.
NES: Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2. Played this sucker to death on a Famicom cart. The early Mega Man games are probably better designed but I am giving no small weight to nostalgia here.

Game Boy: If we allow Nintendo-published versions of games that already had a separate existence in some form, I don't see how the answer to this can be anything but Tetris.

SNES: Chrono Trigger, obviously. But I arrived at it late, and when the SNES was current my answer would have been Super Street Fighter II. [Edit: not Turbo—my mistake. Can't keep the abundance of versions straight anymore.]

N64: I am not kidding when I say it is Star Wars Episode I: Racer. The only other plausible contender that even comes to mind is Rayman 2: The Great Escape.

GameCube: Viewtiful Joe—far and away my favourite third-party release on any Nintendo system. Though the one that commanded the most play time was almost certainly Tales of Symphonia.

DS: Meteos is a borderline case, made independently by Masahiro Sakurai but published by Bandai in some regions and Nintendo in others. But it's the deepest and most enduring block puzzle game not called Tetris.

Wii: Okami, and as with VJ, nothing comes close. Not even Mega Man 9 or Zack & Wiki, admirable as they are in their own right.

3DS: Bravely Default, while a boundary case like Meteos that was published by Nintendo in NA, is securely in the top tier of what was, for me, a highly competitive 2014.

Wii U: If we disqualify Bayonetta 2, as we should (it's a solely Nintendo-published Nintendo exclusive that just happens to proceed from a third-party IP), my answer is Rayman Legends, the best game I've seen out of Ubisoft and one that rounds out a formidable holy trinity of 2D platformers alongside Nintendo's own NSMBU and Tropical Freeze. Guacamelee STCE and Shovel Knight are also great selections.

(I passed on the GBC and GBA above as I never got around to playing third-party games on either; I wasn't so engrossed in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow as to consider doubling back to its GBA predecessors. Someday this may change; who knows.)
Nes: ninja gaiden 1-2, little Nemo, battle toads

Super nes, street fighter 2 turbo and sparkster

N64 pretty much nothing, I guess I could say the resident evil 2 port but boy did it look worse

GC residents evil 4.


I don't want to rain on the OP's parade but it always makes me roll my eyes when people like to mention nonexistent games.


NES: Mega Man 3
SNES: Mega Man X
N64: WWF No Mercy
GC: Resident Evil 4
Wii: Mega Man 9
Wii U: Shovel Knight

GB: Mega Man V
GBC: Metal Gear Solid
GBA: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
3DS: Steamworld Dig
NES: 1942
SNES: Terranigma
N64: Harvest Moon 64
Gamecube: Baten Kaitos (Hated the VA though)
Wii: The Last Story
Wii U: Shovel Knight

Gameboy: Had nothing but Pokemon Blue and Link's Awakening so... I got nothing
GBA: This weird game (probably licensed off a kids show or something) I found in a parking lot where you ran around on a skateboard and get this oil squirt gun or something, I lost it a few days after I got it, must be the One Ring of crappy yet kind of fun GBA games.
DS: The World Ends With You
3DS: Shovel Knight :p


NES: Mega Man 2
SNES: Chrono Trigger
N64: ...Goldeneye? I actually didn't play much of N63
Gamecube: Tales of Symphonia
Wii: Trauma Centre Second Opinion
Wii U... Bayo 2?? If that doesn't count then Zombi U.


NES - Mega Man 3
SNES - Chrono Trigger
Game Boy - honestly can't think of anything that I've actually played. I guess one of the ninja turtle games?
N64 - Does jet force gemini count since nintendo didn't publish it? This one's actually tough, I was totally happy owning all nintendo games on that system. Maybe Mischief Makers, I forget who even published that.
GBA - Mega Man Zero 2
Gamecube - RE4, duh
DS - Infinite Space
Wii - Monster Hunter Tri, not even a contest
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
3DS - Monster Hu...eh, I'll say Resident Evil Revelaitons for variety


There is no "Super Street Fighter II Turbo" for Snes =P

NES: Megaman 2
SNES: Chrono Trigger
N64: Mortal Kombat 4 (at the time... c'mon guys, Rare games doesn't count, it was 2nd party at time!)
GC: Viewtiful Joe
Wii: Just Dance 2
Wii U: Bayonetta 2 (it's funded by Nintendo but still, Platinum and SEGA are 3rd party).

GB/GBC: KOF 95 (Yes, I've played a lot... ON EMULATOR)
GBA: Castlevanias
DS: Dragon Quest IX
3DS: Bravely Default


NES: Mega Man 3
SNES: Mega Man X
N64: lol
GameCube: Viewtiful Joe
Wii: lol
Wii U: lol

GBA: Mega Man Battle Network 3
DS: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
3DS:Shin Megami Tensei IV
NES: Ducktales
SNES: Super Bomberman (4 player with multitap, so good)
N64: Wipeout64
GC: Resident Evil 4
Wii: Zack and Wiki
Wii U: Wonderful101

GB: Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World
GBC: Metal Gear Solid
GBA: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
DS: Ghost Trick
3DS: Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies + DLC
That was me just pulling a Capcom and jumbling the thousands of different names in my head. I edited tho thanks! LoL

I did the exact same thing. It doesn't help that back then, I played the game just as much in the arcade but not so seriously that I could track the different versions apart from the addition of new playable characters.
NES- Tie: Ninja Gaiden 2/Contra
Gameboy- Gargoyle's Quest
Gameboy Color- Blaster Master: Enemy Below
SNES- Tie: Super Castlevania IV/Demon's Crest
N64- Mischief Makers
GBA- Tie: Castlevania:Circle of the Moon/Astro Boy
Gamecube- Tie: REmake/Super Monkey Ball
DS- Tie: Contra 4/Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Wii- Tie: Klonoa/Geometry Wars Galaxies
3DS- Tie: Cave Story/Steamworld Dig

Don't know if it's cheating to include tied games, but there are several I enjoy equally for different reasons. There's no doubt that Nintendo and second/third party collaborators have been shouldering the burden for almost two decades now though, at least on the console side. The amount of opportunities third parties squandered on the Wii in particular still blows my mind.


NES: Haven't played the system enough to have an opinion.
SNES: Chrono Trigger
N64: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
GCN: SSX Tricky
Wii: Only played mine sparingly before selling it, so I'll probably get back to the stuff I missed on Wii U
Wii U: Don't own the system yet.

GB: Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
GBA: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
DS: The World Ends With You
3DS: Shin Megami Tensei IV


NES - Castlevania III
SNES - Final Fantasy VI
N64 - Ogre Battle 64
Gamecube - Skies of Arcadia Legends
Wii - Last Story
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Gameboy - Seiken Densetsu 1 (i.e Final Fantasy Adventure)
GBA - Castlevania : Aria of Sorrow
DS - Dragon Quest IX

There are so many games I enjoyed that came from 3rd party devs / publishers, but for the sake of fairness I listed only one game from each platform I've played.


NES: Shatterhand
SNES: Demon's Crest/Contra 3
N64: Body Harvest/Sin & Punishment
Gamecube: RE4/REmake

Edit: I forgot the handhelds.

Gameboy: Castlevania: The Adventure 2
Gameboy Advance: Aria of Sorrow
Nintendo DS: Aliens: Infestation


NES: Double Dragon
SNES: Chrono Trigger
N64: Banjo Kazooie
Gamecube: Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1 & 2
Wii: Pandora's Tower
Wii U: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Gameboy: Mega Man 5
3DS: Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
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