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What is your Political Spectrum?

Your political spectrum is?

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Airbus Jr


Where are you putting yourself at?


Radical Right is Fascism

Radical Left is Communism

Test yourself

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Left leaning centrist or Classical Liberal.

I used to mostly vote Lib Dem or Green, but, with the massive political lurching to the left everyone's had in the last 5 years, I voted Conservative at the last general election and neither regret it nor see any hope that they won't be the best party for me next time.
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Left leaning centrist or Classical Liberal.

I used to mostly vote Lib Dem or Green, but, with politics all lurching massively to the left everyone's had in the last 5 years, I voted Conservative at the last general election and neither regret it nor see any hope that they won't be the best party for me next time.
I had a friend try to tell me that the overton window has shifted massively to the right and I had to ask him what the fuck he was talking about.

Political ideas that were once thought to be normal and supported on the left as well as the right are now classified as far right (ie border security).

I used to consider myself a liberal, but i never use that when describing myself because of what modern liberalism has turned into.


my favorite presidents were authoritarian (jackson / lincoln / fdr / nixon)

favorite generals are on the right, soldiers left, pilots right, scientists all over the place, philosophers left

i cannot adequately pin my favorite mathematicians, maybe that's not a good thing


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
On the political compass I'm center-left/moderate left on the left-right axis and libertarian on the libertarian-authoritarian axis. Classical Liberal is a pretty good fit, as I'm not a big-L Libertarian.

I'd describe my worldview mostly as skeptic empiricist, favoring a grounding in the natural sciences. Personal freedom matters to me a lot, and civil liberties, equality of opportunity. I'm very much against identity politics, whatever the form. Fascism and Communism both failed humanity gravely in the 20th century, so let's not keep trying them.


Waaaay right, a smidge authoritarian (by 1 box).

That said, I think I am more of a libertarian / trending towards anarchy type of person (ie. gov't needs to get out of the way for the most part)



I consider myself a bit more libertarian than that.

But this site also considers hillary clinton authright, so I'm not sure I believe the results that much.

Super Mario

Classical Liberal is a pretty good fit, as I'm not a big-L Libertarian.

This term just reminds me of how we always take a grass is greener approach to everything. (Even though Classical Liberalism is superior to modern-day). In the end, "Classical Liberalism" is pretty much just Conservatism with an added focus on the individual. The focus on the individual may have started off great, but has proven to be disastrous. It evolved into incredible pandering that we can't escape. Social issues do not need to be at the forefront of politics. Just protect our liberties, economy, and safety. This is why I am a conservative now.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.95

I'm a slightly left leaning slightly libertarian.

Airbus Jr

So what happened to Resetera calling this place as NaziGaf/FascistGaf/Neonazi/ Breitbart?

I think most people there are too far at extreme left so theyre seeing everyone here as right wing even thou theyre actually liberal or centrist
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So what happened to Resetera calling this place a NaziGaf/Neonazi/ Breitbard?

I think most people there are too far at extreme left so theyre seeing everyone here as right wing even thou theyre actually liberal or centrist
The problem is quite simple: a lot of people are using a faulty or incomplete definition for what "right wing" means. For the dumbest of the mob, they literally equate "anything bad or distasteful" as "right wing". These are the brainlets that watch CNN or MSNBC without a filter.

Simple litmus test would be for ERA members to list out the 10 most important issues to a conservative or a "right wing" individual (from ERA's perspective). List 'em out and rank them and I doubt GAF would hold strong conservative opinions on any more than 1 or 2 of those issues.

The reality is people have a caricature of "conservative" and "liberal" in their heads that has been mostly fabricated by the media, a fake WWE stereotype that doesn't represent the majority of that constituency. This goes for Both Sides™ because it's just a natural human tendency.

The modern political scene is not characterized by understanding of our political opponents nor trying to defeat their ideas. We need to thirst for true debate and true gamesmanship in politics again, where a winner can be respected and people can get back to work together to execute on the plan.

Prophecies about Doomsday are not compatible with a healthy democratic society. We can see this echo many times through history, 100s and even 1000s of years ago (go look up panics in the medieval ages related to Revelation Apocalypse scares). The populace gets entangled in fears over Doomsday and then tramples all over the rights of others. I don't see a difference between scaring people into believing Christ is returning in 12 years or claiming that the world will end in 12 years. Both are examples of someone holding an ideological belief and swinging it like a cudgel on the heads of the panicked True Believers.

I know it's pie-in-the-sky to say "if only we understood one another it would all get better", because that goes against our natural tendency. At least we can improve our own little pocket of consciousness.

Edit: typos
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So what happened to Resetera calling this place as NaziGaf/FascistGaf/Neonazi/ Breitbart?

I don't visit Resetera so can't comment.

However, as someone who finds myself spending 99% of my GAF time in the Politics subforum I enjoy the semi-frequent accusations of this community being a 'right-wing echo-chamber' and then inviting the accuser to review previous 'Political Compass' threads.

My interpretation is that such takes are subjective and, in the face of the polled evidence, say more about the accuser than their target.
Though, what they say about the accuser is typically common knowledge to the community by their past conduct.
I don't like to put a label on myself for anything, and doing so for political issues is just corrosive to dialogue. The idea of ideological "teams" does far more harm than good imho.

For me, it's better to approach politics from the standpoint that we're all humans who want the best world possible and start with that mentality towards one another. Yeah, it's idealistic, but political bickering and venom is due in large part to oversimplified labels.

But, in truth, I'm not very political in practice. I don't engage much on that front. It's a no-win situation as things are currently.


I'm definitely Moderate as far as US politics go; I'm mostly for people being able to do what they want, so long as society functions, and nobody else is hurt by their actions.

At the same time, however, I know if I was ever made some version of King, I'd be a fucking tyrant. TV ads louder than the program? Instant death penalty. Calendar immediately changed to day/month/year, no arguments allowed. Etc etc.


So what happened to Resetera calling this place as NaziGaf/FascistGaf/Neonazi/ Breitbart?

I think most people there are too far at extreme left so theyre seeing everyone here as right wing even thou theyre actually liberal or centrist
I think this political compass thing is mostly meaningless, and doesn't really say anything of substance.
Same with the whole 2dimensional scale to describe your political beliefs.

For all intents and purposes, Neogaf is perceived as - taking a brief glance at the politics section - a right wing leaning forum (whatever that means).
And that public perception is what ultimately matters.

Like nobody cares if you're Left/Libertarian on the "Political Compass" thingie, even though you're against gay marriage for example.
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