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What medium do you expect the Revolution to use?


Mini-dvds weren't really in existence (or a conern) during the Cube's conception.
xsarien said:
Because, if the length of time it took to just stream a game to a GC with a BBA, a copy of PSO, and a PC is any indication, Nintendo's encryption is one ripe bitch.
The LAN adapter is the bottleneck here, not the encryption. PSO only allows it to operate at 10 Mbps, which is relatively slow.


border said:
Mini-dvds weren't really in existence (or a conern) during the Cube's conception.

No way. Even a company as conservative and allegedly "out of touch" as Nintendo should have, (and probably did) see/n that commercial burners were inevitable. If they were relying on the eccentricity of the format to save them, the discs wouldn't be as hard to crack as they are.

The LAN adapter is the bottleneck here, not the encryption.

I'm referring to the hoops and jumping through them, not bandwidth issues. :p


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

Seriously... if its most likely gonna be holographic based then the need for massive amounts of data storage for things like FMV, detailed textures and orchestrated soundtracks goes out the window.


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anyway, whatever it is, it'll be backwards compatible with Cube games...


They do what they did with the DS and include two media bays (DS and GBA).


xsarien said:
I'm referring to the hoops and jumping through them, not bandwidth issues. :p
All that is needed to sidestep encryption is some kind of network link to the console. You wedge your way in through the backdoor and then ask the system to tell you what it sees.

Dreamcast and Xbox both had network ports, and thus got cracked relatively quickly. If the the Cube BBA had been around from Day One (as with the modem/ethernet on DC/Xbox), the piracy would have come a lot quicker. Getting the data off the disc is probably quite easy, the trick is getting that data read and executed off of a writable disc.

Thus the real stopping point is not encryption, but proprietary media. Cube refuses to read anything but its special discs, so the only way to get data to it is through a software hack. Dreamcast would have been safe too if it weren't for that obscure backdoor that allowed it to read specially formatted cds.


border said:
Thus the real stopping point is not encryption, but proprietary media.

The GCN media is proprietary, I never questioned that. But the size of the disc is not what's proprietary about it, as you suggested. :p


Well obviously it's a number of factors that prevent piracy, and size is most certainly one of them. The small disc allows them to prevent people from even fitting a full size disc in the tray. Even if they removie the console's shell casing, the laser on the disc drive won't read out beyond a 1-2 inch radius from the disc's center. DVD-R was an inevitability, but I don't think that they were really anticipating the mass-prduction of "mini" DVD-R.

Obviously, the discs are small for a reason. It would have been entirely feasible to make the Cube accept standard sized discs without making the system any bigger. Therefore, I conclude that the meager size has to have something to do with piracy prevention. The propreitary nature of the media is just another component.

At the end of the day, I think they would have been safe with full-sized media, but not a lot was really compromised by going with the tiny discs. Though the N-bots sure did cry when they found out they weren't going to get all the remixed music in Megaman Anniversary Collection =P


border said:
Well obviously it's a number of factors that prevent piracy, and size is most certainly one of them.

No it isn't, because you can buy that same size disc at your friendly neighborhood Best Buy. :p Putting aside the proprietary format for a moment - imagine a Gamecube with all the security of a Dreamcast - someone could pirate games just fine.


Yeah, the smaller media capacity didn't do Nintendo much good when developers would prefer to save dev time by not having to compress and optimize code to fit on the Cube discs.
border said:
I was really just wondering why CVXFREAK thought that the discs were convenient. I assumed he meant convenient for himself.....not for Nintendo =P
I for one bought some colored snap-cases barely bigger than the discs themselves. So until I passed something like 7 games, I could fit them all and several memory cards in a single plastic VHS case, which was pretty convenient for lugging about. Agreed, though, that the Japanese style/GB Player cases are much nicer.


Well then append that to say, "size is most certainly intended to be one of them." I don't really think that they factored mini DVD-R into the equation. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the maximum capacity of a mini DVD-R is still less than that of Cube disc, is it not? So there's still compromises that pirates would have to make.

If the disc size is not necessary to keep the system small or to prevent piracy, then why are the discs so tiny? Just to keep everything about the system cutesy and tiny?

A Cube with "all the security of a Dreamcast" would be a terrible idea. But the late-model Dreamcasts made piracy totally impossible because the system suddenly refused to boot executables on CD. If they had started like that, then it would have been just as secure as the Cube, if not moreso..


I'm guessing another propietary, Matsushitsa co-developed solution.... likely full size, CD/DVD compatible and backwards compatible with GOD. BlueRay & HD-DVD don't seem to be likely options imo, despite Nintendo's close rationships with some of their founders (Matsushitsa & NEC).


I think the question is, will Nintendo again (for the 3rd time in a row) go with a smaller-capacity medium compared to the competition?


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Miburou said:
I think the question is, will Nintendo again (for the 3rd time in a row) go with a smaller-capacity medium compared to the competition?
i'd say highly likely


Miburou said:
I think the question is, will Nintendo again (for the 3rd time in a row) go with a smaller-capacity medium compared to the competition?
Certainly... they're not looking at HD formats. If Xenon sticks with DVD though, only Sony will have a clear advantage.


I'm really impressed by the very short loading times on GC games. What's the technical explanation behind that?


Miburou said:
I'm really impressed by the very short loading times on GC games. What's the technical explanation behind that?
I'm not entirely sure but I think it's a combination of smaller disc size equalling a smaller seek time as well as Nintendo regulating speedy disc access as a key component in their product approval process.
well.. Nintendo HAS to go with higher content storage media - so either DVD or Blu-ray or something that can store more than the current GC dics.

I don't know about you guys but the only FMV I could really stand on the cube belonged to the start of SSBM; everything else was too compressed. Even the fmv in
which is sort of disappointing.. all that polish and the one area where it doesn't shine as bright... :( still bright and awesome but NOT spectacular.


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games shouldn't have FMV anymore. just do cutscenes with the real-time graphics engine. technology has got to a point where it isn't necessary anymore.


jarrod said:
I'm not entirely sure but I think it's a combination of smaller disc size equalling a smaller seek time as well as Nintendo regulating speedy disc access as a key component in their product approval process.

I'm not sure, but I think the Gamecube's 24MB low latency main ram is also a factor.

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