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What medium do you expect the Revolution to use?


Been a lurker for a fairly long time...lost account long ago due to forgotten password and the forum being changed around, and really didn't feel like registering again due to reading all you fine folks' posts and all, but hey, I just figured out today I could post under this handle and figured I'd make a thread. So here goes.

I'm betting on either a) Nintendo hitting gold and going all the way with Blu-ray (Panasonic, *wink*), or b) they're just going to just fuck up and do regular DVD or HD-DVD. Either way, I'm also betting on DVD movie playback this time around. They'll either make life easier, or play stubborn once more and do what they want. And from what I know, Blu-ray has some heavy encryption, so I believe it won't be pirated for a while.

Panajev is welcome in this thread :).


When I was a tyke, I used to be obsessed with those. I think I lost all mine because I used them as "ninja stars" or something like. The Three Ninjas kicked ass, man.
There's nothing that leads me to believe Nintendo won't continue use some form of proprietary format to help minimize piracy.


No better than Karaoke Revolution :(

Some little kid was cheating at Donkey Konga today at Wal-mart. He was pushing on those bongos instead of tapping them. Damn kids. They don't EVEN deserve these old plastic ninja star players, argh.


Man, those records were awesome.


What was this thread about again?

(And I'm not sure if there's an 'official' Humpty Dumpty song, but I do remember how the tune on that record went. Yep, you could sing Humpty Dumpty to it.)


Catalyst said:
No better than Karaoke Revolution :(

Some little kid was cheating at Donkey Konga today at Wal-mart. He was pushing on those bongos instead of tapping them. Damn kids. They don't EVEN deserve these old plastic ninja star players, argh.

It's Nintendo' fault for making it so easy to cheat, ie pressing both bongos at the same time will give you the points no matter what side you were supposed to hit.


impirius said:
Man, those records were awesome.


What was this thread about again?
Ninja stars...



Ah okay.

Maybe it'll use the same mini-DVDs, but the console will have one of those disc carousels that'll hold 20 or so. 'Revolution'... it's all starting to make sense now
I think they might still exclude movie playback, except this time get Panasonic to release a system with movie playback globally, not just in Japan.


Well, Blu-ray would be very bright on Nintendo's part if Microsoft really decides to do HD-DVD, due to its rushing for a Fall or Christmas 2005 release for its Xenon. Microsoft might be committing suicide whereas Nintendo could gain back its ground lost to Microsoft this generation due to a primarily larger, much-more-attractive format. Go figure.

Next generation's going to be tough for everyone.
Mr_Furious said:
There's nothing that leads me to believe Nintendo won't continue use some form of proprietary format to help minimize piracy.
Well, sure, but anything can be proprietary. GODs are proprietary, but that doesn't mean they're not essentially mini-DVDs.

BeOnEdge said:
didnt nintendo inverst in some memory company?
I believe we're seeing the fruits of that with DS. Doubt it's console-worthy for now.

Personally, I hope they go Blu-Ray. I'm a big supporter of what can be done with less space, but as I said in a recent thread, that doesn't stop third party support from hurting when they choose to use the space the market leader is offering.


Has problems recognising girls
Holy shit I completely forgot about those Kobun Heat. Thanks for the nostaligic memories.

If Nintendo are still bum-buddies with Panasonic, they'll probably go with Blu-ray since Panasonic are siding with it.


What medium are they going to use?

As I see it, they really only have two choices:


If the new console is going to allow you to talk to the dead, then I think they are going to have a lot of trouble selling it to kids.

Ouija DS should sell very well however. They have had a lot a lot of positive feedback after last week's conference -- "OMG innovativity! Ghosts answer questions with a stylus!"


I hope Nintendo uses a medium that is physically the same size as GC discs - I love the size and convenience of them, versus the larger discs.


What's the point of the smaller discs if the cases are going to be the same size as DVD cases? I don't see how that's convenient at all.


border said:
What's the point of the smaller discs if the cases are going to be the same size as DVD cases? I don't see how that's convenient at all.

So you can store them in (nearly) any store-bought DVD rack/shelf/whatever.


xsarien said:
So you can store them in (nearly) any store-bought DVD rack/shelf/whatever.
Yeah, but from the end-user's perspective I'm not seeing how the disc size could really be "convenient". My only thought was that it would allow for less bulky packaging....but Nintendo didn't do that in America.


border said:
Yeah, but from the end-user's perspective I'm not seeing how the disc size could really be "convenient". My only thought was that it would allow for less bulky packaging....but Nintendo didn't do that in America.

Nintendo didn't pick this disc size for end-user convenience, they picked it so they could keep the Gamecube as small as possible.


No additional functions
I think it's a safe bet they'll use Blu-Ray mini discs. Here's why-
- Nintendo wants to control the type of media on their system to get the liscensing royalties.
- Panasonic's on board, so Blu-Ray is definately an option.
- They won't use regular Blu-Ray because they'll lose their liscensing royalties. Therefor a proprietary Blu-Ray case would be needed.
- If it's backwards compatable it has to fit the mini-disc format and some proprietary Blu-Ray format without playing regular DVD's, because once again they would lose royalties and it opens up alot of possabilities for piracy.
The easiest answer is a mini Blu-Ray disc. A drive that would hold both formats and exclude DVD's is possible, but it seems like too much money and work would be needed to make it work when all your getting is more space. It's evident that Nintendo is just fine with using smaller storage space and I don't think that will change with Revolution.


AFAIK, Nintendo wouldn't lose any licensing revenue by using Blu-Ray; after all, Sony and Microsoft collect licensing for games on standard CDs and DVDs. Form factor and piracy are the only considerations I can think of that would cause Nintendo to again use a smaller disc than the standard.


xsarien said:
Nintendo didn't pick this disc size for end-user convenience, they picked it so they could keep the Gamecube as small as possible.
Errr, it could be the same size with DVDs. Try to put a DVD into the Cube, and the only thing holding you back is few measly centimeters of totally optional plastic. It's pretty clear that the size has more to do with piracy than making a compact console.

I was really just wondering why CVXFREAK thought that the discs were convenient. I assumed he meant convenient for himself.....not for Nintendo =P


No additional functions
impirius said:
AFAIK, Nintendo wouldn't lose any licensing revenue by using Blu-Ray; after all, Sony and Microsoft collect licensing for games on standard CDs and DVDs. Form factor and piracy are the only considerations I can think of that would cause Nintendo to again use a smaller disc than the standard.
I thought about that but wasn't sure. Whenever I load up a game on GC is always see "Liscensed by Nintendo," but I don't ever see that on PS2 or XBOX. I assumed MicroSoft and Sony let them print the games wherever they wanted, where as GC games has to go through Nintendo and Panasonic.


border said:
Errr, it could be the same size with DVDs. Try to put a DVD into the Cube, and the only thing holding you back is few measly centimeters of totally optional plastic. It's pretty clear that the size has more to do with piracy than making a compact console.

GCN discs fit into the inner-circle of DVD/CD drives. It's the specific format of the discs that prevent the piracy, not the size.


Well, I'm presuming that the fact that you can't fit a full-sized DVD into the GameCube disc tray is a piracy prevention measure in and of itself.


border said:
Well, I'm presuming that the fact that you can't fit a full-sized DVD into the GameCube disc tray is a piracy prevention measure in and of itself.

But...you can buy Mini DVD-R media. :p


No additional functions
So why what's stopping people from burning GC games to mini DVD's then? They've already figured out how to stream them from a PC w/PSO.


MadOdorMachine said:
So why what's stopping people from burning GC games to mini DVD's then? They've already figured out how to stream them from a PC w/PSO.

Because, if the length of time it took to just stream a game to a GC with a BBA, a copy of PSO, and a PC is any indication, Nintendo's encryption is one ripe bitch.
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