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What should I get: Jak 3 or Skies of Arcadia (GC)


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I'm going to go buy MGS3 this weekend along with another game. I want to get jak 3 since I love the jack series so much, but I've heard so many posative things about Skies of Arcadia I can't help but seem interested in buying it. If i do buy SOA it will have to be for the Gamecube since I don't have a GC. It's probably not best to get advice from GAF but here I go anyway:p

aoi tsuki

Can you even get Skies at retail anymore? i snagged a copy at the CC $5 sale (i've yet to open it -_-), but i haven't seen it anywhere since, even used.


aoi tsuki said:
Can you even get Skies at retail anymore? i snagged a copy at the CC $5 sale (i've yet to open it -_-), but i haven't seen it anywhere since, even used.

$15 at Gamestop.

Musashi Wins!

I see Skies all the time. I say buy with caution, it's well loved on this board but the pacing is shit and battles are not that fun. I haven't played a Jak game since the first.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Doom_Bringer said:
ok this is easy

If you like RPGS get Skies of Arcadia

if you like action adventure games get Jak III

I like both genres. I just can't decide which one to get:mad:


Not SoA.

And yes, the battles are as slow as snails. One of the worst battle systems I've ever encountered in my life.


Scary Euro Man
If you want an RPG, SoA is the better choice (though as people are pointing out, you might want to consider other options if that's what you're going for). If you want an action-platformer-shooter-sort-of-thing, then Jak's the one to go for.

If you're utterly confused, then I'd go with Jak III. SoA is great, and you should pick it up at some point if you like RPGs, but it's flawed and slow in many places as well, which mitigates against it as a must-buy-now title.


I'm going try to be as objective as possible, but honestly, it's impossible. But I will say that I am a Japanese RPG fan, and a longtime one at that. I've played tons of them, some Japanese-only, and as such have a wide selection of RPGs to compare each other to. I have my own idea of what is good and what is bad based on my experiences.

The difference is, judging from the RPGs you've played in the other thread (pretty much only the FFs and Symphonia), you do not have that basis of comparison. So in all honesty, you probably don't know/care about the flaws I see. For example, if FF is your primary RPG of choice, then you really are not exposed to good RPG gameplay. FF has a lot of other qualities, but gameplay really isn't their emphasis.

So without further ado:


Visuals - were great for Dreamcast, but I don't know how much they updated for GC. still, there's a very cohesive and consistent feel with the visuals for the entire game

Music - it has a very nice soundtrack

Customization - you're able to build your own town in the game, and even its citizens

Atmosphere - it's immersive in the way the world becomes a very believable place

Story execution - plot progression is also very natural and never will you get into "WTF that was so random... and stupid" points (*cough* FFIX)

Battle system - contrary to what others believe, I think that Skies' battle system is one of its strongest points. It is a very standard turn-based RPG system, but it does have one twist: most spells require SP points to cast, and SP points are shared by the entire party. SP points automatically charge up after every turn, but you can forfeit a party member's turn in order to also charge it up. This leads to an interesting dynamic when you face difficult battles. It's strategic and not as mindless as always pushing the Attack command. It can be slow, but on the more difficult fights, it totally engages your mind.


Plot - if ever there was a game that pulled out all the Japanese cliches, Arcadia is it. Utterly predicable throughout. But this con only applies if you're familiar with Japanese cliches (other RPGs, anime, tv shows, movies). The execution of the story was well done, as i stated in my pros. But the actual plot points are all rehash.

Imbalance of Difficulty - depending on what spells/specials you choose to acquire, the game can be challenging all the way through, or a total walk in the park. Assuming you have any kind of attack-all spell, by the beginning of disc 2, you can probably kill all overworld enemies in one turn. Also, although I had a fun time through the game, a friend of mine who acquired the resurrect spell early in the game said the game was so easy cuz he could never die. So the freedom they give you to choose spells has a profound impact on game difficulty.

Random Battles - should not be in RPGs at all. Honestly. Go play some more non-random battle RPGs like Chrono Trigger, Grandia or the Lunar remakes. They are artificial game-length extenders, offer no additional challenge, and only seem to exist because that's what jRPGs did 15 years ago.

Frequent Encounters - coupled with Random Battles, this flaw hurts really bad. I found myself at many points wanting to throw the controller at the TV because the encounter rate was so high. Oops, you traveled 2 seconds... we have to give you another battle! I don't believe I've played any other RPG with as many battles. The actual battle system isn't poor, but because they throw many unchallenging battles at you, fighting becomes a tedious chore that sucks the joy out of playing it.

Ship battles - and as much as people tend to like the ship battles, which are different from normal battles, I thought they were horrible. They are very long and drawn-out, but not very strategic at all. Therefore, they weren't very challenging. These battles play out basically with a action/reaction type of mentality. Problem is, the game shows you exactly what the enemy will do this turn and next. There is little element of risk. You just see what the enemy will do and adjust your turn accordingly. Honestly, I did not think these types of battles had much value to them and don't understand why people like them. It was an attempt to do something similar to Panzer Dragoon Saga's system, but fails.

Honestly, I can sorta identify with both camps - those who worship Arcadia and those who say it's horrible. My own personal view is that although the game excels at the positives, ultimately it was the frequent random encounters which ruined the game for me. It made the game more of a chore than enjoyment.

Depending on how much you value the points in my pros/cons, you should be able to make your own decision of how much you think you'd like the game.


I've played Jak 3 for about an hour now and so far I'm not very impressed. It's more like a racing game than a platformer :S . I feel Jak 3 relies too heavily on vehicles while it should be more about the abilities of Jak and Daxter themselves like in the first game. I hope the game will open up a bit in the next few hours.

SoA is a pretty good game if you can get over the HUGE amount of boring random encounters. That game literally had me doing my homework while just pressing the confirm button and thus fighting random battle after battle. I really got a good vibe from the overall game though...


I'd say buy Jak 3, blast through it and then trade it in to get Skies Of Arcadia. You should get enough credit from Jak 3 to buy SOA outright at Gamestop. Or better yet, just buy both. If you have a Gamestop card and then bust out on of the coupons out of Game Informer, you'd be able to pick it up for under $15.
Crispy said:
I've played Jak 3 for about an hour now and so far I'm not very impressed. It's more like a racing game than a platformer :S . I feel Jak 3 relies too heavily on vehicles while it should be more about the abilities of Jak and Daxter themselves like in the first game. I hope the game will open up a bit in the next few hours.

Well that's just stupid.

Musashi Wins!

I have to ask...with so many new games out now and around the corner...why are these two at the top of your list?!?!

Skies isn't rare and Jak 3 is going to be used everywhere quite soon.

Buggy Loop

Wtf is that question? Two totally different genres, huge gap between releases and different prices, i mean i cant understand how you cant make up your mind.

Ratchet and clank 3 vs jak 3, now THAT would have been a question, which i might aswell ask right now since i dont know which to pick :p Never played the R&C series, own jak 2 and found it quite good.
Buggy Loop said:
Wtf is that question? Two totally different genres, huge gap between releases and different prices, i mean i cant understand how you cant make up your mind.

Ratchet and clank 3 vs jak 3, now THAT would have been a question, which i might aswell ask right now since i dont know which to pick :p Never played the R&C series, own jak 2 and found it quite good.

Go with Jak 3, finish it, sell it, and then buy R&C1&2 with the money, sell them, and buy R&C3.


Tsubaki said:
Frequent Encounters - coupled with Random Battles, this flaw hurts really bad. I found myself at many points wanting to throw the controller at the TV because the encounter rate was so high. Oops, you traveled 2 seconds... we have to give you another battle! I don't believe I've played any other RPG with as many battles. The actual battle system isn't poor, but because they throw many unchallenging battles at you, fighting becomes a tedious chore that sucks the joy out of playing it.
SoA:L + White Map = Cirumnavigate globe without any random battles.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
AniHawk said:
Skies of Arcadia Legends. Buy it. Play it. Love it.

It really didn't matter what the second choice was, huh? :lol


Grizzlyjin said:
It really didn't matter what the second choice was, huh? :lol

If the other choice was The Wind Waker, KOTOR, Halo 2, or Brute Force, I'd have a hard time making up my mind.

I'd still ultimately go with SOAL though.


Littleberu said:
Well that's just stupid.

I'm very glad you didn't just post something like this, but that you really gave a lot of reasons for calling my opinion stupid. Bravo good sir, I wish there were more posters like you, where can I sign up for your fanclub?



... Because RPGs are boring (except a few).
Crispy said:
I'm very glad you didn't just post something like this, but that you really gave a lot of reasons for calling my opinion stupid. Bravo good sir, I wish there were more posters like you, where can I sign up for your fanclub?

No I mean your comment, not your opinion. It's like : "I played Halo multiplayer, and all I did was driving the warthog. More like a racing game to me!!"

Yeah, there are vehicles in Jak 3, but at the same time, they serve as platform elements. It's no different from walking with the character.


Littleberu said:
Yeah, there are vehicles in Jak 3, but at the same time, they serve as platform elements. It's no different from walking with the character.

I've played some more now and my opinion is still the same. My concern is not the fact that there are vehicles but that I have to race with those things all the time. Race against some other vehicles, race to catch a lizard, race through some rings, etc etc. These type of missions comprise more than half of all the missions. If I had to do all those races on foot I also wouldn't like it.

The main thing I don't like are the missions, just give me a world with a bunch of objectives like in Mario 64 and the first J&D.


Has problems recognising girls
Why hasn't anyone given the most plausible answer yet, for him to buy both of them? Give or take a few months for Jak 3 and it should come up platnium :lol
Crispy said:
I've played some more now and my opinion is still the same. My concern is not the fact that there are vehicles but that I have to race with those things all the time. Race against some other vehicles, race to catch a lizard, race through some rings, etc etc. These type of missions comprise more than half of all the missions. If I had to do all those races on foot I also wouldn't like it.

The main thing I don't like are the missions, just give me a world with a bunch of objectives like in Mario 64 and the first J&D.

I've beat the game. There are only races in the first hour or so of the game. After that you don't race anymore. There's overall a lower amount of races in Jak 3 than there was in Jak 2.
I suggest to get Skies since it can be found for less than $20. They have at least 20 copies at my local Fries.
One of my favorite games this generation.

Just don't buy a Gamecube just for ONE game...

If you intend to play Zelda, Metroid, Tales of Symphonia or other Cube games, go for it.

If you plan on playing ONLY Skies of Arcadia Legends, I wouldn't get a Gamecube.
I bet you could find a Dreamcast with Skies of Arcadia for $20. :lol
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