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What the heck is an Intellivision Amico?

I tought Ouya served as a example of why this type of consoles are destined to fail. Guess someone didnt got the memo and created a 10 commandments list to keep developers away.
At least Ouya was only $99. The Amico at $250 is an absolute joke and the fact it has 5 - 6 built in flash/mobile quality games doesn't change anything.

Agent X

Other than the price, the big issue here seems to be that it's a really bad deal for devs. There's almost no way to make money and since they are demanding exclusives they're really requiring a level of investment that makes no sense. Unless Intellivision is going to fund all the games made for this thing I don't know how they're going to attract any devs.

I completely agree with you. Those are the two biggest obstacles that Amico is facing.

The system is simply too expensive considering its limitations, both in terms of hardware capability and in the niche appeal of their game lineup. It truly should have been priced under $150.

Most third-party developers are not going to want to dedicate their best efforts to developing Amico games, if the shackles of Amico exclusivity would prevent them from bringing those games to more mainstream platforms.

It appears that all of the games are published by Intellivision Entertainment (at least for now). I don't think there are any true "indie" games on the system yet...and for reasons described above, there might never be. For all practical purposes, Intellivision will have to fund the games for Amico, because most developers aren't going to voluntary limit themselves to a single niche system due to the exclusivity clause.

The weak hardware would be fine if it was priced reasonably. I am sure the controllers have their own compute and drive prices up somewhat but anything over $150 seems absurd.

I agree with this also. I don't care so much that the hardware is weak; it's probably "good enough" for the types of games that they're producing. But the system is just plain too expensive, and I think that the controllers (with all of the technology and features they contain) are contributing heavily to the high cost of the system package.

The controllers are over-engineered for their target audience. They should have eliminated a few non-essential features from the controllers to reduce their cost, so the system package could hit a lower price point.
This thread completely missed the news about physical amico games being rfid cards and containing just an url to their website.


Gold Member
Junk system. Overpriced trash with limited games. I totally get it they are trying to make this system geared to family fun with games resembling 2002 Flash quality. That family who wants living room fun, but not from Nintendo, MS or Sony because they dont want to wade through 1000s of games looking for games for their 8 year old. They want it so that every game shown in their face is meant for everyone at $9.99.

That's a pretty limited audience.

Amazingly, I think it might sell well for the first batch of units. There's probably enough 60 year old Intellivision gamers begging for nostalgia and updated versions of Shark Shark. After that first wave, it'll be tumbleweed.

I bet the demand will be higher from nostalgia gamers than the family fun parents theyve been pitching since day one.
I don't think a 2004 Tommy Tallarico would have liked the Amico. Complains about DS having too many kiddie games, hates the dual screen approach and whines that Nintendo lacks online. Hmmm



This thread completely missed the news about physical amico games being rfid cards and containing just an url to their website.
Yeah that made me cancel my pre-order. I'm like "the" tiny demographic that would buy this thing and then physical releases weren't physical releases and I was like I'm out


I don't think a 2004 Tommy Tallarico would have liked the Amico. Complains about DS having too many kiddie games, hates the dual screen approach and whines that Nintendo lacks online. Hmmm

I was watching a bunch of the old Judgement Day/ Reviews on the Run shows recently and that was something that really stood out to me. He comes across very very differently today about gaming then he did in those episodes. It’s hard to take his takes today on the world of gaming seriously with such an about face he’s taken on the subject.

Watching this whole amico adventure over the years has been something. Especially those pat the nes punk podcast videos on the news of the system. While he can be a little too angry about it at times, I’m glad to see he’s been covering it all. Very entertaining.


That’s amazing. Things are worse than I thought. I had a passing interest in this along the the Atari but the prices for these systems are insane.

The official video is down now it seems, but if people aren't aware:

They uploaded it, took it down quickly.
Uploaded it again implying that the Battle Tanks name could be Tank Battle or something like that, delisted that one.
Uploaded again, the one I linked to and added a disclaimer description acknowledging it's all placeholder stuff and it's a work in progress.

Tommy Tallarico went on to AtariAge to point at the disclaimer, as if it was there in the original uploads.
It wasn't, until they got caught and mocked by the scene around this console that actually pays attention.


In case anyone may have missed the description of the Amico Deep Dive video, it reads:

Work in progress. Footage shown does not represent final materials. Graphics and features subject to change.

Intellivision continues to provide unprecedented access to the development process of both our hardware and games. With this core belief of openness comes certain challenges. Our game development partners commonly use placeholder graphics as they work towards finalizing all art assets prior to final publishing. Placeholder graphics were identified in the current unpublished version of the Intellivision tank game presented in this video. Intellivision is in contact with all parties involving both final assets and placeholder assets as we work with our development partner towards final publishing of this game.

We are also doing a shorter cut which will be sent out to the mailing list on Monday with some other very cool news.


There is damage control happening here, and even that is disingenuous.

Again, this "disclaimer" didn't exist until later. They are not competent enough to vet the crap they're trying to sell.


So, the Amico forum over at Atari Age is gone now. The admin who has done nothing but give Tommy a free pass for his lying and scamming, banning everybody critical of the Amico, is now fed up with the drama. Tommy is now focused on promoting a Facebook presence he can control.

I have removed the Amico forum. A new Amico forum will return if and when the Amico is actually released and starts arriving in customers' hands. I had already considered removing the forum for various reasons, but Tommy's two posts tonight just cemented the decision, not only because he made these posts to promote his Facebook group, but also stating, "no ding-a-lings allowed" ("ding-a-ling" being a "nicer" way of saying "dicks"). While stating in one of the posts, "it's best to try and keep the drama out of Atari Age".


And this after he previously proclaimed (not publicly) he would no longer be posting on AtariAge, which I was perfectly fine with. Well, there won't be any more drama about the Amico on AtariAge for the time being, so he was right about that.


Tallarico can't help himself when it comes to drama and pouring gasoline on internet flame wars.
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If there ever was a new console launch with zero sales, this would probably be it.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
A new SEC filing shows that Fig is funding a series of retro compilations by Digital Eclipse. Based on the fact that Amico is a named party, I think this essentially means that Amico is using funds from their Fig campaign to go to Digital Eclipse to develop these as fig titles.
  • Karateka: The Eclipse Edition
    Initially created on an Apple II by Jordan Mechner in 1984, Karateka became a bestseller, with its roto-scoped animation and cinematic storytelling. Karateka: The Eclipse Edition is expected to offer players each of the original home computer versions of Karateka and to explore the unlikely development of the original game through an archive of “making of” materials.

  • Atari: The Golden Anniversary Celebration
    Marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of Atari, this game and media collection will celebrate the “crown jewels” of the Atari catalog, and is expected to include four modernized or remastered versions of signature classics and a “Cultural Impact” video documentary, presented through a highly stylized user interface.

  • Jeff Minter’s Llamasoft Collection
    One of the UK’s premiere “indie” game developers, Jeff Minter began designing and programming games in 1981, for the Sinclair ZX80. Through Llamasoft, he created dozens of games across a broad spectrum of devices. This game and media collection will celebrate Minter’s work (including his “Tempest 2000” for Atari Jaguar), history and visual style.

  • PONG 50th Anniversary Celebration
    Celebrating 50 years of PONG, this collection will include a new, re-imagined version of the game. True to the original gameplay, this version is expected to present a variety of highly-interactive obstacles, challenges and objectives. Additional features are expected to include many iterations of classic PONG, controller assists and a documentary on the birth, history and impact of PONG.

So, these are pretty interesting, actually! The inclusion of documentary media content is a nice touch. I would say, of these, the Llamasoft Collection is especially interesting. The inclusion of Tempest 2000 is kind of a big deal as it's a game that has long been stranded on obscure hardware (and will again if this is Amico exclusive), and it's an all-time classic.


Weird that Atari would license some of these games to be on the Amico, when they are still actively supporting the VCS. The Atari Golden Anniversary Collection sounds like the four Recharged remakes that Atari released last year on the VCS, PC, Playstation and Xbox. Asteroids Recharged is actually pretty damn good and I've been playing it like crazy on the Xbox here of late.


Gold Member
Considering the system isn't focused on online, sub plans, mtx etc.... they must be gunning for front loaded profits on the console itself.

Because if the hardware isn't very profitable, you'd think they'd skip it and just be a third party software company releasing all these retro games on console and PC digital stores for $5 and see if some can be a lucky hit with collective sales of 50,000 or 100,000 copies. A lot more than will sell on Amico. It's not like Amico is going to sell gangbusters where they become a big 4th player in the console market and can self sustain itself with its own digital store and mtx cuts.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Weird that Atari would license some of these games to be on the Amico, when they are still actively supporting the VCS. The Atari Golden Anniversary Collection sounds like the four Recharged remakes that Atari released last year on the VCS, PC, Playstation and Xbox. Asteroids Recharged is actually pretty damn good and I've been playing it like crazy on the Xbox here of late.
I mean I may be misinterpreting the filing above, it could be that Fig is just getting into funding and publishing games without the crowdfunding aspect, and the Amico reference is incidental or vestigial. It's not totally clear to me.

But I doubt that Atari sees Amico as some kind of serious rival or threat at this point.

Agent X

Weird that Atari would license some of these games to be on the Amico, when they are still actively supporting the VCS.

Are these games actually coming to the Amico? The document that SF Kosmo SF Kosmo linked to only mentions "Amico" once, and doesn't specify any particular platforms for these games.

I would be quite shocked if these games came to the Amico, since Intelllivision Entertainment demands exclusivity for all Amico games (meaning they cannot be produced for other platforms). That is, unless Intellivision Entertainment decided to relax this restriction (which would be a good thing)

The Atari Golden Anniversary Collection sounds like the four Recharged remakes that Atari released last year on the VCS, PC, Playstation and Xbox. Asteroids Recharged is actually pretty damn good and I've been playing it like crazy on the Xbox here of late.

That's good to hear. I liked Missile Command: Recharged on Android and PC, but haven't tried any of the others.
But all games are 10 bucks or less. That is significantly different than paying 60 bucks a pop for a top tier switch game. And why would you want to let your kids play an evil 3D game anyway? They should be playing OG intellivision and NES games at young ages.

Clearly the 3d is where the devil comes for you. 2.5D you can skate by with, but 3D? You're going to need an exorcism.

* Even more true if your device is incapable of even PS360 level 3D in 2022.


Are these games actually coming to the Amico? The document that SF Kosmo SF Kosmo linked to only mentions "Amico" once, and doesn't specify any particular platforms for these games.

I would be quite shocked if these games came to the Amico, since Intelllivision Entertainment demands exclusivity for all Amico games (meaning they cannot be produced for other platforms). That is, unless Intellivision Entertainment decided to relax this restriction (which would be a good thing)

That's good to hear. I liked Missile Command: Recharged on Android and PC, but haven't tried any of the others.
Ya, maybe they aren't coming to the Amico.

Asteroids Recharged is great and I'm thinking about getting Black Widow Recharged next.


I don't suppose the SEC filing means that the games have to come to Amico. It could be an investment to jumpstart a working partnership for something else.

Just another strange and fishy bump in the road to Amico.
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Gold Member
Tempest 2000 in that Atari collection could tempt me to buy one during the inevitable fire sale. It was so good on Jaguar.
If you ever want to see a sad group of folks, just join that Amico facebook group where Tommy Tallarico is an admin. Just the last few people clinging on hope that Amico will eventually release. I do not understand this mentality to be so emotionally attached to a freaking console that you totally lose all sense of rationality. How more obvious can it get that Amico is never coming out?
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