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What the FUCK kind of spider is TERRORIZING ME

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Okay, so I was just about to go to bed (half a god damn hour ago), and this thing scurries across my screen. Turn the light on, and it's this small, but SCARY looking spider staring at me. I somehow managed to get it into a glass. Covered the glass top with paper. Covered that with 7 layers of saran wrap. Now I won't be able to fucking sleep until I figure out what kind of spider it is.

I live in Vancouver, Canada, and apparently the only really dangerous spiders here are black widows and brown recluses. This spider is very small, about the size of a nickel, or maybe even a dime. It has a normal shaped torso, and thin legs. The torso is black, the legs are white.

It's fucking fangs are (proportionately) bigger than your normal fucking spider. They're shaped kind of like lobster or scorpion claws.

Does anyone in (North) America know what the fuck kind of spider this is? Please help :(


photo please.

we normally get bog-standard house spiders, but I bumped into (not literally) a really meaty one two days ago. Nearly shat myself.





If its what Demi just posted, i say get out the aresole cans and get a lighter. Those things will put huge holes in your skin. I've got two in my stomach from one.


That looks like a Huntsman spider. I've picked them up, they are quite timid. Apparently the worst you'll get from them is a bit of a headache if they bite you.


Recluse are just evil as fuck. We bugged a house full of them not to long ago. Those fuckers were still alive after 24 hours. They just dont die, we had to go in with gloves and duck tape around the legs and arms. If you didnt get them before they got to your neck you were done for.

They are fast as hell and not much can kill them easily. I got mine cause i was sleeping and it just up and bit me in the middle of the night. Killed that thing i did, i threw the fucker into a steelbladed fan.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Vormund said:
That looks like a Huntsman spider. I've picked them up, they are quite timid. Apparently the worst you'll get from them is a bit of a headache if they bite you.

yeah we get those here (perth) all the time - don't seem too aggressive

SOMETHING bit me once while i was staying in the blue mountains outside sydney - and my finger didn't heal for about 3 months.. HIDEOUS.. dunno what that was :p

edit : it's not one of these is it?? white tailed spider.. :O



We normally have to watch out for these little buggers

Some people have had severe ulcers due to being bitten by them...and the ulcer don't appear to ever heal either.

I found one at work, and the only thing I could do was squirt a bottle of methylated spirits on it...I thought I killed it(legs curled up etc) then 5 minutes later the bastard was up and running again. I eventually got the prick though.
All of you people asking for pictures, my good camera is broken. I took a dozen with my bad one, but you can barely see anything. I had the spider trapped in a glass, but it was rippled, so you couldn't see anything. So I was thinking of ways to safely contain the spider yet get a clear shot of it. Took me about 10 minutes but I figured it out.

I filled my sink 9/10ths of the way full. I then put the glass face up in the sink. I then quickly removed the top (after making sure the fucker was on the bottom), and filled the glass half way with water. All he could do was patrol around the edge of the glass. It was like a spider alcatraz.

After taking terrible pictures I flushed him down the sink and kept the water running for a minute. GOD I HATE SPIDERS WHEN THEY'RE IN MY BEDROOM.

I have to upload the pictures through this camera's stupid software, then resize them in photoshop, then upload them. I'll do that right now.


Just so you know the average spider wont die in hot water, but in 42 degree water they will go into a sort of hybernation. So hot water bad, super cold water good.
Smiles and Cries said:
Spiders don't drown easy, I learned that the hard way.

I hope you ran the HOT water

I filled the glass up with water and he got pushed into the sink full of water. I'd pulled the drain out just before, so I picked up the glass (with water in it) and waited just to make sure. He got near the edge of the water and was still moving so I poured half of the glass of water on him and he curled up into a ball and I thought, "Good, phew, he's dead".

Then the last amount of water went down the drain and he suddenly got up and sprinted out of the sink.

Jesus fuck.

Luckily I still had more water and I poured it all on him and he went down the drain and I fucking flooded that pipe with COLD water. Thanks to your advice I've just ran steaming hot water down there for 3 straight minutes.

As I mentioned earlier, the camera I have today is utter shit, barely above webcam quality. Only one picture came out non fuzzy, and it's in the bottom left.


Fucking spiders. I know he came through my window which I leave open because it gets hot in my room. I'm really hot right now but there's no way that thing is getting opened.


Theoretical Magician
Oh Mike, those are common here. I can't remember their names though. You should see the big bulbous fuckers I have in my backyard.


B'z-chan said:
Just so you know the average spider wont die in hot water, but in 42 degree water they will go into a sort of hybernation. So hot water bad, super cold water good.

That isn't going to get it done. We've got to nuke that bug!! :lol
android said:
Oh Mike, those are common here. I can't remember their names though.
They don't do shit to you, right? Worst case scenario you get bit and get a small red spot on your skin, right?
I don't think I cud handle those kinda of spiders. In Northern Ireland were are blessed with small insects spiders dont get bigger than 1.5inches and thats a rarity.


Theoretical Magician
Mike Works said:
They don't do shit to you, right? Worst case scenario you get bit and get a small red spot on your skin, right?
Pretty much. I've woken up with bites on myself, which i assume were from spiders. They are kind of like mosquito bites.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Worst experience i had with a spider was when i was about to get into bed and i saw one crawling around on it. i promptly got the spray to kill it with chemical warfare and surrounded it in the deadly chemical mist... only to discover the back of the mother spider was covered in what seemed like hundreds of little baby spiders abandoned ship and ran all over my bed (while the mother ran around in a panic as it died). I then started spraying madly with the insect spray, probably drowning the damn things more than i was poisoning them while muttering profanities at the little monsters through clenched teeth.
take that you little fuckers!
Needless to say, i wasn't going to sleep with those sheets covered with dead baby spiders and soaked poisonous chemicals so i just rolled it all up into a ball and threw it in the laundry for someone else to look after later. I shudder to think what may have been if i hadn't noticed the mother spider before i got into bed...

Other than that I'm pretty cool with spiders. At my old place i used to whack cockroaches with a shoe and then take the dead insect out the back and place it into a large spider's web and watch the spider scurry over to it, sink its fangs into the already dead roach (you can actually hear the fangs rub against the carapace as it pierces it), and then begin spinning its web around the corpse. Interesting to watch.


Why kill spiders? The only reason why they might be in your house is because there are other bugs there which wouldn't get eaten otherwise...


Still Tagged Accordingly
sonarrat said:
Why kill spiders? The only reason why they might be in your house is because there are other bugs there which wouldn't get eaten otherwise...
usually those other bugs can't either bite you with a relatively harmless poison or send you into uncontrollable fits as you blood turns to jelly and your eyes pop out of your head...

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
Mike Works said:
They don't do shit to you, right? Worst case scenario you get bit and get a small red spot on your skin, right?

maybe you could burn it and see what color the flame is :lol or nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ash Housewares said:
maybe you could burn it and see what color the flame is :lol or nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

I agree, nuke the site from orbit.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Scrow said:
Worst experience i had with a spider was when i was about to get into bed and i saw one crawling around on it. i promptly got the spray to kill it with chemical warfare and surrounded it in the deadly chemical mist... only to discover the back of the mother spider was covered in what seemed like hundreds of little baby spiders abandoned ship and ran all over my bed (while the mother ran around in a panic as it died).

That would be a wolf spider.


Scrow said:
Worst experience i had with a spider was when i was about to get into bed and i saw one crawling around on it. i promptly got the spray to kill it with chemical warfare and surrounded it in the deadly chemical mist... only to discover the back of the mother spider was covered in what seemed like hundreds of little baby spiders abandoned ship and ran all over my bed (while the mother ran around in a panic as it died). I then started spraying madly with the insect spray, probably drowning the damn things more than i was poisoning them while muttering profanities at the little monsters through clenched teeth.Needless to say, i wasn't going to sleep with those sheets covered with dead baby spiders and soaked poisonous chemicals so i just rolled it all up into a ball and threw it in the laundry for someone else to look after later. I shudder to think what may have been if i hadn't noticed the mother spider before i got into bed...

Other than that I'm pretty cool with spiders. At my old place i used to whack cockroaches with a shoe and then take the dead insect out the back and place it into a large spider's web and watch the spider scurry over to it, sink its fangs into the already dead roach (you can actually hear the fangs rub against the carapace as it pierces it), and then begin spinning its web around the corpse. Interesting to watch.

My "reason I hate spiders" story goes like this. As a kid, my brother, best friend and I used to sleep in my best friend's treehouse during the summer. It wasn't actually in a tree, but it was like a small yard barn 8 or 10 feet off the ground, with four large wooden legs holding it up. His dad made the entire thing though. Anyway, being kids we didn't really think or care about anything like snakes, spiders, etc., not something that deterred us from sleeping up there. One summer night, we were all up there asleep, when I sneezed in my sleep, which of course woke me up. Looking up, there was a large spider dangling from a web right above my freaking face (legs outspread, about to plant itself on my face apparently. Ever since then, I just don't handle them well. I refuse to see that movie arachophobia, I know it's sort of a comedy of sorts, but I just don't think it would do me any good.

We had a spider like the one you mentioned with all the babies on its back once, we kept it in a jar with small holes punched in the lid for air (in the same treehouse)-came back a week later, the mother was dead in the jar, all the babies had escaped from the air holes and made webs all over the tree house. We were morons.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Ancestor_of_Erdrick said:
I refuse to see that movie arachophobia, I know it's sort of a comedy of sorts, but I just don't think it would do me any good.
go and see eight legged freaks ;)


Supposedly these are the effects of a Brown Recluse spider biting you over a 10-day period...


Here's the story

EDITED: Don't know why the links didn't work :?


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
GONZO said:
on an average people ingest like 3 spiders a year in there sleep, sweet dreams.


Myth: You unknowingly swallow an average of four live spiders in your sleep each year.

Fact: This very widespread urban legend has no basis in fact. It exists in various forms; another common version is that you swallow an average of 20 in your lifetime. (At 4 per year, that would make a very short lifetime of 5 years...) For a sleeping person to swallow even one live spider would involve so many highly unlikely circumstances that for practical purposes we can rule out the possibility. No such case is on formal record anywhere in scientific or medical literature.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
DarienA said:
I agree, nuke the site from orbit.

HAHAHAHAH i was about to say the same thing :p

edit : to add to the spider stories - along with my bite (i think from a spider) in NSW, i also woke up with a black house spider(a bit like the one below ) crawling ON MY FACE in the night (my bed is under a 'vent' thing on the wall - it obviously crawled down and decided to traverse my head to get somewhere..) - ever since i've been scared of spiders, and in a possibly linked story i had a dream that cockroaches were building single-strand webs across my bedroom, and somehow i woke up standing on the other side of the room, pointing wildly at a (non-existant) cockroach laying a strand :p



Worst experience i had with a spider was when i was about to get into bed and i saw one crawling around on it. i promptly got the spray to kill it with chemical warfare and surrounded it in the deadly chemical mist... only to discover the back of the mother spider was covered in what seemed like hundreds of little baby spiders abandoned ship and ran all over my bed (while the mother ran around in a panic as it died). I then started spraying madly with the insect spray, probably drowning the damn things more than i was poisoning them while muttering profanities at the little monsters through clenched teeth.

Fuck me! That is the scariest thing I've ever read...forget the sheets, I would have set the bed on fire to be sure.
sonarrat said:
Why kill spiders? The only reason why they might be in your house is because there are other bugs there which wouldn't get eaten otherwise...
They're scary and some, like the brown recluse, can cause a lot of harm.


What I do with spiders is take a longass BBQ lighter and flame them to death. If you touch them with the flame for like half a second they go crunchy :lol

Normal lighters wont do as you have to get too close =P


The only thing I hate worse than spiders are scorpions. When I used to live near a wooded area, those fuckers would get in the house all the time. Many times I would look down and see one sitting at my foot or hanging on the ceiling above me.

They're also a bitch to kill.


I own 4 house cats, so I rarely every see spiders in my house. However, if I do see one and they are too big for my spiderphobia to handle then I just grab the old vacuum cleaner and scoop them up.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
sonarrat said:
Why kill spiders?

Because one somehow got into my ear once when I was a child. I could hear it moving around on my eardrum. Yeah, that was a bit upsetting. Afterwards, I wore a ninja mask to bed for years in fear that one would try to blindside me in my sleep. Seriously, I go to battle with those motherfuckers now. If one somehow gets away from me, I'm basically unable to sleep until I track it down.
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