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What is your Political Spectrum?

Your political spectrum is?

  • Total voters


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Does it?

Especially if it's incorrect and unproven?

Court of Public Opinion is a helluva drug.
It's incorrect and unproven according to who?

Yes, public opinion/perception of whether Neogaf is left/right leaning wins over whatever the hell some "Political Compass" (or another online questionaire) thingie says.
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Haven’t taken the test yet, but I can tell you that what matters to me is balance.

I don’t see the world in left vs. right (unless one of those gets very out of wack), but rather in how we can meld both approaches for the most sensible, beneficial-to-all-of-us governance.

There’s all kinds of good ideas out there, all kind of problems requiring innovative solutions with the entire toolset, and not dogmatically sticking to one or the other, is, I find, the best way.

To be clear, today’s left is not something I want anywhere near my preferred politics. I’m speaking of classical liberal and right.


Darkness no more
I'm probably somewhere in the middle. I lean left and right on various issues. These tests usually have me leaning slightly left. I don't feel I fit in with the current US left.

It's incorrect and unproven according to who?
It is unproven because the accusers have yet to prove it. Some form of "GAF is just a right wing version of ERA" has floated around since I signed up with this account. I've seen the accusation dozens and dozens of times in countless threads (usually the political ones but occasionally in Gaming and OT). Each and every time the user scurries away and doesn't validate it, even when presented with counterarguments or statistics.

The claim itself is low-tier unfalsifiable bait. How exactly do you "prove" a forum's lean in the first place? The people who worry about "lean" are idiots anyway, as if a forum's "lean" should matter to anyone except sycophants and popularity-chasers.

Ultimately, trolls throw it out as chum and remarkably, some brainlets actually take the accusations seriously.

Yes, public opinion/perception of whether Neogaf is left/right leaning wins over whatever the hell some "Political Compass" (or another online questionaire) thingie says.
So what the mob says about a group matters more than what they say about themselves? Okay.


The claim itself is low-tier unfalsifiable bait. How exactly do you "prove" a forum's lean in the first place? The people who worry about "lean" are idiots anyway, as if a forum's "lean" should matter to anyone except sycophants and popularity-chasers.
Exactly, since Neogaf being left/right leaning can't really be falsified neither "proven", the public perception is what ultimately matters in the end.

I can easily imagine Stormfront or some actual other neonazi place doing those online questionaires and easily scoring left/libertarian.

So what the mob says about a group matters more than what they say about themselves? Okay.
I'm sure people on Stormfront think they are "good peoples" that prioritize and "want to take care of their own people first, is that wrong"?

So no, in many cases, it doesn't matter what the group says about itself, moreso than the topics they tend to gravitate towards in discussions - which generally speaking dictates the public perception of them.

Public perception matters, because if a place is perceived as "right-wing" (even if that perception might be wrong), it generally speaking will attract more people of that kind, and drive people - who are surely not interested in engaging with Pro-Trumpsters and climate change deniers, etc - away.
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Libertarian dude.

I like money, I like individuality and I like people to be free to do whatever the fuck they want without being bothered. And fuck the feds ;)
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Exactly, since Neogaf being left/right leaning can't really be falsified neither "proven", the public perception is what ultimately matters in the end.

I can easily imagine Stormfront or some actual other neonazi place doing those online questionaires and easily scoring left/libertarian.

I'm sure people on Stormfront think they are "good peoples" that prioritize and "want to take care of their own people first, is that wrong"?

So no, in many cases, it doesn't matter what the group says about itself, moreso than the topics they tend to gravitate towards in discussions - which generally speaking dictates the public perception of them.

Public perception matters, because if a place is perceived as "right-wing" (even if that perception might be wrong), it generally speaking will attract more people of that kind, and drive people - who are surely not interested in engaging with Pro-Trumpsters and climate change deniers, etc - away.
So in a thread asking about political spectrum, you handwave it and say public perception is what matters, not what the community says about itself. When provided with statistics about the forum's lean, including public votes, you still appeal to an etherial "public perception" that you pull out of thin air. Besides, even Stormfront would probably score left/libertarian amirite?

Sounds like the same tired and flimsy justification for the same tired and flimsy judgments. If you can't back it up, there's no reason to take it seriously and therefore nothing to prove or disprove. Non-conversation is the best you can offer in defense of this accusation? Yeah, feels like a pretty familiar script.
Results are a bit surprising i will be honest.

Not really. Every time GAF does this it almost always comes out the same. The problem we face now in society is the with us or against us mentality. Which unfortunately is tied to single issues and God help you if your single issue belief is not the same. People in general if we strip away the base right versus left almost always fall towards the middle. That is what makes compromise and community so special, varying beliefs that ultimately if written on a piece of paper are not that outlandish. Yes of course there are extremes and those are almost always outliers. Take a persons one view on the second amendment and if it differs from yours then they must be extreme. Ask that same person how they view family, society, culture and community you will be shocked to find out how many actually share similar views to yours.


I'd say roughly the halfway point between moderate and liberal.

In a more "normal" political climate I'd say moderate, but modern conservatives have gone off the fucking deep end.
I’m so right wing conservative that if Ronald Reagan we’re alive today I’d criticize him for being too moderate and soft on Communism.

I appreciate this statement. So many people thought Reagan was ultra conservative. His policies much like Nixon's were more moderate. Reagan's administration on the other hand...


Pretty accurate as I’m a pretty standard Clinton/Obama type Democrat in most of my views. A bit further left on some things like supporting universal health care, better workers rights laws (more paid leave, more maternity/paternity leave better unemployment benefits etc.), but not full on socialist or anything.



Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.26

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However, I honestly think it is impossible to score completely upper right.

First question "If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."
Do you see anyone saying that it should serve transnational corporations, even a CEO of such a corporation?
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Feels..pretty accurate? Liberal most of my youth but in the last six years the left just antagonized the hell out of me. TBH, I think I’ve always been pretty moderate. I think it’s sound but boy does it feel sucky. Especially these days when it feels like the majority swing to the farthest right or left.


Looks like Gaf is pretty libertarian overall.
I don't fall that far from a lot of you outhere.


Primum non nocere would be my government motto.
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Economic Left/Right: 2.0
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.36

Center/Right with a pinch of Liberty.


According to some posters, this is supposed to be a right wing/alt-right board!?

People on the extremes are just the most frequent/vocal posters on most forums out there when it comes to political/social issue threads and subforums. I recall a similar thread on this a long while back when I was on Era and the results weren't that different than these. The problem over there is the extreme far left crazies are the admins/mods/influential posters and enforce group think. Here the admins and mods are neutral and it's easy for those of us not in the extremes to just stay away from political/social issue threads and not worry about being banned for wrong think on the rarer occasions we choose to chime in.


Banned from ResetEra for being insensitive or whatever the fuck

Consistently argue with people here who sware i'm an SJW

I listen to the news though, and i fucking hate everyone. Literally everyone is stupid and the human race will absolutely not pass the Great Filter.

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I guess it's fairly accurate.
The few times people have asked about stuff like this I always go with something like "slightly left leaning moderate"


I am in the middle but due to how some of the questions were weirdly worded I ended up being more towards the left than I really am.

I vote Republican because there is really no other option but I don't agree with everything from that party but agree with them much more than Democrats.

I wish that was a good middle of the road candidate I could vote for but their never is.


I don't visit Resetera so can't comment.

However, as someone who finds myself spending 99% of my GAF time in the Politics subforum I enjoy the semi-frequent accusations of this community being a 'right-wing echo-chamber' and then inviting the accuser to review previous 'Political Compass' threads.

My interpretation is that such takes are subjective and, in the face of the polled evidence, say more about the accuser than their target.
Though, what they say about the accuser is typically common knowledge to the community by their past conduct.

Yeah but

We’re basically just The_Donald when you think about it

Checkmate, Nazi


I think this political compass thing is mostly meaningless, and doesn't really say anything of substance.
Same with the whole 2dimensional scale to describe your political beliefs.

For all intents and purposes, Neogaf is perceived as - taking a brief glance at the politics section - a right wing leaning forum (whatever that means).
And that public perception is what ultimately matters.

Like nobody cares if you're Left/Libertarian on the "Political Compass" thingie, even though you're against gay marriage for example.

thx u for descending from Planet Kolob to bless us with this sacred wisdom

now please return to killing all humans


I'm a conservative.

Is that political compass test some sort of trap game? The questions are impossible to answer, just saying they are loaded is an understatement.

edit: Ok, even with my misgivings about the test, I've done it just to play along.


Do I get my neo gaf nazi badge now or what?
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I think the divide between this place and resetera/reddit and wtv is mostly about two things.

1. Identity Politics.

2.Libertarian vs Authoritarian

Most people here are against identity politics and clearly have a more libertarian bent.

Resetera is obviously favors of identity politics and prefer a more heavy handed government.
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Exactly, since Neogaf being left/right leaning can't really be falsified neither "proven", the public perception is what ultimately matters in the end.

I can easily imagine Stormfront or some actual other neonazi place doing those online questionaires and easily scoring left/libertarian.

I'm sure people on Stormfront think they are "good peoples" that prioritize and "want to take care of their own people first, is that wrong"?

So no, in many cases, it doesn't matter what the group says about itself, moreso than the topics they tend to gravitate towards in discussions - which generally speaking dictates the public perception of them.

Public perception matters, because if a place is perceived as "right-wing" (even if that perception might be wrong), it generally speaking will attract more people of that kind, and drive people - who are surely not interested in engaging with Pro-Trumpsters and climate change deniers, etc - away.
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