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What was the best game in the Ultima series?


The only two I played were Ultima 7 and Ultima IX. I really couldn't enjoy 7 because it wouldn't recognize my computer's mouse. I enjoyed some of IX, but the game was such a resource hog, it ran in slow motion for a lot of the parts. When you stood still though, the game was really pretty. Aside from that, it had great music too.

I'd probably say 7 is my favorite because you could have a party, ride on a horse/wagon, and, oh yeah, take grain, mash it down, put it in an oven and get bread. You don't see interactive enviornments like that any more these days. :D
The best Ultima is IV ... for the Famicom!!


Cuteness: the ninth virtue!

Disclaimer: That is Ultima III.


Hates quality gaming
MrAngryFace said:
I think word got out that making bread was a job.
Hah, yeah, wasn't it at GA where one of the people previewing the game made that Tower of Loaves or something?


It's all about the V, baby. VII was too clever for its own good, although Serpent Isle rocked.

edit: I cannot wait for someone to say Pagan.
Um. Ulitma got good from 4. The story became cohesive and you became the avatar. 5 with the shadow lords was preety good and six..? The falst prophet was.. their all pretty fucking good.

7+Serpert Isle is great because Ultima finally upgraded its visuals and britianna became a real world. The darkening of the story and the fellowship / Batlin story line kicked major asses. 8 was where the series began to fall apart. The Guardian storyline was cool but they butchered everything cool about the series here.WHY!?!

Stop at Eight and you'll be right.

* Ultima was one of the games I actually cared about my companions. IOLO, DUPRE, Shamino... Mariah. Even that stupid Katrina. Fantastic.

* And in Ultima 7, nothing beat going to the area west (mountains) of the honor town to kill dragons for their gems.
VII for gameplay and world
Serpent Isle for story (although Pagan seemed to have a good story, it messed too much up)

If Serpent Isle were not quite so rigidly linear (mostly understandable due to the story) and the team had not been rushed by EA into ruining much of the late game, it would definitely be my favorite.

VI was pretty awesome too, but both parts of VII wers just so much more immersive. The Underworlds were incredible, especially part II.

I have yet to play a game that makes me feel like I am as much a part of the world as Ultima VII. The ability to take all types of food, plates, silverware, clothes, underwear, and many other items from every single home in every town was amazing. You had the ability to steal literally anything that was not bolted down. You could bake bread, spin thread, own various boats, and even play Sherlock Holmes in the various mysteries. The story about the brotherhood was far more complex than it seemed and the guardian was quite sinister.

The world was MASSIVE and full of fascinating locations, and the magic weapons you found later in the game were usually more fun and clever than overpowered (although the Hoe of Destruction was perhaps too strong considering that the door to its shed could simply be blown open with a powder keg instead of searching for the key).

The party members and NPCs may not have had the AI interaction of Fable, but the scripted events led to many opportunities for characters to like or hate you. The Avatar museum was qute an experience too and noone can deny the fun of raiding pirate forts.

Serpent Isle was much more dramatic, but it reduced many of these elements for the more complex story as well as the stric trelease schedule of EA.

The two also run even better than before with Exult. Ultima VII is still my favorite PC RPG.


FnordChan said:


Diomedeskun said:
I have yet to play a game that makes me feel like I am as much a part of the world as Ultima VII.

Heh. I've yet to play a game that yanked me out of feeling like I was part of a world as much as Ultima 7. And I'm damned if I'm not going to make thousands of bitter posts across the internet for the last ten years about it.


U8 was one of the most severely underrated games in history.

Ok, it didn't have alot of the stuff that made u7 so cool... but at the same time, I have never encountered another game that has done the whole world in a crystal ball experience so well... it just felt... so strangely complete. It wore ultima threads... but it was really something else, ... very enjoyable.
I sort of wish that they could remake all the ultima's with graphics that are at least of a Ultima Online level if not a little higher. If they could do that I would love to go through those games.


I consider Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny on the Amiga as the best Ultima ever. The dungeons, the overworld, the three Wraiths and the conclusion in the Underworld where you meet Lord British was so amazing, I'd play Part V anytime again. Was there a console version for SNES? I think not.


john tv said:
I actually finished Ultima IV on the NES. I was starved for RPGs, and it was halfway decent!
Yeah, IV was pretty good on the NES.

III (Exodus), on the other hand, made me want to slap myself in the face repeatedly when I finished it.


I lot og folks hated pagan but I rather liked it. VII was the best though. The Death of the Ultima franchise has to be the biggest crime ever commited against gamedom. That and the death of the Wing commander series.


LinesInTheSand said:
UO is awful now, but unfortunately it's still the best MMORPG on the market.

Well, aside from the big changes of 1999-2001... what is wrong with it now? What have they done with the core game recently? What is PvP like now? Is the Necromancy class any good?
Cimarron said:
I lot og folks hated pagan but I rather liked it. VII was the best though. The Death of the Ultima franchise has to be the biggest crime ever commited against gamedom. That and the death of the Wing commander series.


jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait. jump. die. load. wait.

john tv said:
I actually finished Ultima IV on the NES. I was starved for RPGs, and it was halfway decent!

It's definitely my pick for best Ultima. Half console RPG, half freeform sandbox. After playing that game I would never look at wall tiles the same way again. :D
Razoric said:
Well, aside from the big changes of 1999-2001... what is wrong with it now? What have they done with the core game recently? What is PvP like now? Is the Necromancy class any good?

the game is now pointless there is virtually no risk wherever u go, pvp is just fighting for nothing as everyone has their weaposn insured
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